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Everything posted by Blessed2

  1. In the forum guidelines, there is mentioned the four noble truths. They are listed as: The truth of suffering. The truth of the cause of suffering. The truth of the end of suffering. and The truth of the path that frees us from suffering. What does these truths mean? I'd like some commentary and explanation on each one.
  2. Interesting. We have very different experience. I do talk about the same with men and women. The only clear difference I would say that usually there's a bit more intuition, emotional expression and social clues in language & body language at play with women. But the subjects talked are really the same. Women do enjoy all these things. Though what do you mean by "blunt"? That might just be learned behaviour, "toxic masculinity" so to speak. No-one likes blunt or cold behaviour. You can totally throw high fives with women. That's just friendly and playful. πŸ€” You mean someone like Eminem, or Harry Styles? IME gender expression / dynamic is far more fluid and flexible than it usually is conceptualized. It depends on the situation, people involved, many things. In my opinion it's best just to follow intuition and stay relaxed and not take it too seriously. It really is more like a flow than a game.
  3. Hmm. Something smells off here to me. "How women function". Kind of brings up this belief that women are 'another species', an object of study and knowledge in order to have intimate relationship. If you hold a belief like this, I'd say inspect it. Are women really that different? What is there to understand? Not saying this is a wrong / evil belief, it just seems quite off, and probably harmful in a sense of getting laid / having healthy relationship. IMO sex isn't just about intimacy and romance. It's also about friendship. You don't go around trying to study and understand people to make friends. You chill, you talk, listen, share, acknowledge who they are, their presence. Yesterday as we were about to sleep, I told my girlfriend I want to have her as my best friend. She was so happy she started crying. Not getting laid isn't a failure. This isn't a game, this is a flow.
  4. I seem to hold a belief that there will at some point in the future be a moment of deep terror / panic. According to this belief, that moment of fear / terror is in some way inevitable so that new, true clarity and peace can be realized in my mind and life. Due to this discordant belief, I kind of expect this moment of fear / panic, because I'd like to have the peace / clarity at last. Which is kind of nonsensical, because expecting / waiting for fear / panic is exactly what peace is not. I see that this might truly just be a belief which can in fact be let go - that there might not be a need for a moment of deep terror / panic for peace and clarity to be realized and lived. Which is why I'm writing this. I intend to live with peace and clarity today, not at some point in the future after a panic attack. I think it might be possible - I just have to notice the discordant belief and that it is in fact just a belief, not a true state of a world, a thought held in this moment, which can be let go.
  5. @Phil Can Reiki be recieved without a healer / Reiki practitioner?
  6. Appreciating my new sunglasses. πŸ˜ŽπŸ’š
  7. @Forza21 Yup. IMO "higher than Jesus" is a pretty much a complete misunderstanding of what Jesus shared. β€œI am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me." β€œI am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." These are not words from some spiritual dude, a "realized" or "woke" human to which another can be compared.
  8. Maybe it could be said Reiki appears as "healers" ? πŸ€”πŸ˜„ Is "Reiki" the same as "Source"? Or "Love"?
  9. ACIM says the world/life is projection of guilt and fear πŸ€” doesn't seem like a vacation, more like hell.
  10. My girlfriend got covid. She's quite sick. I'm spending time with her so I might get infected too. Just wondering, can healing energies be used along with the usual stuff to support health in this? If you are familiar with this stuff, any advice or tips? Any methods on how to do it?
  11. How do you know this thought is true? How does it feel? Where is this ego / self deception in direct experience?
  12. I do seem to have a problem with urgency and hurry. πŸ€” For example, for some reason I drink coffee like really fast. Normally people drink it like one sip at a time, slowly enjoying. I usually drink it all at once, like chugging a beer down whole. Literally in such a hurry that some of the coffee drip out of my mouth as I drink, on the floor or my shirt. πŸ˜‚ WTF?
  13. Hear you. I'm not sure about healing powers either. But there are some things I feel like sharing, which may help to open some doors. It might not be about the stone sending some energy or doing something, it might be more about what the stone simply is. What makes a crystal crystal, is essentially the molecular structure. Crystal structure = the particles are placed symmetrically. It might be good first to simply remember This (awareness) is you. There is no separate you inside body and something else outside. There is no boundary in actuality. So, when you see a crystal stone, when you hold it in your hand (and recognize it within this awareness), you are in a sense "bringing in" symmetry to you. You are 'sharing space' with it. Maybe the stone does nothing, but be-s what it is (symmetry). And you simply bring symmetry to your life in a form of a crystal stone. If you happen to have a crystal at some point, do this. Notice you are this 'aware field'. Notice the crystal is literally being the same world and moment as you. Then, try seeing the symmetry of the crystal in your mind's eye. You can't see the molecules, but you can try in a sense visualize it, and feel it. Notice this little solid piece of cosmos is symmetry, and is you. Feel it in your hands, touch it, see what it feels like against your skin. For this practice it might be helpful to get another stone along with the citrine. IME in some stones the symmetry is in a sense easier to 'sense' or to 'see' with mind's eye. Rutilated quartz comes to mind.
  14. @ivankiss If you're interested in trying out the healing crystal, try cleansing it in natural water like a sea, lake, river, rain or snow. Also, direct sun + full moon light. I've been experimenting with crystals lately. If you try it, I'd like to hear if it was helpful for you. πŸ™‚
  15. Hmm. Yes, maybe something. There is a new way of relating to the world which is perhaps 'coming online' or being presented to me. Hard to explain. Less doing, more being. Not trying to be succesful, to live along others expectations and norms. More in the now. Free spirited. Hanging out with friends in parks, basking in sunlight. Magical energies, friendly fairies and elfs. Relaxed. Expecting good and great things, but not controlling or in urgency. Alignment. Feeling abundant. Being who I want to be, following what feels good. Not being someone, not being an "awake person" or "high conscious". More like simply sprouting life and true wellbeing. No need to prove anything, no need to even talk or explain things. Silence is enough. It does feel better to notice I can align with it in this moment. Simply relaxing and letting urgency and hurry go. Even while writing this. - Maybe, just maybe this brick wall can indeed be somehow walked through or seen through. Maybe, just maybe there is some way 'out', some magical or inexplainable, unfathomable Way. Yet, 'the answer' remains veiled still. But, maybe. Maybe there is some possibility. Just a little little bit, hope grows.
  16. I do have expectations about contentment. But yeah, I'd say there is a slight whiff of contentment. Though I'm having a bit hard time with this one, and what comes is frustration and pessimism. Really feeling unsure with this one.
  17. Well, there is some boredom, perhaps not just related to this truth-knowing subject. It's bit of a boring day. There is nothing super interesting today. Maybe I'll go shopping with the girlfriend for a bit, but that's not super exciting, just slightly fun. Could be a lot more fun and joyful if there just wasn't this problem of not knowing truth or whatever.
  18. Many people say writing and expressing is helpful. So let's try it. Like I've written already on this thread. Truth + knowing is in my mind now. I don't know truth, and I'm feeling many negative emotions about it. Most prominently, fear. Certain urgency too, like this was an acute problem. Yeah, I don't know. So many paradoxes. Such a brick wall, no way through, no way under. What if the world is bad, what if the world is good, what if the world is neutral. What if there is something that is trying to fool me. Or maybe I'm fooling myself in thinking there might be something fooling me. Don't know if anyone can be trusted. I don't know if I can know if any book, any thought, anyone can be trusted. I don't even know what a thought is. Seems like a complete, total brick wall. Could also just let go and not play this game. Though I don't know if that is the right way either. I don't know if listening to the emotional guidance and what feels good is right either. Damn, there might be a panic attack coming, a terror. Not right now, but at some moment. I wish it won't be too bad. I've had panic attack and such before, they usually come and go, and new clarity is found. But still, they're really uncomfortable. Also, I don't want just some "new clarity". I want to be sure and get through this completely. I'm tired of trying to figure out and doubting truth. I want to be absolutely, completely sure. Dunno about knowing truth, but I want to FEEL sure. Absolutely sure. So that there is no doubt or fear no more, never again. To be honest, I have trouble seeing how this "brick wall" could be ever broken through. I'm not sure if it's possible to know the truth at all, if true peace and knowing can be. But maybe there is a way, maybe there is something that can be, but I'm not just noticing it right now. So I'll hold onto that possibility. Oh how would I like that there was someone who could help me directly. Someone loving, someone compassionate, who would come and show me with absolute certainty what Truth is. So that everything would be alright forever. What is talking here, is my doubt. "No thought can be trusted." But that's a thought too. What is a thought? I don't know. It seems that in direct experience, thought is like a non-physical form. It's not separate from feeling. It's really not possible to describe. Is "thought" itself a thought? Literally impossible to describe or to know. Maybe a thought can only be "been". Though I don't know, is that a thought too? Why am I thinking this? Well, I'm feeling uncomfortable and I think that figuring this out must be the answer for me to feel better. It really seems that all I ever want is to feel good. Yup, I want to feel good. And I think I must know truth in order to feel sure, in order to feel better forever. I'd really, really, really like to feel better. I'd like to feel good forever. I don't want any doubt or fear anymore, ever. If there is anyone listening, I'd really appreciate if you could help me. If you can help me feel good from right here to eternity, do it! Send your heling energies, or whatever. (Might as well ask. Got nothing to lose really.) What if I'm taking this way too seriously? I don't know. There are flowers in that vase on that table. There are clouds there on the sky. I feel my legs. I breathe air. Constantly I try to get over it, to feel better. I am. I am. I am. I am here. I am. I am. I am. I am. I am. I am. I am.
  19. Yes, perhaps something like this. In this case, yes, pessimism is felt.
  20. Yes I don't know. I don't get what pessimism is supposed to mean. Feels more like frustration and irritation still.
  21. I'm not sure. I don't think so. Maybe something more like worry or doubt. Or maybe yeah, pessimism, since I feel useless with this scale and things don't seem to become better in any significant sense. Maybe this whole thing just isn't working.
  22. I'm not really know what pessimism means, but yeah, maybe. I don't know truth, and it feels unomfortable. There are better days and worse days. Maybe it's possible to see through fear and doubt for good, I don't know. Though maybe I can live like this, I can get through the day, moment by moment. It sucks, but right now I can live with it, and maybe tomorrow.
  23. I'm not sure we're going to the right direction, but hmm. I feel frustrated because I think if I knew truth, I'd just be at peace and things would fall into place. No more useless philosophy and trying to figure things out. Now it seems that I'm stuck, whereas if I knew truth, and truth was good and freedom, I could go and live my life for the fullest. No more doubt. I would be complete. But now I feel incomplete and unsure about who I am.
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