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What's With this Law of Attraction stuff?

Aware Wolf

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I just watched this CNN documentary, "Enlighten Us" about James Arthur Ray. James Ray was an Oprah-approved teacher who taught LoA and was on the hit video "The Secret". In 2009, three people died in a sweat lodge in an event hosted by Ray. Ray did two years of prison. Although it was an accident, no one meant for anyone to die, at one point a participant was nonresponsive and not breathing and James Ray told his students to leave them until the next round. That was all on him, said one of the prosecutors.

I'm not blaming LoA here. But it's part of the environment. Untrained, unlicensed, unprofessional teachers can master LoA and nonduality in a short amount of time and hang out a teaching shingle. In the documentary, the seminars by James Ray and Tony Robbins look like pep rallies. People shouting, cheering, pumping their fists, jumping up and down. I think it's emotionally provoking -- but towards what end and how long lasting is this adreneline crowd boost? There's board breaking, walking on coals, putting your hand in a glass tank full of snakes, and .... a sweat lodge. 


Walking on coals is akin to a magic trick. It's scientifically not a big deal. You don't need to have some super mind control to not be burned. Putting your hand into a glass tank full of peaceful kingsnakes and pet snakes isn't a big deal if you're not afraid of snakes. 


If you want a chicken to be a duck, and a duck to be a chicken -- you'll suffer, says Ajahn Chah. If you want your income to double within the year and meet your soulmate and you raise your vibrational level to attract it. Well. I don't know quite what to say. Maybe that it's just wishful thinking? Like a Polish saying, if you shit in one hand and wish in another, see which one fulls up first. 


It's interesting to me these myriad documentaries on gurus and cults and how they go bad. There's often a fine line between the red flags put out by these gurus and cults and what you hear everyday in spiritual centers. Like LoA is how your mind determines your reality. There might be truth to this, but i use a bus as a warning here too -- there's the reality of the bus and you need to respect that. It may be true that things are like an illusion, and there is no self -- but there is a bus. If you want to get in a reality war , your version vs. the bus's version of reality -- it's likely to not turn out well for you. I like the Stockdale Paradox: you must be willing to confront the brutal facts of your current reality, even as you maintain unwavering faith that you will prevail in the end


I've talked with @Mandyabout this and she has a different take on LoA than the Secret. 


My questions here are: 

Do you believe and practice LoA?

How do you see LoA working?

How has it worked for you? 

What do you think when you want something and practice and the thing does not happen? (counter evidence?)

Is LoA something that has to be taken on faith?


Edited by Aware Wolf

“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

If you want a chicken to be a duck, and a duck to be a chicken -- you'll suffer, says Ajahn Chah.

So LOA states that manifestations follow feeling. Wanting a chicken to be a duck is an example of being very specific in your thinking and not paying attention to feeling. It's like being a teenager that demands to drive a sporty car but but hasn't appreciated the fact that a car gets them to where they want to go and hasn't even had time or life experience to desire transportation itself. If you aren't clear on your desires, but are instead worried about status quo, proving something to someone, or how you look, you aren't really desiring what you are desiring at all. So outside of analogies why would anyone WANT a duck to be a chicken? They wouldn't. It's purely theoretical and there's no emotion to ever back up that desire. LOA is about understanding the guidance of feeling. 


What DO you really want? 


LOA is about desire, reeeeal desire, again the emotional components must be there, that's the power behind it. It will burn up all false desires and that's part of the beauty of it. "Freedom of desire" doesn't mean desire is a thing out there in exclusion of you. 


2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

Do you believe and practice LoA?

It illuminates beliefs, and shows how belief works. It works. Observing/awareness is really all there is to practice. It's about getting out of our own way. 


2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

How do you see LoA working?

When I want something and don't resist it, it comes. When I don't get what i want I don't blame others, i get curious about how I'm thinking/feeling. I get what I give focus to. 


2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:


How has it worked for you? 

Mainly has revealed there isn't a me. Also made life incredibly fun, or revealed that it was already how I wanted it to be. Fun. 


2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

What do you think when you want something and practice and the thing does not happen? (counter evidence?)

Noticing that the thing is not here is resistance. There's just that moment. There's no exclusion. I cannot get rid of a headache by thinking about how horrible it is, and I cannot make $1000 while looking at my empty wallet. The essence of what I want is already here or I could not want the specifics.  Everything we want is because of how we think it will make us feel... in the future. But future is a thought.  We just get deluded into thinking we want the thing, not the feeling we think it will provide. When we put feeling first, desires either are transformed or transform into the manifest. The only time I have any power is right now, so by feeling good now, I no longer throw away my power to creates and recognize in the now what I've asked for. So if right now I'm looking at my beautiful son who after two miscarriages was wanted so badly thinking, "I don't have any free time because of my kids", I don't want what I've already got. This doesn't make me a bad person, I have guidance of negative emotion to guide my focus to what I do want. There's no timeline to desire.


2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:


Is LoA something that has to be taken on faith?


If faith is knowing that we are loved unconditionally, LOA is all about realizing that. It's not faith in LOA, it is the very thing (the understanding or the wisdom in not trusting on thine own) that the word faith is pointing to. Faith points to letting go of thoughts, worries concerns and knowing our worthiness, our love. 

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I think LoA as it is advertised and understood by the vast majority of people, is complete bullshit.


In order to get it to be something more digestible you basically have to reduce it down into something more sensible which is what @Mandy does, but I would argue that at that point we aren't really talking about LoA anymore, we are simply talking about desire, which also has no guarantee of the kind of outcomes LoA claims.


Should we be more in tune with our feelings and desires? Sure

Is that LoA? Not really in my opinion

Is LoA a load of new age bollocks? Yup

Is there something useful in LoA that is not better served by another teaching? I don't think so

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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@Aware Wolf


On 5/22/2022 at 4:01 PM, Aware Wolf said:

My questions here are: 

Do you believe and practice LoA?


As much as it can appear so, LOA is not a belief system, and if anyone creates one centered on LOA then I wouldnt take it seriously. What LOA really is is just deciding to feel good no matter what, trusting the source (You), and thats it really. I think the name Law of Attraction is pretty lame lol, it sounds like some self help shit from the early 20th century.


LOA is what we are, not something we choose to practice or not, theres just recognizing the truth of it or not.


On 5/22/2022 at 4:01 PM, Aware Wolf said:

How do you see LoA working?


I see LOA working when theres billions of people who believe in the "realities" of this "harsh" world, thus reinforcing their discordant beliefs by taking action from that "space" of discord. Kinda like I think "people are suffering" then I get a gun and murder people (Disclaimer, I would never do this lol!), then I see the dead bodies and it reinforces the belief "people are suffering, look at the evidence!". 


We can say the "curse" of humanity is paranoia, our actions are born out of paranoia and reinforce/strengthen our paranoia as it creates "evidence". Then someones like "wait, we dont have to live like this!" then societies like, "No! we must suffer, come on man be realistic!".


To take things to the light side, it works great for me personally, it is extremely humbling, allows me to laugh at myself, and fills me with inexplicable wonder sometimes. It doesnt make sense, it isnt supposed to 🙂. It isnt about perfection, we are free to learn many lessons on this path. 


On 5/22/2022 at 4:01 PM, Aware Wolf said:

What do you think when you want something and practice and the thing does not happen? (counter evidence?)


I honestly cant really answer on this, if im being honest with myself in the past I never really wanted success, because if I really wanted it then boom id have it. I wanted to suffer, and in that suffering fantasized about being free.


On 5/22/2022 at 4:01 PM, Aware Wolf said:

Is LoA something that has to be taken on faith?


No way in my experience. Nothing is really taken on faith if you think about it lol, I think everyone doubts their own belief system which is why they ask more questions about it. 


LOA is something we surrender to really, like fuck it I just want to feel good, everything I will do will be done through filtering what feels good. Its that simple, does it feel good or not? 


Also, if the thought " Well what if I do drugs and a bunch of crazy stuff just because it feels good?" arises, notice that is the "Paranoia" of society arising. We arent lunatics who are gonna destroy themselves, the paranoia/fear of us being evil demons or somehow needing to be checked on IS the cause of the suffering. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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I like what you write and it makes sense. @Adeptus Psychonauticamakes a point that your version of LoA is more sensible than what I hear from many people and many YouTube videos. 


Mandy writes:

"When I want something and don't resist it, it comes."


I have trouble with this. I'd say obviously you cannot get or achieve everything you might want. There has to be causes and conditions. It's impossible (or not very bloody likely) for me to win the Miss America contest no matter how much I don't resist it. I feel bad writing "obviously" because although wish fultullment is obviously not going to happen in my framework -- to many in the LoA community -- it's not so obvious at all. There's no common ground because of vastly different assumptions. They seem to believe in some magical wish-fulfilling vortex, while I do not. 


Mandy writes:

"I cannot get rid of a headache by thinking about how horrible it is, and I cannot make $1000 while looking at my empty wallet. "


But doesn't LoA advertise in fact that you can manifest wealth, health, and soul mates? 


I think @Mandyversion of LoA of looking deeply at desire and not shunning desire as bad (which is good as that's spiritual bypassing) is fine and good. If you want to manifest a million dollars and make a vision board -- it won't get you far unless you have causes and conditions in your life like investments or rich relatives. If you use the desire to look at that perhaps you want financial stability and put into play steps to become more financially stable (paying off high interest credit cards, saving, being more frugal, gearing down for a more affordable lifestyle, etc.) -- than I think this makes a lot of sense. 


But is that even LoA anymore? 





“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

I have trouble with this. I'd say obviously you cannot get or achieve everything you might want. There has to be causes and conditions. It's impossible (or not very bloody likely) for me to win the Miss America contest no matter how much I don't resist it. I feel bad writing "obviously" because although wish fultullment is obviously not going to happen in my framework -- to many in the LoA community -- it's not so obvious at all.


Again like the chicken/duck thing, that's an intellectual example that misses the message. You don't want that at all. You can only want what you believe. Only things that are truly desired, come into play. The irony here is if you don't want to realize LOA or what it's pointing, you won't. I think I've told you the crazy story as best as I could muster of how "it" appeared into my reality, and promptly destroyed it. And all desires are ultimately veilings that lead back to the same Source. Wouldn't want to miss the journey though, knowing how it ends.  Cause that knowing ain't it nor is there any end.

2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

But doesn't LoA advertise in fact that you can manifest wealth, health, and soul mates? 

If you are love, you can manifest love. Don't need to cause that would be conditional which ain't love. But that's what you are. Won't recognize it unless you're being Love though. 


2 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:


I think @Mandyversion of LoA of looking deeply at desire and not shunning desire as bad (which is good as that's spiritual bypassing) is fine and good. If you want to manifest a million dollars and make a vision board -- it won't get you far unless you have causes and conditions in your life like investments or rich relatives. If you use the desire to look at that perhaps you want financial stability and put into play steps to become more financially stable (paying off high interest credit cards, saving, being more frugal, gearing down for a more affordable lifestyle, etc.) -- than I think this makes a lot of sense. 


But is that even LoA anymore? 

No, that's thinking/planning. If steps come from inspiration, follow them, don't manipulate your way to achieving something you don't truly want. Unveil what you really want. Most people recognize LOA only after they stop trying to do it. But again the recognition must  itself be attracted/desired. Can't beat it into anyone's head, they already have too much stuff in there, nothing else will fit. j/k 

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On 5/22/2022 at 4:01 PM, Aware Wolf said:

Do you believe and practice LoA?

Great thread!


Loa is an immutable law, as compared to beliefs and practices. Beliefs are dispelled and practices adopted, with respect to understanding immutable laws. The framing of loa as belief or practice is like framing gravity as belief or practice. Gravity is, regardless of beliefs or practices. There is the experience of beliefs and practices thanks to, gravity. 

On 5/22/2022 at 4:01 PM, Aware Wolf said:

How do you see LoA working?

A dreamboard. 

On 5/22/2022 at 4:01 PM, Aware Wolf said:

How has it worked for you? 

What’s written on it continues to manifest. 

On 5/22/2022 at 4:01 PM, Aware Wolf said:

What do you think when you want something and practice and the thing does not happen? (counter evidence?)

It’s what I don’t think, which is that there is ‘counter evidence’. There is no shift of oweness.  I reflect on how beautiful & humbling immutable laws are. 

On 5/22/2022 at 4:01 PM, Aware Wolf said:

Is LoA something that has to be taken on faith?

Has to be, no. Can be, yes. Is in either case, absolutely. 


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How would you guys reconcile LoA with situations like famine, disease, atrocity? Surely there is some pure true desire there for mothers not wanting to see their children die in front of them?


To me this LoA thing seems so western centric and naïve that its comical. Sure you have to get off your arse to make stuff happen, but I think you are putting a lot of sugar on this new-age woo in order to make it more palatable.


Some people get the things they desire, some people never get the things they desire, sime people fall into the things they desire completely by accident without giving it a second thought, some people will die without even knowing desire is possible because their lives were so shitty - and I don’t think a dreamboard would have made much difference.

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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13 minutes ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

not wanting

It’s incredibly subtly powerful. Focus on unwanted fundamentally does not create. 

13 minutes ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

centric and naïve… new-age woo…. Their lives were so shitty

Likewise, judgement fundamentally does not create. The evidence is how it feels. Judgement is unwanted, undesirable, unaligned. 

13 minutes ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

Some people…    some people never get…  some people fall into things… some people will die… I don’t think

There is no such thing(s). One can not attract for another. 

Has anyone ever reconciled for you

Perhaps the ‘answer’ lies in reconciling this for yourself…?

When is direct experience not king? When is settling for thoughts about a dreamboard a supplement for creating one?

If you don’t want to, no one is saying you should. But if you do want to, and don’t doubt it, it will happen. 

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5 hours ago, Aware Wolf said:

If you want to manifest a million dollars and make a vision board -- it won't get you far unless you have causes and conditions in your life like investments or rich relatives.

A dreamboard. 🙏  What would you say to someone who does not have investments or rich relatives, does not believe in causation or conditions, who made a dreamboard, and manifested what you’re saying they couldn’t? 


You already are Miss America. 🙂

And thus that is likely not earnestly desired. 

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@Adeptus Psychonautica


3 hours ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

How would you guys reconcile LoA with situations like famine, disease, atrocity? Surely there is some pure true desire there for mothers not wanting to see their children die in front of them?


When billions of humans believe that somewhere along the line we must suffer somehow, we create/attract a world of pain. Do you notice most people believe this? That suffering is a must? I dont think it is imo. Out of this belief we hurt each other, reinforcing the belief that suffering is real. The belief comes first, then the evidence (starvation, wars, etc.).


3 hours ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

To me this LoA thing seems so western centric and naïve that its comical. Sure you have to get off your arse to make stuff happen, but I think you are putting a lot of sugar on this new-age woo in order to make it more palatable.

LOA is at the heart of every religion actually so its world-wide just comes in different flavors. 


Youve been manifesting all along, it just may be overlooked. Like when you make a sandwich and eat it, thats manifestation! 🙂


Take this as a fun experiment on the side just to see what happens, maybe throughout your day you can notice how your manifesting reality as you wash dishes, make videos, etc. Give it a shot if it sounds cool, if not also cool. 


3 hours ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

Some people get the things they desire, some people never get the things they desire, sime people fall into the things they desire completely by accident without giving it a second thought, some people will die without even knowing desire is possible because their lives were so shitty - and I don’t think a dreamboard would have made much difference.


Our focus on thought creates reality the way we see fit. When we hold a belief of what is desired, then hold another belief of what we dont want to happen, the two kind of cancel out each other. Which is why most people are living 50/50 lives, you know what I mean? like not too good, not too bad, anything can happen. 


Example: I want to make money and have a successful career! But its hard and most people fail, idk if I can do it 😞


You see how the two cancel out? I think we all do/did this at some point. This is whats responsible for the "meh" lifestyle most people have, kinda like a fuck it...anything goes kinda life. 


Also a tip on the dreamboard, when it comes to writing down desires, I find the gradual approach better. 


For example: You want a million dollars. 


Id first put what feels within reach to me but just a bit higher like 30,000 dollars for example.


Then once I got 30k in my bank account, I put 50-60k on the dreamboard. 


And so on until you got that 1 mil in your bank account!


A common misconception people have with LOA is that you just sit, think about 1 mil, then next week you win the lottery lol. 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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1 hour ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

How would you guys reconcile LoA with situations like famine, disease, atrocity? Surely there is some pure true desire there for mothers not wanting to see their children die in front of them?

If you walk through the old part of a cemetery you'll see a lot of children's graves, young mother's graves, plagues of all kinds graves. Now we have vaccines, we have good nutrition, vitamins, a much better food supply, technology to preserve food, medical care, and these things were created because of the desire for them. Yes, tragedies still happen for sure,  but death is not the common occurrence as it once was in a very large area of the world. Someone whose life completely falls apart after a loss or trauma, (someone who fails to truly grieve and recognize that we aren't bodies, and don't really disconnect from one another, truly), is not going to be open to a new idea to create a vaccine, or solve a food distribution challenge, or, etc, etc. Only people who have the desire and tune into creative power will be able to assist in creating anything new or healing. 


1 hour ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

Some people get the things they desire, some people never get the things they desire, sime people fall into the things they desire completely by accident without giving it a second thought, some people will die without even knowing desire is possible because their lives were so shitty - and I don’t think a dreamboard would have made much difference.

If you listen to interviews of people who are homeless, addicted to drug, prostituting themselves, etc, you see a common thread of them coming from parents who lived the same kind of life. They never had a good life modeled for them and then never believed that they could have a better life than what they saw growing up. Many were abused or neglected. You also see the resulting self doubt/ self hate, shame and general unworthiness, because that was what they grew up with and then the medicating of it with drugs. The hardest thing imaginable in developed countries is to live in this environment in that life, to live on the streets, prostituting, addicted, etc. But to them, it's easy. That's the irony. You can't solve this problem with money because their beliefs are running the show. The problem is that they believe they are unworthy. Self love, knowing your unconditional worth is the essence of the law of attraction. It is exactly the same as what psychedelics aim to do, and of course you know all the initial misunderstandings that might be present when that path is first presented to someone. 


1 hour ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:



To me this LoA thing seems so western centric and naïve that its comical.

Is it truly funny, as in it feels good to laugh about it, or is it cringey I'm-in-5th-grade-laughing-at-the-kid-who-peed-his-pants-cause-everyone- else-is-laughing funny? Cause I'm a huge fan of funny but  I don't like to settle for that kinda funny, when there is truly absurdly hysterical stuff out there. 


I'll also say on a material/shallow level (no levels actually) that running a business where I make things, and trying to sort of anticipate what people want but also make what I truly want to make (and the label "artist" helped give me this sense of entitlement that I could care about what I like to make) has been very revealing that monetary success comes from tuning into what is mutually desired. 

1 hour ago, Aware Wolf said:

@Mandy No I truly have the heartfelt desire to be Miss America. 


You didn't ask, I'm not waiting for you to ask cause I'M WORTHY godamit, but world peace. 


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The secret sucks. That doesn't mean that loa doesn't exist. The science of getting rich as well as ask and it is given are great books. You can practice them and see for yourself. Faith in the sense i believe blindly something that someone said or something i read is always stupid. See for yourself.

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In my opinion there is too much emphasis on 'desire', as though if you're not desiring, then what the hell are you doing? If you aren't focusing on desire then perhaps you are suffering/ not getting what you want...

I believe this simply isn't the case. I would replace 'desire' with a general thought that feels good/ refreshing/ relieving/ true, which includes also, desire. It is not about the desire, but rather a good feeling thoughts that LoA is trying to aim at. I have and still am contemplating the nature of good feeling, which can be very tricky, especially if you have unconsciously built lots of judgements surrounding certain things like what you should do, what you should like, who you should become, what is expected from you, which can feel very discordant and resistance occurs, veiling what you are truly after. Likewise, you may find out that you really do want to do what you believe you should do, but that would be without the focus on the 'should', simply because in that scenario you won't hold much beliefs/principals regarding the activity.

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The responses so far basically confirm what I stated originally, that for LoA to be "a thing" then you have to dilute it into something which happens anyway, with no need for any LoA.


If I am understanding correctly then LoA is predicated upon the fact that human beings have what you label "desires", and the fact that those desires sometimes manifest in any shape or form is proof of LoA. The bird wants a nest, it builds a nest, it has a nest - LoA. Rob wants to make a YouTube channel, he makes a Youtube channel, he has a Youtube channel - LoA.


If that is it then suuuuuuuuuure... LoA is totally real, but again this is now so diluted that we are just giving silly new age names to basic behaviour such as cause and effect. Its like rebranding taking a shit as "Genesis of Matter".


9 hours ago, Mandy said:

Is it truly funny, as in it feels good to laugh about it, or is it cringey I'm-in-5th-grade-laughing-at-the-kid-who-peed-his-pants-cause-everyone- else-is-laughing funny? Cause I'm a huge fan of funny but  I don't like to settle for that kinda funny, when there is truly absurdly hysterical stuff out there. 


I am ridiculing the ridiculous and most definitely am finding this cringe, although your framing it as akin to bullying a child is equally cringe. You are not a child who has had an unfortunate accident due to a lack of bodily control, you are an adult who through her own agency believes in something nonsensical and is doing mental gymnastics to justify it. I guess you can take the girl out of the Actualized, but you can't take the Actualized out of the girl.


9 hours ago, Mandy said:

I'll also say on a material/shallow level (no levels actually) that running a business where I make things, and trying to sort of anticipate what people want but also make what I truly want to make (and the label "artist" helped give me this sense of entitlement that I could care about what I like to make) has been very revealing that monetary success comes from tuning into what is mutually desired. 


If we are being shallow and material then I achieved all my own successes (creative, financial, spiritual, romantic, familial...etc) without once having to consider the law of attraction or creating a dreamboard, and I will wager it occurred to a higher degree than most people reading this - so it looks like shit just happens anyway. On the flipside other people are living in hell due to war, famine, disease, stuff way beyond their control and certainly nothing to do with these cliched examples of "it was their parents that made the drug addicts and homeless". Good things and horrific things happen regardless of knowledge, belief, and practice of LoA, so what purpose does LoA serve? Remove LoA entirely from the picture and nothing changes in the day to day mechanism of the world. 


9 hours ago, Orb said:

Youve been manifesting all along, it just may be overlooked. Like when you make a sandwich and eat it, thats manifestation! 🙂


Again if you want to dilute it into something so mundane then sure... LoA is totally real... look how impressed I am at this esoteric mystical phenomenon 😐. Everyday life and basic human flourishing is all due to LoA... cool... someone should totally write a book about that.


Edited by Adeptus Psychonautica

My YouTube channel - Adeptus Psychonautica

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@Adeptus Psychonautica 


2 hours ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

Again if you want to dilute it into something so mundane then sure... LoA is totally real... look how impressed I am at this esoteric mystical phenomenon 😐. Everyday life and basic human flourishing is all due to LoA... cool... someone should totally write a book about that.


I find it all fascinating, if your views on things feels good and helps you, then good! 💗

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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3 hours ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

The responses so far basically confirm what I stated originally, that for LoA to be "a thing" then you have to dilute it into something which happens anyway, with no need for any LoA.

Yup. That's what makes it powerful. Same as awareness. It isn't a thing but it's all that is. 

3 hours ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

Rob wants to make a YouTube channel, he makes a Youtube channel, he has a Youtube channel - LoA.


Rob believes he can make a youtube channel, Rob believes he has things worthwhile of sharing that will be appreciated by others, Rob has a youtube channel. Paul wants a youtube channel but thinks he can't speak good enough, is afraid people will think it's cringe. LOA teachings aren't for Rob, Rob "gets" LOA without needing to "get" it so he gets his youtube channel, Paul doesn't understand that Paul is creating against himself, against his desire. Instead of creating something fun and educational he is beating himself up, and this feels so bad he gives up on what he wants to create. LOA is for Paul. Everyone is a little bit Rob and little bit Paul on all subjects. 


3 hours ago, Adeptus Psychonautica said:

Remove LoA entirely from the picture and nothing changes in the day to day mechanism of the world. 

You are a man moving around in the world, yes? You are a body that goes and gets what it wants? Or are you awareness attracting all experience? 

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