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My thoughts of Leo and actualize.org. What do you think?


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Just now, Iesu said:

Last time I checked you're still everything, nothing, everywhere and nowhere. And also none of the above hehe 

Yes, but that's a more advanced concept that comes later on.  We're teaching a beginner class here.  If someone can't understand solipsism, there's no way they're gonna be able to comprehend pantheism.

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8 minutes ago, God said:

I am as calm as a.. [insert calm thing here]😌


And * sigh *

Why must you "believe" or "disbelieve" something?  We're not in church school anymore.

Is it theoretically possible for you to ever experience anything outside your brain, during your life?  Tell me.


Your body has senses which send signals to the brain.  They all get interpreted as "the world" in your brain, yes? So tell me.  Tell me about the world outside your mind that you've experienced, since solipsism is just a dumb weird belief.

Your energy is kinda off bro so not really tryna engage too much. I will say your logic is good but it’s built on a lot of unquestioned assumptions. 

I fully get where your coming from. I used to totally believe in solipsism too. But then I realized I don’t actually know and I’m assuming a lot of things.

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2 minutes ago, God said:

Yes, but that's a more advanced concept that comes later on.  We're teaching a beginner class here.  If someone can't understand solipsism, there's no way they're gonna be able to comprehend pantheism.

Lmao god has come to this forum to teach the unenlightened a beginners class on solipsism.

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2 minutes ago, Kevin said:

Lmao god has come to this forum to teach the unenlightened a beginners class on solipsism.

You know what the fuck ever happened to not conceptualizing truth, compassion, and oh geez oneness. 🤨 @God

Also what self realized person makes their username god lol. That's literally the most newb thing someone could do 

Edited by Iesu
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Just now, Kevin said:

Your energy is kinda off bro so not really tryna engage too much. I will say your logic is good but it’s built on a lot of unquestioned assumptions. 

I fully get where your coming from. I used to totally believe in solipsism too. But then I realized I don’t actually know and I’m assuming a lot of things.

Fair enough.  It's 5am so I'm tired, and the other guys here were annoying to deal with..  sorry if I'm too intense.


But solipsism actually has fewer assumptions than the alternative.  Solipsism removes the assumption that the outside world exists, and states that only the world you experience should be considered real, as all else can only ever be an assumption.

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3 minutes ago, Iesu said:

You know what the fuck ever happened to not conceptualizing truth, compassion, and oh geez oneness. 🤨 @God

Also what self realized person makes their username god lol. That's literally the most newb thing someone could do 

Well it's true.  I am God, the one and only.  And if anyone disagrees and gets angry, that's just an opportunity for them to realize the truth and grow.

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Just now, God said:

Well it's true.  I am God, the one and only.  And if anyone disagrees and gets angry, that's just an opportunity for them to realize the truth and grow.

Jesus. Do you believe all others awakenings are so they can prime your awakening?

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7 minutes ago, Iesu said:

Jesus. Do you believe all others awakenings are so they can prime your awakening?

lol.  Well, basically, we all live in separate dimensions of existence. We can interact, but our realities can never merge into one.  In my dimension, I am God.  In yours, you are God.  But to me, you are just that which I experience.  A rock has consciousness through me in whatever form I experience the rock in.  You are no different to me.  Your words exist through my consciousness in the form of text.

Edited by God
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1 minute ago, God said:

lol.  Well, basically, we all live in separate dimensions of existence. We can interact, but our realities can never merge into one.  In my dimension, I am God.  In yours, you are God.

Then what is co creation?

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13 minutes ago, Iesu said:

Then what is co creation?

You are the only creator.  You can exist in any reality you like. But your infinite self has infinite preferences😉


Ideas like "co-creation" are just beliefs we use to feel less lonely.  But we're all alone, always will be, always have been.  All alone, for all eternity.

By definition, God is alone.

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8 hours ago, God said:

Wait.. you don't understand solipsism?  You do realise you can only experience that which your brain produces for you, yes?  You have never left your mind, and never will.  That's self-evident.  I hope this much is clear at least.

I have a good grasp of solipsism thanks, so lets put it to the test!


You do realize that only having your own experience also works in literally EVERY other model of reality… right? Lets say for example that the fundamental truth of the universe is 3 god-like elephants who are spraying reality (including you and me) into being via their omnipotent squirty trunks. How would that change that each individual would only experience their own experience? The answer is IT WOULDNT.


Map this onto literally any belief system, nothing changes, so this idea that solipsism is validated by the boundary of one’s personal experience doesn’t hold any water whatsoever. What it does show however is that Leo has spoon fed you some amateur philosophy, which you are mindlessly regurgitating without having put any actual thought into - you should probably work on that mate 😀


8 hours ago, God said:

and omg.. did you never learn "estimates" in school?  Would it make you happier if I said "overwhelming majority" instead?  Saying 95% is quicker and more accurate to what I feel to be a good estimate.

I did indeed learn estimates in school, but Im guessing you skipped that day because what you actually doing here is simply guessing based on wishful thinking. You literally have ZERO clue what volume of Leo’s blurb is factually correct, so why even mention it?


But if you are cool with us just pulling numbers out of our arse then let me have a try - 95% of the Actualized membership are complete imbeciles who cannot string a logical argument together.


Wow, you are right - this “estimating” is kinda fun!


8 hours ago, God said:

In regard to your last point - you didn't even address my point and simply made a vague generalization, not at all conducive to our discussion here..

I literally did address your point. Your point was that Leo NEVER makes dogmatic claims, I provided you multiple examples of him doing exactly that - so please try and keep up.


8 hours ago, God said:

Oh and.. no need for the snark remarks.  Makes you seem insecure and immature.  You've got yourself an even more concentrated echo chamber here.  On Leo's forum, plenty of people are critical of Leo, and plenty are not.  It's balanced.  Here's it's nothing but an echo chamber of hate.

I actually really enjoy making snarky remarks, and since I am God imagining the entire universe into existence for my own amusement then why shouldn’t I make them? Wait… do you not understand solipsism? 🤣


Anyway don’t worry about me. I am 95% comfortable in my snarkiness so it really doesn’t matter if you think I am insecure, although I would suggest that perhaps you are somewhat projecting - whaddyathink?

Edited by Adeptus Psychonautica

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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30 minutes ago, God said:

Well it's true.  I am God, the one and only.  And if anyone disagrees and gets angry, that's just an opportunity for them to realize the truth and grow.


I hate to state the obvious mate, but the only person getting angry is YOU 😀


Don’t worry about it. Its a common reaction by those who have mass imported a certain  belief system without doing any due diligence. You’ll get over it.

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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I am reminded of a philosopher, initials KW. I have never been a fan. Sometimes reading him I have been unsure if he's a genius -- or a fool. Now I'm probably more on the fool side, since he makes careless mistakes in his writing. If he mangles badly a story from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and gets the story wrong like an episode of Drunken History -- why should I trust him that he's he's concocted the future perfect religion in his Religion of Tomorrow: A vision for the future of the great traditions--more inclusive, more comprehensive, more complete -- as the book blurb tells me. Okayyy. But there's meat with KW. There's a solid attempt here. 


Then there's the Tibetan lama, T Lobsang Rampa. A fascinating story of the author of The Third Eye, one of the first books (1956!) on Tibetan Buddhism written by someone who claimed to be a Tibetan Lama. Instead, he was a plumber from Devon, a white guy! Later books include his, "My Trip to Venus" where Lobsang hijacks a flying saucer he finds on the Tibetan plateua. There's also a book dictated to him by his pet Siamese cat. 


It's easier to discard T Lobsang Rampa than KW. There's probably legit philosophy guys who still like KW. Not so much with T Lobsang Rampa. He was a hit and hugely popular because at the time there wasn't much known about Tibetan Buddhism and people had little knowledge that it was mostly all bullshit. But a good story. 


Leo Gura is more like T Lobsang Rampa. Most of Actualized org fanboys are young, white, males with little spiritual experience. They may have read Eckhart Tolle and then found Leo on the Internet. 


Leo Gura is just a dude. He gets an awful lot wrong. He badly mangles even basic zen in his video on the zen oxherding pictures. He has no idea on how no mind in zen works. But that doesn't stop him from lecturing on it and leading people badly astray. He engages in faulty logic. I've detailed and other have too myriad examples on this thread. His "How To be Funny" video is cringe. Leo simply is not funny. Although it's funny in a cringe way. I doubt his video on financial advice would be considered well done by anyone who does financial help. I wouldn't even trust his video on his soup is any good. I think it's just soup. I don't tink Leo has written any book despite being such a high teacher more evolved and awakened than anyone before -- because his schtick doesn't translate well into print. 


What are his insights? What are his teachings? -- I don't see much even coherent much less anything profound.  


Perhaps I'm wrong -- so let's consider Leo's standing in the spiritual and philosophical world. What do other people think? Oh. He's not considered shit? No one treats Leo as a legitimate teacher (higher than Buddha and Jesus)? He's a joke? HIs followers have bad repuations at dharma centers, monasteries, and ashrams -- because often they're resistant towards instruction and have trouble following rules because they think they know it all? 

“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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6 hours ago, God said:

You are the only creator.  You can exist in any reality you like. But your infinite self has infinite preferences😉


Ideas like "co-creation" are just beliefs we use to feel less lonely.  But we're all alone, always will be, always have been.  All alone, for all eternity.

By definition, God is alone.

If if you draw one circle in the air, what do you do? You draw a border around to create your imaginary circle. In doing so, in the creation of ONE you have created two, inside, outside, the circle and what is not the circle. Solipsism says, "I can't experience outside the circle, so the INSIDE is the only truth." Nonduality says there are not two things, there is not inside or outside, there is not one, there are not two. In the creation of ONE there is two. You can't say something is alone, without drawing a border around it and making it two. 

 Youtube Channel  

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6 hours ago, God said:

By definition, God is alone.


God is boundless. A boundless sea is not "alone". It stretches beyond.

Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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16 minutes ago, Mandy said:

If if you draw one circle in the air, what do you do? You draw a border around to create your imaginary circle. In doing so, in the creation of ONE you have created two, inside, outside, the circle and what is not the circle. Solipsism says, "I can't experience outside the circle, so the INSIDE is the only truth." Nonduality says there are not two things, there is not inside or outside, there is not one, there are not two. In the creation of ONE there is two. You can't say something is alone, without drawing a border around it and making it two. 

That's a nice, simple and spot-on analogy👍🏼

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13 hours ago, God said:

I wonder how many of the people who hate Leo have actually realized themselves as God🤔


Yeah, he talks too much about pick-up and personal development, but he's right about 95% of everything he talks about.  Most of what he says is just advanced common sense.  It takes a lot of "RAM" to understand some of his higher level concepts, but it's all pretty simple and self-evident.

It seems to me that you yourself have been manipulated into this standard of "God realized or not".


You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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God-realized as a status symbol, which cannot be validated anyways, lol.


It is the perfect excuse for narcissist or traumatised people to feel fake-valuable. Like accumulating a bunch of money, but without the work.


Somehow like Neo-Nazis being proud of their demographic or genetic background. Maybe with less hate to the idea of others, more with hate to the idea of themselves.

Edited by BlendingInfinite

You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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12 hours ago, God said:

Well I can't disagree with him there.  Men and women have different expectations of each other; different roles in certain contexts.  Women do not need to impress or show strength or anything to attract a partner, men do.  It's not sexist, it's just nature.  I can explain specific quotes if you need, but it's mostly common sense.


Historically, women used to "starfish" and just lie in bed during sex, while the man just fucked her.  Now the culture is changing, but many women are still starfishing as "performing in bed" just isn't in their genes, and won't affect procreation.  A man usually won't give a fuck that the woman does nothing, but if a man is "pathetic" in bed, this tells the woman the man has hormonal issues.  High testosterone men are obviously gonna be a hell of a lot more "active" during sex.  Again, not sexist, just very common sense statistics.

Holy shit mate.. From reading your comments you dont seem like someone who will consider for one moment if you could be be misleading yourself, but i'll try to to give you my view anyways, you never know.


"Men and women have different expectations of each other".. people have different expectations of each other, we are all different and have different preferences. 


"Women do not need to impress or show strength or anything to attract a partner, men do." What on earth are you believing?? define "strength".. if you are talking about something intrinsic, who wouldn't want that in a woman? This is some incel belief system you got going.. toss it out mate, its really not a useful way to look at it.


"Historically, women used to "starfish" and just lie in bed during sex, while the man just fucked her.  Women used to be suppressed throughout history, so the sexual act was another thing that was mainly for the men. So no wonder if they didn't enjoy.


"Now the culture is changing, but many women are still starfishing as "performing in bed" just isn't in their genes, and won't affect procreation." That belief is so lame my body just went limp. You know NOTHING about genes, women or what really affects procreation.. pure beliefs. In my experience as someone who never had difficulty with women, i have yet to meet a "starfish". Did you ever think of trying to make the women feel good and comfortable? Maybe that will fix your "starfish" problem. 


A man usually won't give a fuck that the woman does nothing, but if a man is "pathetic" in bed, this tells the woman the man has hormonal issue" No wonder all the women are fleeing from that forum.. holy crap.. What silly loser of a man won't give a fuck about the women and how she is doing? Are you just using them to get off as the only goal? And the last bit bout pathetic in bed and hormonal issues.. its just crazy talk really. You seem to worry a lot about "performing in bed" and "pathetic in bed"..  did you pick that nonsense up from the forum? 



"High testosterone men are obviously gonna be a hell of a lot more "active" during sex."  not sure what you mean by "performing", but if you mean making it a good experience for your partner, then you need more than high testosterone lol. Try to connect and throw all your petty mancave perspectives out the window.



You succeeded with the most internet-broish comment of the month for me (didn't go to actualized for that duration). 


Whatever you believe is true about culture, history and genes and all that you mention, is that going to decide how you are going to treat women? What about creating a world where you respect and treat women like equal humans, just because you can? 



Edited by WhiteOwl
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