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Everything posted by nurthur11

  1. For me when i try to go faster then the speed of my mind i create 2,3 minds(but this burns you). Eventually, you still go back to feeling you have one mind. If you sit to meditate(zazen) or notice that you can feel there is a mind sitting to meditate - this is of course normal. Because you are changing your focus in sitting. The moment you believe you can focus then you can create a mini mind that focuses. The trick is just to sit. Then you will notice that there is just one mind you are just creating more minds when you try to do smth. The point is here in “what is creating the mind”. Not sure if i make sense but yes you should be able to feel as one without trying or meditating.
  2. Then i would say you can meditate despite feeling god or bad.
  3. All I know is that you need to have enough money to live a normal life: health insurance, accommodation, education, travel, food, smth for your hobbies.
  4. @Eothasian@Aware Wolfit makes sense what you are saying. Placebo effect would be directly experienced - if placebo effect definition is considered as an illusion then we can be aware and learn from it. I liked the Ajahn Amaro question and calming oneself before taking a decision or following some instructions. I just may have liked the effect of the pain killer that night and though i had a cool idea.
  5. @Eothasiandoing yoga, healthy eating, meditation can conjure up a placebo effect - this would not mean that one is getting healthier physically in a case of some of illness but it can definitely feel better . So it is a belief thing. https://www.health.harvard.edu/mental-health/the-power-of-the-placebo-effect At the time when i write the post i understood placebo effect from a case were they put non alcohol drinks in a party and all got drunk. In that case would could have stopped and noticed that it is not feeling drunk. One more thing! Awareness is a blocker type of thing. One can drink much more and be in control if you are staying present!
  6. Yes this is true. Nice observation.
  7. I took a pain killer earlier and it made me feel good. I wanted to find out why so i googled to find out. I found a study done in Stanford on how when pain leaves happiness is felt(emotionally). Also, i read how pain killers are used for emotional relieves and about their negative effects. The moment i read the negative effects i felt discomfort on my body. I decided to directly see the discomfort and it went away - i saw it as placebo effect. The discomfort came because i started believing it will have negative effect on me. Do you think direct experience can dispel placebo effects? (I am also concerned here that direct experience blocks the placebo effects) I think these effects come because ones believes in them. (If this was a place bo effect or not i am not 100 sure) It can surety do if you would directly see the symptoms of that belief but one would have to fully understand why one beliefs that thing and if the experience correlate to what it is realistically expected to happen. This is were it becomes tricky because many people experience what they read in the internet. People say things like my adhd brain started doing this thing blablabla and start building/seeing an adhd brain in their experience. While in fact they would not be able to know what adhd brain does from third perspective. There is a paper just recently that shows that the subjective experience of contentless states is different in different people(toby woods, jennifer windt). So there could also be cases when one would “placebo” a contentless state(since there are subjective experience about it then it is experienced). When pain leaves love comes when we experience the contentless state what comes? If it does dispel it then what is the mind that creates the placebo effect? Can that mind be located in experience? I guess that is the mind that is experienced, but direct experience can be experienced also. So would it be already what we have right now? If we would locate the mind that creates the place bo effect then we can hack belief’s. Would it be possible to consciously convince or make believers out of ourself about a certain idea or would it have to come spontaneously ? For example: my brother is hypochondriac - if he twist his ankle he will concern much more than normally people would do. It would be inefficient for him to now directly look at the hypochondriac “symptoms” such as oppsesive thoughts, stress or feeling angry. He would have to go directly to the triggers of that experience or dissect the belief somehow. There are many people that twist their ankle or catch a cold and don’t really worry that much.
  8. In direct experience there is very small pain and even that is quickly let go. Another interesting thing is that direct experience has its own rhythm and if you learn how to let it be the guide you will not be fearful, feel distress, tired(this is the bigger one), and will feel a constant relaxation . Also - if direct experience "takes over" it lets go things by itself, practically speaking. You can intervene and try to do something but I would not advise it. Don't deal with things that are meant to be fixed by direct experience. Listen! I will share a story with you. Last night a small(juvenile) cute stray dog entered the staircase - my mother came to me complaining how my dad is very afraid and that I should remove him from the staircase. Okay, I am too lazy to tell the story but basically it took me 30 min to get rid of him/her. I would try to scare him and the moment I let my guard down he would frown me then I would be either in love or afraid, nevertheless, he would win and stand his ground. I frown him back he try to lick me, open his mouth in sign of relaxation the moment I stop he frowns me back. I had intense anxiety but to tell you honestly also it made my day the dog was super super cute, smart and had a way of communication that is much more efficient than mine. In the end I grabbed him with carpet and put him outside. Around 00:00 I got backIt took me entire night to calm down my anxiety(went to sleep at 4). I actually work with Lynx's and wildlife irl. Today I went on a hike and met couple of dogs - I didn't reach that level of anxiety because it would be quickly fixed by itself. The solution was to just let the feeling of awareness take over and be the ground of your reality - yep. For sure you are familiar with this feeling - just have to realize out that it has its actual rhythm - yup. Also, one more thing, usually when I get back from this hike I crash 1 hr after the hike, it has been now 3 hrs and I still feel fine(last night I slept 4 hrs). Let me know if you need more info, okay? 😛
  9. You are saying nothing exist as a word but not nothing and non existence doesn't? Does this mean the word nothing exist? The same way you know that the word nothing exist then you know you and life around you exist - do something to this life, grow some flowers or build a boat. You know.
  10. From a third person perspective we don't have an answer even for our existence.
  11. He says that awareness is the free will that we want. Which for me it is sufficient when answering this topic.
  12. What if i would choose free will but it doesn't come. Were did i go wrong then? I took the liberty of answering this question myself.
  13. I dont think we got the information to make this discussion nor that it is relevant. What would be a problem is to get stuck in the belief that nothing is in your control and is your brain who is running the show - i think that would just make your hurt yourself.
  14. @Someone hereif you want to experience the sense of having a free will then you notice the difference between letting awareness/attention do the work vs you doing the work. This is exactly how attention/awareness work it does the “calculations ” without your concern - it is meant to work that way. So there is no deliberation the deliberation in this case is to write a list or the movies down then attention/awareness takes over. Try to watch a movie and focus on frame by frame(like a mindful meditation) vs try to just let attention do the work. The attention will completely shift how you will experience the movie and how you gain information, and also you will lose the sense of free will because its the capacity/function of your attention doing the work. If this is too hard to understand just do something and let the meaning come vs try to come up with it yourself. It is very intuitive but if you are too focused on figuring out you will lose the how it is done. It is not even important to notice awareness as a feeling or rest in being or find yourself or believe that you are attention. This is a capacity all humans have some more than others. Knowing the difference between letting attention/awareness do the work vs you trying to do the work will build a sense of free will in you. Example of what i call free will: i know i act mean sometimes and i know is bad but it makes me feel good(so there is an aspect of addiction there).But I talk with myself and i decide is bad and dont do it anymore. Next time It comes i let awareness help me get over it and choose something else that makes me feel good. There you go: free will.
  15. For me when I don't care too much about what I don't have I start appreciating more what I have. You are who you are - be happy <3!
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