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My thoughts of Leo and actualize.org. What do you think?


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@Someone here

Same. All on behalf of a second self, and this is entirely unnoticed, while claiming to know there are awakenings and who is & isn’t awake.  

I’m not suggesting taking brainwashing lightly. 


Does it really seem like you aren’t saying that? 

As if someone else is saying that? 


No one is suggesting any of that is the case. 


The whole thing is one big deflection & projection. 


There really is no substitute for seeing what’s been pointed out many times in your own actions & behaviors, and then of course what’s ‘behind’ them. 

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Just now, Someone here said:

@Phil can you please  define awakening/enlightenment etc in a single, simple & easy- to- understand statement? 

Why I'm asking this is because you and Leo have two different definitions of awakening as I observed.  

You define it as the realisation there is no you or no separate self .

Leo defines it as you becoming directly conscious that you are God dreaming up the whole existence. 

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Why should I take time off ?


Take time off and see for yourself.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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3 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


Yeah, and all the attacking toward MAGA, Trump supporters and conspiracy theorists. It's all projection.


"Do not think you've outsmarted me."  Fucking insane.

Yep I totally understand people not voting for trump. But Leo has such awful takes and he’s clearly very invested in leftist political views. The last couple times I’ve visited I’ve been shocked at how stupid some of his takes are and how certain he is that he is right. That forum really is the blind leading the blind. I’m so glad I never started posting there.

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56 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I will come back soon. I'm addicted. 


What's the emotion you are attempting to not feel by using the forum?


Change your password to some complex and random set of numbers you can't remember. This way you can't log in until you reset the password via email. Gives you time to consider before logging in.


You can also add a child lock to the website so the browser on your phone or computer won't allow you to visit the site.


Use this forum instead.


Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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@Blessed2 you misunderstood.  I don't use it just as a compulsive addiction. That's just the tip of the iceberg. I'm deeply in love with that community. I appreciate Leo's blog..Leo's videos ..Leo's forum. He is my role model in life. I don't hate him just like what you guys here do which is completely unjustified. I don't get at all how does a statement like "don't think you've outsmarted me " trigger such aversion and hatred  and rage . Leo is an amazing person.  His work is very valuable. I like his forum and I ain't gonna leave .likewise..I like you brother and Phil and this forum and I ain't gonna leave here either . I will use both forums .since they are ..Once again..a mirror copy.


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@Someone here  ✌️


16 minutes ago, Someone here said:

He is my role model in life.


I once heard a quote that goes something like "listen to people who have what you want." That's kind of smart IMO.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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43 minutes ago, Someone here said:

you misunderstood.


Also, don't think you have outsmarted me.


Never think you have outsmarted me.


Once a spiritual person convinces himself that he has outsmarted and transcended me, then he will easily justify betraying me. These are all classic traps of this work.


I know the traps. Don't think that you know the traps better than me.


The biggest mistake you will ever make in your life is thinking you've outsmarted me on the nature of Consciousness.


The biggest mistake.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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@Someone hereI thought the reason for going into spirituality was to see through the illusion that materialism (money, sex, fame etc) will give you something, so that you can actually enjoy your life without the turmoil of emotions that inevitably follows that paradigm. Thats what there is to become conscious of. How deluded we have all been and how much trouble that is causing. 


What is happening on the other forum is just an even more perverted form of materialism, pulling a lot of desperate people in, promising this even better thing called Enlightenment or at least finally becoming someone better and more conscious than others (the game society is already playing).

Being happy and present is enlightenment. Not creating a whole universe of better/more conscious. He can do 5-Meo 5.000 more times and continue to say how much more enlightened he is now, but does that help your life? What the fuck are you doing?


Do you see more happiness and flourishing people there? If you are really honest about whats going on and look closely, you might change your perspective. How about yourself? Are you a happy flourishing human being without all the ideas about yourself of more or less conscious? What are you without all this nonsense, after all he has done for you?


Edit: Making a self-help youtube channel and sharing knowledge is a great fucking idea and hes cool for that, but cmon, dont turn him or it into a god. Look what that did.. 😕 

Edited by WhiteOwl
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@WhiteOwl look..Leo and Phil play a whole different ball game..thats why Leo banned Phil . Phil is stuck in no self awakenings and thinks this is where the buck stops . Leo is way more conscious than Phil. Leo is after achieving full self actualisation .Full awakening beyond which there is no more . Leo talks about transforming yourself into a super  human . A literal God.  And from there the sky is the limit .the possibilities are endless .you can develop Siddhis. You don't need to use a dreamboard or LOA. You can instantly materialise whatever the fuck you want instantly if you reach God mode .  Phil  cares about happiness and well being. Leo cares about Truth .and both are valuable. But you can't have well being without Truth . You first need to realize that you are God and from there you have solved the entire riddle of existence and you can live the happiest life ever . What can bother God if he is conscious of himself as God? 

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@Someone hereOh dear 😕 


17 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Leo talks about transforming yourself into a super  human

Thats amazing. How is he living as this super human? What way does he live and what is he showing in his REAL life that inspires you so much? Not words about how awoken he is, anyone can claim that.


25 minutes ago, Someone here said:

live the happiest life ever

What is this for you? What does the happiest life ever look like. 

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7 minutes ago, Phil said:

@Someone here

That people are conscious is the materialist’s paradigm, not a spiritual teaching. 

Cut the nonsense.  People are conscious of course. And to a varying degrees . When you are sleep deprived you are obviously not as conscious as  if you just woke up from 10 hours deep restful sleep and just a had a mug of coffee. 

A drunk person is not highly conscious. A person who takes psychedelics is more conscious than a sober person. Yada yada 

9 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:

Thats amazing. How is he living as this super human? What way does he live and what is he showing in his REAL life that inspires you so much? Not words about how awoken he is, anyone can claim that.

Watch this :



11 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:

What is this for you? What does the happiest life ever look like. 

To live alone in a cave away from society and be in a constant bliss 24/7 where even if the sky is falling apart and my body is being dipped in lava I can still keep my cool because I'm conscious of my immortality and nothing can ever hurt me .

5 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

@Someone here Are you awake?

Almost.  You could say 90%

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