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Everything posted by Blessed2

  1. @Serenity The whole feminine / masculine thing is kind of off-putting in this context for me. I don't like it. I think it is quite misunderstood and confused in the context of sex and gender. I feel like there is some dishonesty in regard of this masculine / feminine - distinction and philosophy. For me it often seems like a smokescreen for aversion, suppression, misogyny, sexism. I don't think Leo has really problems with the feminine per se. This isn't a feminine / masculine thing. This is a gender / sex thing. He doesn't trust women. He undervalues and belittles women.
  2. Yeah... There is a whole ideology about survival, masculine & feminine, men and women going on. It's basically just incel philosophy, but instead of complaining about it, it's adviced to play the game (manipulate) to win. Oh, and the language is really weird there. Calling women girls, calling gender reassignment surgery "cutting one's dick off", belittling homosexuality: "dick in ass"... What's the point? Showing off how edgy and sexually wild you are?
  3. Interesting!!! I'm gonna try this. I think Abraham-Hicks has card decks. 😁 Perfect
  4. Try kneeling. A kneeling bench, or place a meditation cushion sideways between your legs (kind of like a saddle), so that you're not placing your whole weight on your legs. I can't sit in a lotus position either. I'm just not flexible enough. It's really uncomfortable. But kneeling seems to do the trick too, your spine remains straight.
  5. Insights coming up and bubbles being bursted. First I came from "total awakening" to "feeling complete and true peace". Now I came from "feeling complete and true peace" to "emotional guidance NOW!" Tracing back to here and now. "Feeling complete and having true peace" is projected onto time. Aversion! Thought-stories! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ₯Ί
  6. Interesting how I went from "total awakening" to "feeling complete and true peace". πŸ€”
  7. It's a bit hard to explain what I'm asking. From what I've gathered, the path, or spirituality, is uncovering / embodying the true nature of me and reality, truth, or God. Absolute Truth. This does actually convey duality, "uncover". As if whatever I'm experiencing now, an individual person on planet earth living in time and space is illusion, or not-truth, and spirituality / the path is uncovering truth. But still. If no rock is left unturned, if literally every corner of me is shed light on, "enlightened", and the true nature, absolute truth and god is completely, totally uncovered and embodied, is it still possible to remain "in the body" as this individual person on planet earth... etc.? One thing in my mind that is discordant is this idea that the world / body is ego, attachment. And when the ego / attachment is completely uncovered and enlightened, the world and body will be gone. It seems that at least ACIM and certain yoga traditions tell this story. That total complete enlightenment isn't possible in the body / world, the body can't "hold it" (if the body isn't some special yogic body or whatever) and you will die and leave this planet and time. Also Sadhguru and Osho has mentioned that most people who awaken just leaves the body immediately. (Yogic arrogance..?) This is one of those discordant thoughts than kind of hold me down from pursuing this path with joy and excitement. Who on earth would do that if they just might die suddenly? I'd like it to be something else. I'd like it to be possible to be in total peace, totally "done" and "ready", to be complete, while in the body and world. I don't want some crazy yogic achievements. I don't want "highest levels of god-realizations". I just want to feel complete. I want true peace. While also "in" this body, is this world, having good time with friends and listening to music and all that fun stuff.
  8. Everything really seem to be connected. If something changes "there", it affects "here", instantly. Because there is no "here" without "there". "Here" is relative to "there". "Here" and "there" are thoughts! The distance does not matter. If something happens in China, it affects the US. If something happens in a distant galaxy, it affects us. "Us" is a phenomena relative to "a distant galaxy". It's instantaneous. In fact, time has nothing to do with it at all. This is not simply some philosophy, this is not logical deduction. This is literally what "this" is! This is what the weirdness in quantum physics is! There is no two separate particles. It is all interconnected. We are all united in this field. What you are and what you do matters. We are in this together! You can serve the whole of humanity and planet earth with even the smallest actions. Say kind words! Do kind things! Forgive! Hug your friend! Kiss your partner! And care about yourself! Stay healthy! Have fun! Treat yo self! πŸ’•πŸ’•
  9. β€œIt is not necessary to meet your guru on the physical plane. The guru is not external.” - Neem Karoli Baba 😌
  10. Don't know why I felt like sharing this Neem Karoli Baba has been in my mind today. I've known him for quite some time, but at times I remember him and each time I feel something a bit deeper. He wasn't really a guru, a teacher or a leader. He didn't claim to be any of that... For me it really seems that this guy was just a sadhu, someone who simply devoted himself for communion and the wellbeing of others. Thus people just gathered around him. Dunno if this is wrong to say, but I don't think there has been many people in our history to embody such... Potential. I'm not sure what I'm saying, but I feel it. Though I can't really describe him. I've tried to figure out 'who he was', but it seems I can't get a "hold of it". I'd like to meet him even deeper. Google his name and see what he has to say. If you've had experiences with spiritual mis-leadership, this stark example might help you see what true devotion and communion is like. Though be careful, he might steal your heart.
  11. What exactly is "sound" about a "teaching"? "Teaching" πŸ™„ If the "teaching" is "sound", what's the problem with making it a belief? πŸ˜„ If one is not supposed to make a "teaching" belief, then why call it "teaching"? I think you do.
  12. I've been experiencing arrhythmia for some time now. I know it's normal to every now and then have some weird palpitations and jumps in the heartbeat. But since december, I've had a lot of them. They started suddenly, and they often last for quite some time. There has been a few periods, like a few days or a week, when these palpitations happen pretty much constantly. A few days ago it started again. This time I feel them even while walking, which isn't very normal for me. It comes with weird sensations in the chest area, like a blockage. Also, there is a suffocating feeling. A feeling I need to take long, deep breaths to "even out" the feeling in the chest. This feels kind of an energetic thing. As if I had to take deeper breaths to harmonize/open up some energetic thing in the chest area. Overall this makes me feel a bit disoriented and unsure about my physical health and body. What if the heart just stops beating suddenly? What if this is some side-effect from the covid vaccines? I'm worried. Hmm. Arrhythmia. I'm intuitively drawn to think this might have something to do with rhythm in general. Maybe some things in my life a bit "out of rhythm"? What does your intuition say? Any advice?
  13. So there's a perciever, and percieved? Why not "what is, is"?
  14. There are so many things to take into account, or so we are taught. So much different vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants. I'd love if there was simply one food, one morning smoothie which would include literally everything you need. And exactly the right amount. So you would never have to worry that you're missing something. Why is there no a super multi-pill to contain every single vitamin, mineral etc. a human needs? Even the usual multi-vitamin pills are still missing some of them.
  15. @Adeptus Psychonautica Hey, I have not really seen any of your videos, but I kinda know who you are due to the thing. Mind if I ask some questions? I'm just curious 😁 How many trips have you had? What substances? What are the psychedelic experiences / insights / mystical experiences / states that you do not agree about with Leo? For example, God-realization. Have you experienced something like that? Do you think that psychedelics in fact do "open" certain things about the nature of reality / metaphysics, or do you think they are just different brain chemistry states? Is there some things you do agree about with Leo / have had same experience? Are you spiritual in general? Are you interested in buddhism, yoga, nonduality etc?
  16. I actually tried to block the forum website, but I haven't found a way to do so on my android phone. Do you know some apps or chrome settings where this is possible?
  17. @fopylo It was said that anyone who is found using this forum will be banned from Actualized forum. It might be good to mention this if someone wants to keep their profile there. Roopepa here.
  18. Yess! Not starting an argument here, just exploring new perspectives πŸ™‚ I don't know. πŸ€” I might look into it. Missed an @ there? 😁
  19. @Faith "Pure awareness experiencing" kind of conveys two separate things, perciever and the percieved. It's really hard to exactly point to what I'm trying to say. Though I really resonate with it. I guess another way of putting it... True nature, pure awareness, is not some another thing. It's planet earth (and more). This forum. This is true nature. This is absolute. Which is why a lonely god/solipsism is a horrible misunderstanding. God is not some other thing somewhere. World is God. Creator creating creation = literally just this "place". The kingdom. Filled with humans, cats, dogs, ants, trees, flowers, lakes, rivers, moons, suns, galaxies. Many, many seemingly separate life experiences. Truth/nonduality isn't some other place, another dimension or state or whatnot. 😁😁 Two seemingly separate people, separate life experiences isn't an illusion, it's the absolute. A shared world, togetherness, isn't an illusion or a trick. It's as real as real gets. There isn't a "waking up from illusion".... Maybe?? @Phil .... πŸ‘†πŸ‘† ??!
  20. @fopylo IMO those are actually good moments. It's like a break, a breather, and always brings a bit clarity. The next fun things are coming. Vaping or watching anime isn't a failure. If you enjoy these "distractions", what's the problem? Let yourself enjoy what you enjoy. In fact, enjoy it more. Do it consciously, stay aware. The next time if/when this moment comes, take a pen and a piece of paper and write down all the fun, good-feeling things you want and is coming to you. A new anime show, a new youtube video, a new interesting forum thread... etc. πŸ™‚
  21. Yeah! I've felt this too. I started to pay more attention on how I speak, to express as honestly and authentically as I can. It definitely opens up something. I notice the authenticity 'rising' from stomach, through heart, and out from the throat. Sometimes when I feel this, I do weird noises, like vomiting. It's like the emotional body throwing up inauthenticity and dishonesty, suppressions. Mentally or physically chanting AUM or HAM seem to be connected.
  22. Well, something that I personally would like is perhaps 15-30 minutes long, maybe the basic body scan / relaxation meditation from AOB webpage. Some light music or meditation bowl for the background. This would be a good way to kind of get a hang of the basic meditation, and begin a meditation routine by listening to it regularly. Also, this comes to mind. Many people must have noticed that mornings are quite crucial in setting the tone for the entire day. There's probably a similar saying to "waking up on the wrong side of bed" or "getting up on the wrong foot" in all languages on earth. If there was a magic recording to listen to every morning right after waking up, something to set up good tone for the entire day, something to make one feel excited for the new day and it's possibilities, what would it say?
  23. A question popped in mind... Where did this idea come from, that God/consciousness/true nature is something else than this world so to speak? Where did this idea come from that it's hidden, revealed only in trips, higher states, meditation, enlightenment, "behind ego", "behind the appearance"? If this world is Source manifest, how does that mean this world is somehow unreal, or not true? If this world is Source manifest, is this world separate from Source? Isn't the togetherness, sharing and friendship you experience here as individual humans simply the togetherness, sharing and friendship of Source/God itself? What I'm trying to say is... How come that this forum, us, and a planet filled with humans and friendship is not literally just... Source, truth, HOME? What if God's kingdom is literally just... Here. This place. Planet earth, Milky Way, and billions alike. Perhaps: ❌ Source/God/Truth --> World βœ… Source/God/Truth = World
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