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Everything posted by Devin

  1. You can build a framework of friends and acquaintances, and join some.
  2. Thank you for the very thoughtful response. I think I will try some of those techniques on my own, I'll try to get in a mindset to make it more a priority, when times are good I always put it off. https://saffron-fife-24e2.squarespace.com/forgiveness This is what I think I need to do, just need to make it a priority.
  3. Anyone had a good experience with therapy? I have stuff popup when I get into stressful projects, but when everything is going well I don't take the time to work on deeper issues like I think I should, sort of let sleeping dogs lie. When stressed I can worry hard, feel real gloomy about life, and get scared. I'm actually on the last hard consequential project I ever plan on doing again and about done but I feel like I should capitalize on this heightened sense, like it will probably never feel this strong again but even in the good times I think those thoughts are still quietly bouncing around taking a little from me. What type of therapy do you recommend and what do you look for in a therapist. I have childhood type issues, abandonment, manipulation, traumatic experiences, trust issues. Or any self therapy practices you recommend. I like Journaling when I have time and meditating, expressing. I've looked into internal family systems a bit, but I don't think it get's to the root, sort of more coping, I want to conjure up all my past trauma and process it thoroughly.
  4. Yeah I agree we need to do something about it, all pollution. My point was fear is what keeps us from doing what would be easy to solve this problem, and worrying about it in a selfish way actually contributes to the fear that is the problem already. The reason I mention motive and the earth itself being fine is because recognizing the selfishness in the motive is how you would let go of the worry that is a problem. When you panic climate deniers, which is what ecoactivists do, they start a fear reaction where people don't think rationally they just react, which of course will be in favor of immediate needs rather than future. Not saying that will solve the problem, but when things start getting worse I think it would better the odds.
  5. This is a strong desire. You Think Rockefeller cared about oil, or getting rich? Carnegie cared about steel? Vanderbilt loved Choo Choo trains? JP Morgan just loved helping people get mortgages! Cargill wanted to feed the world!! Nope, you have their same desire. Look at Musk, you think he really cares about Tech advances? The guy in constant juvenile Twitter fights? Nope, he only cares about money. Who are some people who's desire is something other than getting rich?
  6. What do you think seems to be the barrier for Joy, happiness, complete satisfaction with life? Isn't it the thought that you need to do something, that once you get the approval of others or some specific people that then you'll be at peace. Well I suggest you contemplate this, if they love you why do you feel the need to do something for that love, if they loved you you wouldn't need to do anything for it, and if they don't love you will there ever really be anything you can do to actually attain what you seek from them? You might say they just want you to succeed, and in a way that's true, the problem is what they and you think of success, usually material gain and status. Here's something to think about, imagine all of the world lives in cute little English cottage type homes, with just the bare bones necessities, do you think people could be satisfied and happy like that? Of course, so why does everyone want so much more? We need very little, but there's a sickness, call it greed or envy, but that's the 'success' they ignorantly want for you, and it's easy to see there's no satisfied end to it, there's no point where you reach acceptance or love in that ignorance. You can just enjoy now, sure work on getting in a better life position, but you'll never achieve satisfaction or happiness because it doesn't require achieving.
  7. Here's the U.S. boomers when they were your age. My Parents are boomers and smoked pot and drank a lot and all that back then, their parents were always dissatisfied with them, and now as they're older.... they're the boomers you describe. Don't let them fool you, it's amazing listening to older honest people about how it used to be, I've always loved talking to old people, even pre boomer generation they were wild and "lazy mooches". My grandfather did some really crazy stuff when he was young, retired as a plant manager at a factory, then got an easy job in retirement, his dad had a similar story as well. People change, some people like to forget that though. They're just bitter, their life didn't turn out how they wanted so they try to give meaning to the life they did have, all while trying to gaslight you into stroking their ego with admiration. Riddle me this if they worked so hard and were so upstanding; why is the world in a worse place now than it was before them? Strike up conversations with old people(they love it) you'll be blown away by the stories they'll tell. I was a contractor at a plant for a while, I'd have lunch with an old guy I worked with alot that worked there forever, one day he's talking about the lead guy in the place, when he first started years ago he was a stoner that was always about fired and just terrible at his entry level job, but related to the plant manager or something, the guy is straight as an arrow now, in charge, or was, he died a couple years ago. The people I work with that talk the most about work ethic and all that.... they're the laziest ones. I like in this one the girl says she'd spend hours on the telephone everyday talking to her friends, sound familiar? This is 50s
  8. I think the answer you're looking for is to experience whatever comes up. We tend to suppress and keep putting off processing emotions and trauma so it continues to linger. So dig deep, sort of listen to those suppressed thoughts that we've had for so long we go nose blind to them, but they're still there in a way like a light Tinnitus, we just have a hard time recognizing them. For instance a seemingly benign experience in Kindergarten when a kid made fun of you, when your parent scared you by yelling, it's all kinds of stuff we accumulate. To process them you deconstruct the reasoning behind them such as "that's how they were treated so they treated me like that, most people grow and learn to not do that, and this doesn't make life not great." But first I think it's important to fully feel the emotion, cry, scream, let yourself feel sad, angry, ....
  9. I don't know about your situation, when we're younger that tends to be the solution, but just remember when you get older and in more control of your life you more easily control who is in your life and can pretty much exclude everyone like that quite well, it's never happened to me but a stranger could obviously come up and start something but you can just leave 99% of those times.
  10. For everything you say yes to you're saying No to 100 other things.
  11. I think this comes from the airy fairy narrative western culture teaches about human civilization, this may come off as pessimistic at first but it's the opposite, I don't see how you could have real hope while thinking humanity is loving or just, people that try just fill up with cognitive dissonance, all the SJWs in the u.s. worrying about climate change or water resources while a large population of the world has been starving and drinking sewage for a hundred years while being raped and exploited. None of this has to happen, none of these problems are difficult to solve. The only reason they're not is that people only care about consuming, not about helping or giving, only taking and I can prove it even in your post. Why are you worried about climate change? Because you want more time and comfort to consume. The planet will be fine, it will kill us off if need be, why do you care about keeping people inhabiting the earth, that's obviously a consumption mindset. That being said, I vote and advocate for environmentalism, work on using less and less, but I don't believe in worrying about it. I think the root of all civilizations problem is fear, and worry spreads fear, peace kills it. As counterintuitive as it sounds I think worrying about it contributes to the destruction, that being said effort and thought do not require worry, you can be at peace with the destruction while also living in a way to preserve it.
  12. You know how there's self defense classes, there should be classes to practice dealing with assholes.
  13. @Phil like to have a loving relationship you need to have love yourself without the relationship, a relationship is the cherry on top while love is the cake. It would be hard to have a loving relationship without first being in love(not in love with another person just in general), love is the horse the relationship is the cart.
  14. I would say the relationship can be within the sphere of love, but I think the so called love that's created in a relationship is fake/a lie.
  15. Yep for sure, I just mean a relationship isn't what creates or contains love.
  16. Love is love, no conditions, including needing someone else for it. Romantic love is pretty much bullshit, all these people running around looking for a lie, all these liars running around acting like they're in love with someone, almost all bullshit, sexual relationships are centered on procreation, not love, really relationships have ZERO to do with love one way or the other, love is not a relationship status.
  17. Yeah if you push back they'll quit, you must seem like an easy target for them. Ask them to stop, if that doesn't work tell HR, if that doesn't work keep an eye out for another job or team and push back "excuse me that's very rude and uneccesarry/none of your business".
  18. That courthouse is a small town that let's major production filming happen in front of it, it's been used in other non Country videos. Most people even big companies and stars are just fumbling and trying to do right, same with their supporters.
  19. Just enjoy. Try at life, think, make plans, but whatever is going on, whatever happens, enjoy all of it. Try to appreciate by seeing the beauty in everything. This often means cutting out alot of excess in your life and relying more on the simple things that you enjoy.
  20. @Orb zucchini noodles are good to. You use a spiralizer on zuchinni.
  21. Forgot about spaghetti squash, pickles, pickled eggs, sauerkraut and mashed potatoes, asparagus, Brussel sprouts, .... Mmmm
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