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Robed Mystic

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  1. How does this contradict oneness or unity? Also I don't see God as a him. Him/her is a human construct.
  2. If it happens the means by which it does wouldn't matter, theoretically. Enlightenment isn't a permanent shift. You do return to a normal state of Consciousness but with a natural Enlightenment this could be weeks and not promised. I recall for days I could not function and had to force myself back into a functional state. But really if one wants to do it via meditation than shutting off the mind with some type of no mind mediation combined with self inquiry meditation is best. Because it quiets the mind into a state of not-knowing.
  3. In a sense yes. But it doesn't do it intentionally. So immolate is not a good word. It merely accidentally kills itself. See how hard this is through meditation for a non-genetic freak that already has armed itself with this Intel? Why do you think psychedelics are pushed so much in certain circles. Because it is said that in taking psychedelics the ego is just simply overwhelmed. Now..I have my doubts here but if it were to be feasible than why not try.
  4. You can't help that because awareness and ego are ultimately the same thing. It's all awareness It's just the state of Consciousness you are in. So yes it is going to seem paradoxical but how else could you awaken then? Think about that. The ego would actually have to be able to surprise itself. God had to allow a loophole. Don't view paradox as a potential barrier. If you are open to reality being One then paradox is inevitable
  5. Thats not true. The false self never was...awareness is what is actually inquiring. All You as awareness have to do is realize that what you think you are is an illusion - and then enlightenment dawns. The key is the ego or false self has to honestly be taken by total surprise otherwise it will have the guards up and it will not let you go there. Because if you realize it - boom. No more ego..no more you! It will be awakening. So the real trap is all the pre-spiritual mumbo jumbo that has been filling your mind for years. It's better to come into the inquiry with a blank slate. So now it's even harder for you. But not impossible.
  6. That's not where I started. I started with simply self inquiry. What do you mean by I think the self is a mind? Do you mean idealism vs materialism?
  7. Probably but possibly not. But i think you wouldn't. You're not now. What I'm saying is just find a balance between heart and mind and then there wouldn't be such a need for everything. It would just flow naturally.
  8. I appreciate your participation in the dialogue - but I don't see where this question is relevant to the conversation. It seems you are injecting things into a conversation where they aren't warranted. I was dispelling your notions of misguided spiritual teachings...but i am opting out of the dialogue now. It seems you are misguided.
  9. Have you tried following your heart rather than the mind? Why must one always subscribe to what others say is what one is supposed to do? Seems to me this would be very liberating. Why must your room be a certain way? It should be how you want it to be. You don't have to conform to society. Maybe its in letting society comform to you where peace may lie.
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