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Daily Appreciation Thread


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"Appreciate" is one of the best words. It means to love and directly have gratitude for. It also means to "appreciate" as in an asset that appreciates, it becomes more all on its own. Cause non-duality, these two different meanings are not two. Appreciation also goes to show that there are no "big things" or "little things" to appreciate, just appreciation. So feel free to write anything, big or small. 

It's hard to start this thread and not start it with saying how much I appreciate this place and everyone here. ❤️

What an amazing first week it's been. 


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I appreciate my new job and that I got a paycheck Friday. Money coming in vs going out of my savings for once in awhile is a good thing!

4 hours ago, Mandy said:

I appreciate this place and everyone here. ❤️


4 hours ago, Indisguise said:

I appreciate this forum 🙏🏻

I do appreciate this forum as well. 💙

4 hours ago, Nowt said:

I appreciate having enough money to put food on the table, live in a house and have a healthy and loving family to share times like this.


You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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@Indisguise Thank you!

1 hour ago, Phil said:

Reeling in appreciation for days over here for all y’all being a part of this. Thank you. Loving the vibe. 🙏🏻 

The feeling is mutual in the sense that I feel blessed to have been asked to be a part of this forum and having a fresh start/ new beginning with fabulous peeps! 🥰

Also, loving the vibe🤗

You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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Sat down on a bench by the sea to breathe and absorb some sunlight. My mind was kinda stuck in the past, was feeling a bit down and anxious.

Then, a beautiful dark gray, almost black pigeon landed right next to me. It looked quite different and unique in comparison to other pigeons nearby. I soon noticed it was missing two fingers, and that hit real deep. 

Here I am, thinking about something that's not even here, feeling weak and lost... and there's this pigeon, actually missing a part of his body, flying around carefree, fully immersed in the moment. 

It was not afraid of me, not at all. It stood barely a few inches away. We locked eyes a few times. It was truly divine. It totally seemed like this pigeon came specifically to me, to deliver a message. And the message was received.

It brought a few tears to my eyes. The pigeon flew away and I walked back home with a smile on my face, breathing freely.

Animals are so cool.

Btw, great thread @Mandy ! Much love.

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13 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

Sat down on a bench by the sea to breathe and absorb some sunlight. My mind was kinda stuck in the past, was feeling a bit down and anxious.

Then, a beautiful dark gray, almost black pigeon landed right next to me. It looked quite different and unique in comparison to other pigeons nearby. I soon noticed it was missing two fingers, and that hit real deep. 

Here I am, thinking about something that's not even here, feeling weak and lost... and there's this pigeon, actually missing a part of his body, flying around carefree, fully immersed in the moment. 

It was not afraid of me, not at all. It stood barely a few inches away. We locked eyes a few times. It was truly divine. It totally seemed like this pigeon came specifically to me, to deliver a message. And the message was received.

It brought a few tears to my eyes. The pigeon flew away and I walked back home with a smile on my face, breathing freely.

Animals are so cool.

Beautiful... Maybe that was the holy spirit?😄

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I appreciate that I was accepted for the topic of my Master's thesis that I applied for... that makes me happy every time I think about it.🙂

I appreciate that the weather is so good lately where I live, and that the sun boosts my mood right from the moment when I wake up... what a simple, wonderful thing the sun is... no wonder our ancestors revered it as God☀️

I appreciate that I could help someone on this forum, and I appricate the Love that I could express and receive in doing so❤️

I appreciate that I can visit my parents in my home town and that we can spend time together❤️

I appreciate that I can express my appreciation for all of the above and that @Mandy made this post and that @Phil so selflessly provided us with this forum🙏🏼❤️

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I appreciate the drastic turn for the better I am experiencing in this life.
I appreciate the experience of feeling the peace and love and joy that Unity offers to us.
I appreciate the ability to learn and grow, and become.
I appreciate each moment's opptunity to learn another way to express love.

May you seek and find Unity.

My Blog, Upward Quest

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