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Everything posted by noomii

  1. The IV chelation therapy they mention in the article is not safe. I use ACC oral low dose chelation. Not IV. I don't resonate with one of the chelators DMSA that I use either, my gut health is worse from it, that's the one used for Lead. Mostly I use ALA. Other than that my health is better since I started though. I could be better for other reasons too. https://livingnetwork.co.za/chelationnetwork/chelation-the-andy-cutler-protocol/ https://cutlersuccessstories.weebly.com/what-not-to-do.html If you're interested you can read about cilantro in Andy cutlers books or just their Fb group. I'd rather use a natural method or just something else I resonate more with than what I use now. What is written about cilantro and other alternative methods have made me not use it so far.
  2. @Phil How is it seen that the thoughts arising when questioning thoughts or contemplating are true? Is it usually necessary to go through the questions (from The Work) with the same belief many times?
  3. Today I did Byron Katie's The Work instead of emotional scale. Also mostly focused on letting go of thoughts about doubt. I just feel so much discouragement about the scale and I don't feel better from using it. A few times I've felt better when I've used it. I'm probably doing something wrong. I don't feel like doing the whole scale everyday. Not even sure if I'm doing questioning of thoughts right. I questioned "I should be productive". What appeared when asking if it's true was "No". Not sure if the thought "No" is coming from inner being or just ego if that makes sense. Last year it felt difficult to question thoughts because of very heavy brainfog and headache, now it's easier. It's probably good to write down my own improvements because it's easy to forget when I'm mostly focused on what's wrong.
  4. So saying/writing "I experience this emotion" makes it easier to let go of the thoughts? When I use the scale I do say out loud "I experience...", it's just in other situations with writing or talking that it feels off to say it like that everytime I express I experience an emotion.
  5. I also feel so discouraged about my diet. I don't tolerate fruits or other things with a lot of natural sugars anymore, so I don't have any comfort food. I just eat low sugar berries sometimes. Pancakes with buckwheat/eggs/cacao have been my comfort food but I've been eating too much eggs so I feel nausea, I think I need to stop eating eggs. I also feel nausea from coconut milk and oil, I should take a break from that too. I already don't eat any sugar, no diary, no gluten and lots of other things I don't eat, so I'm already used to that but I just want some meals that feel comforting and easy😔 I also think I need to plan my meals better and take a better look at what I can eat because I might be craving the wrong foods more when I don't have enough foods that I like at home. I'm just postponing it just like with everything else. A good thing is that I've been starting to eat cauliflower, broccoli and avocado again. I really don't remember when I last ate cauliflower, many years ago. Actually I appreciate experiencing food intolerances because that has made it very easy for me to eat healthy. The unhealthy foods have just felt so bad emotionally/physically that it's easy to just eat what feels better. If I wasn't experiencing this I would probably still be eating white sugar and other junkfood.
  6. I feel so passive and stagnant. I barely get anything done. I feel like I barely make any progress. I should have some plan in one month about where to work and where to live but it feels overwhelming. It feels overwhelming to plan anything I want to do. I just want to go far away from where I live because it feels so bad to stay here. It just feels too difficult to make bigger things I want to experience to happen. I was planning on going to a festival in one month too. Not sure if I'm going to sell the ticket, I would probably regret that. I don't even know what to eat for a whole week, just that feels like a lot to plan. I just did the scale and I did it from discouragement up to boredom. I felt like shit and I feel so fucking frustrated and discouraged about the scale. Disappointed. I put in so much fucking effort and to meditate and it gives me barely anything. I have a hard time relaxing when doing the scale and I am still tense when I have ended both meditation & emotional scale.
  7. Is it really that big of a difference to write "I experience this emotion" compared to how I said it? It feels better to write the way I did and sometimes it feels good to not care about how I write.
  8. Great that it feels good for you. 🙂 I didn't mean cilantro is bad for everyone. I talked about how people experiencing toxicity have reacted to it.
  9. The reason I said that was because I've read about how cilantro doesn't work for removal of heavy metals (no known way of how to use it in a way that works). Apparently a lot of people have reacted very badly to it when they already had high levels of heavy metals in the body. It just stirs around the metals in the body and doesn't get it out. So because of that I just don't want to try it, the whole process would just take much longer. I don't think it's just my own expectation about it.
  10. That I am doing what? Why did you say that? Why did that come to mind? So what does this say about the precognitive dreams? I guess there is no such thing as a "dream" or "precognition"?
  11. This way of communicating but in the dream I'm assuming the other one is not actually doing it. Whereas now I believe you are actually here and communicating with me. I was asking you some advice here on the forum in the dream (I don't remember what), You replied "Have you ever written something in hesitation before?" Then I saw an image of a Dream board with the letter R on it, badly written, that you had tried to remove. It didn't go away fully and then I saw the letter R on a wooden wall and it looked like someone had tried to remove it but it didn't go away. I don't know, perception makes it seem like there's a past and future
  12. @Phil Is it possible for a person to communicate with me through my dreams? It would be so boring if you said there's no people 😄 Also is there some way to confirm that a dream experienced is something that will happen in the future? Aside from actually experiencing it later. And is it possible to see an event in a dream that will happen a long time after the dream? Usually when I see something that will happen it happens a few days later or shortly after.
  13. I use the emotional scale daily now again for a shorter time. I meditate as usual too. I feel discouraged, bored and uninspired about these practices. I just don't know what's better to do. I think I need something different but I don't know what. My breathing is very shallow and I feel so much fatigue.
  14. Appreciating one of my nieces saying "I just have to tell you, I LOVE being with you!". ❤️ Also she just loves cleaning and organizing, really. So whenever she is here she just loves to help clean my room with me. She doesn't even seem to do it to please me. It has felt so difficult to do it on my own so with her it has felt much easier and created a momentum.
  15. I don't know what to name this journal because I feel so uninspired. I doubt I even want to journal here and I might delete this, but I'm trying it anyways because I want clarity about how I want to express. I just want to be completely honest and not hold back anything, but I think I have to do that here which does not feel freeing. There might be other ways to express myself that would feel better. I have been experiencing rumination now for several hours. Doubt about what practice I want to focus on and I have felt incredibly lonely. Not good enough, I'm doing things wrong.
  16. Sorry when I wrote this I was caught up in thinking of a treatment for people that have a problem with higher levels of heavy metals. I thought of what some people need to protect to some extent from oxidative damage. The same approach is most likely not needed for people that don't have the same issue with heavy metals. Because I seem to experience toxicity and I'm doing a treatment for it. I don't believe that the method you use would work for me. Doesn't that work like expectation that you talked about? I experience pain in my ears at night that wake me up but I thought that's because of emotional distress and tension. @Blessed2 don't you use salt in other meals? I like drinking water with himalaya salt sometimes when I crave it, tastes so good and makes me feel good too.
  17. I also doubt it's enough to neutralize any damage.
  18. I get that blueberries and apples neutralize the damage, but I doubt they have the ability to actually remove the heavy metals. Show me how they do it. Apologize this was not the point of the thread.
  19. I have read the same about people eating a lot of tuna. Personally I don't eat any seafood because of the heavy metals. I just take Algae oil grown on land for Omega 3.
  20. Great! I kinda get what you mean by feeling more solid
  21. Would eating still be a pain in the ass if you were free to eat anything that felt good? I was vegan/vegetarian most of my teenage years but later on my digestion was so bad & I didn't have much food to eat, so I had to switch to simply eating anything that felt good and let go of opinions about it. I seem to feel weaker in a subtle way when I don't eat meat and when I eat it again I feel better. Eating meat feels grounding for me. Not sure why. Most meat I eat seem to be easily digested for me. Most advice for diet shared on this forum would make me feel awful lol. I still care a lot about animals. I notice I have stopped thinking about how the meat I eat is a dead animal because I don't want to feel guilt and I want to enjoy my meal. I don't really know how to relate to that. It also doesn't feel right to buy meat when I'm not willing to kill the animal myself, I would only do it if I wanted to survive. If I felt great on a vegan diet then I would probably not eat animals. For B12 from what I know methylcobalamin is the one that is supposed to be most effective to absorb. I don't really understand this whole thing about needing B12 when eating vegan. If the only way to get B12 naturally is through meat etc then it seems like we need to eat meat or eggs for that. Would like to hear a different perspective on this.
  22. Yeah my legs were so tired. The video I linked made me a lot more tired compared to the first video in this thread. I thought "rest positions" was the positions were you are going to start the tremoring.
  23. I've tried this a few times and I haven't experienced much trembling or release so I've felt dissapointment about it. I tried it again today, I lied down in the forest and followed the guidence in this video: With the first resting position there was not much trembling. Felt dissapointment. Then I changed to the second resting position that they showed in the end and I started trembling. Started to cry a lot, felt uncomfortable sensations in the body and my arms were straight and tensed up, as if I wanted to push away something. What came to mind was how I've forced myself to have sex/physical touch that I did not even want for years. I've ignored the body's clear way of saying "No!". Maybe it's easier to experience a release if the exercises are followed without listening to the video so that one can let go of thoughts and allow more.
  24. @Loop Thank you 🙂 so I guess I don't need to know and I can't get it wrong. It feels the best when I allow myself to freely express in any way I want.
  25. I find it difficult to discern emotions when doing the emotional scale. If I would feel an emotion strongly right now I think it would be easier to identify which one it is but when going through the scale and reaching for a thought (when I don't currently feel it) it's more subtle. Usually I don't even feel anything when reaching for thoughts about overwhelm, despair, powerlessness or dissapointment (when it's not felt in the moment). Even though it has been experienced recently. I find it hard to recognize dissapointment and powerlessness. Same for pessimism, I sometimes mix it up with other emotions. I've never felt passion when reaching for it, I don't remember the last time I felt passion in life, I don't know what I feel passionate about so I'm not sure what thoughts to reach for. How can I more easily discern emotions? What do I do if I don't feel anything when reaching for a thought about an emotion?
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