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Daily Appreciation Thread


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I appreciate the beautiful moment I had in the park today. Was practicing tai chi in the sun surrounded by trees, and a bird it looked like almost landed directly on one of my hands well I was slowly floating them around. Maybe it thought I was just one of the swaying tree branches ☺️ 


A few of the same kind of birds sat there for awhile super close on a branch next to me. Actual inches away from my hands as I was moving around. Nature is wonderful!

Edited by Loop

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

@Faith @Annie Thanks. It was really quite something. Made me realize; there are amazing and even highly conscious souls closer to me than I think... It's just that I'm so good at hiding. 

You're welcome.  Why do you hide?


Also, to stay on theme, I appreciate my mom for picking up my prescription today that was nice of her.

Edited by Annie
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On 4/17/2022 at 10:20 PM, ivankiss said:

My God...


The most amazing thing happened tonight. I'm still in utter disbelief.


I was visited by an angel.


I went out to the park to play some basketball, by myself. Was having some pretty intense conversations with myself in my mind, but after a while I came to some sort of resolution and started enjoying throwing the ball.


Not long after that, a beautiful young girl approached me and asked if she can join. She must've been 20 years old or so. Naturally, I said yes.


We start chatting about everything and it was crazy how much we had in common. She also loved to travel, dance and play music - like I do. It was a very pleasant and easy little chat. But my mind was not blown just yet.


After some time I was about to leave, so we hugged and said goodbye, but then she asked if I wanted to walk a bit by the sea with her.... So we started walking.


It was a beautiful night. A bit windy, but not too cold. Very calm and pleasant atmosphere.


And here's where things got so very interesting, in the most unexpected way... We were talking so easily and freely, everything was very smooth and natural. We kept going more and more meta, and ended up having a full blown conversation about nonduality, creation, god, love, the mind, letting go, relationships.... all that stuff. I could not believe how much this girl knew and was aware of. It was real and authentic too, I could tell. She was not bullshitting.


We sat down on some stairs a few inches away from the sea and talked more. I started releasing some stuff I've been holding onto, and she was holding space so beautifully and effortlessly. Balancing me out. She said she's practising reiki and it was clear to me that she was doing a sort of cleansing with me. It was absolutely magical, yet so simple and down to earth.


On our way back, we talked and talked more, focusing a bit more on chakras, feminine and masculine energies, etc. She said she noticed that I'm mainly present from my chest and upwards, but definitely need to work on grounding myself. And that is precisely how I felt. She would often start dancing or jumping around... she was so free... Then she took her sneakers off and started walking barefoot. And so did I. Started feeling more grounded right away. It was amazing.


She lived at her boyfriend's mother's house, which was in the same direction where I live. She walked me home, we hugged and said thanks once again in front of my building... and then she disappeared into the night.


I'm still kinda shaking, it was so magical. Stuff like this rarely happens to me, if ever haha.


Grateful beyond words.


May she be blessed and may our paths cross again someday.


Sounds amazing! Hope you meet her again 🙂

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57 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:

Sounds amazing! Hope you meet her again 🙂

Would definitely love to, but she said she's leaving some place else within a few days. Though you never know...


I also find it so awesome that we did not exchange any contact info. It only adds to the magic of it all haha! It's like we silently agreed that was unnecessary.


I do have a name though... Lilia. 


Looking forward to similar experiences, very much! 

Edited by ivankiss
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Oh my god!!! I actually felt pretty good yesterday most of the day & this morning I felt good for no reason and I've felt good ever since (it's afternoon now)???? This is incredible! 🥰

I think yesterday I switched from feeling powerless in a loop to feeling that I have the power to consciously create my day & that I'm allowed to do what I want. I was making time for writing down what I truly want to do now & before I "die"! I've tried to do it before... but I've believed I've had "no time" for it & that focusing on what I don't want would keep me more "safe"... 

This morning after breakfast I was so damn bubbly with intense vibrating energy in solar plexus & I just truly felt the need to put on music & dance!!! It didn't even felt "forced"!!!!


I just look forward summer so fucking much. I love summer. I love the summer air in the night & I love summer mornings. I look forward spending time with people I truly Love & have fun with!!! I look forward to festival mornings dancing with amazing music. Also I love all the colours that the summer shows me. 🥰🌈


I so appreciate that I've started to sleep pretty good almost every night. Sleep is a blessing. I love it. 


Also I just want to say thank you for giving me the best work-environment that starts in a week! I'm going to take care of a stable & horses. It's surrounded by nature. This will support my healing so much & I love feeling the energy of horses it makes me so emotional in a good way.

I will also look for somewhere I could camp & swim nearby. 


Funny I just wanna share more appreciation but I'll let myself soak in this appreciation for now. 😂 Thank you.




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Appreciating space, been into space stuff lately and it's more fascinating than ever! 


Oh God it's orgasmic almost, I'm filled with excitement about the progress of mankind, we'll probably be cyborgs or something in the future!

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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