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Jonas Long

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I know all about Teal Swan, but the difference is that she shares of her story and trauma that she has overcome.  She never said she wasn’t effected by it. She has also told her full story.  We don’t know any details regarding Leo and his abuse.  If anything he could report his abuser so they can’t harm anyone else.  

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7 minutes ago, Whimsical said:

I know all about Teal Swan, but the difference is that she shares of her story and trauma that she has overcome.  She never said she wasn’t effected by it. She has also told her full story.  We don’t know any details regarding Leo and his abuse.  If anything he could report his abuser so they can’t harm anyone else.  

Right, and he's implying that people who do need help processing their emotions by talking with others are "using people as an emotional tampon"...that is so fucked.  It's like he has more compassion for his abuser than he does other victims and people in general who feel the need to talk about their feelings.  

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@DMT Elf of course it dramatically informs his world view since he never talked to women before he dropped all that money on it.  So literally the entirety if his dating experience is directly informed by pickup.  I didn't know that phrase was a red pill thing but it makes sense, it's fucking gross.  Don't all our world views ultimately derived from elsewhere anyway?  It's not like we come into life with fully formed views, they all come from whatever we're exposed to in life, right?  

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@DMT Elf lol I thought he tried to play it off like he was really successful with women, i haven't really watched one of his videos in its entirety in a long time though.  Yeah the thing about worldviews and coming to your own conclusions is you still only really have the options you are presented with to pick from, so ultimately nothing is purely self derived, you didn't choose when/where you'd be born, your parents etc... so yeah, I always considered myself an independent thinker, but I can still only work with whatever data I'm given, I didn't create what options there are, that's how I see it anyway, I can't choose to paint with a color that doesn't already exist...etc 

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Ok, I know we basically all get it here already but look at this.  He really doesn't understand the difference between consensual adult relationships that are complex and end up causing hurt for any variety of reasons, some of the time, vs child abuse that is 100% non consensual and only harmful and trauma inducing in a totally one sided way 100% of the time.  How is he this fucked?


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On 9/17/2022 at 2:59 AM, Faith said:

"OF COURSE pedophilia is love."

Leo Gura


🤦‍♀️ He's lost it!


100% completely lost it, completely nuts. I went to the site first time since i joined here a few days ago and his comments on his last 15 threads were so far out it blew my mind completely. Talk about a toxic internet corner

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1 hour ago, Lester Retsel said:

Ok, I know we basically all get it here already but look at this.  He really doesn't understand the difference between consensual adult relationships that are complex and end up causing hurt for any variety of reasons, some of the time, vs child abuse that is 100% non consensual and only harmful and trauma inducing in a totally one sided way 100% of the time.  How is he this fucked?


How is he this fucked? Isn't it obvious? He still 100% traumatized!


At an emotional level, his trauma includes attachment feelings towards his rapist. I think he never managed to love himself as much as he still loves that groomer. So he could never realize how wrong it all was. And because of his refusal to see their experience as abnormal and abusive, he never purged it out of his system.


And then, since it was an abusive relationship, and his consent was violated (regardless of what he says), and he never cleared that up... it just means he still sees abusive relationship similar to his as relatively standard. It was likely his very first model, his initiation, what he recognizes relationships as.


It's very sad. I know he behaves a lot like an ass, but it's not hard to have compassion and empathy for it now knowing what he went through.



Edited by Serenity

“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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Well ofcourse. If everything is Love, pedophilia and rape and murder must be Love too. Simple, right? 


That's just not how things work. He's twisting the truth, and not coming from a very loving, centred or healthy space, at all.


Just because the words you're using are ultimately true, does not mean you are being in truth.


Someone could say: 'It's all one. It's all Love.' 


The awakened one would tune into that, and if it's not coming from an honest and authentic space, the awakened one would reply:


'That's not true.'


Is what you're saying actually true within your being, this very moment? Are you aligned with what you're saying? Or are you simply saying stuff to paint a picture of an enlightened being, while everything else within you is screaming something else?


To speak of truth really doesn't mean anything unless you are being true. And being true is far more powerful than speaking of truth.


This... This is just not how someone who has went through similar experiences, healed and integrated them, speaks. It's also not how to go about tackling this issue. It's not how Love would act. 


No there's nothing other than Love. And yes there fucking is.

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@DMT Elf HR Giger is awesome, he came up with the design for the Xenomorph from Alien.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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8 hours ago, Lester Retsel said:




"You guys have a very childish and biased notions of love. How you gonna wake up that way?"


The shit he says, stuff like that 👆 is like a hook he uses to keep people coming for his videos and forum.


As if "waking up" was something super important, as if you need his guidance and wisdom to "get there". He is feeding unworthiness people feel as a means to appear as an "on-top-authority" figure.


Most of the people who come to that forum are feeling unworthy and not-enough. And being "worthy & enough" is then projected as "high consciousness", "being awake", "being intelligent", "being unbiased"... etc. This is the only way Leo really holds any authority. Outside the forum, outside his self-made ideological bubble, he has no authority.


Reading what he writes is almost triggering to me because of the past experience of being sucked into that ideological bubble.


I'm sure that if I would write this on Actualized forum, a bunch of people would come telling me how I don't get it, how I'm being biased, how I'm not understading correctly. Though the thing is, I know the ideology. I have watched hours of his content. I learned the thought process. I learned the philosophy. It's not that hard to get. It's not rocket science. And it can be dismantled & seen through by quite simple meditation and emotional awareness.

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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It's too late, Leo's deteriorating to the point where he's looking like a sith, his face looks more and more miserable. 


The incongruity between his internet persona and the way he really feels is literally killing him. 


What a strange situation, someone can look absolutely defeated/miserable, yet look you in the eye and say he's the most awakened person, that he's good with women, that he's confident, that he's mentally grounded, etc. 


I remember even when I was a mindless Leo drone I felt something off when I'd watch his videos.


Like this dude would say "IM HAVING THE HIGHEST AWAKENING, you fools can't understand how much Love I'm conscious of!!" 


Then he'd do some weird shit after saying that, like he'd gulp and look down with a look of insecurity for a split second, and then continue the facade he believes in.

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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I'm more and more under the impression he has lost his marble, in the very worrisome sense. 


Did anyone  else see his instagram posts, around august? He was even posing with a gun to his head. I'm pretty sure he was on DMT.


5 hours ago, DMT Elf said:

Seeing as how Leo’s brand depends on him basically being enlightened, it might be the end of his career if he ever admitted or showed how much pain he’s in. People would begin to question the validity of his entire collection of work and perceive his awakening as a coping mechanism for repressed trauma. It could ruin his reputation and be the downfall of actualized.org. If Leo fails to hold it together and maintain his image, it’s possible we could be witnessing the end times for actualized.org. It will likely get very hard to watch as it unfolds.

I think this could be a very real possibility. In any case, how long can a public figure stay relevant after they make a statement like “pedophilia is love”? I feel reasonably confident in saying this alone is a clear sign of actualized’s imminent demise.

If he would heal and integrate his DF, it would actually be a sign of strength.  


I've been questioning for a while if Leo is going through some sort of psychosis, which is widely going unnoticed because his community is mostly reduced now to fans and enablers.


I've been witnessing him sinking into what are increasingly outrageous ego-vulnerability based thoughts patterns about non duality, and I have totally stopped watching his content or taking him seriously for about 1 or 2 years, now. 


I didn't follow the Connor Murphy drama in details, but from afar, it seems quite similar.

Edited by Serenity

“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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