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How to quit sugar ?

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Naturally occurring sugar is fine. I don't see a problem with eating fruits. 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Naturally occuring sugars have minerals in them which have some nutritional value. White sugar is empty calories with no nutritional value. Fruits have rich fibre in them, so the sugar in them are processed differently in the body, which is okay. But make sure not to consume too much fruits.


It is important to recognize that white rice is also carbohydrate like sugar. I think it is very akin to white sugar, but not as bad. Boiled white rice is my staple food, but we eat them with other curries, which makes the assimilation different and less unhealthy.


I also want to eat sugary things after a meal. I drank Pepsi an hour ago. I am currently not trying to quit sugar. 

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It’s the same as saying you’ll find out the belief wasn’t / isn’t true and be free of it. 


The mind is making a claim on behalf of feeling. What it knows about feeling. Without a suppressant feeling will be more pronounced, fuller if you will, and that will inherently dispel the belief about how I feel (not full). 

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@Someone here

One approach is to acknowledge sugary drinks have no nutritional value, seem to have a fog like effect clarity wise, and a lethargic effect bodily / energy wise.  Which is another way of saying, acknowledging you’re being manipulated so to speak, right out of the Good-feeling you already are, I I attributing Good-feeling as coming from somewhere, someone or something. 

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Often there is a legit desire that isn't being met in an addiction. Smoking can be meditative, desire for sweetness can be desire for vitamins, minerals and energy in fruit. Fruit is uniquely hydrating (in the form of living cells of plants rather than just straight water) and provides clean, quick energy. Sweetness cravings are an easy fix with fruit. 

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Pure white sugar is also a naturally occuring substance just like anything else, it's extracted from the sugar beets (or cane in case of a brown variety), it's basically just a very energy rich/dense form of carbohydrates (because it's a 100% pure carbohydrate) and that's exactly its number one problem as well from the health standpoint, long term unhealthy consumption will cause various metabolic well known disruptions in your body such as insulin resistance, heart problems and the list goes on.


On 1/6/2024 at 10:11 PM, Someone here said:

First of all ..is all types of sugar  bad for you ? Like is honey and fructose (fruits sugar) as bad as white junk sugar?

Yes they can be, you'd just have to consume a much larger ammounts for the negative effects to manifest


On 1/6/2024 at 10:11 PM, Someone here said:

And second of all ..I don't seem to feel full and satiated after my meals without drinking a sugary beverage whether cold or hot like tea or Pepsi etc

Probably because that's how you conditioned your body by making it a habit, just like with anything else, if you'll quit it and replace it with sonething healthier your body will protest for a while but it'll get used to it


And you can't really quit sugar, as in quiting carbs, because they are necessary for your health, just pick healthier varieties and ammounts, moderation just like with anything else

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