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My thoughts of Leo and actualize.org. What do you think?


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2 hours ago, Ges said:


It's kind of funny that the standard they're supposed to represent does not apply to the admin. I've been warned and given penalties many times for saying things in a way similar to Leo, and I only did that because I thought it was okay since he does it this way. And the irony is that the mod that issued me the most warnings and penalties was a huge supporter of everything Leo says and does, and they would jump into his defense all the time or remain silent, but never criticize. The double standard there is iconic.

The good old “do as I say, not as I do”



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50 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

The repetual laugh is funny.  But unfortunately we can't laugh forever.  We have to face ourselves.   




I've listened to people like you for years. I know the game you play and I won't go down with you.


You don't have understanding or awakenings. All I see is petty arrogance. The moment people stop believing you, you have nothing left.

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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4 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:




I've listened to people like you for years. I know the game you play and I won't go down with you.


You don't have understanding or awakenings. All I see is petty arrogance. The moment people stop believing you, you have nothing left.

One who is One - who  is God - cannot shun arrogance.   For they are One.  They would be turning their back on themselves.   

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13 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

This is why you don't idolize spiritual teachers.   

Easier said than done.  When most of the people following and looking for advice are generally people without direction, good role models, or just people who feel they aren’t enough.  These are also the types of people who will be easily influenced by someone who shows themselves as an authority. .


If you are going to put yourself in a position of authority and guidance to others,  and show off your shadow side, then you are going to attract people who resonate with your shadow.  No wonder that dating forum attracts incelology and redpillers , because that’s the vibe Leo puts out.  He talks in the same way then when confronted on it, he gaslights his way out of it, or he will tell others off for speaking the same way he did.  

I remember once a member made a post with all of the misogynistic quotes Leo has said before on the forum.  His response was ‘context’ as if that made all those things he said ok, because of the context it was said at the time. 


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13 minutes ago, Whimsical said:

Easier said than done.  When most of the people following and looking for advice are generally people without direction, good role models, or just people who feel they aren’t enough.  These are also the types of people who will be easily influenced by someone who shows themselves as an authority. .


If you are going to put yourself in a position of authority and guidance to others,  and show off your shadow side, then you are going to attract people who resonate with your shadow.  No wonder that dating forum attracts incelology and redpillers , because that’s the vibe Leo puts out.  He talks in the same way then when confronted on it, he gaslights his way out of it, or he will tell others off for speaking the same way he did.  

I remember once a member made a post with all of the misogynistic quotes Leo has said before on the forum.  His response was ‘context’ as if that made all those things he said ok, because of the context it was said at the time. 


He's not a leader yet.   He's working on that. 

His brilliance shines bright when shining on Truth.   He has a brilliant mind when it comes to articulating Truth and psychedelics showed  him these Truths far beyond or prior to when he was ready as a human being.  The only reason was his pure undaunting desire and quest for Truth.  But he is not yet a leader and I don't think he ever claimed to be


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5 hours ago, MetaSage said:
  • Alan Watts and Chogyam Trungpa were alcoholics
  • The Buddha shat and ate and probably wasn’t a good cook. 😄
  • Gandhi was a womanizer
  • Nissargadatta smoked cigarettes like crazy
  • Adi Da looked like a stoned cult leader and yet Ken Wilber said he’s the most awakened guru he’s ever met
  • Osho liked cars, a lot 😉



I get the point you are trying to make and would 100% agree that it is silly to expect any human being to be some kind of perfect angel, however these examples don't really make sense in the overall context of this discussion.


If Alan Watts was declaring that getting blind drunk was the key to enlightenment, that there are multiple levels to being drunk that YOU simply cannot comprehend, that there is some undisputable science HE has discovered that when you drink 10 bottles of vodka your body undergoes a transformational awakening where the universe physically rewires you to become "God-Drunk", and that you are simply incapable of seeing the truth within this because you are afraid to acknowledge the axiomatic truth of drunky drunk the drinky drunk...


...well at that point I think most people would have written Alan Watts off as a bit of a tit, and would have gone and looked elsewhere for their spiritual teachings. Luckily for us Alan Watts had the ability to separate out his drinking habits from his lectures. His drinking does not appear to have a significant presence within his lectures, nor is it a key component of what he teaches.


With Leo... not so much - His teaching is about HIM. His delusions and unsavoury behaviours are FULLY INCORPORATED into what he talks about, to the degree that I would say its quite difficult to parse them into distinct entities. As an example - how does one go about separating the "teacher" from the "teaching" when the lesson being given is that Leo is the most awakened being who has ever existed in the history of this planet, no one else has ever come close to the magnitudes of consciousness that he has, in fact the universe has rewired him to spread its highest teachings, and given him superhuman abilities to facilitate this, with which he will be able to cure all human diseases and ailments thus leading humanity into a new golden age.


Where is the teaching in this? I can certainly point out where the delusional fucking nonsense is, but the teaching evades me - perhaps I did not do enough 5 MEO DMT?

At this point his "teaching" is just a justification for his worldview and accompanying unsavoury behaviour. He believes himself to be an expert at EVERYTHING, and so capable of speaking with absolute authority on any subject. Thus as a result we have content such as drug taking advice from a guy who clearly cannot handle drugs, relationship advice from a guy who views women as objects to be fucked, and spiritual advice from a guy who doesn't manifest anything I would associate with spiritual behaviour.


At what point is it reasonable to disregard the teacher? I would say that the above example would make the grade, and lets be honest here that it is just one slice of the delusional pie, there is plenty more to go around. 

Now that doesnt say anything about the value of EVERYTHING he says, after all if he parrots some non-dual theory then that doesn't immediately disqualify that teaching as either good or bad, and its not like he is inventing this stuff - he is just repeating back things he has read. What it does disqualify though is his ability to accurately interpret and regurgitate that teaching, so the teaching itself might not be bad, but I have better things to do with my time than to parse out nuggets of wisdom from those that are tainted by Leo's personal brand of delusional bullshit.


Its simply easier to find a better teacher.


My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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5 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

One who is One - who  is God - cannot shun arrogance.   For they are One.  They would be turning their back on themselves.


What a slimy fucking response. Imagine someone calling themselves "teacher" or "someone who's here to help you awaken" saying this when confronted about arrogance. 🤦


This is exactly what I mean. Disgusting. Manipulative. Get the fuck out.


17 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:

The moment people stop believing you, you have nothing left.

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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3 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:


What a slimy fucking response. Imagine someone calling themselves "teacher" or "someone who's here to help you awaken" saying this when confronted about arrogance. 🤦


This is exactly what I mean. Disgusting. Manipulative. Get the fuck out.



Oneness is Oneness.  If they are teaching Oneness they must take care to not shun anything.   Otherwise they are not teaching Oneness or non-duality.


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4 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

He's not a leader yet.   He's working on that. 

His brilliance shines bright when shining on Truth.   He has a brilliant mind when it comes to articulating Truth and psychedelics showed  him these Truths far beyond or prior to when he was ready as a human being.  The only reason was his pure undaunting desire and quest for Truth.  But he is not yet a leader and I don't think he ever claimed to be


Leader or not, he’s an influencer, whichever way you want to put it.  He has a platform and is guiding and influencing people.  I think to a certain degree he tries to be responsible in certain areas.  But when it comes to women and relationships it all goes out the window.  He talks about open mindedness but outright tells his followers ‘not to listen to women’ and refuses to engage in conversations with female members in regards to dating. 

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2 minutes ago, Whimsical said:

Leader or not, he’s an influencer, whichever way you want to put it.  He has a platform and is guiding and influencing people.  I think to a certain degree he tries to be responsible in certain areas.  But when it comes to women and relationships it all goes out the window.  He talks about open mindedness but outright tells his followers ‘not to listen to women’ and refuses to engage in conversations with female members in regards to dating. 

Once again.   You as the viewer need to look beyond this.   There is no such thing as an influencer unless you allow it.  It doesn't matter how big his platform is or how many followers he has.  None of that matters.  You have your own mind and no one else can tell you how to use it.  So don't take the victim mentality.   

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4 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

Once again.   You as the viewer need to look beyond this.   There is no such thing as an influencer unless you allow it.  It doesn't matter how big his platform is or how many followers he has.  None of that matters.  You have your own mind and no one else can tell you how to use it.  So don't take the victim mentality.   

I do, and I left the forum a while back. But since this is what the thread is about we are all having an open discussion about it.  It’s not about victim mentality, it’s about saying what we want to say, getting things off chest so to speak.  It’s good to talk about it rather than just brushing everything under the rug.  Clearly other people have felt the same and noticed the same things, so why shouldn’t we be able to talk about it with eachother in a safe space? all of us have been affected in one way or another by actualized.  Not saying everything was bad, I learned a lot. Eventually the thread will fizzle and there will be nothing left to say 🙂 

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10 minutes ago, Whimsical said:

I do, and I left the forum a while back. But since this is what the thread is about we are all having an open discussion about it.  It’s not about victim mentality, it’s about saying what we want to say, getting things off chest so to speak.  It’s good to talk about it rather than just brushing everything under the rug.  Clearly other people have felt the same and noticed the same things, so why shouldn’t we be able to talk about it with eachother in a safe space? all of us have been affected in one way or another by actualized.  Not saying everything was bad, I learned a lot. Eventually the thread will fizzle and there will be nothing left to say 🙂 

Everything in life is a learning experience.   And everything fizzles into the past - sadly.   We cannot hold onto the present moment as much as we may try.   Because we are the present moment itself.   We are Infinity.   I understand that many of you were negatively impacted by Actualized - but you have to ask yourself why that was.  Perhaps you weren't ready for the teachings and should have turned it off.  Or perhaps you needed to look within yourself.  No one can tell, but I can tell you this - the world will throw itself at you with the force of a planet.  And you will be thrust into it.  And if you allow yourself to be imprinted by that - then thats on you.  You then have to fix it.  But you have  perfect control over what you take in. You always did.  You just decided to give it away

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1 minute ago, Robed Mystic said:

Perhaps you weren't ready for the teachings and should have turned it off. 

I was never so much affected by his teachings in his videos, I enjoyed listening to his stuff pre-covid.  I liked the ones about society, spiral dynamics, self love, chapters and phases and many others. So this is not about his teachings per say.  My grievances lie with how he conducts himself online. when I joined the forum and saw how he speaks on there it changed my opinion of him, and then listening to him wasn’t as nice anymore because it felt too fake, but then at the same time I feel like the content changed and it wasn’t the same. 

Of course I was triggered reading misogynistic comments about women, In a forum dominated by men.  It did make me look within myself but If anything that is what gave me more victim mentality because it made me more insecure. 

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3 minutes ago, Whimsical said:

I was never so much affected by his teachings in his videos, I enjoyed listening to his stuff pre-covid.  I liked the ones about society, spiral dynamics, self love, chapters and phases and many others. So this is not about his teachings per say.  My grievances lie with how he conducts himself online. when I joined the forum and saw how he speaks on there it changed my opinion of him, and then listening to him wasn’t as nice anymore because it felt too fake, but then at the same time I feel like the content changed and it wasn’t the same. 

Of course I was triggered reading misogynistic comments about women, In a forum dominated by men.  It did make me look within myself but If anything that is what gave me more victim mentality because it made me more insecure. 

Interesting.   I never looked at it from this perspective- being a man on the forum  (of course I wouldn't) .  But yes I noticed this too.  His episodes are so different from how he acts on the forum..   but again I bring you back to the human condition and the ego.  When he does his episodes he is in a certain mode and state of consciousness.  When he is in the forum he is cosplaying as someone else.  He is acting his ego out.  

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11 minutes ago, Serenity said:

How could someone who makes such beautiful videos on wisdom, love, conscious politics, self-deception, survival, delivery, or the nature of truth be wrong? I 


Not be wrong.  Be human.

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4 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


So you think you know who is enlightened or not?  No offense man, but that's a dodgy game when you start getting into that kind of labeling.  You don't know whose enlightened or not and that was his point.    

One can use their intuition if it strong enough.  Yes i can usually tell immediately. 

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4 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


I disagree.  I think your ego might be a little too attached to "being awake."  That was his point too.  Someone who is awake is not always telling people they are, they don't have to.  They got it.  They don't need to let everybody know they got it, if that makes sense.  

. There are no set rules on being enlightened.  You can be enlightened  and be a total asshole.  Don't think an awakened person has to be a certain way.  Non-duality is a total lack of bias.   Notice that. 

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1 minute ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Try not mechanically responding 30 seconds after every post and then come speak to us about lack of bias.  You don't have lack of bias.  You're trying to dominate this thread and have been for some time now.  That's bias!  Very strong bias coming from you -- the person who defined awakening as lack of bias.  This is the kind of crazymaking I would expect from Leo Gura.  

Go to sleep.  It's early in Cali isn't it ? 🙂


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