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Everything posted by Devin

  1. @Orb I've heard there's really good benefit for it. For my trail running warm up and cool down I walk in all kinds of different ways, sideway shuffle, backwards, high knees, deep lunge,
  2. @Orb excercise is crucial for my hormones or mood or whatever. Something important to me in that department is just like with the food, i have to find physical activities i really enjoy. I like trail running, kicking the soccer ball up and down the soccer field kicking goals, beach volleyball, tennis, skiing, yoga, hitting the heavy bag, ... I'm gonna get a bike soon, and drive alot less.
  3. What works best for me is finding healthy stuff I like, have that on hand, and sort of like with the porn addiction find healthy food you like to substitute for the unhealthy. And keep learning new healthy things you might like to try.
  4. I actually have a 5 year goal of growing all of my own food for one year, no specific diet but trying to move more gardening style. My go to's are sliced avocado on toast with slices of tomato, slivers of red onion, and salt. Eggs and potatos Obrien I love risotto, I don't plan on growing rice but I eat alot now. Risotto with peas and mushrooms, chicken, or whatever. Egg salad sandwiches. Vegetable soup Just got a tomato press to make tomato soup. Tacos I like to make homemade pizza once in a while too I like sardines. Ramen Bananas
  5. Substitute it with a healthier addiction; running, working out, cooking, studying, yoga, .... you need something to focus on like those, use that porn energy up on something positive and just keep chipping away at positioning yourself better in life and slowly processing your trauma.
  6. Yep. It's a behavior, what works for me is taking it one change at a time, make changes in my life in a somewhat coordinated fashion. I would say mostly in order of maslows hierarchy of needs, which eventually includes finding people with healthier behaviors to be around and spending very little time with those that behave in a way that seems to feed unhealthy thoughts in me. "The Path"
  7. Nice, I don't think it's just pivoting either, it's a great habit, a great mindset to develop. Oftentimes what we actually want right now is very simple and attainable, thinking about what you want all the time would help you more easily see all the easy things you want, and take weight away from the harder things to attain.
  8. I doubt Aldean did it to be racist or divisive, just his/their reaction was very divisive. Nike has been a social justice company from the beginning the founder is a serious philanthropist. The article mentions Patagonia, Chouniard started the business as a nature lover. He quit using normal cotton because they had a ventilation malfunction at their facility and the chemicals in the fabric made some employees sick, he didn't just fix the ventilation system he started using organic cotton, for his employees long term health.
  9. Have a sheet for the house with your card paperclipped to it, on the counter. Ask them how they are doing, "if you have any questions ask away" give them your card
  10. Subconscious beliefs; "I need a girlfriend, society to accept me, to survive,..." That's where meditation and Journaling helps process those subconscious beliefs, Journaling about early experiences that bothered you helps, feeling the emotions you felt then processing the event, even something as little as a fellow 1st grader calling you a name. Thoughts are not just verbal thoughts, verbal thoughts are just thoughts translated into verbiage, think of what a blind and deaf person would have for a thought.
  11. Don't be embarrassed, that's another lie we've been told. Orb what's most personal is most universal, I've felt the same way you're describing. You have nothing to be ashamed of, anyone living your life would be in your same position right now, because they'd be you. Orb there's nothing in life that needs done, no accomplishments, nothing, there's no losing at life, no winning either. That's not to say don't try, it's just saying just try to enjoy a bit whatever it is, and then just try at life, however it turns out is however it turns out, but joy is unconditional, you can enjoy under any circumstance.
  12. Whenever I get like that I eventually figure out it's from believing lies we're told; "you should have more money, prettier girlfriend, more successful, buffer, more handsome, nicer, more patient,......" I have to say "Fuck you, to the lies. All that matters is joy, I will try at life, but what ultimately matters is joy and I know joy is unconditional, and I need it right now."
  13. I don't think there's anywhere I or most people would agree with everyone on most things, but I think that's okay. I live in the Midwest and disagree with all of the far right political ideologies. I think if I were to do it over again I would have moved to somewhere like Switzerland in my mid twenties, somewhere with tradition but more loving, it's still possible I'll move there. But it's fine, find decent friends and do your own thing, get involved in community in where and when you comfortably can.
  14. The only sides I see are the fringe minorities on both sides. Most people seem to fall in the middle, or the way I see it; left and right are just the fringes of American values.
  15. I choose democracy, not a side, we're all(most of us all) on the same team. Even if you chose a side, you could further split that side into different sides as well. I don't think it's healthy for democracy to split into sides, we're all just Americans. I disagree with both sides on different issues, and am only a member of a party when there's an important issue to me, and it could be either party today or tomorrow. They're parties not religions or gangs.
  16. All you have to be is not an asshole, anything so called more loving than that is fairytale stuff.
  17. I don't mean that, I mean it's misleading to say the guys that attract the girls are ones that love with all their heart, it's just untrue, show me even one person that loves with all their heart, let alone all these supposed ladies men that are, ladies men are usually selfish jerks, albeit they initially ACT like they're the most loving, but they're the exact opposite. The more loving guys marry their first serious girlfriend and stay married. Women are not attracted to men that love with all their heart, they're attracted to men period, very low bar actually, women put very little effort into discerning or qualifying men. And they rank by however their friend group ranks men, and all friend groups rank differently. At the end of the day all that analysis stuff is crap, they're attracted to men period, just go talk to girls and get to know them, if you like eachother ask her out, THAT'S IT, don't change yourself for women, grow yourself for yourself only.
  18. Yeah. I just mean considering that the excerpt seems fairytailish to me, Knight in shining armor.
  19. Do you think you have ever known someone that is truly loving? The excerpt you shared seems a bit fairytailish to me, the knight in shining armor.
  20. Exactly, no need to make it seem like women are a different species, they love and enjoy what men do just the same, just do you.
  21. The difference for me is you can't know what will or won't be, or even is fun for someone else, trying so someone else is having fun would make you go crazy. And women tend to be terrible communicators to boot, so you'll go extra crazy.
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