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Seductive Coitus - my feminine feelings


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@Phil I'm contemplating hard on your questions and I'll come back with a long answer. I need some time for contemplation. 




So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Okay I have contemplated enough. This is my Magnum Opus of a reply to you. 

Take some time to digest it -


here I'll need to provide you some context. The context of culture. I'm born in a deeply religious country (India) of multiple faiths. We can never abandon religion and the religious ethos seeps through every aspect of our lives. Religion provides a grounding to an otherwise futile life. 


The Western Culture mostly comprises of the Caucasian people, black people and others. The Eastern Culture comprises of Arab people, Indian people, and the rest of far east and south Asia. 


The Eastern culture is the polar opposite of the Western culture. It's so different that understanding Eastern culture might be beyond comprehension for most Western people. 


Our combined cultures (that is including all of Arab, Muslim, Indian, Asian and Islanders) are heavily influenced by religion both Abrahamic and Non Abrahamic. We live a very strict life and believe in living in doctrine or virtue. 


One of our virtues and values is valuing family, collectivism, marriage over self. So sacrifice of the self in lieu of family or Love is considered honorable. 

So when we fall in love, we truly mean it. It's like "till death do us part." We actually take our marriage vows pretty seriously. Our marriages are religion oriented. We consider divorce to be a curse like Bubonic plague. A Western equivalent of such a culture can be found in Mormon communities or strict Catholic Church oriented marriages. 


We don't believe in pre-marital sex. So the man and the woman need to be virgins or keep themselves "pure" until marriage. This also applies to Muslim culture as well. 

We don't believe in pre-marital sex. So the man and the woman need to be virgins or keep themselves "pure" until marriage. This also applies to Muslim culture as well. 


Our divorce laws are poorly formed. Most of the time we don't have a single clue what will happen in a divorce. Because I never heard of a single divorce in my neighborhood and community in all my years of existence in my country. 

Divorce is an extremely rare phenomenon. This is not to mean that we can't divorce. We can. But most couples don't want to. 

To understand Eastern Cultures, you'll have to sit in a time machine and go back to Biblical times. 


The only reason Western Culture survived for centuries is because of Christianity. Christianity grounded Western people into a firm structure of Man and Wife, family and community and moral duty. No killing, pillaging, no wild west and men acting like gentlemen and women being obedient wives, a strong blue collar work ethic and NO ADULTERY. Thus the man was supposed to be faithful to his wife and the wife had to bear and raise his children. 


Now the present Western Culture is pure cancer. People don't go to church. Sex before marriage is rampant. Porn is rampant. The Traditional Christian backbone of Western Culture has been badly broken and replaced with Hedonism. Pickup culture. Cheating in marriages. Feminism is partially responsible too because it teaches women to be hateful or resentful of men. 


Christianity was and is patriarchal. This patriarchal structure is necessary to keep a marriage strong and enduring. 


Man(human)  is an animal. Humans need taming. Religion takes care of it. It hammers humans into shapes that fit into the social fabric. Although the culture becomes rigid, there is a set pattern and adherence to this pattern. A basic grounding. 


Our cultures are basically basically designed around the ideals of love, faith, collectivism and perseverance. Sacrifice is an important part of it. So if a couple doesn't get along, then don't just abandon each other over minor disagreements. They stay together and persevere. They look for the deeper roots of the relationship in commitment and loyalty. They rely on that. They don't immediately think of divorce. They understand that disagreement and fights are hardships of a relationship they must overcome and this they do by either trying to find a common ground, compromise over each other's beliefs and then knowing that fundamentally they love each other at the end of the day. 

When you truly love someone deeply, opinions, beliefs, thoughts, fights will take second place. They won't matter. You desire that person. You don't desire things. What you're talking about is desiring things and not the person.

But my idea of love means desiring the person despite their flaws. 

Now in the west such a concept would be considered madness, fantasy, impossibility or stupidity. It doesn't jive with the western value of individualism where your own needs are more valuable over your partner's. You also see the erosion of Christianity in the west. The flower culture came in the 1960s. Everything was drugs and being hip. Church was considered old. Gradually people began ditching the Church in large numbers. This paralleled the rise of feminism and decline in family values. The white picket fence was replaced by a strong independent working single mother and "I don't need a man" culture. It wasn't necessary to be betrothed to each other. Children were both out of wedlock. 

Christian values were dwindling. There was no man and wife. Men wanted to date and dump. Men wanted freedom. Women wanted freedom from the obligations of a relationship. Then came the biggest blow to Christianity and consequently to Western culture. The Contraceptives - condoms. Now people could freely have sex without the obvious worries. Western culture purely capitalized on contraceptives and abortions. Although fundamentally Christianity does not honor abortion, this wasn't exactly palatable to the Hedonistic western society. Then jewz bought porn along with feminism. Oh what a brutal mix..They began calling it sexual freedom. It was rubbish. It was just a license for free sex. Abundant free sex. Western people felt tempted to abandon Christianity or else how can they have so much sex? Temptation is a sin in the Bible for a reason. Western people gave into temptation. Junk food was selected over healthy food. Sex was selected over marriage. It wasn't necessary to love someone. Only sleep with them and then forget them. Abundant free sex. The end of Christianity signaled the end of Western culture as well. Now children weren't needed. Faith wasn't needed. Science replaced faith. Sex replaced children. Jezebel had won. True love had lost. Temptation took over. 

There was no Virgin Mary. She was sacrificed. Now there was only porn and sex and the madness. Faith, commitment, loyalty, the idea of eternal romance and family out of the window. 


Western families began to crumble. Husbands cheated on wives. Divorces were brutal. Single parenting was admired and encouraged as a part of feminism. The role of the father wasn't important anymore. 


A different culture began to emerge. One of hedonism where men were mostly only sperm donors and not much beyond that. Women used men for sex. Men used women for sex. 

And now the birth rates kept falling. Nobody wanted family. Nobody wanted children. Nobody wanted Church. The Church was seen as a problem, something to be eliminated. The end of Western civilization too. Chaos and disorder because values weren't important anymore. Screw values right? 



The strongest equivalent of the Eastern cultural notion of True love can be that of Romeo and Juliet.

Buf they had to abandon that as well. Romeo and Juliet was disgraced in the West as a "fantasy relationship." 

Because such a relationship was a huge threat to the idea of Abundant free sex. Romeo and Juliet was considered fool's paradise. 


Anything that threatened "abundant free sex" was swiftly removed and thrown into the bin. Except Porn. Because porn encouraged abundant free sex. 


And then came the softy culture. Christianity held in high regard the idea of suffering and hardships. Christianity considered suffering an important component of existence. It was about resilience. 


The softy culture did not appreciate this. "Why should I suffer?" Everything was "i i i i... me me me me me me." Narcissism and false victimhood grew in the west. 


This resulted in a culture of intolerance in the West. Christianity taught tolerance. But Western people could not bear that. Who wants tolerance when there's money? 


Love thy neighbor was slowly replaced by Fuck thy Neighbor. Came the gun culture. Not that it never existed before. But now it was abundantly exploited in politics. Own guns. Fear. Paranoia. Mistrust. Fear your neighbor. 


Fuck Christian values. You have beer. You have sex. You have money. You have guns. What more do you want? Oh wait you'll need New Age Spirituality to aid your Narcissism right? How else can you look Hip and Dippy? Flower Child after all!!!! 


So came new age spiritual waaa wooo waaa wooo. Waaa Waaa Waaa Wooo Wooo Wooo. Omg Honey Boo Boo. Western people wanted to look like they are forever vacationing in Hawaii, Hono loo loo. 


No strings attached. Wear the grass skirt and a garland around the neck and gyrate ya to the tune of the drums. Why not? Life is just vacation. Fuck Christian values. 


It's no hidden secret that Western people always envied all the tribal people dancing and letting loose around a bonfire in grass skirts and bone necklaces. Oh the envy. They wanted their own version of this cosplaying. 


So came psychedelics and drugs that make you feel woozy woozy. Perfect embodiment of everything boozy boozy. Well such temptations would not be tolerated in Christianity so fuck Christianity once again. Life is merry when you have psychedelics and booze. Sprinkle some meditation and half baked Indian spirituality Non Duality Woo woo into it and you're all Fine and Dandy. Kumbaya around the bon fire. And some no strings attached free sex inside the tent. 

Family values, ouch, they hurt too much. 

All you will need is a bit of wokeism to shoo shoo any religious value as "utter nonsense." 

So came the new religion after porn and all the seduction. Wokeism and Liberalism. Go as Anti Christian as possible. All the way. As much as you can. No community no family. Only me me me. Just add the adjective "poor" before "me." oh poor me. Look at me. I suffer because the system won't allow me to be me. I don't give a single crap if my values are antithetical to commun-ity. It's only me me me. I'm the new age hippy baybee. Give me some free sex and set me free. I always wanted to be that hippy slut wannabe. Guys be drooling over free pussy under the guise of feminism. Never before was this available to western men in plentyyy. Who wants a wife when you got a slut for free? 


No marrying necessary... 


As though western culture wasn't free enough alreadyyy....Aww poor me me. 


Anything anything even the slightest lack of alignment feels like torture right? Any disagreement and block, ghost. Just don't talk. Straight to Divorce. 


Because hippies can't tolerate pain. They weren't born for that. They are flower children.

Mah feelingz hurt. How could you hurt mah feelingz.


Treat me like a baby at all times at any age. I want someone who can simply get along. Make me feel at peace. Only peace. Om. Om om. This is what western people want. Even the slightest disagreement. Ouch ouch ouch and they run away to Divorce courts. 


All this is nothing but Spiritual Bypassing. 


You won't find peace in such love. The more you look for peace the more it eludes you. No kumbaya can save you. 


In life there is tremendous suffering and so also in love. There is melancholic, nihilistic, masochistic, sadistic, painful, sadomasochistic, tyrannical, oppressive, punitive aspects to life. Life is not about potato chips and TV and a bed of roses. 


There will be hardships in everything and in relationships too. 

You can't have your cake and eat it too. 


Western culture is about Escapism to the max.. 


Escapism is not a solution. It's Spiritual Bypassing. 


Sometimes you have to think about children. You have to sacrifice your happiness for the greater good. You have to be with your partner and love them despite all the neurosis and fighting. You have to keep it together to keep the flame of love burning. You have to sacrifice. Because there's a value to such sacrifice of personal happiness. It's the union of souls. You have to take the pain to experience the good. To have the reward. 


Your pain and struggle won't be in vain. The pain you take to build a family, to love another as thyself, will reverberate and come back to you as a reward in the form of tolerance, companionship, loyalty, understanding and harmony. These are the greatest virtues. In failing we learn. In weakness we find strength. In fear we seek courage. 


Life is about resilience and not freebies. Nothing will ever come for free. 


Christian values aren't a joke. Religion isn't a joke. There's a purpose to everything. A higher purpose. A greater purpose. 


In pursuing true love, we find  peace. 


Man is a social animal for a reason. We need family. We need community. We need love. And for that a small sacrifice is not a big price. Today's sacrifices will be tomorrow's reward. What you shall sow is what you will reap. 


Relationship is about building virtue. Virtue is not built meditating under a mango tree blissfully smoking pot.


Virtue is built through heroism. Through passion. In the furnace. 


Virtue is not built in a crucible in a laboratory. Virtue is built in the rawness of life. In living, in surviving despite the odds. Virtue lies in building love and selflessness. Not in petty fights and divorcing over petty fights. 


My message to the White man is - go back to your roots. Go into battle. Your ancestors created the life that you waste today by pissing it away in the wind. There is no flag bearer. You're the flag bearer. Do not let the efforts of your ancestors be wasted. Do not let virtues be forgotten in pussy culture. Do not let values die. 


Hold the values dear. Christian values are hard to follow, yet the reward is golden. True spirituality is within you. 


Your ancestors persevered for so long so you could live today. They created families, had children, honored the institute of marriage and survived all odds. Not for the narcissist woke generations of today to squander it all away in sex, temptation and nonsense. Not for easy peasy kumbaya. 


Honor the efforts of your ancestors. Keep the flame burning. Get over petty things. Honor the bond between lovers and don't call it fluff. 


Go build families. Go build nations. Go love your neighbors and give up guns. 


Create a culture of love and true passion, of heroism, of virtue and get over petty conflicts. 


The meaning of life is found in perseverance and resilience, in weathering storms, in facing the truth and in facing reality. 


Rest is cope. 


Great cultures weren't created overnight. Whether it's Hellenic, Greek, Egyptian, Native American or Indian. They were built by ancestors and a lot of sacrifices went into that.


Western Culture is almost dying out. Declining rapidly. Thanks to Kumbaya. 


Be raw. Be real. Live in truth. Live in virtue. Seek love and brotherhood. This battle is not easy but it's worth the effort. Every generation of mankind did this, now is no different. 




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So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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The assumption that love demands sacrifice is the message of suffering. A Course In Miracles:


"In one way or another, every relationship the ego makes is based on the idea that by sacrificing itself, it becomes bigger. ²The “sacrifice,” which it regards as purification, is actually the root of its bitter resentment. ³For it would prefer to attack directly, and avoid delaying what it really wants. ⁴Yet the ego acknowledges “reality” as it sees it, and recognizes that no one could interpret direct attack as love. ⁵Yet to make guilty is direct attack, although it does not seem to be. ⁶For the guilty expect attack, and having asked for it they are attracted to it.


In such insane relationships, the attraction of what you do not want seems to be much stronger than the attraction of what you do want. ²For each one thinks that he has sacrificed something to the other, and hates him for it. ³Yet this is what he thinks he wants. ⁴He is not in love with the other at all. ⁵He merely believes he is in love with sacrifice. ⁶And for this sacrifice, which he demands of himself, he demands that the other accept the guilt and sacrifice himself as well. ⁷Forgiveness becomes impossible, for the ego believes that to forgive another is to lose him. ⁸It is only by attack without forgiveness that the ego can ensure the guilt that holds all its relationships together.


Yet they only seem to be together. ²For relationships, to the ego, mean only that bodies are together. ³It is always this that the ego demands, and it does not object where the mind goes or what it thinks, for this seems unimportant. ⁴As long as the body is there to receive its sacrifice, it is content. ⁵To the ego the mind is private, and only the body can be shared. ⁶Ideas are basically of no concern, except as they bring the body of another closer or farther. ⁷And it is in these terms that it evaluates ideas as good or bad. ⁸What makes another guilty and holds him through guilt is “good.” ⁹What releases him from guilt is “bad,” because he would no longer believe that bodies communicate, and so he would be “gone.”


Suffering and sacrifice are the gifts with which the ego would “bless” all unions. ²And those who are united at its altar accept suffering and sacrifice as the price of union. ³In their angry alliances, born of the fear of loneliness and yet dedicated to the continuance of loneliness, each seeks relief from guilt by increasing it in the other. ⁴For each believes that this decreases guilt in him. ⁵The other seems always to be attacking and wounding him, perhaps in little ways, perhaps “unconsciously,” yet never without demand of sacrifice. ⁶The fury of those joined at the ego’s altar far exceeds your awareness of it. ⁷For what the ego really wants you do not realize. (ACIM, T-15.VII.6:1-6;7:1-8;8:1-9;9:1-7)



⁷Sacrifice is so essential to your thought system that salvation apart from sacrifice means nothing to you. ⁸Your confusion of sacrifice and love is so profound that you cannot conceive of love without sacrifice. ⁹And it is this that you must look upon; sacrifice is attack, not love. ¹⁰If you would accept but this one idea, your fear of love would vanish.


⁶For when the recognition dawns clearly, you will not be deceived by any form the ego takes to protect itself from your sight. ⁷Each form will be recognized as but a cover for the one idea that hides behind them all; that love demands sacrifice, and is therefore inseparable from attack and fear. ⁸And that guilt is the price of love, which must be paid by fear. How fearful, then, has God become to you, and how great a sacrifice do you believe His Love demands! ²For total love would demand total sacrifice. (ACIM, T-15.X.5:7-10;6:6-8;7:1-2)"



Christianity is ultimately based on the belief that sacrifice, or death, is a correction of something that's wrong. This is why it's symbol is literally an instrument of execution.


And for the exact same belief is every suicide committed.



There must be an effortless way.

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