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Everything posted by nurthur11

  1. Not to sound disempowering or to invite any hopelessness - but she is very charismatic and sometimes I her success is because of her charisma or her ideas. You know?
  2. You are pointing is precise. Your body/mind need to “heat up”. For me when i start doing anything - talking, working , playing i feel pretty tired but i get more and more energetic as i do that thing. Try it out. I dont mean it as it sounds - like you are not trying. I mean it in the practical first person experience. Try it in a conversation with someone you know and trust - gossip about someone or some topic you find catchy that is not too personal or emotionally overwhelming.
  3. Its the best kind of enlightenment and also you don’t get so hot.
  4. @Orb You would be PERCIEVING similarly even when become "explicitly aware" that your being is experienced before what it is appearing. (which is so simply it is almost funny; almost always you will know intuitively this is to be the case). The most important thing is what can you do with yourself in terms of practical function(in the context of being aware of your being) <being/conscious> could learn, love, perform, connect with others and more can be explored for sure. I have seen people who put it all on their being when it comes to prioritizing tasks or answering questions or even connecting with friends(they will take a decision towards a friend based on what their being is "informing" because in the long term that would put them in a better position both for themselves and for the friend rather than taking a decision based on how one is feeling at the moment). The function of this aspect of your being which is unconditioned is what it is interesting. It can shape your decision making but also your experience. It is good to know this all, what is making the bubble, why sometimes there is a bubble sometimes there is not, who are you in direct experience and so on and so on - interesting but it wont change so much.
  5. Many times during the day i feel lost and i feel i am myself when i do the things i love. But it is hard to live a normal life and do only the things i love.
  6. Okay - what you are asking is to do the work basically. I will start from tomorrow to use the dream board and the emotional scale consistently. On a pessimistic note: Currently, my selves are like a big giant mess and then there is the unconditional which is independent because it is always unconditional. But this is the life situation or experience that i find myself. I don’t feel great about it but it is what it is and all i can do is move on. It is not that i have not felt like this before and i am positive it will pass and one day i will feel like this again. Before i blame my mother now non duality tomorrow someone else. I definitely excepted more out of non - duality in exchange it is just a good story and the unconditional which is to be realized yet this realization is pretty useless one - in my case even more confusing + doesn’t change anything if the work is not put in using in our case the emotional scale, dreambord, mediation.
  7. The problem with me is that when I enjoy, prefer, like something it is instantly and to it is very hard to dislike it. I would have to have a mega reason which is mega vivid(obvious). For example, there are persons that I love and not love regardless of how bad or good they are too me. This is not apparent on my experience - which makes me frustrated, because it is unpredictable. I would love to feel this feeling with all people but it doesn't come. @PhilWriting about it definitely helps but not so much on the new things that I will love or being able to channel love on things that I want to love.
  8. @Mandy I understand what you mean. @PhilMuch practical framing, thank you!
  9. I don’t know what you are saying - maybe because i have not slept at all. Can you love taking drugs? One can love the process of taking drugs but not the hangover part. But this love cannot be pointed in experience. One i believe can lose this love at times. @Mandy How can one stop at the feelings while loving something?
  10. I need indicators here: what would be the indicator's?
  11. To Phil, Mandy, Loop, Faith, Blessed, James, Kevin, Orb. Big hugs.
  12. You sure must like something about there no being a me that's why you like non duality. What is about non duality that you like?
  13. Thank you very much for this response. It sounds very promising - I am out of hope, especially today. How do you suggest to do the practice? Is it like a mindfulness practice?
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