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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Seriously, where are these ‘men’ that are like this? I’m not exactly young and I’ve met and talked with thousands of males. Where are these? Obviously there are some, but it sounds like a categorical ‘this is how men are’. Seems sooo far from accurate.
  2. @Lotus Did it seem like “a healer” “messed your energy up”? As far as Sadhguru, it seems like it would be pertinent wether he has experienced what he’s talking about.
  3. @MazE Just the belly. Ribs etc will naturally kinda lift. Air will naturally flow through the lungs.
  4. @Lotus Have you experienced a reiki session with a practitioner and or reiki classes? Also, has Sadhguru?
  5. (Some more general breathing techniques, also applicable to singing) Breath from the stomach, feeling it, in a casual relaxed manor. Committing to doing this consciously for 3 days can be very eye opening in many ways. (1) As a practice and also diaphragm wise…. - breath into the stomach until it’s full, and then breathe in more air, fuller & fuller, more & more air. - think of it like a stretch, and feel all around the stomach, in front of, behind, the top, the bottom… stretching. - feel the feeling of relief in each area; the pelvic area below, the hip areas on the side, the back of the waistband / tail bone area, etc. (2) - once comfortable with that practice as is (1)… - then the same thing, but now include noticing any ‘tensing up’ when you do the practice, in other areas of the body. - might be a lifting of the shoulders, a tightening of the stomach, a clenching of fingers, toes, arches of the feet, thighs, etc. Different for everyone. -then begin to look at 1 & 2 as one practice. (3) Utilize the ‘relax’, ‘let go’, ‘surrender’ - “signal”. Basically just bring the word / thought to mind, and ‘send it’ to a specific muscle or area. Then just ‘witness’, kinda just wait… and the muscle will un-tense. There are like five layers within the body of the ‘tension’, which un-tense. So explore… even once you feel the muscle respond to the signal… even though the relief & relaxation feels significantly relatively better… also explore sending the signal again, and feeling the un-tensing even more deeply. Then, once comfortable with 1, 2 & 3 as one practice, and do that with the entire body, head to toe, inside & out, all at once. Then you’ll notice you can essentially ‘move awareness’ around in the body so to speak. Also, feel vibration head to toe throughout the body while singing. This practice & singing go together so well it’s as if they’re already one in the same. 🙂
  6. As far as ‘best way in every moment’, I’d consciously breath from the stomach, feeling it, in a casual relaxed manor. Committing to doing this consciously for 3 days can be very eye opening in many ways. (1) As a practice and also diaphragm wise…. - breath into the stomach until it’s full, and then breathe in more air, fuller & fuller, more & more air. - think of it like a stretch, and feel all around the stomach, in front of, behind, the top, the bottom… stretching. - feel the feeling of relief in each area; the pelvic area below, the hip areas on the side, the back of the waistband / tail bone area, etc. (2) - once comfortable with that practice as is (1)… - then the same thing, but now include noticing any ‘tensing up’ when you do the practice, in other areas of the body. - might be a lifting of the shoulders, a tightening of the stomach, a clenching of fingers, toes, arches of the feet, thighs, etc. Different for everyone. -then begin to look at 1 & 2 as one practice. (3) Utilize the ‘relax’, ‘let go’, ‘surrender’ - “signal”. Basically just bring the word / thought to mind, and ‘send it’ to a specific muscle or area. Then just ‘witness’, kinda just wait… and the muscle will un-tense. There are like five layers within the body of the ‘tension’, which un-tense. So explore… even once you feel the muscle respond to the signal… even though the relief & relaxation feels significantly relatively better… also explore sending the signal again, and feeling the un-tensing even more deeply. Then, once comfortable with 1, 2 & 3 as one practice, and do that with the entire body, head to toe, inside & out, all at once. Then you’ll notice you can essentially ‘move awareness’ around in the body so to speak.
  7. If digestion is out of balance and brain fog is experienced I’d look at diet for any excessive and or man made “foods”. Specifically sugar & prepackaged stuff wether take out or grocery store. Basic, try eating a diet of whole food. Google for the closest Reiki practitioner, and make an appt. 🙂 Then try another. Then try a third, or return to the first or second if they really clicked. And so on.
  8. No worries at all! Not taken that way at all. There is an apparent phenomenon of levels of individual understanding. But this is illusory in that this is a thought about understanding, like unicorn is a thought about a unicorn. There’s no such thing, as in perception ‘of’, a unicorn. Only the thought or belief that there is. Therein, there is an apparent phenomenon of matching levels of understanding, which is exactly the same as saying ‘matching levels of unicorns’. It does seem, in thought, that this is actual and possible. There’s something to be said for the letting go of, the inspection of, the seeing through of the thought, the belief in… ‘understanding’. There are countless ‘pointings’ to this. Imo the best pointing, is to that of asking questions which are inspective. Whoever questions everything, vs refraining from asserting what is known, awakens. This is because the ‘root’ of the questions, are the inspection of, misunderstanding. When all misunderstanding has been inspected, there never was understanding. There never was an understander. As a most practical attempt to point to an example or reference; marriage. Imagine a marriage in which understanding the other and being understood by the other is paramount, in comparison to letting go of the expectation, the activity of thought, the belief - that anyone has every understood anyone or been understood by anyone. Or imagine someone indoctrinated by Scientology, which sells ‘levels of understanding’, leaving Scientology, and then trying to reconcile reality to Xenu (understanding). It wouldn’t be right or wrong per se, but a holding of an impossible expectation which could not be fulfilled. It would or could seem like other people ‘don’t get it’, or are being vague etc, when other people are saying, brother, there’s no Xenu.
  9. @Forza21 Collapsing time & change.
  10. @Blessed2 I’m not ACIM expert, but I believe if you continue reading it, it elaborates explaining a distinction between egoic projection (hell) and God’s projection (heaven). If I’m not mistaken, it talks about why this is and how to go about clearing the lens / projection. I think the main underlying theme or clarifying means or factor is forgiveness. I think it uses the term ‘mirror’, similar to my use of the terminology of ‘popping the bubbles of beliefs’ resulting in clarity, or seeing the world as it is, which it (ACIM) would refer to as ‘God’s projection’ or ‘heaven’. My most recent video might be useful or insightful in this regard if the word’ hell’ was added to the words arising representatively as thoughts (of the left sphere on the screen) which seem to be the same as perception (the sphere on the right side). Essentially the video is illustrating thought attachment / belief(s), and the communicative aim is to recognize the projection of the thought attachment ‘onto’ perception. With respect to a thread entitled ‘what is nonduality’, though nonduality can never actually be said or communicated, the implication of ACIM and of what I’m suggesting, is that when all ‘dualities’ or ‘twoness’ ‘miscreation’ & ‘misperception’ is inspected, all dualities are ‘seen through’, ‘seen’ as the activity of thought, and what remains is love, which is ‘not two’. (As opposed to what remains being hell). Perhaps the single most effective means of inspection, is questions, rather than statements. This typically results in inevitably ‘seeing what is’, vs what ‘seems to be’, or assumptions, or beliefs (duality) projected upon what is (nonduality). A / the vacation… is the point… of going on vacation… just as life is the point of life. But this is veiled with the activity of thought, such as dualistic conceptualizations of ‘life purpose’, which is in actuality a dualistic Self conceptualization. That’s a ‘bubble’, and not what the word ‘perception’ points to. Considering the term ‘vacation’s purpose’ might be clarifying specifically to the duality the term adds, in the sense we commonly think of going on a vacation for the vacation, as opposed to conceptualizing a ‘vacation’s purpose’. Also, there’s another illustration in this video that might be insightful… around 4:30.
  11. @Tarak If you fully inspect every belief here, every statement which starts with ‘I know’, you will transcend suffering. No more up & down / crisis. You will then be able to help others, such as your kids, to do the same.
  12. Huge impossible mountains become small incremental possible steps.
  13. @bardh Thanks. I’m not sure what Roshan is, but it sounds like you were angry because you didn’t want to get it. If so, it might not be related to other people, but just to that you didn’t want to get it. It might help to identify which emotion you feel when this transpires (when you get Roshan). Might also be clarifying to pick which emotion you might be expressing, when this happens, when communicating with other people.
  14. @bardh How bout a specific example? I’m not really sure what you’re saying there.
  15. @bardh I would look in more detail to see in what way am I being negative toward people, and then flip the script on myself, put myself in their shoes, and see what would feel better.
  16. @Orb Yes! 🍻 And… nothing happened… and so… responsibility vs response ability.
  17. Guidance. It comes after. Reality is love, and therein is intrinsically is for giving. The ‘skipping over’ might be fear, guilt, etc, the grey & black bars… but also might be that helplessness isn’t on the scale, and why that is. Sorry for the extremely delayed reply btw. 🙏
  18. @Orb Yeah. The movement gets much more attention than the repose. Ambition vs consciously creating kinda points. Hedonism vs aligning thought with feeling.
  19. Sounds along the lines of as above so below insight. To reiterate to see if I get what you’re saying… it’s complete insanity to escalate from discord to projection to actually harming someone… yet ‘here we are’ in a world we are creating, where war is not recognized as insanity, and this is more or less perfectly fine because it’s… just how it is. Similarly, “it’s just how I am” (the same actually). That along the same lines as what you’re sayin? Like, we aren’t noticing that it is we that are creating our pain…? Maybe even more so.. that It’s All alignment & discord…? … ‘the world’ = co-creating = sort of a sum total of each one’s creating…? Is it that ‘same actually’ part that’s … ‘trippy’?
  20. Not sure what ‘levels of understanding of reality’ means. Sounds riddlersome. 😅 😂 If it’s not fun, really, what’s the point right. If I didn’t, here’s a link to the meditations page that was copy & pasted, which the ‘two cents’ was added to.
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