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Everything posted by Phil

  1. @Blessed2 Yes. Include ‘receiver’ in there. 🙂
  2. Don’t forget a solid referral system. Customers referred by customers are the best customers and have a high propensity to also refer.
  3. @Zeroguy It’s the same as awakening in that it doesn’t really change your life, it’s a new one. It’s so good I’d do it over & over forever.
  4. @Inno 😂 Pure coincidence! If interested… another movie I find to highlight the importance of fundamentals (meditation, clean diet, expression… conscious creation wise) is Hoosiers.
  5. Today I’m appreciating that there is appreciation. Which is both nuts and so easy to appreciate. 🤪
  6. The other day this guy said suffering is the assumed inability to distinguish the direct experience of emotion, from separate selves, and I was like, yeah that’s pretty good. That’s beautiful.
  7. @Blessed2 Is does seem, that it seems to a yoga master, that the thought of reiki is the same as the direct experience. And not. Reiki can be very helpful for untangling the apparent paradox of time & reiki. This (this thread inquiry) might not be something you’re really interested in. But it might be, and sure seems it is, something the op is interested in.
  8. @Lotus Reiki practitioners are not healers. Anyone who has read virtually any book on Reiki, or directly experienced a session would know this. No disrespect to Sadhguru. No one is above the occasional mis-reference to a belief, mistaking it for direct experience. There is no such thing as reiki practitioners or healers, or the ego which knows there is. “Mixing engineers” are angels to your conscious creating. (And not even🤍).
  9. That is precisely the case. Those thoughts don’t resonate with you… God, love, infinity, pure ineffable goodness! (People is a thought!) Even if, so to speak, other people were thinking / focusing on, judgmental thoughts - wether about a you, or a country or a cloud - doesn’t matter - that is their business, their alignment & discord, their truth realization to be realized - not yours, per se. That is not your direct experience - that is “not your business” as Byron Katie says. Two cents…. Trade the conceptualization: “a part of me”… for the recognition of how that thoughts feels - doubt. In the sense - when you say mountain move! And do not doubt - the mountain does move! There is no such thing as “the feeling that I am the thinker”. “The thinker” - is not anything “in” perception! “The thinker” is just another thought! A self referential belief that is false - and this is not ‘known’ / realized by more thoughts - but much more simply - by how you feel. “Myself” - is just another thought!!! Where is myself “in” perception? You = perception! You are Being ‘This’. There isn’t actually anything to doubt! That’s what ‘the emotional guidance’ is “saying”. There is no “you” which attaches to thoughts… You Are The Actuality of what “thoughts” are. You are what’s appearing and disappearing, which we point to with terms like thoughts, emotions, perception. “I don’t create my thoughts” ”I do create my thoughts”. You’re being all thoughts in any and every case. Every “thought” is always - “just another thought”. Consider… this nonsense (non-resonating doubt!) egoic reaction to the recognition “it”, whatever “it” is - is always just another thought! Notice the projection in “you’re vilifying thought”, “you’re demonizing thought”, “you’ve only realized no self”, “you’re not really awake”…….. notice…. Any and all of that is projection of - just more thoughts and judgment! See (feel) the doubt therein - and see (feel) straight through it. “Sometimes I feel really bad”…. No! YOU NEVER FEEL REALLY BAD !!!! Some “thoughts” do not feel good to, the infinite eternal unconditional love - that you are! There isn’t anything to “think your way out of” - there is only to recognize it is some thoughts, which don’t feel good, to you. There is no “you” which attaches to thoughts! The “thought attachment” ‘situation’ is believing the thoughts - that there is a you…. meanwhile…. Always always all ways - awareness is not a thing and is aware. There’s not that “you” which could “figure it out” because You are what’s appearing as - “thoughts”. You do create thoughts - by being “thoughts”. You do not create “thoughts” - because you are infinite goodness - and there truly is no such “thing”, as, “thoughts”! You = awareness = infinite = God = love = NOT KNOWING. Life is not happening to you - life is appearing for You! 💝 🎁
  10. @Lotus Great analogy. 🙂 Hearing someone refer to reiki as healers is like hearing someone refer to music as mixing engineers.
  11. @Lucid Mystic Thoughts? Suggestions? Maybe pin it at the top of the recommendations section? Maybe make a sub category just for a list and any additional comments & recommendations? A link at the top, like there is to the website?
  12. Seriously, where are these ‘men’ that are like this? I’m not exactly young and I’ve met and talked with thousands of males. Where are these? Obviously there are some, but it sounds like a categorical ‘this is how men are’. Seems sooo far from accurate.
  13. @Lotus Did it seem like “a healer” “messed your energy up”? As far as Sadhguru, it seems like it would be pertinent wether he has experienced what he’s talking about.
  14. @MazE Just the belly. Ribs etc will naturally kinda lift. Air will naturally flow through the lungs.
  15. @Lotus Have you experienced a reiki session with a practitioner and or reiki classes? Also, has Sadhguru?
  16. (Some more general breathing techniques, also applicable to singing) Breath from the stomach, feeling it, in a casual relaxed manor. Committing to doing this consciously for 3 days can be very eye opening in many ways. (1) As a practice and also diaphragm wise…. - breath into the stomach until it’s full, and then breathe in more air, fuller & fuller, more & more air. - think of it like a stretch, and feel all around the stomach, in front of, behind, the top, the bottom… stretching. - feel the feeling of relief in each area; the pelvic area below, the hip areas on the side, the back of the waistband / tail bone area, etc. (2) - once comfortable with that practice as is (1)… - then the same thing, but now include noticing any ‘tensing up’ when you do the practice, in other areas of the body. - might be a lifting of the shoulders, a tightening of the stomach, a clenching of fingers, toes, arches of the feet, thighs, etc. Different for everyone. -then begin to look at 1 & 2 as one practice. (3) Utilize the ‘relax’, ‘let go’, ‘surrender’ - “signal”. Basically just bring the word / thought to mind, and ‘send it’ to a specific muscle or area. Then just ‘witness’, kinda just wait… and the muscle will un-tense. There are like five layers within the body of the ‘tension’, which un-tense. So explore… even once you feel the muscle respond to the signal… even though the relief & relaxation feels significantly relatively better… also explore sending the signal again, and feeling the un-tensing even more deeply. Then, once comfortable with 1, 2 & 3 as one practice, and do that with the entire body, head to toe, inside & out, all at once. Then you’ll notice you can essentially ‘move awareness’ around in the body so to speak. Also, feel vibration head to toe throughout the body while singing. This practice & singing go together so well it’s as if they’re already one in the same. 🙂
  17. As far as ‘best way in every moment’, I’d consciously breath from the stomach, feeling it, in a casual relaxed manor. Committing to doing this consciously for 3 days can be very eye opening in many ways. (1) As a practice and also diaphragm wise…. - breath into the stomach until it’s full, and then breathe in more air, fuller & fuller, more & more air. - think of it like a stretch, and feel all around the stomach, in front of, behind, the top, the bottom… stretching. - feel the feeling of relief in each area; the pelvic area below, the hip areas on the side, the back of the waistband / tail bone area, etc. (2) - once comfortable with that practice as is (1)… - then the same thing, but now include noticing any ‘tensing up’ when you do the practice, in other areas of the body. - might be a lifting of the shoulders, a tightening of the stomach, a clenching of fingers, toes, arches of the feet, thighs, etc. Different for everyone. -then begin to look at 1 & 2 as one practice. (3) Utilize the ‘relax’, ‘let go’, ‘surrender’ - “signal”. Basically just bring the word / thought to mind, and ‘send it’ to a specific muscle or area. Then just ‘witness’, kinda just wait… and the muscle will un-tense. There are like five layers within the body of the ‘tension’, which un-tense. So explore… even once you feel the muscle respond to the signal… even though the relief & relaxation feels significantly relatively better… also explore sending the signal again, and feeling the un-tensing even more deeply. Then, once comfortable with 1, 2 & 3 as one practice, and do that with the entire body, head to toe, inside & out, all at once. Then you’ll notice you can essentially ‘move awareness’ around in the body so to speak.
  18. If digestion is out of balance and brain fog is experienced I’d look at diet for any excessive and or man made “foods”. Specifically sugar & prepackaged stuff wether take out or grocery store. Basic, try eating a diet of whole food. Google for the closest Reiki practitioner, and make an appt. 🙂 Then try another. Then try a third, or return to the first or second if they really clicked. And so on.
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