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If most men that struggle to get laid is because they are not masculine enough and high value females discard you at the minimum trait of weakness or lack of masculine authority and confidence, can we certainly confirm that women are


1. Tougher than men

2. More raw, crude and survival oriented than men (instead of valuing things as personality affinity, hobbies, etc...).


As a man, I feel I've always rejected this crude truth. But it has come to a point where I think I have started to REALLY accept it. Something dies inside you because deep down you had this hunky Dory narrative about that women can love you as you love them (just as you are, with your good things and bad things, and taking into account basically physical attraction and personality).

But it seems those things does not really matter significantly to females. Is more..."are you going to give me what I really want/need from a man? Or not? Because if not all your fancy personality things don't matter at all"


And I realized I'm no one to judge what women really need. I realize...ok I can not judge them from my male perspective. I was born with a penis, not a vagina. With this body I was born with a predominant masculine energy , I can't really know the struggles and fear that women might have, so who am I to say what is important in a male. Whatever they are actually attracted to, I will respect 


And it seems raw attraction from males is that. Protection, leadership, owning them (in a positive way, not in an abusive way), to finally be able to let go and trust his man. To strength and confidence, raw power. Ok It makes sense, and is painful to see it, I never transmitted this values to most women. It makes sense most of them rejected me.


Now that I have accepted the hard truth I will be able to give them what they actually need. Before I used to judge "Alfa males" but I know realize it was a judgement towards masculine energy. Well, not more judgements. Some of us that have had problems with attracting females have to really embrace this energy and give it to them (females) finally. Accept the role they want. Make them feel safe and lead and "holded" between our arms. Of course this kind of narrative might not be like by some feminists but is where we are right now. I mean just look at the war, we are nowhere near a conscious planet yet. There is still the jungle rules, there are still wars, bullying...etc. and so female attraction goes still for the most basic important traits that will make them feel safe.


They don't care about your zodiac sign affinity, your hobbies, personality, or even if you are physically appealing. They care that you won't be a sissy bitch. They want a strong confident leadership Alfa man. If you are triggered with that you might be a sissy in denial. Attraction of females is raw, crude, this is the jungle, if you don't give them what they actually need you don't matter. This might sound harsh but notice we are talking about chimps (males and females are just evolved chimps) attraction. Love as disney movies told you does NOT exist between romantic/sexual partners. Is impossible. The faster we accept this the less painful surprises we will face. 💔



Edited by ConsciousDreamer666
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38 minutes ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

because they are not masculine enough and high value females discard you at the minimum trait of weakness or lack of masculine authority and confidence, can we certainly confirm that women are


This is total nonsense.


Every cell in your body feels that it is nonsense.


It is not what you want and it is not what you are.


40 minutes ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

1. Tougher than men

2. More raw, crude and survival oriented than men (instead of valuing things as personality affinity, hobbies, etc...).


Women literally just be chilling and men keep coming up with nonsense.



This is basically incel rhetoric. Not judging, I know shit can be hard. But this is just propaganda / manipulation / ideology / thought-attachment and every cell in your body can feel it.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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@ConsciousDreamer666 both genders are "survival oriented", just expressed in different ways. 


You are recognizing the power of embracing your masculinity, which is great. 


You can love and respect women while also embracing your own masculinity, I'd argue it would make you more attractive too. 


You don't have to be a simp.


Feminine women are hot, why? Because they're in alignment with the polar opposite of masculinity. It's very satisfying, I think it's the same vice versa. 

Edited by Orb

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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Confirmation bias is favoring information that supports existing beliefs while ignoring contradictory evidence, leaving one with confusion and the discord or suffering of a twisted and emotionally distorted experience of reality.


Though it may initially be challenging in an intimate and sensitive way, counteract & dispel this by engaging in ongoing conversation to hear, consider, directly experience, entertain and process more diverse, insightful and aligned feeling perspectives.


When the triggering of the confirmation bias is experienced, be willing to breathe & relax, feel the discord, and see which thoughts and perspectives truly do and do not resonate, and trust only in that with which the discord & alignment is directly felt. Be most careful to notice the suppression of that which feels. As in, notice what perspectives do not feel good to you, and don’t ignore the discord felt in favor of a perceived or assumed projection of authority or knowledge. Simply put, no longer put what someone is saying in a convincing authoritative manor over, ahead & above how what they’re saying actually feels to you. Allow the verbiage of shortage, weakness and lack to reveal to you the insecurity,  inferiority and justifications & rationalizations of, which lie behind such bias.


When these aspects are triggered in you, put the topic that is triggering down momentarily, and address these aspects directly vs continuing to attempt to suppress and compensate these aspects with short term physical pleasure enabled by believing one’s own arising justifications and rationalizations.


Be willing to notice impulsive thinking, actions and behaviors, and the pursing of short term immediate gratifying physical pleasures. Slow down in your consideration of these aspects and begin to acknowledge and decipher what feels good because it seems to boost self image, or your idea of yourself and how you are seen or thoughts of, as compared to what resonates with you more deeply and is in agreeance with what you yourself want in the longer term. 


Put the discord and alignment of ‘your’ thoughts, directly, first. Consciously allowing this in direct experience is consciously acknowledging others are in the same boat. This breaks the spell of influence via projection, or the giving away of, your own intrinsic inherent true authority over how you think about these or any matters. This results in experiencing what you actually want to experience, and no longer feeling the discord with the fundamental underlying nature of attraction. 


Attraction, chemistry and compatibility are influenced by a far more broad and diverse combination of physical, emotional, intellectual, and personal aspects than your current lens or framing acknowledges or allows. Generalizing about what all women want or need objectifies yourself and others and thus oversimplifies the complexity of human relationships.



Be most care-full to acknowledging ideas held which are not based direct experience of relationships, such as advice from others with little to no actual direct experience of healthy, happy relationships with peers, friends, family, coworkers, community and as it pertains to significant others.


Be open to the possibility that this way of thinking arises of unaddressed trauma and is related to interpretations which arose of childhood relationships, and that this is in truth what’s playing out in the pursuing of adult relationships. People have far more diverse desires and preferences than is yet seen, and there are many women who value a wide range of qualities in their partners, very much including the honesty, integrity, self respect, emotional growth & intelligence, and emotional availability which shines through via the non overlooking of the discord and instead employing the introspection being suggested here. 


Relationships are built on mutual understanding, communication, honesty and respect. While confidence and assertiveness can be attractive qualities for some individuals, they are not the determinants of a successful relationship. Healthy relationships are based on trust, empathy, compassion and emotional connection. These are opposite to confirmation bias playing out as defensiveness and protectiveness of a self image, idea of yourself, or, separate self of thought. 


It's crucial to avoid making sweeping judgments about individuals or groups based on gender. Each person is highly unique, you are not a mind reader, and their preferences can be discovered and respected via communication rather than believing projections. It's essential to approach relationships with an open mind and a willingness to communicate and compromise, and it’s a joy to discover not only the true nature of yourself, but also in someone for who they really are in this way as well. This contributes to an experience of healthy, mutually fulfilling connection. Stereotyping or generalizing about what all women want or need is psychologically misleading of oneself and is unhelpful in fostering the richer, deeper and more meaningful relationships actually desired in sincerity.


Be willing to notice and feel the discord of seeking short term gratification for suppression of emotion and inflation of self image, as well as the fact that this attracts in kind and is what’s ‘behind’ and leads to what could otherwise be rationalized as rejection. 







The more you see what you more deeply and sincerely want, the more you see it’s a matter of getting out of your own way, and therein the less attention, time and mind-space is leant to what was discordant to you in the first place. Thinking, solving, figuring out etc (rumination) doesn’t lead to or result in focusing upon what’s actually wanted. It’s actually very opposite. 



Avoiding introspection via avoiding discord, does not lead to or result in alignment. 



“One is experiencing discord & suffering and has not yet acknowledged one is denying this.”

Take that first step on the inward path.  


Reply to, converse in, communication via - your own thread. Don’t assert righteously while in truth much discord is felt and then abandon or disregard the ensuing comments - talk it through. Ask questions. Engage. Dispel. Liberate. 

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On 9/30/2023 at 4:10 PM, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

If most men that struggle to get laid is because they are not masculine enough and high value females discard you at the minimum trait of weakness or lack of masculine authority and confidence, can we certainly confirm that women are


1 tough

2 Raw, crude and survival oriented (instead of valuing things as personality affinity, hobbies, etc...).


As a man, I feel I've always rejected this crude truth. But it has come to a point where I think I have started to REALLY accept it. Something dies inside you because deep down you had this hunky Dory narrative about that women can love you as you love them (just as you are, with your good things and bad things, and taking into account basically physical attraction and personality).

But it seems those things does not really matter significantly to females. Is more..."are you going to give me what I really want/need from a man? Or not? Because if not all your fancy personality things don't matter at all"


And I realized I'm no one to judge what women really need. I realize...ok I can not judge them from my male perspective. I was born with a penis, not a vagina. With this body I was born with a predominant masculine energy , I can't really know the struggles and fear that women might have, so who am I to say what is important in a male. Whatever they are actually attracted to, I will respect 


And it seems raw attraction from males is that. Protection, leadership, owning them (in a positive way, not in an abusive way), to finally be able to let go and trust his man. To strength and confidence, raw power. Ok It makes sense, and is painful to see it, I never transmitted this values to most women. It makes sense most of them rejected me.


Now that I have accepted the hard truth I will be able to give them what they actually need. Before I used to judge "Alfa males" but I know realize it was a judgement towards masculine energy. Well, not more judgements. Some of us that have had problems with attracting females have to really embrace this energy and give it to them (females) finally. Accept the role they want. Make them feel safe and lead and "holded" between our arms. Of course this kind of narrative might not be like by some feminists but is where we are right now. I mean just look at the war, we are nowhere near a conscious planet yet. There is still the jungle rules, there are still wars, bullying...etc. and so female attraction goes still for the most basic important traits that will make them feel safe.


They don't care about your zodiac sign affinity, your hobbies, personality, or even if you are physically appealing. They care that you won't be a sissy bitch. They want a strong confident leadership Alfa man. If you are triggered with that you might be a sissy in denial. Attraction of females is raw, crude, this is the jungle, if you don't give them what they actually need you don't matter. This might sound harsh but notice we are talking about chimps (males and females are just evolved chimps) attraction. Love as disney movies told you does NOT exist between romantic/sexual partners. Is impossible. The faster we accept this the less painful surprises we will face. 💔



Yep, except tougher and more raw, equally.

Edited by Devin
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I suspect by & large women haven’t been marketed to via key word searches & convinced with conviction and untruths, and haven’t listened to this niche of youtube channels, and are not thinking about any of this stuff. I imagine a female listening to a male with that thinking & vernacular, doing a quick ‘how much personal info has already been disclosed’ tally, and thinking how soon can I get out of this situation safely without triggering his underlying suppression. Or alternatively, interested, only for it to be short lived, back into the cycle and on to the next experience; repeat. Guy’s could think ‘what is it I’m not getting here’, but likely believe their own rationalizations and ‘get stuck in’ bitterness. 

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After a chat I had with a friend of mine, I think we both came to the conclusion that both men and women are attracted to alignment. 


When you start breaking it down into more specific pieces then that's when they start hissing at you 😄. It's like explaining a joke to someone. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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13 minutes ago, Phil said:

I suspect by & large women haven’t been marketed to via key word searches & convinced with conviction and untruths, and haven’t listened to this niche of youtube channels, and are not thinking about any of this stuff. I imagine a female listening to a male with that thinking & vernacular, doing a quite ‘how much personal info has already been disclosed’ tally, and thinking how soon can I get out of this situation safely without triggering his underlying suppression. Or alternatively, interested, only for it to be short lived, back into the cycle and on to the next experience; repeat. Guy’s could think ‘what is it I’m not getting here’, but likely believe their own rationalizations and ‘get stuck in’ bitterness. 

Pretty much

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On 9/30/2023 at 11:10 PM, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

The faster we accept this the less painful surprises we will face. 💔


Just to point out the obvious... All everyone ever wants is just to have fun. Girls literally just wanna have fun.


The interpretations/beliefs/views you share in this post is the opposite of having fun. Like you yourself already acknowledge, you're not having fun, but suffering immensely.


The post literally ends with a broken heart.


If that's the 'energy' you're putting out... Or basically saying, "come not have fun with me", why would anyone ever take that offer?


Even you don't want to hang out with these thoughts.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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Don't extrapolate anything extra when one person doesn't want to be with you.  It's one person not feelin it with one person, nothing else, it doesn't mean you're "too blank" or "not enough" blank.  This is a blind guessing game that only serves to inhibit you from being authentic.  Authenticity is attractive, not trying to seem "masculine" or seem anything.  Be the least like what is expected of you.  Be surprising.  Be fucking different.  don't try and be brad pitt.

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19 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:


The interpretations/beliefs/views you share in this post is the opposite of having fun. Like you yourself already acknowledge, you're not having fun, but suffering immensely.


The post literally ends with a broken heart.


If that's the 'energy' you're putting out... Or basically saying, "come not have fun with me", why would anyone ever take that offer?


Even you don't want to hang out with these thoughts.


Yeah but coming to terms with reality that the Disney Love isn't real is the first step to moving on to fun, if you're chasing an imaginary carrot you'll always be left disappointed no matter how much positivity and optimism you try to sugar coat it with. Grieve the death of that false narrative(his broken heart 💔  at the end) then you can move on to healthy realistic relationships.

Edited by Devin
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