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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Omg yes. Loophole shake (made of raw foods), kombucha, salads, nuts, fruit & veggies. đŸ„° (so to speak)
 ever take notice of how miraculous it is that the body, mind, thoughts, etc, the whole sha-bang, is made of food? Like, the body turns food into the body. đŸ€Ż
  2. @Inno Does it seem like something has to be done, resolved, maybe even fixed or accomplished, before you could feel the way you want to feel, all the time? If so, what?
  3. @Ges Why do I even try? What are you trying or trying to do? You don’t have to moderate my intentions. What intentions? Those that are trying. I’m asking. I’m trying to understand what you’re saying. I can only be honest in telling you I don’t get what you’re saying.
  4. What intentions? My reply was to your comment. I didn’t say everyone is awake.
  5. That might be something worth clarifying. What exactly is it you’re trying or trying to do? Love that song btw. Big Beck fan.
  6. It’s not sarcastic or serious. He said my comment was dodgy. I asked what he meant, as in how it was dodgy. I still don’t get what was meant. Joseph meant spiritually awake. @Joseph Maynor If I misunderstood, let me know. @Ges If I didn’t misunderstand, you changed the context here mistakenly.
  7. Seeing feedback, prior to the feedback transpiring? Do you mean like precognition, clairvoyance or something along those lines? There aren’t people who are awake and people who aren’t. You’re welcome here. I’m not a teacher. Right on.
  8. I can point to some specifics and offer what comes to mind if you like but the overall question that comes to mind is
 What do you want more, than to feel great everyday?
  9. With respect for you, and to the guidelines & your continued participation, and not what I might think or what I might say, this is the third request for you to explain exactly what you meant by this comment. What are you specifically implying ‘will be seen’?
  10. The wording of your comment alludes to or foreshadows something to come. And was clearly directed at me. Thus far that comment implicitly seems threatening, which is in stark contrast specifically, and in entirety, to the guidelines. With respect to your membership / continued participation with this forum, and with respect to that fact that miscommunications do sometimes happen, I am asking you to explain what you meant.
  11. @Ges Thanks. I’m not overthinking anything. I’m asking, allowing the opportunity for you to explain what you meant much more clearly. (Not with respect to what I might or might not think, opinion, but to the guidelines).
  12. 😂 This thread has taken some funny turns. But please elaborate on exactly what you mean, because that sounds potentially creepy and threatening.
  13. In all fairness workin with the public is hard y’all.
  14. @Forza21 Consciencelessness
? Again, dunno, but certainly don’t envy the indigestible pickle.
  15. Silence inevitably followed by laughter & love. Thought: Yes. Thought: No. Thought: Yes. Thought: No. Thought: Yes. Thought: No.
  16. Ditto. Is it weird that God tells God that meditation which is God isn’t ‘the way to’ God, so God can pretend God is not God, to sell God to God? Funny, terrible, or terribly funny? dunno.
  17. Yes. ‘Not two’ 🙂. Love’s weird like that. Forget’s it’s own infinitude, believes “thoughts” and that it’s a finite thingy. Nevertheless, feels the alignment & discord of the truth of it’s own infinite and unconditional nature. 🙏
  18. 🙂 Also could label the ‘worthless’ as an activity. As apposed to a feeling. It’s a different framing. In that way it could be, ‘presently I’m focusing on this activity, thoughts about worthy vs worthless
what other activity might I prefer to focus on?’ Also, very subtle, but worthless is a judgement. In the self referential sense, worthless is a judgement of an illusory self / a nonexistent self. Thus, worthless isn’t actually possible to feel (because the separate self doesn’t actually exist, and thus can never feel being judged). There is a certain discordant feeling of judging / judgmental thoughts. One could never be the one feeling being judged as, worthless
because one can only feel the activity of thought, the judging. Whereas unworthiness is an emotion felt, which is guidance in regard to the thoughts. Might seem like ‘I don’t like how this worthless issue feels’, but would really be, I don’t like how judging feels. The confusion would be there’s two me’s: judger & judged. The clarity would be ‘not two’. The relief of which, would be the expression instead, of jealousy. The more this perspective is focused on instead of the old one, the more momentum is felt.
  19. @Ges No worries at all. No problem either! 🙂 More relatable than you might suspect. I was born into controlling a temper, in the environmental sense. Much respect for that you are saying whatever you’re saying, to me. đŸ™đŸ»
  20. Not necessarily. ‘That vibration’ could be you, vs you being in a that vibration. Illustrated at around 5:12

  21. What’s a ‘conceptual level’? What’s an example of a ‘nonconceptual level’? If “more” and “less” are not real
 what then is ‘held’ to be, real? Where or when or what actually, is / are
 ‘some days’? Examine thoughts, perception and sensation
 and ‘fish out’ with absolute unquestionable certainty, what of direct experience is, not now.
  22. The thought of meditating being uncomfortable, is a resistant feeling thought
 and is let go, like any other thought, in meditation, and attention is returned to feeling breathing from the stomach (relaxation). If that is done a hundred times - in the letting go and feeling better sense, that is much much progress. Words can’t do this justice but, every time a discord is let go and breathing and relaxing the body is chosen, it adds up. There is a feeling better momentum which is felt. The thought about an “I” which can or can’t meditate, and is in time, is also, can be, let go in meditation. Not ‘pushing’ meditation here, but mentioning that because it might not have been realized, and this is why meditation feels so great. It’s for you / your well being / your relaxation. For letting go of any weight carrying or discord. It’s not to fix, solve, or get something done or accomplished. That can be hard to see when life is busy and thus far full of fixing, solving, getting stuff done and accomplishing. In a self inquiry manor, one can question - who does the thought feel uncomfortable to. Who can’t sit for five minutes. In the investigative spirt of self inquiry, really try to find that one. This also behooves presence. Addressing the thought directly, as in right now, and not the content or ‘story’ of the thought. Similarly, you can also minimize. Can I sit for five minutes tomorrow morning? 
 might feel lighter and more possible, than thinking about wether or not you can ‘everyday’. Direct inspection wise, you can bring attention / awareness directly to the sensation which is said to be uncomfortable / the uncomfortableness. This is like the looking in the closet to discover first hand that it’s empty. It can be difficult, but it does bring about significant and more lasting relief. There’s much you can do. It can be a bit of a pickle in that there is always something you can do to feel better, and there is never actually anything you need to do to feel better. One just has to navigate that. No one else knows really where one’s at, or is really in one’s shoes. Therapy, breathwork & using the emotional scale, specifically to release via expression and to feel peace & contentment come to mind. In a more ‘ultimately’ sense, there is nothing you can do which will be a deep lasting feeling better, except letting go of discordant beliefs, to see for yourself that feeling better is what’s always happening. It’s what you are, good feeling, love. Without discordant beliefs, there would only be, feeling pretty amazing. Expression & inspection would be the way to see, illuminate, and allow the release of, resistance, of discord or suffering. Also, discordant beliefs ‘show themselves’. Notice any ‘being triggered’, notice any ensuing reactions, but instead of reacting, relax from head to toe, focus on feeling breathing in the stomach, and see that the reactive not so good feeling does come & go. Insight into the why of the triggering, and thus the underlying belief, naturally then arises. Clarity, essentially. Which is synonymous with, good feeling, peace, love, or most simply, you / the true nature. As a very board stroke, “I’m tired of myself” is actually
 I’m tried of some thoughts. That “myself” which doesn’t resonate, isn’t a self, but is thoughts, or let’s say ‘a cluster of thoughts or beliefs’, aka ‘the separate self’. You, are awesome. Which is why some thoughts don’t feel good, to you, awesomeness. But I mean like, for real, you are awesome. I don’t mean because of what you have, what you’ve done or will do. I just mean that you are = awesomeness.
  23. 🙂 Feel out allowing, vs doing. Start with the smallest of doings. Like doing the dishes. Watch the dishes being done, the hands moving, etc. Witness intelligence ‘in the real’, as the real. ‘Doer’ is just in the thoughts. Kind of a claiming, which can rob us of the joy & enjoyment. I think that’ll become allowing talking to ‘her’, in addition to allowing any discordant thoughts to come & go, not be taken to seriously. Also, weight is lifted in this way. Less attention to ‘doer’ thoughts, is less later attention to ‘what I should’ve done’, ‘what I didn’t do’, ‘what I should do’, ‘what the Smith’s are doing’, etc. A clearing out of a lot of thought activity, via really just seeing it for what it is, thoughts. Liberation. Freedom! âœŠđŸŒ 🙂 đŸ™đŸ» If it were a song I’d name it The Standstill. We call them cool Those hearts that have no scars to show The ones that never do let go And risk the tables being turned We call them fools Who have to dance within the flame Who chance the sorrow and the shame That always comes with getting burned But you got to be tough when consumed by desire 'Cause it's not enough just to stand outside the fire We call them strong Those who can face this world alone Who seem to get by on their own Those who will never take the fall We call them weak Who are unable to resist The slightest chance love might exist And for that forsake it all They're so hell bent on giving, walking a wire Convinced it's not living if you stand outside the fire Life is not tried, it is merely survived If you're standing outside the fire There's this love that is burning Deep in my soul Constantly yearning to get out of control Wanting to fly higher and higher I can't abide - standing outside the fire In the Bible there’s ‘the fall’, which I equate to daring, but failing - ‘falling’
 in terms of giving it your very best, only to have your heart broken. I won’t pretty it up, it sucks real bad. But, it breaks open. An experienced veteran in sales once said to me, when I was down in the dumps
 “Some will, some won’t. So what.” Thanks. You’re not weak. Weak’s a thought, a judgment. Conditioning coming up & out imo. There’s no weak. It’s just a discordant belief. That’s why the thought, as you said, sucks. Just doesn’t resonate. Two cents, if & when that thought arises, flip the script. Picture ‘her’ right here right now in front of you. Hear her telling you she’s weak. See the expression on her face. And tell her she’s not. Even if, and especially to, jump in the fire. That’s what you want, she wants, I want, we all want. 🙂 We get caught up in what other people think, or might think. Come home to ‘what do I think?’ I mean, you’re eventually gonna croak either way. Just say fuck it and take a shot. Some will, some wont, so what. Sun comes up again. If you haven’t, give this a go. It’s simple and crazy effective.
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