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Everything posted by Forza21

  1. It seems like all this non-dual teachings really got me into a nihilistic, dispassionate state. I tried to make a dream board, and there's nothing i would like to try or achieve. I feel like it doesn't matter anyway, or it won't make my happy. I wake up every day, and just pray for this day to be over. Actually my biggest wish is, that i was gone. Why even bother if it's all a dream? Why even bother if i don't know what's real or not? Why even bother if it is infinity indeed, i might just die this lifetime, whatever. When i was chasing ego-based goals, like money, bigger house, car etc., at least i had a purpose. After stepping into spirituality, it all lost meaning and i have nothing to do or achieve. It totally meaningless, boring, and stupid. Right now i have 0 interest in anything "world'ly" , i read all day on spirituality, and it doesn't help anyway. It actually makes things worse. Is anyone it this state? Does anyone know what to do?
  2. Great! Just surrender. Just stop fighting. I had very, very familiar states, and the point of "not caring anymore" is the greatest relief ever. It's like "ego", which puts you in so miserable states, just doesn't have fuel anymore, because it feeds only on your resistance. So when you just give up, it literary dies. Let it die, brother. ❤️ exactly like that : ;D
  3. How to make big decision like leaving your partner after many years, changing job, move to other side of the world etc? Mind always has a million different scenarios. For example, sometimes i really feel like i need to leave my current partner, after many, many years. I think this relation is over, i don't love her anymore. The other time, i want her to stay, and i think i might still love her, and our partnership might still workout. It's same with changing place, career etc. I feel like i need to change something, but after some time, there are thousand different thoughts, that it might all work out here, and i don't need to change anything, because it's all "inside me" anyway, and "outside" circumstances doesn't matter. i try to listen to emotions, but those changes too, according to different thoughts... i tried also to make a dream board, but I don't really know what I want. There are time that i want something, but it might be just one day, and i don't really want it anymore... it's constantly changing, and i feel like bi-polar sometimes, lol. So: How to make big decisions? How do you know, what you really want? Any advice please?
  4. For me, this is kinda funny. I've had many suicidal thoughts, and i think i'm more scared of living than dying. Furthermore, i have never experienced "non-being" all i ever know is "being" so i can't really believe, that death means "non-existence" like materialists say. Like, you are here, right? If you were born once, why not a second time? And then third time? Why not infinite time? 🙂
  5. Hello Godishere! I was wondering if you would come here. I'm glad you did! I couldn't replay you, on actualize, because i got banned. 🙂 As you might remember, I had a very, very difficult time and horror trip as well. There are many topics about this issue and my experience here on forum, you might look for it and answers there. It really may help. Also, talking with people who have different perspective like @Phil @Indisguise @Faith @Blessed2 @Aware Wolf @Adeptus Psychonautica and more... Also, some inquire questions like: -Where is that trip now? Can i see it without referring to the thought? -How do i know what's the truth? Can i obtain it without referring to the thought? -What so scary in that... without a thought about it? -Do you really know what's the truth? If yes... isn't it just a thought? If no... what's the problem? -How would you think about reality right now, if you never heard about Leo, and actualize? in the end, it all boils down to thoughts and beliefs about reality, and thoughts in reference to the past. Also, i don't want to make this another threat shitting on actualize, but leaving this forum, and looking for more source in Buddhism, Vedanta, here, Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle, Osho, David Hawkings, etc really, really helped me a loooooooooot. I still struggle sometimes, but it's much, much better. Now i only listen to those, who resonates love. 🙂 Peace brother!
  6. Thanks Tim, i've already tried psychotherapy, with very to none improvements 🙂 Thank you Phil, i'll work with that. The best question is that with "traumatic memories" . It's true, i can't suffer or be "traumatized" without referring to the... thoughts about it. And thoughts are simply thoughts. She's not awake anyhow, but she's on the retirement already, and she managed to appreciate small things during her day. She's so much different from she used to be, when she was active career wise. I've had some successes with relation with her lately, i approached her, and gave her a hug, i said "love you" which was like super hard to overcome, but its great relief afterwards. Also some visualization with that "small inner child" of mine, and hugging him/giving him love is super helpful, when i feel he goes into surface. Thank you!
  7. Imagine, right now, you're approaching a girl you like. Notice fear. There are also many mental images in your mind. Notice them, and look, what's your biggest fear related to that situation. There might be many scenarios in your head, like " i'm not interested enough" " i don't know what to say" "i'm shy" " she's going to reject me" etc. Those, obviously, are just thoughts and mental projections. Now, notice, that you aren't really afraid of those scenarios. Be honest, it's not about it. Not at all. You are afraid HOW YOU'RE GOING TO FEEL if that scenarios happens. And the trick is, that you are experiencing this feeling in your body, every-damn-time when you're thinking about it. You are experiencing this feeling right now, if you imagine it. It's not going to kill you, right? You have experience with that feeling. You know it well. So you might as well go, and try. Worst case scenario - you will experience this feeling once again. And with that experience you will manage... It's not about the situation, it's about, how you think, you're going to feel, if it goes wrong... realize that, accept it, and be free.
  8. I love your work. I can relate to that so much, brother ❤️ Keep going, and let it all go, until nothing but LOVE shines through!
  9. I have a very hard time loving my family. I feel like this stands on the way to love. I have a lot of anger and grief, what values were planted into my brain when i was a kid. It was a pretty decent family, but my mother suffered from depression and anxiety, and now i have pretty much the same issues, constant fear about life in general. I have some very traumatic memories. Back then, my mother many times, threatened, that she would commit suicide. She would cry and scream every week. For 7-8 years old, it was devastating. To the point, that one time, I physically hurt myself, because of fear and pain related to those events. My mother has changed, she has cured herself, she's happy now, but i can't get close to her anyway. I feel annoyed whenever we meet, i throw away all her attempts to get close to me. I avoid her love. I can't love her. Plus, i feel like she doesn't understand anything i'm going through. Same with dad. They simply don't get it. I tried to tell her what happened and how it was hard for me. She rejects it, and changes subject every time. She doesn't understand how it might affect me. I had many approaches to change it, but i go back to "old". I would like to heal it, but i don't how. Thanks,
  10. @Phil @Adeptus Psychonautica hope you guys are serious about it, i’d love to see it!
  11. So do you think its just another mental masturbation ? i think Berndardo still consider himself and other as PERSON. Its same with reincarnation.
  12. All the suffering i recently had, made me realized, how many barriers and unhealed traumas I had. Because of that, I felt separated from love. it's not about any beliefs, "ism", "bad trips" or whatever. It's about what's in YOU (thoughts about past mostly), that holds you away from love, you really are. You can't really gain, reach, or obtain love, because YOU ARE THAT. It's all about discovering and healing all the barriers from it. Once you do that, ever shining love, which were always there, glows like a sun. ❤️❤️
  13. So since theres no doer of any action, and all desires come from ego(which doesnt really exist), how should we approach „dreamboard”, and creating life we want ? Isnt it in contradiction to fully surrender to „what is”, and just be present at the moment, and just observe how life goes ?
  14. Bernardo Kastrup scientist, who was lately talking with Rupert Spira, and his explanation: https://www.essentiafoundation.org/how-can-you-be-me-the-answer-is-time/reading/?fbclid=IwAR06cCI035M-a9HvWIiHmweZwD9u3-JfVKDOl_tlQcxUcF1sGbojOOhoMmI What do you think about it? I think logic would never grasp it, and Bernardo still thinks in the roam of "separated entity" with "experience" , "life "etc. Nevertheless i'm curious what's your approach to it?
  15. I feel ya. Consider this myself. India or Thailand. it's just i can't find anything satisfying in any materialistic pursuit, travels, cars, all this stuff. I've been into some Buddhist retreats and honestly, i have never felt that good in my entire life. Wake up -> meditation - > chanting -> work -> free time - > meditation - > work -> sleep. It's simply life, without any distractions, and that sense of calmness is amazing. @Aware Wolf there's a book: björn natthiko lindeblad - I May Be Wrong: And Other Wisdoms From Life as a Forest Monk He exactly describes this forest monastery of "Thai Forest Tradition"! He left "west" life as well, and became a monk there, and than few other places. Check it out, this book is great, his whole path is there. I might go there at first too. I love Ajhan Cha, and Ajhan Brahm (i would go to Brahm, but he's in Australia i think) Haven't decided yet, but i don't see much changes in my current life situation... And also Buddism resonate with me more, than Hindu religions...
  16. „Higher than Jesus” indeed….Jesus… how come he is considered „spiritual teacher” and how come i was there myself, really is out of my head.
  17. i've never seen such meditation anywhere, but it's actually very helpful to notice, that there's no space. I wonder how we can improve that and what might be further insights 🙂
  18. 1. Concentrate on feeling your feet and hands simultaneously. 2. Notice that "space" or "distance" is just a thought. 3. Do it, as long, as you notice, that in direct experience, there's no real distance whatsoever. At first, it looks like two separated feelings in some distance apart, but after some time, it merges into one sensation, without any distance, separation, or space. Try it, and tell me what you think 🙂 i've never seen such meditation anywhere, but it's actually very helpful to notice, that there's no space. I wonder how we can improve that and what might be further insight 🙂
  19. @howisitsoactivehere how i see it in nutshell - we can always experience ONLY God. We can't experience anything else than infinite love. Suffering/discord/separation is because it's necessary for us, to know, what flavor we don't like, just to give us context. BUT It doesn't go in line with who we are in essence - because we are love, ones, and bliss. So it's just simply an act of choosing who we really are, and what we want to feel. It's that simple, almost too simple to believe, 🙂 yeah that's the right word - believe in love/god/yourself. 🙂
  20. @Faith any new realizations lately ? You write diffrent ☺️😀
  21. My mind just blew up. 😂😂 i dont get any of this. Phil, please record video about reincarnation. Your movies are muuuch easier to grasp. Am i The only only one?😂😁
  22. Life disappoints you so you stop living from illusions and see reality. Life destroys everything superfluous, until only the important remains. Life does not leave you in peace so you stop fighting and accept everything as it is. Life takes what you have until you stop complaining and learn gratitude. Life sends you conflicting people so that you can heal and stop projecting what you have inside. Life lets you fall again and again until you decide to learn the lesson. Life takes you out of the way and presents you with crossroads until you stop wanting to control and learn to flow like a river. Life puts you enemies on the road until you stop reacting. Life frightens you and startles you as many times as necessary until you lose the fear and regain faith. Life takes away your true love, it does not grant or allow it, until you stop trying to buy it with trinkets. Life distances you from the people you love until you understand that we are not this body, but the soul that powers it. Life laughs at you so many times until you stop taking everything so seriously and laugh at yourself. Life breaks you and breaks you in as many parts as necessary for light to penetrate. Life confronts you with rebels until you stop trying to control. Life repeats the same message, even with shouts and slaps, until you finally listen. Life sends you thunder and storms so you wake up. Life humiliates and defeats you again and again until you decide to let the ego die. Life denies you goods and greatness until you stop wanting goods and greatness and you begin to serve. Life cuts your wings and prunes your roots until you need neither wings nor roots, but only disappear in the forms and fly from the self. Life denies you miracles until you understand that everything is a miracle. Life shortens your time so you hurry to learn to live. Life ridicules you until you become nothing, until you become nobody, and so you become everything. Life does not give you what you want, but what you need to evolve. Life hurts you and torments you until you let go of your whims and tantrums and appreciate just breathing. Life hides treasures from you until you start your journey, until you go out to look for them. Life denies you God, until you see it in everyone and everything. Life shortens you, prunes you, takes you away, breaks you, disappoints you, cracks you... until only love remains. Bert Hellinger.
  23. Sure, but doesn't it go both ways? If someone considers himself as "most awaken human in history" and that way he attracts people to listen his "teachings" and in many cases, it goes terribly wrong, should we not talk about it? It's like free pass for ANY dangerous teachings to grow. It's not about blaming him for all the evil in the world. It's about being honest and showing what my be wrong/off. If we agree that nothing is wrong about his teachings, more people may get hurt. People AT LEAST should KNOW about those CASES, before going to Leo's forum. And they won't know, if we don't tell about it loud, right?
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