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Everything posted by Phil

  1. ‘Bring it down to earth’ so to speak. More like relax and just watch, observe. Maybe five minutes. Just ‘if interested’ really. No. Same. All differences are really the thoughts that there are differences. Also, like something as simple a strawberry shake… it’s only a thought without the direct experience.
  2. @Mandy I’d look pretty foolish ridin around on a dog. There’s probably laws against that.
  3. ‘Being the observer’, ‘being in observer only mode’, aka ‘the witness’ or ‘witnessing mode’ is a great practice for the experience of the vantage point of what one is not doing; reacting. Helpful for seeing through ‘the matrix’, and dispelling the belief in causation. Including the caveat of no facial expressions whatsoever really solidifies the practice. People usually report that much more than what was normally seen or observed was seen. It also tends to heighten or bring about a fullness in perception as in seeing, hearing, tasting and smelling. But observer and witness can imply a duality of observed and or witnessed, as in ‘the ocean which can observe itself from infinite perspectives’. Like the observer mode can be a good practice, infinite being observing itself from infinite perspectives can be a good contemplation. But this too ‘can go’ / be seen through. This is pointed to with phrases like the tongue can not taste the tongue, or the tip of your right hand index finger can not point to the tip of your right hand index finger, or your lips can’t kiss your lips. If the belief in time is added as a constraint upon infinite being, there is likewise the theoretical conceptualization of ‘the liver of lives’ in similar dualistic fashion; life or lives, & liver, experiencer, observer or witness of. These things said can be grasped intellectually, and that can be clarifying and that can be one of countless intellectual traps as ‘the knower’ of ‘the known’. Cessation is not inclusive of any of this, and my two cents would be to take things said here as ‘what belief(s) does this help dispel’, as opposed to ‘now I know this’. Also, this is probably overly cautious on my part. Could also look at a mirror, and notice you’re not actually ‘in’ the mirror. That might be obvious or readily recognized. “I’m not in it, I’m looking at it”. Then notice you’re not seeing yourself in the mirror either. The thought might arise, “right, obviously that’s a reflection”. What’s being said here however, is that is not a reflection. That might not be as readily recognized. @MazE Great thread & sorry if this is a hijacking. 😬
  4. Yes but no. For blue to be ignorant and or enlightened, blue must be an it. No.
  5. Yes & no. Infinite can not know finite. If you & I want to build a cabin, we get lumber etc and get to work. Infinite can not go to the lumber store because infinite is infinite. So infinite be’s a lumber store, Indisguise & Phil, and builds a cabin.
  6. With the term so called and the quotations which denote not actually, nothing is being asked & nothing is being asked about, and the answer is already present in & as the question. Light shines through a prism resulting in a rainbow of color. Red asks blue if there is one prism, one light, or many prisms and or many lights. What does blue reply? Maybe we can ‘put this to bed’. Maybe not. Solipsism is an ism, like Mormonism or Catholicism are ism’s. Like any other belief or belief system, solipsism is the activity of thought. A Mormon saying Mormonism is the truth or a Catholic saying Catholicism is the truth, is a pointer to, an ism. What isn’t recognized is the ism is the activity of thought, or, a belief(s). You are of course free to agree or not agree, but when I am using the word spirituality, it is not to uphold beliefs or suggest any belief is the truth, or any new belief or pointer is the truth… but rather the very inspection of beliefs, and therein the cessation of suffering, and in kind of the activity of thought. As far as I can see, you’re definitely in the clear on being ‘solipsism guy’. At best (or worst) you are or are playing the role of a solipsist, only in the same sense a Mormonist is or is playing the role of spreading the message of Mormonism, or a Catholic is spreading the message of Catholicism.
  7. 🙂 If love is said to be infinite, and it is said there is a you which merges into infinite love, then infinite love is a secondary belief. The primary belief would be that I am the separate thing or self, which in a future will or could merge into, infinite love. Was a finite lens born? Are there other lenses? Does a lens constitute a you, or separation? What is “it”, if “it” is all one? Doesn’t one imply no it?
  8. Suffering. @Orb Flow-ers. 🙂 @Indisguise Truth is apparently binary as thought(s), as in, there either is or there is not a separate self. Thoughts can appear that I am the separate self, the one who is awake / more awake / most awake. But wakefulness doesn’t even know what “thoughts” are. Wakefulness doesn’t even know what suffering is.
  9. I’m worthless is a judgmental thought. The recognition worthlessness is an emotion, which is guidance in regard to the thought, is liberation. Groundhog’s Day.
  10. @Indisguise Assertion is experienced as ‘the suffering is not how the thoughts feel, it’s because of __________’. “It’s not how I”m looking at it, it’s it / ________.” ”It” is whatever you put in that ___________” Life overwelmes me. Life asserts upon me. Work, family, health, plans make demands. They assert upon me. My mind tells me. My mind asserts upon me. You’re it - for the win.
  11. You’re got your terms mixed up. This is the experience of judgement, not self consciousness. You haven’t experienced self consciousness yet. You’ve only experienced beliefs about self consciousness. The relief is in the willingness to inspect the beliefs. To consider there is ignore-ance & misunderstanding occurring. The misunderstanding is being believed, while how this feels is being ignored. Self is unconditional love. Therefore it is not possible to say in truth I’ve been self conscious - about how I look. That misunderstanding is felt. To be self conscious about how you look, is to be unconditionally loving, about how you look. More so even… Self is infinite, and thus never seen. You’ve been very judgmental you’re entire life. And even more so… You’ve never been judgmental. You’ve just focused on thoughts which don’t feel good about yourself. And yet even more so… There aren’t two of you; a judge and a judged. That’s why it feels so off, so discordant, to believe there is. Self is eternal and does not age. Momentum of discord builds as thoughts are believed (repeatedly focused upon) rather than inspected to see if they’re actually true. The discord felt is assumed to be, because the thoughts are true. The discord felt is because the thoughts are not true. The discord felt is felt by the unconditional love that is the truth. If you can look at a photo, clearly, you can not also be in a photo. If you are aware of thoughts, clearly, you can not be in thoughts. If you were self absorbed, you would fall to your knees in the infinitude of the infinite unconditional love you actually are. There are beliefs to inspect & let go of. It’s innocent. Thus far, you think like those around you think, like Morselli thought, and you suffer like Morselli & those around you suffer. This is the first Ox Herder picture. You have found the path. You can judge someone else. You can not judge yourself, because you = yourself. Thoughts about there being two of you feel discordant. Listen to, allow, receive… the guidance & wisdom of the feeling Align thought with feeling. Don’t be right. Be yourself; prior to the thoughts, beliefs, misunderstandings & assumptions. Going Prior. You Should’ve Seen The Other Guy. (There is no other guy. There is no separate self. The love you are is the love you’re fighting with, and is the love that will help you wrap your hands and stitch up your eyes when you’re done fighting.)
  12. Overwhelment is emotional guidance. It says “there’s no assertion”. Thought says “yes there is, and it must be dealt with so I can feel better”. Frustration, irritation & impatience say, “no, there isn’t”. Pessimism says “yes there is, and look how it’s gonna work out for me!”. Boredom says “look how it’s working out for you right now”. Contentment says “at least consider there’s no assertion, there is relief in humility”. Hopefulness says “maybe I’m attracting; maybe there’s no assertion”. Positive expectation says “indeed, and you can change your vibration by changing the framing, the interpretation - look how that will work out for you - look how you feel right now”. Enthusiasm, eagerness & happiness says “Yep”. Passion says “you’re God dam right”. Joy, appreciation, empowerment and love don’t say anything, cause nothing needs to be said.
  13. @Mandy A giraffe would be pretty sweet. @Love Love to hear how it goes!
  14. You as in I am you, or you as in I am not you? These questions seem like a Loop.
  15. Neo Advaita isn’t misguiding but believing in it?
  16. Reminds me of the old saying ‘guns don’t kill people, people kill people’.
  17. @Mandy It seems like a common theme or occurrence for mums… having kids… time spent with friends slips through the cracks… worthiness / control arises… doesn’t seem related to friends & social aspect… time is again spent with friends… worthiness / control ‘issue’ disappears.
  18. Wife just asked if our kids can use my big dry erase board on wheels to play Pictionary during the slumber party this weekend. I said sure, but don’t come cryin to me when all the stuff they draw starts poppin up in the house.
  19. Funny thought… solipsism, it’s just me, yep, great, no prob, 👍. Neo Advaita, it’s just me…. get out you devil! 👎
  20. Oh oh oh!!! 😮 🙂 That really clicked. Makes much sense. Now that makes me wonder if getting back to friends / socializing was mentioned.
  21. @Inno Thanks. Again, I can appreciate these might be difficult questions. The point is kind of finding where the light can get in so to speak, and illuminate & liberate. What comes to mind… Are the discordant thoughts about a past, or a person? When considering an answer… how much discord or relief or clarity is felt, when the answer is ‘a past’? How much discord or relief or clarity is felt when the answer is ‘a person’? Is any relief felt when bringing forgiveness of self to mind? Likewise, when bringing forgiveness of other to mind? Which do you figure comes first in terms of healing and moving forward… understanding, or forgiveness? If psycho-emotional phenomenon is not physical…. What is ‘physical’? Essentially, is ‘physical’ a belief, an illusion, an appearance, a concept, etc…? What is an example of what (anything) is physical? Put another way, has ‘physical’ been inspected in the light of, is physical a belief (which perhaps plays a role in perpetuating suffering)? Has this been inspected to see if it’s a belief? What if reality is vibrational? What difference would this make, what comes to mind as potential changes in view, as to what’s relevant and what’s not relevant? Also along the lines of relevance… in looking at the emotional scale… what is the relevance of expressing the self referential concept of helplessness (not on the scale)… vs expressing the next emotion on the scale, which is jealousy (on the scale)?
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