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@Jonas Long Yeah and I'm trying to help you in the same way. How's that working out for us all?  It sort of reminds me of the time that my sister and I were kids sitting in the car waiting for our mom to come out of the grocery store and to entertain herself she tried to force me to eat a piece of candy that had been on the car floor for a long time. Such a weird experience having an older sibling, they are sort of like a bonus parent, but the faith that they have your best interests at heart is never that steady. 

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1 minute ago, Mandy said:

@Jonas Long Yeah and I'm trying to help you in the same way. How's that working out for us all?  It sort of reminds me of the time that my sister and I were kids sitting in the car waiting for our mom to come out of the grocery store and to entertain herself she tried to force me to eat a piece of candy that had been on the car floor for a long time. Such a weird experience having an older sibling, they are sort of like a bonus parent, but the faith that they have your best interests at heart is never that steady. 

I'm not above you helping me.  I'll take all I can get.  I've never claimed to be a life coach or any such thing.  But sometimes other people can see out blind spots better than us, and if we can be receptive to hearing them, it can be a huge gift. 

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2 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I've been doing a lot of work on here in the last few months.

Dude, i will try to say it as constructively as i can and its only meant to be helpful. 


You piss people off, and you did it on the other forum as well to the degree you got banned. That should tell you something. People would prefer to love you but you make it really difficult. You might think its because people disagree with your viewpoints but its not because of that, its (at least partly) but because of the extremely self-indulgent manner in which you write (which is kind of hilarious on a forum about non-duality), and the way you clarify that you know or understand stuff all the fucking time. NO ONE CARES. No one else is saying that about "themselves" all the time even if they might believe so!! Its like you have to pat "yourself" on the shoulder all the time because no one else does, but the reason why no-one does it is exactly because of that.

Edited by WhiteOwl
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Let's not pile on him.   Joseph can have his lesser sides like anyone but he's also an incredibly gifted individual especially when it comes to journalling and channeling.  I would know, I used to follow his journals way back. I've known him for years.   He's awesome in call.  Very respectful.  


Joseph relax.  Everything is okay.  

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28 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

This guy is telling me NO ONE CARES about some of my deepest insights

No one cares about comments about "yourself", because its all beliefs. You don't exist like that.. All the self-referencing putting "yourself" on a pedestal. "I know this deeply. I have seen this clearly." It makes it very hard to take anything in you write, and i don't seem to be the only one to see it that way so maybe take it as something constructive instead of whichever way you do right now.


And like you said, some guy on the internet says no-one cares. Chill out dude.. Not the end of the world even if you don't find it constructive.

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3 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I'm done here.   You can rationalize however you want.  This is toxic energy.  This has wasted half my day and left me feeling terrible.  I didn't realize I became a target for so much hatred on here.  Here I thought I was communicating my highest insights to people who were also on board with that same project.  I took pains to say you're a teacher for you.  I thought I made myself clear.  Maybe to those who wanted to hear me only.

pay attention.  Listen to people.  Get out of your own head a little bit.  You've been ignoring everything you don't want to hear, when, that's actually where the work happens and is needed.  

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1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Leave me alone.  I'm being bullied on here.   Just stop.   I've done nothing to deserve this.  I need someone to step in here and say this is not ok.  This is supposed to be a spirituality community not a place where people are attacked for doing the work.  I've informed Phil and Mandy about this.  Stop piling on me.  This is the inverse of spirituality.  This is antisocial behavior.  And it's being tolerated as if it's good.  It's not good.  It's incredibly abusive.  Why is this being tolerated on here?  If I knew this was how I was going to be treated, I never would have come on here.  I don't think I will again.  I haven't been treated like this in a long time.  What a painful experience this is to me after I've been so open with my insights on here!  This is not a safe place to post I'm starting to think.  I will not be posting here again.  No thank you.  Rein in your bullies please.  This is not a good impression.  This guy is telling me NO ONE CARES about some of my deepest insights.  Wow!  What is this community for then?  Why are people posting here?   I'm sorry, my mistake, I took this community for something else.  My mistake.  I won't make the mistake again.  I didn't realize people were crapping on me here while I was doing what I took to be most prescient work.   What the hell happened today on here?


do you really do the work if you did you would have realized the inconsistencies in your writing do actually take time to comprehend what Phil says to you here, all your writing is always some kind of debate you love to debate against Phil you did it so many times don't you see that? 


you're old enough to be acting weak lol?  why do act like someone who is getting bullied?


what work are you doing if you can't take some criticism? 


it looks like you don't want to be wrong you want to be right all the time and people treating you "nicely" and agree with you.




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55 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

You're a troublemaker and provocateur.  You perpetuate misery for your own benefit.  But that benefit is hollow.  Nobody will know about it two days from now.  You guys are infiltrated by some real a-holes on here, maybe you should take arguing a bit out of your shadow.  You've got some foxes in the henhouse.  I deserve an apology for this.  What the hell happened on here today?  I felt safe on here up to today.  So disrespectful and unnecessary.   The only thing I did wrong was give deep insights on here.  I thought that's what we were all doing.  It's clearly not.  You don't like my lengthy and perfect writing?  It's because you don't have as much to say.  Don't hate the player, hate the game.  Keep your hate to yourself and I will do the same.  I like to err on the side of peace but I'm not going to let someone bully me or mistreat me.   Sorry.  You keep that misery, it's not for sharing.  This place went off key today royally.  I'll check in at a later time, but probably will never post here again.  If that's what you wanted, you won!  But I saw it way before you did.  I ignored it and kept going until I exhausted my recent rounds of insights.  I stop on my own terms at the right time.  Now I have to examine this last batch of work I did and see what comes out of it.  I gotta do this next work on my own.  But like I said, I thank the respectful people here who tolerated me and let me do some work here that was a big deal for my work in recent times.  Thank you.  Carry on with your own work.  Be a Creator.  If you punch someone expect them to defend themselves.  I try to fight with a higher purpose, but this is not always so easy to do.  It's a lot to ask of anyone who's being attacked by multiple online avatars.  I say who I am, I use my real name.  I'm a real person here and represent myself that way purposefully.  It's how I grow the most by being straight-up and fearless.  I'm not saying I'm perfect, but to gang up on me is kinda ass-backward in the whole scheme of things.   I'm not a threat.  I might be, but I try to have good bedside manner about it if I am usually.  Today is different because I'm all riled up over this nonsense.  I know what's going on here so stop now.  I'm prepared for this.  Funtime is over at my expense today.  Don't provoke me further.  I don't take kindly to assholes.  Let's not go there.  I've taken great pains to avoid this up to today where it just became outrageous from my perspective.  Just everybody stop.  Find something else online to rage on.   I'm not a bad guy, quite the opposite.  High School is beyond over for most of us.  Got it bro?


1 hour ago, Jonas Long said:

@Joseph Maynor take a breath, seriously.  You're stuck in a loop.

Ok, you've been editing this one post for like an hour.  Thats on you.  

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13 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Today this forum is hell for me.  This is what it feels like to be in the opposite of love.  Hate.  This is not Love bro!  I can tell ya.  I'm not a dumb guy.  This is lousy.  We need to record this.  This is how people are bullied online.  Exhibit A folks.  There's nobody stopping it.  It's being allowed to happen at my expense.  This is life.  It's paradoxical.  There's a little bit of evil in good and a little bit of good in evil.  I play your game but I know the rules.  I had fun with this as much as I could expect to, but I have to move along now.  Show's over.  I'm bored and a little depressed now.



Edited by Isagi Yoichi



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I believe that Joseph Maynor should be banned from this forum. He brings negative energy and too much ego. He has no sense of how to be around society and people in an organic way. He has serious issues that he needs to be dealing with by consulting psychiatrists because his actions hurt people. I have been his latest victim. I suffered tremendous trauma because of his egoistic behavior. It's disgusting and nasty. I was a part of his community and he would regularly bully me. It was horrendous. Dude using the word bullying is a huge disservice to actual victims of bullying. Now I know why he was banned on Actualized. He would constantly interrupt my journal non stop and boss me around and create a strong cult like mentality on his community. Agree with him or he will kick you out. I was finding it harder and harder to bend to his rules and ultimately to his ugly ego. This guy has no idea but it gives blowhard vibes. I tried to be as agreeable as possible with him but he would double down on it to shove his opinions down my throat. When I protested there would be a veiled threat to get me off his community. He completely demoralized me. I think that's blatant abuse, violation and bullying a person who is a part of your own community and abusing your monopoly and power over them. Although Leo did something similar to me, Leo had legit grounds to ban me and Leo wasn't this hard to manage. This guy complaining about Leo is an absolute joke, he is hyper manipulative and cannot take any criticism and shuts it down by calling it bullying. He is the one who always starts a war and makes it appear like the other person is a problem. He should be exposed for his behavior. I even told him that I wasn't doing anything other than just tending my journal. Yet he kicked me out and that traumatized me. He freely calls for other people's bans as though everything belongs to him. He displays characteristics of megalomaniacal narcissistic behavior and is absolutely power hungry. Ban me all you want. This thing had caused me so much stress, trauma and pain so I felt I should expose this guy for all the mental tricks he plays on people. He has his own community but that's not enough. He tries to hijack other communities, absolutely power hungry behavior. 


Good on the guys to call him out. It's not called bullying. It's criticism of his intolerant behavior. Ironically he is the one bullying the forum. 


Both @Jonas Longand @Isagi Yoichiare right here.


Edited by Reena

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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