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Actualized.org and Leo Gura must be stopped


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If possible, please sign this petition and make it happen. Or at least those who are reading please take action as necessary. 



Please read the petition and you'll understand how dangerous Leo Gura is for the health of millions of people with his teachings. 

His forum Actualized.org is a place where I had been harassed for years and very little was done to address it. It caused me enormous mental harm, gradual mental decline (without me realizing it) and frequent requests to Leo were constantly ignored. 

His teachings are manipulative and sketchy. 

His constant reference to himself as a God is a blatant scam. 


With the moderators being increased on Actualized. Org on a constant basis, it had been increasing my anxiety to lethal levels causing me heart damage. 


I was placed in a psychiatric hospital because I was suffering constant mental breakdowns from the constant anxiety at Actualized.org. People are treated like criminals when they disagree with Leo and considered offenders. 


I was going through a medical emergency situation when Leo Gura was constantly threatening me. 

Whenever I tried posting about it, all evidence was constantly being deleted by the moderators at Actualized.org. This is seriously unethical. 

Leo had been threatening me for months and I was mentally sensitive. 

He even agreed that I was being bullied. Despite that, he would often tell me I was the problem and the drama queen when it was totally clear that he didn't want to take any action against the massive bullying and stalking I suffered at Actualized.org. 


Had I been born in America, I wouldn't have just let this fly by and I would have taken legal assistance and gone legal against Leo. It was absolutely unethical and I was put under great mental distress by his constant abusive threatening, giving me restrictions for fighting against the bullying. 

Whenever I contacted moderators they wouldn't respond to messages. 


Leo Gura's moral judgement can go to hell. I was going to lose my life on January 9, 2023 and I would have been the next victim of his abusive threatening anxiety inducing tactics. He doesn't try to communicate and simply leaves a warning. And when you try to talk, he simply ignores. 

No moral judgment is more important than a person's life.


I am not exaggerating any of this. You can ask my family members about my situation if you want to. I was in deep trouble when my family decided to place me in the psych hospital. Because I was repeatedly suicidal.. And they were alarmed at my situation. Because I had self harmed(I won't go into the details.) 

Leo Gura immediately and instantly banned a user named Asifarahim on his forum when he pointed out that Leo wasn't being ethical. He hadn't violated any forum rules. 

He was simply banned because Leo couldn't handle his brand name being dragged. 

Leo is extremely cold hearted and cares for very little beyond   his own brand advertising, marketing and using the people on Actualized Org to further his marketing of his bogus spirituality business. He has a very bad case of Messiah complex and he is a danger to public mental health safety because his entire career at Actualized is built on guilt tripping people psychologically and encouraging them to follow his advice. 


Leo is psychologically malevolent and spiritually fraudulent. I'm not scared to call Actualized.org an outright fraud that is a money making machine for Leo and he has been milking it for years at the expense of the psychological abuse of millions of people who take his dangerous advice and worship him like God and take his every word extremely seriously. Such psychological influence is extremely harmful and will cause continuous harm to many people down the road. 


Recently Leo banned a user after calling them stupid. How is this ethical? This is obviously cult dynamics on full display. 


Leo is a charlatan who makes money off gullible people under the guise of spirituality. His insanity must be stopped. Both Leo Gura and Actualized.org are a potent threat to global humanity due to false teachings, Messiah complex, cult like dynamics, harmful levels of psychological influence and Leo's blatant disregard for people's mental health struggles, vulnerability and their life. 


It doesn't matter even if someone dies on Actualized.org, Leo continues to hammer his opinions and ideas as though they are a carved in stone. 

Any challenges to his philosophy results into him keeping an eye on you and subsequent ban over trivial things in order to psychopathically eliminate a person who he sees as a problem to his bogus manipulative career. 

Please take your time to review the petition. 

Also just signing a petition won't be enough to stop Leo Gura from damaging millions of people worldwide with his blatantly abusive psychological techniques. 


Those who read this and if they are at Actualized.org, please make a genuine effort to leave that place ,  please trust me you'll always find something better than Actualized.org, it's not worth the trouble. 


It's Leo's main psychologically manipulative shtick to advertise his forum as a unique place online so that people don't go around looking for other better places. 


Trust me there are better places and even if there are none, it's not worth risking your mental health and life to Actualized.org 



I'm doing God's work by bringing awareness to the abuse that Leo Gura and Actualized.org have caused to many members (ex members like me, please take the words of ex members seriously, they have experienced Leo Gura from a very close angle), and his behavior and teachings continue to exploit vulnerable people and will lead to more victims in the future. 


Please make an effort to leave your association with Leo Gura and don't be afraid to say the truth. 



The truth will set you free. 


I made a bold post. Hope somebody takes this post to YouTube and exposes Leo Gura. 


He needs to be exposed from time to time because you can't achieve it with just one video. You'll need constant videos on this man to raise enough awareness about his Cult like abuse. 


If you have read it till here, thank you for the patience and please actively dissociate from the demagoguery and cult like behavior of Leo Gura, the sooner the better. 


Not everyone who talks against Leo Gura is a hater, remember that. 




I felt extremely brave while making this post. I'm taking a strong stance on Leo's behavior for the first time with the hope that it will create a positive outcome for potential victims. 




Edited by Cupcake

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Health update - I've been constantly vomiting and suffering nightmares due to the anxiety I had to endure at Actualized.org due to Leo's behavior. 


I'm in regular therapy sessions and my family is constantly looking for a therapist to ease my psychological distress. 

If this is happening to me, it can happen to anyone. 

There have been endless complaints about Leo and Actualized.org that are routinely being ignored as some "hater" claim. 


Not everyone criticizing Leo is a hater or a troll. I was a genuinely hard working member at Actualized.org who helped people there for years. Yet what I got in return was bullying, abuse and constant gaslighting from Leo. 



Edited by Cupcake

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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@Cupcake I understand the hurt that came from that forum, but this is a bit too far in my opinion. Why not let actualized.org fade away eventually? It just doesn't feel right to pour so much attention and blame on Leo. It's one thing to recognize the discord and deception from act.org, it's a completely different story to start attacking his site. Leo has never physically hurt you, you have the freedom to leave that site and go wherever you want like this awesome forum. It's not the right move to attack his site when you have the freedom to leave it and move on from it.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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@Cupcake the greatest thing you can do imo is completely forget about leo, move on, heal, and be happy. Not be spending the rest of your life trying to destroy him.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Orb please do not exaggerate. My suffering comes at a price. I'm not going to just let someone get away with what they did to me and let someone else suffer like me. 

Don't try to make it unnecessarily hyperbolic by saying I'm trying to destroy him for the rest of my life. 

I don't even think I have many days to live given my current situation. For you to make it so hyperbolic. Let's not stomp on someone's suffering and make light of their situation. 

I have been in medical emergency thrice this month. 

You wouldn't want your own family member to suffer such crisis then please don't downgrade other's suffering with your keyboard please. 

Just a few hours ago I was going to call the hospital because I was feeling delirious. That's when I decided that I had to write something about this and make people aware of what Leo Gura can do to people. 


Nobody is destroying him. Because nobody can destroy Mr God who is living it up as a millionaire in Las Vegas.. 

If anything at all, he is destroying innocent lives. 



So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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This thread is not meant for argument and debate on what's right or wrong. That moralism can be kept to yourself 


Like I said, no moralizing is worth someone's life. So please stop with the moralizing and teaching me compassion at a time when I  need to address the hurt and trauma caused by Leo and the cult dynamic at Actualized.org and save a lot of people the suffering that I'm going through. I don't even know if I would ever recover from all this, if this medical damage is going to be permanent. 

This thread is a reminder of the consequences of vesting trust into a man who calls himself God and takes pride in it when many people out there are directly and indirectly suffering because of him. 

This is not an argument on semantics or theories. This is a raw testimony of a person of what they went through for trusting a cult leader despite so many warnings. 

At least I am alive right now to speak, so let me speak instead of trying to silence me. Imagine if I were dead, who would speak for me then? My family members aren't well educated enough to write such posts on a forum. They only know that I'm suffering because of him and his dangerous forum. 

I had literally 20 people tell me in the past that his forum is extremely toxic. Some people leave his forum. But that others like me who didn't have the awareness to leave had to face the ultimate consequences, this is not about the freedom to leave his forum. You could say this to every cult member on planet earth - why you didn't leave? Well some of them are probably dead to even answer that question. 

You know questions like "why you didn't leave?" attribute to victim blaming and victim shaming instead of letting victims open up about their suffering which further enables more suffering of other people. 


That's why we have MeToo. You could have also said to those women - "why are you trying to destroy Hollywood? You could just leave." 


Yea lol, nice logic and nice way of silencing abuse. 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Leo Gura is exploiting the vulnerability of innocent people who trust him and I'm exposing his exploitation so that potential victims can be saved from the horror I'm enduring. 


No amount of criticism is going to stop Leo Gura from destroying more innocent lives and putting others at risk as plenty of people have criticized him relentlessly in the past 4 years. Nothing came out of it, if anything it only emboldened him. 


The only thing that will stop that cult leader is some real action from people. And only people can do this. 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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@Cupcake women in Hollywood are making money from that career, it's not the same thing, leo isn't paying you any money, you're not dependant on him to have a roof over your head, leo isnt sexually abusing women who work under him, thus this comparison to the metoo thing doesnt really work, hes a guy making videos on youtube. Look, I'm not against any of what you've gone through, I have also been on that forum a while ago, i am aware of the suicides and Leo's arrogant behavior . I'm just saying it seems like you're swinging too far to the other extreme. Leo hasn't physically harmed anyone or made any direct threat to anyone. There's definitely a cult of personality (it's not a cult, please stop mischaracterising them as a cult, this does more harm than good and it's equally manipulative/deceptive). Until we hear of leo sexually abusing his followers, physically harming his followers, or threatening the lives of his followers I think we can just leave the community alone.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Cupcake I also wanna add that your expression is perfectly fine, im only commenting on taking actions like this on leo. The guys already suffering, he feels the misery of his actions already. But you are free from all that now. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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6 minutes ago, Orb said:

Until we hear of leo sexually abusing his followers, physically harming his followers, or threatening the lives of his followers I think we can just leave the community alone.

Leo is mentally abusing his followers. 

Case in point - me. 

He has systematically attacked me and gaslighted me over the span of 4 years. 

I am suffering a lot because of his narcissistic abuse. 

Many of his victims can't even speak. They used to exist on the forum and they used to tell me how much they suffered but they either left the forum over the years or were kicked out. 


What people don't understand (and we need massive awareness on this), that mental and emotional abuse are sometimes more lethal than physical abuse and this long held notion that abuse is only physical. No. Abuse can be mental. And one such abuse is narcissistic abuse. 

Leo is psychologically abusing his followers without them having a goddamn clue about it until its too late. This is more than physical abuse because some of the physical effects are going to be permanent with these people. 


Like in my case, I'm permanently suffering nightmares. Nightmares are a potent side effect of continued mental abuse. Plus I'm a PTSD victim and Leo was already aware of my situation yet remained callous and even threatened me with bans on multiple occasions for the silliest reasons knowing fully well that I'm mentally ill and unstable and such anxiety can make my medical situation worse. He would publicly control and put me down calling me stupid, silly etc constantly gaslighting me into thinking that I am not good enough for his praise or making me feel like I am less than others spiritually, setting up a social hierarchy, constantly locking my threads even when they weren't low quality, constantly showing me that I wasn't awake if I didn't do psychedelics, calling me dogmatic and giving me warning points when I spoke against the dangers of psychedelics, and then blaming me whenever I asked him help personally, telling me one thing in personal messages and then his moderator gave me warning points despite me having had discussions with him about it, getting me into trouble because he didn't know his own guidelines. 

This is all psychological control and abuse that went on systematically for years. I was too scared to say anything against him, once again because I thought he would ban me. Or else I would have publicly told him everything he had been doing. 


Leo's abuse is subtle and systematic and designed to make the other person feel like they are not spiritually enlightened and that they need his approval to feel like they are achieving something in life. This is straight up narcissistic abuse on a massive scale. This is what patents do to children. But Leo is doing this to 1.1 million followers out of which a large percentage visit the forum. This is absolutely unacceptable. And needs to be called out. It's evil. Suicides have happened on the forum and Leo has blamed the victims for it instead of trying to change his behavior. 


Leo has a lot of impact on people because he is a public figure and so every word and sentence from his mouth impacts the brain very strongly. It's like meeting Michael Jackson and Michael Jackson telling you that you are not good enough. That can massively impact your self esteem. 

Leo Gura is the Michael Jackson of the self help industry with 1 million followers. He is in a very powerful position. And the power has gone to his head. He is exploiting this power to show weak people that they are worthless and useless, pure narcissistic exploitation. 


Ironically you're giving a lot of attention to my thread so thanks for that. 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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46 minutes ago, Orb said:

There's definitely a cult of personality (it's not a cult, please stop mischaracterising them as a cult, this does more harm than good and it's equally manipulative/deceptive).


Leo Gura is a massive cult. By the way I'm not the only person who sees it. 

There are others too.


Ironically I was the one who fought vehemently against YouTuber Adeptus Psychonautica because I was so deeply brainwashed by Leo that I couldn't believe it was a cult. That's exactly why it's a cult. That's exactly what happens with cult members, they don't realize that they are in a cult unless they have escaped it somehow. 


More about it in this video. 




So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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It's great that you express and that you try to make people aware that it's not too healthy over there, but that information has been written many times and is everywhere to find now, so maybe enough is enough soon. Be sure that you are not perpetuating your own suffering by scratching your wound all the time. If you want freedom from that forum maybe try a different approach and stop mentioning/talking about it? Seems all of your posts is around Leo or the Actualized forum.

Anyways do what you feel 🙂 

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Hi Cupcake,


I am sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time due to your experience on Actualized, and I hope you don't mind me offering a bit of advice.


Your first priority should be to focus on your personal well being. I appreciate it can feel empowering to do something like create petitions and other forms of action against Actualized, but my concern is that this is locking you into a certain mindset, preventing you from moving on, and healing. If you are being hospitalized and feeling like your life is threatened then its gone too far, and there is a risk that this anger might escalate into something more toxic. I would encourage you to let it go and prioritize YOU. 

Wishing you well for your life post-Actualized 🙏

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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@WhiteOwl yes because I'm fresh off the boat with regard to the trauma. It all happened last month. I'm still suffering and dealing with it.


Would have been a different if I was doing the same thing a year later.


Its only recently that I began to realise how that place and Leo's words were traumatizing me . He had been threatening me since the month of December and I was admitted to the psych hospital on January 9th .


So this is all very fresh for me.


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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5 hours ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

Hi Cupcake,


I am sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time due to your experience on Actualized, and I hope you don't mind me offering a bit of advice.


Your first priority should be to focus on your personal well being. I appreciate it can feel empowering to do something like create petitions and other forms of action against Actualized, but my concern is that this is locking you into a certain mindset, preventing you from moving on, and healing. If you are being hospitalized and feeling like your life is threatened then its gone too far, and there is a risk that this anger might escalate into something more toxic. I would encourage you to let it go and prioritize YOU. 

Wishing you well for your life post-Actualized 🙏


That's good advice. But a lot of people are simply brainwashed and not aware of how toxic Leo's behaviour and words can be and how it systemically dismantles the psyche especially for vulnerable folks like me.

The petition describes my situation perfectly. I wish I had come across it long ago but I was so brainwashed at the time that I would have hardly believed it. 

When I look back at my journey at Actualized org , all the pieces of the puzzle are fitting together,I used to often wonder why I would feel so hyper anxious around Leo , why I wanted to please him. Why I was so enamored in believing that he was this God like figure who could solve everyone's problems so much so that when a member committed suicide , I still did not feel alarmed enough to take notice , there was this deep deep trust that Leo could never be wrong . I'm not really anger although I'm not good at expressing my emotions correctly(thanks to my autism ) so it  gives the wrong impression that I must be angry . But I'm more sad , depressed and traumatized by the whole chain of events. I have felt like self harming multiple times. Yesterday I woke up after having nightmares and the anxiety was directly coming from the chain of events that happened between me and Leo , feeling a sense of betrayal and misuse , feeling manipulated and discarded , feeling like I was just a pawn in his huge advertising scheme, and his couple of last private communications were extremely cold and ruthless.

This is the same person I trusted for 5 years and that's quite a long time and now looking back all the videos about him being a cult leader makes sense. He is very methodical and subtle so it's not too overt and he has a way with words where he can convince that he doesn't really mean what he says, that it's being interpreted the wrong way.


Now as the layers came off, I could see that it's just pure manipulation, it doesn't matter if someone told me that he is operating from a good heart, I think that's what makes it even more lethal, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, the more I believed he was operating with a good heart, the better the manipulation worked.


At the end of the day, good or bad, his words, actions , ideologies and behaviours can have a negative impact on people, maybe not everyone, but some people who take him too seriously, and if he isn't willing to see the negative impact it has on people's lives , then his good intentions don't really matter in the end, the effect is still bad. 


The petition has been lying there for too long and I doubt if it will ever be taken seriously, so I kinda feel like a fool anyway.

This is just a haphazard botched attempt to give a picture of what it feels like being close to Leo and then realising all the manipulation and the resulting psychological trauma. 


This trauma is not too direct but it accumulates over time. I realise now that I felt traumatized around Leo for a very long time but was completely oblivious to it until it reached a fever pitch. The fact that I was so scared of him shows how much control he could have on the mind and this should have been a red flag but Leo's innocent face and the pressure to comply with him at Actualized (which is enormous if you're a member there for a long time, the mods and other Leo worshippers build the pressure, well the trappings of a cult ) causes a lot of people to simply ignore the red flags.

 I would say it's a sophisticated cult not a regular run of the mill overt cult. But there are cult like things well baked into the whole structure of the community, the forum design and Leo's methods of interacting. At first nobody will really notice it, because once you're a part of his community, you get so blended into it that it makes you feel like you're a part of it trying to improve yourself. 

But the impact works subtly over time, gradually building up bit by bit and most unconscious individuals will get sucked right into it if they don't do enough self reflection or separation.


One of the curios elements of the cult is that Leo tends to isolate the members and methodically cuts down their source of social support.


For example I had contemplated on joining this forum long ago but I didn't out of the fear that Leo would ban me. This is happens in a typical narcissistic abusive relationship, they chop off your relationships with family and friends.

Leo doesn't allow joining other forums. He threatens with a ban over literally every little thing like a control freak. I even asked him once how was I supposed to socialize on the forum to which he gave a miffed answer. He doesn't appreciate people meeting outside the forum for his own gain, this tends to cut down any little socializing a person can have who are already not very social to begin with.


Its not an outright scam but a man who doesn't reflect love in his dealings and cares more about his image and his forum rather and is ready to sacrifice the health of his members so that everything should be perfectly manicured to his needs is no better than the average hustler on the street and shouldn't be calling himself God or pretend like he genuinely cares.


 I'm not ready to sympathize with Leo because I can see through the act, his craftiness and I'm worried about people being impacted by his teachings rather than what he thinks his reasonings are. 


I still maintain that he is threat to public safety that he is dangerously orienting people in the wrong direction and I won't be the last victim of his manipulations and many more people in the future would succumb to him and go down the wrong path.


Ultimately Leo will win by manipulating people successfully and there will be a trail of confused victims.


I don't feel like a winner or empowered in doing this. In fact I'm feeling like the message will never be taken seriously like all other videos before and I end up looking like a fool for even trying.


But if even one life can be saved who reads this and decides to run away, far far away from Leo, especially mentally vulnerable people, it would be worth all the pain I took in making this thread.



Ultimately when someone suffers manipulation and trauma, they're no winners, only losers.


So yea my last ditch attempt to bring light to a situation that might help someone escape the chain of events I suffered because of lack of guidance and too much brainwashing.


Hopefully someone will take it more seriously, I wish I had (long ago).


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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No more replies to this thread because I guess there's no point.


Everything is crystal clear in the first couple of posts and that should be enough to be conscious of Leo's manipulations and how they methodically impact the psyche and the best solution is to stay a million miles away from Leo and never ever look back at him even once so he cannot manipulate you anymore with his good guy hyper moralistic saintly image and you don't ever get sucked into believing his farcical nonsense that will only take you down into nihilism and egotism and eventual decline. Trust me it will never bring anything good, that guy is full of poison that you will drink like kool-aid, and it will continue to ruin your mental state if you don't completely cut him off just entirely from your system. Any residue of him in you is a source of perpetuation of the egotic poison he fills into you in the name of wisdom. 

Just move as far as you can and encourage others to do the same.


He thinks that he is the messenger but he is lost in platitudes and he doesn't embody his own message like a phony sales person parroting all the obvious things that nobody needs to tell us.


My final verdict is - don't even try to compromise with Leo or even gain a middle ground. Because manipulations are always subtle and you'll never realise how you slowly get trapped. So the best option is to just completely leave Leo and Actualized org and throw it out of your life, even small amounts of his manipulations are enough to trigger a chain reaction.



So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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32 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

The thing that surprises me about this entire experience is (1) how almost everybody (including myself) at some point was defending the leader when they were on that person’s community.  Just goes to show how group dynamics can function.  And (2)  When I got in trouble for calling things out way back in 2019 and earlier almost nobody there came to my defense.  (3) What I learned is we almost all got played at some point.  Some people didn’t and good for them.  But I know the truth because I’ve been watching this thing evolve since mid-2014.  (4) The flying monkey thing is quite real and I think some of us fit that role more than we now like to admit, especially if you were a moderator.  You know what I’m talking about.  

To be fair, I actually feel extremely sorry for all the moderators at Actualized. They're actually the worst sufferers. Imagine being so loyal to a person and then get treated like you don't matter, that must be so intrinsically wounding , the brainwashing is quite deep there.


Sometimes back in 2019, I felt like I wanted to be a moderator there and I even messaged him about it. Then quickly regretted and deleted that message before he could read it. Now looking back, so glad I didn't. It would have been extremely awkward to serve a guy for free and work for him and then be talked down to. The mental conflict would have been intense. It would have felt like being used. 

This happens due to deep brainwashing. You believe and trust a person the way you would trust a family member. And then get treated like a stranger, it would feel like a stab in the back.

I would have felt 20 times worse now had I been a moderator.

So yes,I pity the mods, they do everything for nothing. So brainwashed they just can't see beyond it. Brainwashing is a form of blindness, it can make you believe anything and lose the capacity for reflection.




So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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One of the moderators he appointed last fall is a user who has been several time caught writing pro-rape stuff, and defending 14 years old having sex with adults (being groomed by adults).


I couldn't believe Leo's nerves. He definitely did read that stuff so it's not like he wasn't aware. I've been making up a lot of excuses for him and turning a blind eye on his weaknesses, but this one really got me.


I don't think many people noted that event, but it should have gotten much more light than it did. From what I have seen, he's selecting his mods amongst the users he finds worthy so that's really undignified.

Edited by Serenity

“Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.” - Rupert Spira

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I think the worst temptation for those who see beyond it is using what he has built to build your own business/youtube/etc. Guilty as charged. At one time it might have been a good decision, but for the reasons explained above, even if you mostly outwardly support Leo, say nothing and avoid conflict, or even if totally try to tear him down, it's definitely a sinking ship. 


It's a belief in shortage, you do not have to continue to support or give air time to what you don't resonate with in order to get more of what you do resonate with. 


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