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Everything posted by Forza21

  1. <knock knock> <random stranger> who's there? <Dave> do you want to talk about how you are God, and dreaming me right now? πŸ˜„ I have nothing to him, but shoving awakening down the throat, even if people don't want it here, it's werid, to say at least. πŸ™‚
  2. wow thank you for this beautiful description. It sure sounds kinda scary, but fascinating at the same time. I don't know about Dheli, it really sounds like hard psychedelic trip, i might go to the more calm areas of the North. Have you been in some Ashram, or it was just a tourist trip?
  3. Well, it's not all about Guru, but rather changing the place i'm right now, and living spiritual life for a while, far from western civilization and home. I don't have any big rational reason behind it, i just feel like doing it. πŸ™‚ Hey, i'll send you this guy profile on priv πŸ™‚β€οΈ
  4. This reminds me of quote "For some people, it's better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven." Leo himself, and other "Leo's advocates" often preach about "harsh truth" , "you can't stomach it" , " etc, like it is some kind of achievement, beyond others weaklings. To admit, that we are all equal, all equally nothing, and there's no distinction whatsoever, it's very humbling, and some egos aren't cable of doing that. So they go with narrative about "harsh truth", " you are not God realized" and what's funny - they're going to shove it down your throat, even if you don't want to, because " i want you to awaken" . LOL. Like they aren't comfortable with their own ideology, so they want to invite others. Buddha said, " they need to ask me 10 times before receiving teaching" . And here, we have those teachings even in this place, when we all left the previous one, because we didn't want to hear that. It's like some mad salesman who's stalking you at your house. LOL
  5. Thank you so much! I'll check all the resources you sent me. I'm actually talking to one Guru. What do you think about " Uttarkashi,Uttarakhand,India" ? What question would you ask about him/ Asram, before going to him? I talk with him on facebook, and he seems very, very nice πŸ™‚ but i have no experienece it this regard.
  6. Wow, thank you. This is a very healthy approach to this topic. I have very little experience compared to you, but from what i've noticed, this experiences might be so easy twisted by ego-mind, our shadows, knowledge, previous experiences, projections etc, that saying "its objective truth" sounds silly to me. Thank you πŸ™‚
  7. I started to seriously consider going to India, and find a Guru there. It's because, i could focus on this 100%, and there would be someone with experience, who could guide me. Do you have any tips how to find good Guru? How to recognize who's worth and who's not? Or Maybe you've been to India, and you have some tips where to travel, etc and if it's worth it?:) Love, πŸ™‚
  8. I really like and admire your work. After all this trips, you seem so grounded, and genuine nice person to interact with, not some super-hiper-ultra-enligtented-god-realization-mode-guy πŸ˜‰ Thank you for that! With all this experience, do you think psychedelics give you viable knowledge of reality? Is it always the case, or is it easy to get deluded?
  9. This guy literary says he's above Jesus, Buddha, and every other spiritual teacher, so how come any of he's disciples would be "better" than him? πŸ˜„ πŸ˜…
  10. In Vedanta, they say " When God's wake up, all the world is gone with him" . And you are that. Here: https://www.swami-krishnananda.org/ans/ans_25.html?fbclid=IwAR2IKxkFx2YAYeydimwAlWhCZ4GVGyN5DJvm9PkU352KaLCs-dNTyOxiW5w For God, the world is unreal. It's like a dream. For us, to experience it, we must become finite and limited, so for us it's real. I think it's impossible to even write in God's state. In order to talk, speak, communicate, you need to take the position of that "limited I". And then you play your little human role. But you can also remember who you really are. πŸ™‚
  11. He obviously mixes the spiritual peaks and highs, with base level of consciousness.... and he calls himself most awaken, because of trips πŸ˜‰
  12. Yes ❀️ Phil it really started to work out. Emotion guidance is SO REAL, and SO TRUE. Now, when negative emotion/ discord comes, i simply notice it and i say short mantra: "It's not who i am. I'm love. I'm light". And... it goes away! It helpeeees a looooot! ❀️ Thank you Phil so much ❀️ ❀️
  13. Very interesting take on this. Indeed. We don't even have to go that deep, it's enough to say, that's a guy who puts "the highest truth in the universe, higher even than Buddha or Jesus" right after video of "How to bang chicks in the club" xD I was so blind not to see it sooner πŸ˜„" here's the most advanced spiritual teacher in history ❀️
  14. yeah, i also wonder why he started to use term "solipsism" . No other guru or spiritual movement do that. it might be the biggest ideology lie, that puts people in the worse possible prision...
  15. Oh that's right. Sometimes i really need longer time to get what you say, but it's always at point. Loneliness is a thought, what is felt is rather fear/panic/despair. Now going to the emotional scale. πŸ™‚
  16. yes, you are right o.O God needs world, world needs GOD. This goes together, without one, there's no other, so it's ONES.πŸ™‚
  17. Yes, so much clarity on this. Seriously. The knower seems to hold this "experience" with his "thought activity". It seems like on the psychedelic trip, you take an absolute point of view, but you are forced to see it, from a finite human lens... and that's why it's so hard, because you might be not ready, because of lack of spiritual practices such as meditation, helping others, etc. Do i frame it right? Thank you. ❀️❀️ That's very good reframe of it πŸ™‚ Thank you πŸ™‚ Yes i know that, but i wonder if labeling it with "human" emotions such as " loneliness" is valid. πŸ™‚
  18. Consciousness is everything there is, so it's one. We can call it energy, God, Brahman, or whatever fits better to you. Reports from that state (from example during psychedelic trip) are mostly terrifying, and described as cosmic absolute loneliness. I've been in this place too. But i wonder - is loneliness a human thing, the product of undissolved ego? isn't consciousness before ANY feelings? If consciousness is SELFLESS, and PURE LOVE, can it feel loneliness? For example, many Vedanta guru's describes God's realization ONLY as pure bliss. ( as opposed to those on psychedelic trip, which are mostly rapid). If one's take time to be on spiritual path for DECADES, when there's also helping others, rituals, devotion, it all dissolve ego, and you become more selfless. Maybe that's why? What do you think?
  19. Exactly. i'm obviously self-bias, because of what happened to me, but there's a reason why from thousands of years, all the masters around, were talking as little as possible. With zen it's almost no words. Because words are tricky. Words are interpreted by mind, based on our knowledge, previous experiences, associations, assumption etc. So it's extremely easy, too take even valid insight, and twist it in your way. This is what some master said, and i agree:
  20. Thank you Phil. Its almost too good and too be true. and thats why i have doubtful thoughts like " how do you know if good feeling isnt self-deception and truth is scary"? and im not quite convince how to deal with that ? But i slowly realize The love… when i help others i cry… and for a brief moment all The suffering is gone…
  21. haha πŸ˜„β€οΈ Thank you sister ❀️❀️❀️
  22. That's true ❀️ taking action is not thinking about it, just experiencing it. Yes, that's true. I brainwashed myself with concepts and that's the outcome. πŸ˜‰ It's time to take time off. I'll look " guided imagery" on youtube ❀️ thanks brother! True. Every second there's new beginning ❀️
  23. That's interesting. During last meditation, i tried to experienece, what's that sense of "I'am?" Why i feel like "It's me?" . Yeah there's a sense of "myself". I can't find it, or know it. Why do i think "it's me?" It's good question to contemplate on.
  24. I'm glad too. @Phil ! course and book! please! πŸ˜„
  25. This gives a lot of clarity ❀️ Thank you so much.
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