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Everything posted by Phil

  1. @fopylo Are you experiencing disappointment, overwhelment, frustration, impatience and pessimism?
  2. I meant the love. The more you love, the more “love you give away” so to speak… the more love you feel.
  3. @fopylo I would take a break from it altogether really. Give yourself a chance to relax about it and zoom out a little. You might be overthinking a very simple matter. Consider a wide open perspective, like maybe it doesn’t matter at all what you say. Maybe you’re putting so much urgency and pressure on it, that it would seem weird that the truth might be, whatever happens is perfectly fine.
  4. Aversion is feeling the discord (suffering) yet being unwilling to inspect this, or, to inspect what’s going on there, to see why there is this … ignoring. Aka, “The ignore-ance”. But you willingly looked / noticed / inspected. 🙂 And without aversion, without the resistance, the suffering of ‘not looking’… there was the feeling-recognition of Ourself, of our infinite being, of you. Rupert Spira uses the analogy of clouds as thoughts, and the empty sky as our true nature. When the clouds are acknowledged and not averted… the clouds then pass… there is then less or no resistance / suffering… that I am projecting, vs inspecting is acknowledged… and the empty sky is revealed - felt - and much more so… is what feeling is - is what “I am” really means / points to… is the ‘What’ of “What Is”. Is “seeing reality 🤍 as “it” is”. What (thoughts) we resist (refuse to acknowledge)… persist. Non-resistance, is inspection, or simply, is the willingness to notice… And nonduality is glimpsed, felt to be, recognized to be, the ultimate Fullness, the True Self. And the truth of suffering is seen nakedly, laid bare, seen through. Every thing, every item, food, resource… the more that is given the less that is had. But this is not so with the Truth. The more that is given, the more that is present, the more that is felt, the more the truth is recognized as feeling… And the more that is allowed into your creation. This place, this world. It is good in my opinion, to ‘be a good person’. To do good deeds, to focus on good thoughts, to be selfless, kind, mindful & conscientious . But to recognize the activity of thought; ‘being a good person’ - is most courageous. It’s truly looking into the unknown. And to our most delightful surprise, in the willingness to look, to inspect, to see, the allowing of and recognition of the Truth occurs… …that we are, Goodness… … that Goodness is you! Eternal, infinite, unconditional Goodness. I triple dog dare you to give it all away!
  5. Awesome. In accordance with The Buddha…. “the ignorance”.
  6. @Celestial Meditation is fundamentally the foundation, in that meditation is not two. Or, there are not two in meditation, there is just, meditation. Meditation essentially means ‘the middle way’. Like Medieval Times means the middle times, or like how a medic is the middle between the battlefield & the hospital. In the thought, ‘conceptual for me’, there seems to be two; what is aware of thought, and the one the thought seems to be about, the integrator. You might say meditation appears as the very thoughts. Meditation seems to shed light on all of this. Not to imply a big swing to the adverse, that you shouldn’t have a breakthrough trip. You should definitely have a breakthrough trip. Sendin breakthrough vibes. 🙏
  7. Contingency on flow is how to stay out of the flow. Flow be’s the knower, when there’s a knower, there’s no flow. For sure. Also though, all’s well already. You’ve no deficit. There’s nothing your supposed to already know. It’s supposed to be fun. 🙂 Exactly 👍🏻 Awesome & awesome. My friend says it happens. Stop it. It’s just a screen. 😉
  8. @Celestial I’m glad and a bit relieved you see the humorous aspect. 😅 Since integrate is a thought, there isn’t even integrating thought. 😂 Nice to see this early on the path imo. Some don’t ever see it and end up with a new identity constructed of past trip experiences. Like wearing them like badges or something, missing the whole point really.
  9. Conversation naturally deepens. More so in person, or though Zoom compared to text. Just have fun, try not to overthink too much. 🙂 She might be more private, more reserved. I don’t think it’s rude, but I got no details for ya. Lol. Like ‘putting your foot in your mouth’, saying something that later you might wish you didn’t. Something judgmental, too provocative, etc. I mean, you will, probably a hundred times, everyone does. Tensions as in flirtatious, some sexual tension. Tension isn’t the best word. Throw her off balance occasionally with not overly consistently being nice & kind. Tease her a little about something, but careful not to be a jerk. Takes practice / experience. I had this particular girl in mind in the sense you’ve already been chatting. But, yeah. Apply common sense. There’s always someway you meet a girl, something that led to it, so there’s always that to initially talk about. I wouldn’t just walk up to a girl on the street and say “what’s your favorite movie?” That’d seem odd. You probably know this already though. Give it a google to see what woman have to say about it. Research a little and get a sense of their perspective and what is welcomed and works, and what is off putting / uncomfortable / not welcomed and doesn’t work. Wikihow is an easy start. It’s usually simple, straightforward and balanced. Then check out some sites, and feel if you resonate with the insights they share. Sounds like she’s having fun and being flirty, also of course, I assume she would want to actually see you in person (and you her) and get to know each other a little prior to any actual commitment to makin out. Typically. Not necessarily always though. Sometimes girls you don’t know literally just walk up and start makin out with ya. Overall I’d just keep having fun with it. It’s good to ask questions, get insights, etc, but also don’t put any expectations on yourself as if you’re supposed to know anything you don’t, or have more experience than you do. Really, enjoy right where you’re at. Also just a friendly cautious reminder… we never really know who we’re actually talking to online. I’d lean towards some kind of Zoom or cam chat if I met someone online, before meeting in person. Unless you both know a few of the same people etc, where you can ask them. The cam chat is an easy next step to move to / suggest also. Careful not to take much to personally. Some people just like to flirt online without actually having any intention of meeting in person. There’s an endless variety, always hard to say. That’s part of the fun & excitement of it though, but be a pinch cautious too. We love ya and don’t wanna have to form a search party anytime soon. 😂
  10. Well, in case you haven’t noticed almost everybody loves to talk about themselves. So just ask some simple casual easy-going questions about her. I don’t really see it as stuck, I see it as less is more. You’re plenty attractive and charming, and you are a decent human being. You are already in the winning position. It’s really just a matter of not saying something off putting and screwing it up. But even then, not being a doormat and instead, saying something that creates a little tension is interesting and fun too. Gotta feel it out as you go. If you met her on tinder, I don’t think the point is to chat much at all, the point is to arrange when and where to meet in person. But don’t add to that ”to have sex” neither in your mind nor in your texts . Stay with the moment, keep it one little step at a time. Meet just to meet, see if there’s even any chemistry attraction. If you met her through work, school, a mutual friend etc., then ask a question related to that. Like if it was through school for example, don’t say I can’t stand this teacher, have you had this teacher yet, what do you think of them? Ask what she’s majoring in. Ask what her favorite class is. Ask what she does for fun to unwind after exams. The simplest approach is the very general approach. You can always ask questions about general things like movies or music, but make it specific to her by asking… what kind of movies are you into? As compared to specific and not about her really, like did you see the new Batman movie? Or with music… What genres of music are your favorite? And make it more interesting, more personal following that up with, what’s your newest jam you’ve been listening to? What’s the killer song to listen to while exercising that I haven’t heard of yet? If you were leaving tomorrow on a road trip what would your playlist look like? You could preface questions by being a little flirty and creating a little excitement in the question by saying something like… ok let’s really get to know Maria… I’m gonna take a wild guess your favorite movies are romantic comedies… Am I right? People like it when you say their name. It’s more intimate without being uncomfortable or aggressive. These are just questions off the top of my head. Overall, relax, be yourself. be natural, be present in the moment, talk about whatever’s happening around you… whatever you notice in the environment, ask her what she thinks about that in general. The way you do that is not getting emotionally attached to an outcome. Genuinely regard (in your inner world so to speak) the interaction without contingency, like as far as you’re concerned she can take it or leave it, no big deal. Plenty of fish in the sea. Billions. No they don’t. The needy attitude and belief is not helping you whatsoever. Vibrationally, when you are sending out “I need “, the universe just says here you go, and you mistakenly reinforce your belief that you need more. Get real with yourself, you don’t need making out or sex… you want it. Imagine looking into a mirror and saying I need this, the mirror will only reflect back I need this. From her perspective, it is not enticing to be needed. It is fun, exciting and inherently flirtatious to be wanted. She’s here for your experience, not as a supplement for your communion. Ghosted me is a projection. Stop believing that. Listen to Esther hicks instead. Inspect beliefs instead. Take total responsibility and accountability for your vibration. if you think you are being ghosted, question, why and how am I attracting getting ghosted? When a girl tells you she wants to make out with you, assuming you want to make out with her… Stop talking. Make a light hearted comment about it… Then follow it up with some thing like… Seriously though I’d love to meet you, how does Friday at seven downtown sound? (Or wherever and whenever obviously. Fill in the blanks here of course.) The ABC’s of the sales industry comes to mind… Always be closing. So to speak of course, when she outright tells you she wants to buy, don’t chitchat or keep on selling. Move to the next step. Scheduling when and where. Talking about making out is kind of weird. I would talk about the coordinating of getting together… And then just allow the making out to happen when you’re together. She might’ve thought you were rude, because you didn’t move to the scheduling when she had basically thrown it out there for you to do so. I hear you on the couple of months, and that you’ve got quite a fire you want to put out. Even still, employ the fundamentals, breathe from your stomach, relax, notice thoughts and emotions. Above all else… Don’t be needy.
  11. Yes. First locate it. Make sure, double check, where you have it. Then revisit integrating it. Experience is already a conceptualization. Then there is the seemingly secondary conceptualization of ‘integrating a psychedelic experience’… which is like asking, how can I ‘integrate the past’, the only answer is of course, the present. Where is this “past”… and if you do indeed find it - then by all means, work on integrating it. “That”… is This. Inspection of self referential thoughts. 🤞 hope so. 😬 Conjecture… also apparent… also THIS. Don’t mind me though, this is just the trip talkin.
  12. Just cause it’s so good…. Our Deepest Fear By Marianne Williamson Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness That most frightens us. We ask ourselves Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small Does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking So that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, As children do. We were born to make manifest The glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; It's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, Our presence automatically liberates others. Allow some of that light to shine! You are beauty! You are love! You are the light! 🙏
  13. @Blessed2 Like. A. Glove. 👍🏻 👍🏻 Appreciating this plethora of angels here, and the guidance therein. Thank you’s.
  14. A belief is no more than a thought repeatedly focused on. Fear can not possibly be in a future, because the guidance in regard to the belief, is felt always, only and ever, now. That peace & clarity is you. The mind, body, whatever terms preferred, is what you, peace & clarity, are being. Really, you don’t even have to recognize the belief, but only care more about how you feel, than anything thought or believed. There is no past or future, sans the thoughts of. There is momentum. There is the experience of a discordant thought, and the ever available emotional scale. Adversely, alternatively, there is repeatedly focusing on thoughts (Instead of the guidance)… and the momentum of doing so… and this is what a ‘panic attack’ is. Not at all to make light (as in belittle) of that experience. It is intense suffering. But truly, “panic attack” is a thought, a label, which can veil the truth, of feeling, and guidance, of discord, of suffering… of that you are infinite, unconditional, love. And, not even.
  15. @Lotus Ray, as in of light… love, as in, is the key. Simply me. Truly not even. Most simply, ineffable. F’ing ineffable. 😆
  16. @Orb I know lol. Doesn’t matter what I know or what I’m told though. Just what you tell yourself, so to speak. I’d ‘tell yourself’ you’re fuckin awesome… cause it’s true. Also, sounds like you’re listening to what the universe, or source, or whatever term you like. Receiving the ‘lesson’, actually hearing it… presence.
  17. @Lotus Now the wire is being thought to be some thing.
  18. Is there room to actually awaken while it is assumed you wake up in the morning, and you are the body (‘it will wake me up) and good feeling is coming from objects? Maybe the suffering in this way has nothing to do with you, and is only these beliefs? As was pointed to / said… is there really, in all honestly, daily meditation… or only the not-so-accurate claim / belief that there is consistency in or with the practice? Is there meditation, and then the avoidance of expressing what might be coming up? The very misunderstandings, misinterpretations, misidentifications… which are very discordant…? What could be found is the expectation… that satisfaction comes from materialistic ‘things’. The belief there is ‘all this stuff’ is the belief you are an object. If so, there’s probably a lot of discord felt with each thought that supports this belief. If it’s just the source of good feeling that is desired, and meditation feels good while meditating… if meditation, as the other-than-thinking good feeling comes from objects or experience is recognized… then it’s simultaneously noticed you actually always feel good - and it is only some thoughts which don’t… and these thoughts, beliefs, can be inspected as to why they are discordant. Very so to speak - taking responsibility for this - for ‘doing the work’ of inspecting, expressing, and recognizing this… might be more in line with what you actually want… and thinking you’ll feel better if ‘you’ were somewhere else might be seen as this very ‘type’ of belief. As perpetuating the belief you’re not good / goodness… and or that good feeling comes from things, objects, or locations. Kind of ‘just a thought’, a consideration, just two cents. If going to a monastery is what feels best for you, imo, do that… but just addressing the avoidance (if so) might be the relief longed for. A ‘seeing there is no monster in the closet’ fear wise. A no longer avoiding via projection….what might be found is the projection of good feeling, onto someone and somewhere. Spirituality, as other than inspecting, is kind of bypassing where traditional therapy might be far more healing and helpful.
  19. @noomii I would write “have a reiki session” on your dreamboard, and forget about it / allow it to happen, give it to the universe / receive it. 1% express what is wanted, 99% watch and enjoy it as it manifests and falls into place. Universe is super good at that, when allowed. Notice, in relation to the tension, there’s little (no) tension in this mindset. Might be a sweet paradigm shift at play here, in that life is happening for you, and not to you. Experience Reiki just for the experience, not as a solution, not to meet expectations. 🙂
  20. @Lotus That’s pretty good imo. Thinking of a reiki practitioner as a healer, is like thinking of a wire that goes from an electrical outlet to a toaster, as “the electrifier”. When it’s just a wire. And really, not even. Electricity doesn’t even actually travel through wires. That would be a facade / belief. It just seems like it does.
  21. @fopylo Sorry… typo… I meant dying. ‘Dieting into them’, lol. Text wise… quick chat, and then basically get to when you’re gonna hang out. Keep it super simple, light, fun and straightforward. Inner game wise, it’s overly complex. I’d let the dying into them, being vulnerable, and trust thinking go altogether. Might be sending them overly complex mixed signals, with hints of neediness, resulting texting ten times more words than what’s necessary. They might be feeling the frustration, fear (‘scared’) and pessimism and vibrationally turned off. Less is more. It might sound weird at first, but try feeling more boredom & contentment, more simplicity, less ‘holding them apart’ as uniquely special / ‘pedestaling them’ / ‘they have what you need’. Another way to think of it… are you really looking for a girl who’s feeling frustration, fear, pessimism and neediness? Probably not. Probably just wanna hang out and have fun, and then as it goes, maybe get to know each other more deeply. Much more ‘down the road’ on the deeper getting to know each, and potentially having sex aspect, if it happens at all. Take it one simple step at a time. Feel your best in any & either case. Non-contingent fun. This is naturally feeling the ‘higher’ emotions, which attract much more naturally. Another way to put it… just be yourself. Some will, some won’t, so what. Careful not to over-swing the pendulum to ‘hard to get’. Don’t settle for taking this as discouraging. If you do, you’re missing what’s being said. You’re attracting them, but then bringing a big story. Let the big story go, and allow. 🙂
  22. @Lucid Mystic Working on it, thanks!
  23. @Blessed2 Haven’t forgot about this. Have made a couple and am refining. 🙏🏻
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