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My thoughts of Leo and actualize.org. What do you think?


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1 hour ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

I hate to reawaken this thread, but someone just sent me this clip from Leo's latest video and I thought it was fucking amazing 😀



You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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3 hours ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

I hate to reawaken this thread, but someone just sent me this clip from Leo's latest video and I thought it was fucking amazing 😀

Do you not feel it's feasible to reach Infinite levels of Intelligence and that you may possibly be a finite form of Infinite Intelligence?  This is going to require you to exit the physical paradigm into the Consciousness paradigm.  

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@Robed Mystic

1 minute ago, Robed Mystic said:

Do you not feel it's feasible to reach Infinite levels of Intelligence and that you may possibly be a finite form of Infinite Intelligence?  This is going to require you to exit the physical paradigm into the Consciousness paradigm.  


It doesn't require any change of paradigm to find it funny that  Leo thinks people view his intelligence as if he is a supernatural entity or a deity. He is basically a new-age version of Donald Trump at this point 🤣

"I am so spiritual and intelligent, so intelligent, let me tell you that people look at me and think I'm so smart... and spiritual, that I must be a supernatural entity. Thats right, its the only logical explanation. Its soooo remarkable that they see me as a deity, which I probably am, I've always been smart, smarter than everyone else. At school the teachers paid me to teach them, thats how smart I am"

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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19 minutes ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

@Robed Mystic


It doesn't require any change of paradigm to find it funny that  Leo thinks people view his intelligence as if he is a supernatural entity or a deity. He is basically a new-age version of Donald Trump at this point 🤣

"I am so spiritual and intelligent, so intelligent, let me tell you that people look at me and think I'm so smart... and spiritual, that I must be a supernatural entity. Thats right, its the only logical explanation. Its soooo remarkable that they see me as a deity, which I probably am, I've always been smart, smarter than everyone else. At school the teachers paid me to teach them, thats how smart I am"

You took it out of context.   He was talking about when he was in that state of consciousness.  The video is on states of consciousness.  I haven't listened to the whole thing but I'm about half way through.  He is not saying he is a deity- he is saying he has been in states of Infinite Consciousness where if (and this is imaginary)  a human in a normal state of consciousness would observe "him" then it would appear to them that he is a deity.   In truth, in such a state, there could be no others or no other humans because they will all collapse.  So don't take it literally.

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55 minutes ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

@Robed Mystic I'm not taking it literally, I'm taking it as comedy.

So, an infinite state of consciousness is comical.  Hmmm...is it that or are you just laughing about Leo in general saying that how he said it...  Hey, it is kinda funny - but be careful not to overlook the possibility that such things are possible. 

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@Robed Mystic You would need to transcend to a new humour paradigm to understand the magnificence of comedic interplay at work here. You simply CAN'T get the joke because you have not awakened to my levels of comedy. You see I have infinite levels of comedy, I'm actually the funniest person who has ever existed, in fact I have to restrain my vast comedy powers because otherwise it would make people go insane. It can't be explained to you why that is true, you just don't get it, because you are not as funny as me, nobody is. Ordinary people think I'm some kind of comedic deity, like a supernatural harlequin, they are probably right.  

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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5 minutes ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

@Robed Mystic You would need to transcend to a new humour paradigm to understand the magnificence of comedic interplay at work here. You simply CAN'T get the joke because you have not awakened to my levels of comedy. You see I have infinite levels of comedy, I'm actually the funniest person who has ever existed, in fact I have to restrain my vast comedy powers because otherwise it would make people go insane. It can't be explained to you why that is true, you just don't get it, because you are not as funny as me, nobody is. Ordinary people think I'm some kind of comedic deity, like a supernatural harlequin, they are probably right.  

The ego uses satire like a magician.  It keeps itself asleep by thinking it's brilliant with its ingenious use of satire.

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@Adeptus Psychonautica


11 minutes ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

@Robed Mystic You would need to transcend to a new humour paradigm to understand the magnificence of comedic interplay at work here. You simply CAN'T get the joke because you have not awakened to my levels of comedy. You see I have infinite levels of comedy, I'm actually the funniest person who has ever existed, in fact I have to restrain my vast comedy powers because otherwise it would make people go insane. It can't be explained to you why that is true, you just don't get it, because you are not as funny as me, nobody is. Ordinary people think I'm some kind of comedic deity, like a supernatural harlequin, they are probably right.  

This is what happens when you take too much 5-LEO-DMT 🤦‍♂️

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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Hilarious. I remember a video where he shows off taking more than 25 supplements each day.. completely nuts as well for any healthy person. He's surely doing psychedelics on the same ridiculous scale.. 

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3 minutes ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

@Robed Mystic somebodies ego seems a little bit butt hurt 😃

Its just some banter mate, so lighten up you big shower of shit.

😀  damn right I'm hurt..I'm hurt that you haven't accessed Infinity yet with all the psychedelics you take. 

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23 minutes ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

@Robed Mystic How did you come to that conclusion?

You wouldn't be making a joke out of it.  You would see it for what it is.  You would realize that  Leo had accessed it via psychedelics (I call it cheating) then came back and thus makes comments like this because he hasn't lived enough years and is still very immature.   That's not to say I wouldn't take psychedelics to shift into a state of God Consciousness - but I have accessed it sober as well.

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@Robed Mystic OK, let me make sure I have this correct


Because I am making fun of your precious Leo in a few forum posts, you can accurately gauge the totality of my subjective experiences - is that where we are at Dave?  😃

Hmmmmm.... I wonder how long it would take me to find examples of you and Leo making fun of people - whaddythink? 🧐

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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