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Everything posted by nurthur11

  1. Back on my days forums had like a mini chat on the side, but it is what it is.
  2. Yeah, this makes sense for me. Ty for the response! Very cool understanding 🙂
  3. I found out that if I perceive the apparent reality as hyper real I feel the fear of death in every passing moment. For example, you are passing the road, and the car's the building that moment all feel like it is your absolute reality and in every moment it can stop. In this case the fear of death is in the foreground so to speak I try to be much more careful on my behaviors. Even if it is in the foreground of experience or not noticeable, I believe it still impact's my behavior and there are articles about this. But it is not like is affecting my conscious experience. @Someone hereI suspect it has to do something with the perception of your reality. My brother has the same fear and have had it for a long time to the point that he became hypochondriac. Also, he is someone who needs to objectify the experience of reality and define it. I.e I am alive and no dead person reported what it is to be dead, so if those are cars crushed me I will be dead, now I have to pass the road with this in my mind. But there is also the experience of reality which is not perceived or known - you know that is reality intuitively but you don't know how you know that, in this case fear of death is not consciously known. To put it simply, imagine thinking if I don't drink that glass of water, eat healthy or get 8 hours of sleep, I might die in the spot.
  4. A chat is a real-time communication and produces different conversation than a forum. I though it would be a good addition to also have real time communication.
  5. So could one experience pleasure and not know about it because one does not have thoughts of appreciation?
  6. Do hedonism or pleasure experiences appear as thought's to you?
  7. You don't have to say anything to be at peace with death. You could still live an amazing life but you don't have to say I fucking lived; you don't know if you are leaving or just dying.
  8. I think he meant that if you stopped overcoming emotion(@phil there is never emotions in present moment?) you will reach communion. So, you cannot overcome fear of death, also, trying to overcome it is irrelevant to making you feel better about death. @phil What is communion?
  9. I would suggest it is not bad idea to have a discord channel. It might decrease the forum post rate, but it is definitely fun.
  10. I am convinced that I could communicate the same thing to my mother without aligning speech or thought. Sorry to speak in your place but I think you could too. I recently, believe that our nature reveal itself. This is like the Rumi quote you mentioned in your last video. If i let go of the seeking then it is already seeking me, I get the feeling that my individual trait are expressed. I might feel very good in myself but not necessary speak correctly or vice versa. This doesn't invalidate your topic in any way. You can still find legit words that align with the experience of yourself(Selves). I just believe words do not play a big part on reducing my suffering.
  11. But you should not have this feeling to begin with. Ideally it all becomes just being.
  12. @howisitsoactivehereThe feeling of pain is because you are trying to stretch the feeling of attention. Try to stay at that feeling(you will feel your body like freezing, not in the cold sense). Let me know if it makes sense?
  13. I hope you can decrease your suffering because I seem to fail for myself. Loa is simple and it works, it always worked - it worked on me when I didn't know its called Loa. Though I would be curious if there is a way on how to change what I want. Any tips from the self help nerds here 😛 ?
  14. Ty for your answer. Though, I am going to point out and I think it is important that i do: you said, that it helps You see that there isn’t an overall mood in direct experience, just whatever ones feel. This is kinda trippy?
  15. How did the emotional scale affected your overall mood?
  16. Common guys open a new thread I am getting bored to death 💀! No means to be be disrespectful.
  17. I will read this later. All i know is i am feeling happy.
  18. There is no one here, say hello to someone here, hello 😎
  19. Ty! @Faith Ty for your feedback. Lately, the biggest and most concerning thought is that my reality is not in tact so to speak or is different from how others sees it so they will be able to tell I am weird out. Being/Awareness in my mind is a super used response for when I get triggered. I am that type of guy if someone talks about having a stomach pain I start feeling the stomach pain, I have a doctor friend he was talking about how he saw someone's leg get amputated and I fainted just listening . So if one talks about awareness I feel the awareness in me same as I would feel a "imaginary" stomach ache or pain in the leg and so on, even when that is not there. In addition, now I have many thoughts related to awareness. I also, can feel a type of energy which is prior to thoughts or my body. Type of awareness energy or feeling. Feeling into discordant thoughts seem useful at the moment, so I will keep doing this.
  20. This is so so helpful. I think I understand it better now - all of my shit is thoughts. Didn't get this much inspired and hopeful for a long time. Ty!
  21. Earlier I was me. Now I am I. Thoughts that felt good were coming and it was easy to notice what thoughts were mine and were discordant(see now I made the me thoughts discordant). Now I am stuck. If you want to figure out something - not you, but a subject matter… google, research, learn, contemplate, conversation with others about it. So thoughts related to me gets fixed on their own. The "I trying to fix them" it is just a symptom of a thought feeling bad or is it + Not always I see the "mega thought" behind the smaller thoughts" so to speak. All feel bad but I can try more. Hopefully I can - sometimes I am able to directly feel, even if there is still an I thought.
  22. @orb @loop I am currently focused on getting others "money" so not a good day to talk to me. Thank you for your input.
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