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My thoughts of Leo and actualize.org. What do you think?


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10 hours ago, Robed Mystic said:

Lol.   That's all in your head.  I'm just a guy spitting Truth.   If you don't like it and want to compartmentalize it as Leoism then be my guest.  But you will keep the Ultimate Truth there forever.   Put away in a box.  And there is nothing wrong with that at all.  If that's what you want.  You can go through life and never wake up to realize it was a dream.  And then you can dream again.   Forever.  You ain't going anywhere. 


Oh so there is a you, who speaks & understands truth, and a me, who does not. A me will never understand reality correctly or "awaken" if a me will not believe what a you writes.




Talk about arrogance and manipulation. I bet you have a whole carreer plan to "teach oneness" end explain people how they're biased & avoiding truth if they don't resonate / believe you.



There must be an effortless way.

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9 hours ago, Serenity said:

It's obviously a bad posture to have as a spiritual teacher. Because you're caught in a dynamic where you don't benefit from your student to 'outgrow you'.


43 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

Leo himself, and other "Leo's advocates"  often preach about "harsh truth" , "you can't stomach it" , " etc, like it is some kind of achievement, beyond others weaklings.

So they go with narrative about "harsh truth", " you are not God realized" and what's funny - they're going to shove it down your throat, even if you don't want to,  because " i want you to awaken" . LOL. Like they aren't comfortable with their own ideology, so they want to invite others.


👆👆 yup.


When the guidance of emotions like unworthiness, guilt, shame and general "not-enough" and "not-complete" is heard (no longer averted and suppressed), stuff like "levels of awakening/understanding", "bias", "avoiding truth", "hard pills to swallow" and "teacher/student" is cut through like a warm knife through butter.


There must be an effortless way.

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2 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:



👆👆 yup.


When the guidance of emotions like unworthiness, guilt, shame and general "not-enough" and "not-complete" is heard (no longer averted and suppressed), stuff like "levels of awakening/understanding", "bias", "avoiding truth", "hard pills to swallow" and "teacher/student" is cut through like a warm knife through butter.

What do you mean by this? 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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45 minutes ago, Cupcake said:

What do you mean by this? 



For me it seems that these beliefs/thought-attachment (levels, bias, avoidance of truth, separate person who awakens/understands and teaches it) is the aversion of guidance of unworthiness, guilt and shame.


All those beliefs convey not-complete/not-whole separate selves. Separate selves that need to achieve, prove, be less biased, be less selfish, be more pure, or to 'know the truth'.


Beliefs about not-complete/whole separate selves feels like unworthiness, guilt etc. Non-aversion of this guidance is forgiveness and compassion, unconditionality. 'Motherly love healing the inner child'.


When the guidance of feeling is no longer averted/supressed, those beliefs just don't resonate. It's not swallowed anymore. It becomes like indigestible poison. It's seen through and let go.


There must be an effortless way.

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2 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:


For me it seems that these beliefs/thought-attachment (levels, bias, avoidance of truth, separate person who awakens/understands and teaches it) is the aversion of guidance of unworthiness, guilt and shame.


All those beliefs convey not-complete/not-whole separate selves. Separate selves that need to achieve, prove, be less biased, be less selfish, be more pure, or to 'know the truth'.


Beliefs about not-complete/whole separate selves feels like unworthiness, guilt etc. Non-aversion of this guidance is forgiveness and compassion, unconditionality. 'Motherly love healing the inner child'.


When the guidance of feeling is no longer averted/supressed, those beliefs just don't resonate. It's not swallowed anymore. It becomes like indigestible poison. It's seen through and let go.

I'm not able to completely understand your post but if I'm trying to make sense of it, I guess this is what you're trying to say in short 


The person who awakens and then teaches others the path of truth is running away from unworthiness, guilt or shame. This means we are separate selves that need to prove something to be considered worthy. This means we are not whole. This creates feelings of guilt and unworthiness. 

But this does not feel like motherly healing of a child. 

When such feelings of shame are confronted, Automatically these beliefs are dropped and let go. 




Hopefully I reframed your reply the right way. 



So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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9 hours ago, MetaSage said:

Could you clarify?

When you know what you don't want it makes it very clear to you what you do want. So in that sense there are no bad teachers, as a whole, bad teachers serve as good teachers because they are making it very clear to you what does not resonate as long as you are willing to move in the direction of what does resonate. I'm not saying that to gaslight, excuse or dismiss any behaviors, just to point out that essentially, everything is already working out for you. 

 Youtube Channel  

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1 hour ago, Cupcake said:

I'm not able to completely understand your post but if I'm trying to make sense of it, I guess this is what you're trying to say in short 


The person who awakens and then teaches others the path of truth is running away from unworthiness, guilt or shame. This means we are separate selves that need to prove something to be considered worthy. This means we are not whole. This creates feelings of guilt and unworthiness. 

But this does not feel like motherly healing of a child. 

When such feelings of shame are confronted, Automatically these beliefs are dropped and let go. 




Hopefully I reframed your reply the right way. 




Basically yes, that's what I'm saying. 


Being worthy/enough/whole/succesful is projected onto "awakening" or "understanding". And everyone else must also be convinced that one has best awakening and understanding, and that is very important to have understanding or awakening. Otherwise the success of understading / knowing truth is meaningless and unreal, because it serves no purpose if the feeling of unworthiness is allowed, expressed and 'healed'. So one holds onto their ideology and the role of a "teacher".


"Inner child" is kind of a good pointer. A toddler understands nothing. A toddler doesn't give a shit about bias, ego or understanding reality - these beliefs don't even cross their minds. Yet, we all know how much better we used to feel as a child. Because there was no thought-attachment.


Ime no-one really seeks understanding or knowing. What is sought is the feeling of wholeness, completeness, safety, surety and security.


There must be an effortless way.

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11 hours ago, Orb said:

@MetaSage theres a difference between "I am the truth!" And "I am the truth! Therefore youre all stupid and not on my level!".


@Robed Mystic I appreciate your views and willingness to share, it's all for the good of us anyways. 


If the people aren't resonating with your message over here, then why not follow the guidance taking you to a place where some will listen?


If many people aren't touched by what you're saying, that's also a chance to see why. Some may be haters, but some are genuinely trying to help you, even if it seems harsh. 

Thanks.  I think I did come on a little aggressive here and I think mentioning to a few of the users a out not being awake was uncalled for so I want to apologize to everyone if I came on too strong.     I did mean to only use that statement in the context that one can take back their own authority as a master, so it was not meant to offend but to help.  However I can see how it can be interpreted as arrogance and I should show more humility, which I will do in the future. 

That said - I appreciate some of you trying to help me "snap" out of what you call Leoism.  However I want you to know that  these are things that I have become directly aware of through mystical experiences.  So I am not parroting here.  I have had these realizations for myself.  And that is where my passion comes from.   My realizations happen to match up with Leo's in most facets, which is why we seem  very similar.   But we are not the same person and I have had all these realizations through meditation and self inquiry.   Some of the facets of Truth Leo talks about i have become aware of years before him.  He just is a public figure and I'm not - so it's going to come across as I've just taken this stuff as a belief.   But trust me on this, I haven't.   All my awakenings took place in 2018.   I may at some point start a channel and do my own thing, if I have the time.

So I wanted you guys to know, once again, I apologize if I came on a bit strong here.    It was not my intention to offend anyone or push anything on anyone.

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10 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Haha.  I meant Leo's ideology much more so than any person.  Dave and Leo have the same view so it felt like Leo was here himself.  I felt like -- why do we want Leo's ideology injected here when you can get it there.  I wish Dave well and hope he can fit in with this community.  

Thanks Joseph I appreciate that!  You said it right we have the same view so I'm sure it did seem like Leo was here himself.   Now, for me , this is not an ideology.   But I agree with you I may have come on too strong and it seems like I was trying to inject what I have become conscious of myself onto someone else when it doesn't work that way.   Yes, if someone wants to hear more of what I have to say regarding the nature of reality then they can definitely pop over to Actualized - I'll be over there but I may stop in here from time to time and would love to talk more with you Joseph on your channel and some of the stuff you are doing over there.  So I wish you well as well and hopefully we can have some good conversations going forward.    The same goes for Rob


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20 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I appreciate that.  I would disagree and say it is ideology.  I've studied world philosophy and majored in philosophy at UCLA.  I teach philosophy on my channel and have done spiritual work for many years now.

It would be an ideology for me if I was taking these views on faith or as a belief, and not directly realized via mystical experiences or experiences of God in which these things are shown to one directly   If it's something one has never experienced then they have no reference to what I'm speaking of, and thus, they will see it as an ideology because that's all they know.  And if one responds with "there is no one to experience" i disagree.  Here im not soeaking of the ego.   And i dont want to get into the weeds here again and argue over that.. we can simply agree to disagree.     But anyway this is not a knock on you or anyone else -   And you can dismiss what I'm saying as more ideology.  That's just  the way it is and I get it.     I'm not trying to convince you of anything I'm just laying out my side of it.

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@Joseph Maynor I can't speak for Leo.   for me, i completely stumbled onto spirituality one day in 2018 with no previous beliefs or ideology.   I was raised a Jew, but you could say I was athiest as I really just believed religion was good for giving people something to believe in.  Then I listened to some of the teachings while doing meditation and self inquiry and that's when I had my awakenings.  It was within a few weeks of meditation.  I then had a further awakening about a month or two afterwards.   So I wasn't like Leo in which I had been doing spirituality for years or had some ideology built up in my head.

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How do you stop yourself from falling back asleep? 


This question I believe can shed some light on what is going on here.


Ultimately if you truely had a genuine realization of the Absolute and want to attempt to share it with others you have to find some way of explaining it to others. So most people will end up forming some collection of terms and using those. But what happens when we have differing definitions? People think ones way of explaining things is the ultimate way when in fact we could be talking about the exact same thing.


I feel it is better to figure out what other people's terms are first, look to understand them before trying to explain something to them. But even then there can still be confusion.


So then back to the questions of how to keep from falling back asleep? Well it is to always be in a constant state of Realization. Which I am willing to bet is pretty easy to delude yourself into believing you are. But the point is to not have a belief system at all, to speak from What Is as What Is. To let go of any and all concept you have used to explain any realization you have had, and just Bask in It. 


So when you teach someone to shed beliefs and discover what is So, it is a much better pointer for them to discover It for themselves. Rather then trying to directly tell them in your way of explaining things, which might not resonate with the other person. 


Just some of my thoughts.

Edited by Loop

Ten thousand tears,

One Belly Laugh.

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3 hours ago, Mandy said:

When you know what you don't want it makes it very clear to you what you do want. So in that sense there are no bad teachers, as a whole, bad teachers serve as good teachers because they are making it very clear to you what does not resonate as long as you are willing to move in the direction of what does resonate. I'm not saying that to gaslight, excuse or dismiss any behaviors, just to point out that essentially, everything is already working out for you. 


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4 minutes ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:



Robed Mystic is a moderator from Actualized who goes by the handle Inliytened1 - https://www.actualized.org/forum/profile/13794-inliytened1/


No idea who WhiteOwl is


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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4 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I've had awakenings too but you rarely hear me talk about them or put them into words.  My ego is not wearing spirituality like a robe.  I let my awakenings inform my conduct.  I'm very sensitive to spiritual ego now.  You can see the difference in how I act now versus how I acted on Actualized from 2017-2019 when I was more of a spiritual ego.  What I'm saying is you come to a point on the path where you take the spiritual robe off if that makes sense.  That's a higher stage on the path.  But of course I don't say that unless I have to -- and then it's only from my experience that I can say that because I've been at that ideological stage.

Heh, "non-spiritual ego"-ego 😄 

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54 minutes ago, Space4This said:

I guess the "even higher" stage is not even mentioning it 😛

I really wouldn't look at it so black and white - or that you are at a higher stage if you don't talk about your awakenings.  I was merely explaining how tbis was not an ideology for me.  I dont talk very much avout them, but at the same time there is nothing wrong with it, nor is it at a  "lower stage" to do so.  Awakenings to God are miraculous things.     Basically, as I mentioned before, there really isn't a right or wrong here.    Talking about higher stages and how you can advance to this or that stage is also ego..   it's all very relative, of course.  Ones actions one day to the nexr can change - so you shouldn't let them define you.  If you let those things define you, you will probably just cause yourself a lot of suffering.    

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8 hours ago, Serenity said:


For instance, when he talked about potentially receiving healing powers, he talked about him getting groomed by the universe to do so. I'm wondering to what extend he think he's being groomed by the universe to take on a mission. I remember that when he filmed himself live on Youtube, after taking psychedelics, he thought the name Youtube was a sign the universe revolved around him, and making videos on Youtube was a clue for him to understand his experience is the one of God waking up from the illusion to be Leo.


I'm not sure what to think about all of this. I'm wondering if he doesn't think he's God as part of his personal inner story now. Which in this case, would be ego and delusion.  And that's why it doesn't feel equal. Because his God realization is located in his mind, as a conceptual belief, coopting the actuality of a no-self God realization. In a nutshell it's an ego using deep spiritual knowledge, having an ego trip.



One of my favorite Ajahn Chah quotes is this:


Do not be a bodhisatta; do not be an arahant; do not be anything at all.

If you are a bodhisatta, you will suffer; if you are an arahant, you will suffer;

if you are anything at all, you will suffer.



“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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