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1 hour ago, Blessed2 said:

To be clear, I do not think hormone therapy etc. might be the best option for gender dysphoria. Not to say it shouldn't be done, but it might be more effective to start by looking at the main source of the discord, which is body-identification in general.


None of us really is a man or a woman. None of us is a body.

I agree for the most part.


Also, when it comes to the trans thing I'm fine with people transitioning genders. But not okay with children getting it done. 


The procedure for a child to transition takes away the ability to feel orgasms, also can lead to serious emotional distress when they regret it. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Also, no one's gonna commit genocide on trans people lmao. There may be hate and prejudice but not to the point of a genocide. There's a lot of people in US who support lgbtq stuffs.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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11 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


This thread is just this thread. No need to leave. Sorry if something I said made you feel like you don't belong.


No need to feel sorry, you didn't do anything wrong.

I have a high IQ, read thousands of books during my life, from very old to contemporary, from politics to psychology, from extreme left to extreme right... to get a balanced worldview and made my logical conclusions. I actually identified as progressive left until my awakening. But thinking different than the woke propaganda is a sure sign you are a fascist anno 2023.

I'm leaving because the only thing I wanted to do was giving my 5c on a thread, have a decent discussion and I was swarmed by people who seem to 'think' uniformly. I'm leaving because I entered the forum yesterday after 3 month long hiatus, feeling quite good, trying to connect with others and a few hours later I felt horrible and lonely. I'm leaving because I thought this forum could be positive for where I stand right now and I clearly was wrong.

I don't claim any truth. I just share my personal experience.

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6 hours ago, Tarak said:


No need to feel sorry, you didn't do anything wrong.

I have a high IQ, read thousands of books during my life, from very old to contemporary, from politics to psychology, from extreme left to extreme right... to get a balanced worldview and made my logical conclusions. I actually identified as progressive left until my awakening. But thinking different than the woke propaganda is a sure sign you are a fascist anno 2023.

I'm leaving because the only thing I wanted to do was giving my 5c on a thread, have a decent discussion and I was swarmed by people who seem to 'think' uniformly. I'm leaving because I entered the forum yesterday after 3 month long hiatus, feeling quite good, trying to connect with others and a few hours later I felt horrible and lonely. I'm leaving because I thought this forum could be positive for where I stand right now and I clearly was wrong.

Oh please.  You didn't come into this thread in neutral trying to connect with people, you came in fired up about trans people and started with the well known talking points right away.  

Ps if you need to say point blank things like "I have a very high IQ, I had an awakening, I've read books etc." It's just because your flaccid talking points aren't standing up on their own and you feel the need to manufacture credibility.  Which means, you don't actually have any.  

Tood-a-loo ❄ 

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17 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

Oh please.  You didn't come into this thread in neutral trying to connect with people, you came in fired up about trans people and started with the well known talking points right away.  

Ps if you need to say point blank things like "I have a very high IQ, I had an awakening, I've read books etc." It's just because your flaccid talking points aren't standing up on their own and you feel the need to manufacture credibility.  Which means, you don't actually have any.  

Tood-a-loo ❄ 

Whatever you want to think, Jonas. I've been nothing but honest. I'm not a great communicator, just wanted to paint the picture how I got to my view.

I don't claim any truth. I just share my personal experience.

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21 minutes ago, Tarak said:

Whatever you want to think, Jonas. I've been nothing but honest. I'm not a great communicator, just wanted to paint the picture how I got to my view.

Then it's just a weird coincidence that your pov sounds exactly like pretty much every right wing commentator, I guess. 

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2 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

Then it's just a weird coincidence that your pov sounds exactly like pretty much every right wing commentator, I guess. 


I wouldn't call it a coincidence, it's more like a process to get to that POV. Like I said, I was a progressive lefty when I was younger, very idealistic. I remember looking down on older people who seemed extreme right wing in their ideas, I thought they were horrible beings. Growing older, experiencing life and reading a lot, I started seeing the problems with those idealistic views and realized I had been a very stupid boy. I don't identify with a side anymore, but maybe the right wing POV is where one gets to after going through this process? I don't know and honestly I don't care. I know what I stand for, I know I mean well, and if you want me to push in the right wing corner for that, go for it. It says more about you than it does about me.

I don't claim any truth. I just share my personal experience.

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7 hours ago, Tarak said:

I'm leaving because the only thing I wanted to do was giving my 5c on a thread, have a decent discussion and I was swarmed by people who seem to 'think' uniformly. I'm leaving because I entered the forum yesterday after 3 month long hiatus, feeling quite good, trying to connect with others and a few hours later I felt horrible and lonely. I'm leaving because I thought this forum could be positive for where I stand right now and I clearly was wrong.


There was three users who disagreed with your posts. "Swarming"?


And IMO it was a decent discussion. No-one got personal or anything.


I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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2 minutes ago, Blessed2 said:


There was three users who disagreed with your posts. "Swarming"?


And IMO it was a decent discussion. No-one got personal or anything.


I got triggered when my honest opinion was apparently "regurgitated fascist rhetoric". I have been called names so many times when pointing out the (in my eyes) obvious and was sad when it happened again on a forum where I honestly expected a more open discussion.

In my first post I honestly only wanted to share my view. The next few posts I tried to defend my view, since I felt nobody understood it. A few posts later I had been pushed in the right wing corner and my speech was fascist rhetoric.

If me being honest leads to this, then I shouldn't waste my time here.

I don't claim any truth. I just share my personal experience.

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30 minutes ago, Tarak said:


I wouldn't call it a coincidence, it's more like a process to get to that POV. Like I said, I was a progressive lefty when I was younger, very idealistic. I remember looking down on older people who seemed extreme right wing in their ideas, I thought they were horrible beings. Growing older, experiencing life and reading a lot, I started seeing the problems with those idealistic views and realized I had been a very stupid boy. I don't identify with a side anymore, but maybe the right wing POV is where one gets to after going through this process? I don't know and honestly I don't care. I know what I stand for, I know I mean well, and if you want me to push in the right wing corner for that, go for it. It says more about you than it does about me.

So basically, you would like your intolerance to be tolerated, and for us to take on faith alone that you are very smart and, after having been mistaken, have arisen on the objectively correct take on things, despite your inability to communicate that take in a way that convinces other people of its objective correctness? 

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2 minutes ago, Tarak said:

If me being honest leads to this, then I shouldn't waste my time here.

I'm just being honest in my responses as well.  So if my honest reaction to your honesty triggers you that bad, I can't help but wonder about this "open mind" of yours that was open to reading all of this diverse literature from a neutral position. 

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23 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

So basically, you would like your intolerance to be tolerated, and for us to take on faith alone that you are very smart and, after having been mistaken, have arisen on the objectively correct take on things, despite your inability to communicate that take in a way that convinces other people of its objective correctness? 


I don't see why my POV is intolerant. It's not like I want all trans people removed from this plane, lol.


Yes, you can be very smart and make mistakes. And I didn't claim to be objectively correct. Nobody has the objective Truth.


I don't mind answering your questions, but I feel like the only thing you want to do is making me look bad and turning my words against me. That's ... sad.

I don't claim any truth. I just share my personal experience.

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1 hour ago, Jonas Long said:

I'm just being honest in my responses as well.  So if my honest reaction to your honesty triggers you that bad, I can't help but wonder about this "open mind" of yours that was open to reading all of this diverse literature from a neutral position. 

Are you serious? You can't have an open mind if you have triggers? It's becoming harder and harder for me to take you serious, Jonas. I hope for you you are just trying to be an annoying troll.

I don't claim any truth. I just share my personal experience.

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13 minutes ago, Tarak said:

Are you serious? You can't have an open mind if you have triggers? It's becoming harder and harder for me to take you serious, Jonas. I hope for you you are just trying to be an annoying troll.

Like you, I'm just being honest.  I'm not saying that I feel the need to run away from this forum because of what other people say that conflicts with how I feel.  

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1 hour ago, Tarak said:

In my first post I honestly only wanted to share my view. The next few posts I tried to defend my view, since I felt nobody understood it. A few posts later I had been pushed in the right wing corner and my speech was fascist rhetoric.

Your first post was pointed as fuck, let's not pretend it wasn't.  Yes, language is a thing that, like us, evolves.  Your problem was that and the "infiltration" of women's bathrooms?  Is that it?  Trans people do get targeted, but I haven't seen any trans vigilantes targeting cis men or women as you seem to be implying.  What exactly do you feel is the threat that trans people represent? 

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I wasted way too much time on this shit. I learned today that discussing on the internet really is a moronic thing to do. I would say I wish you all a good life, but I would lie. 😄


I don't claim any truth. I just share my personal experience.

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5 minutes ago, Tarak said:

I wasted way too much time on this shit. I learned today that discussing on the internet really is a moronic thing to do. I would say I wish you all a good life, but I would lie. 😄


Like I said, tood-a-loo ❄ 

I'd say you'd be missed, but I would lie 


Ps, you still haven't explained exactly what you feel the threat from trans people existing is, or how.  

Edited by Jonas Long
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I've always looked up to trans people.  I always thought is shows confidence to be who you want to be in life.  I recognized they can be made fun of due to being unusual -- but the people making fun of them often have an insecurity inside themselves that causes them to get a little boost and maybe a sense of acknowledgment to crack a cheap joke at their expense.  Be careful about surrounding yourself or something with a victim subtext and mindset.  I find that this isn't always reflective or truth or reality as other people experience it.  Group victimization narratives can be used as a ruse to hide unsavory things as well.   Trans people always looked strong to me.  if you lead with confidence you can avoid wasting time and getting your feelings all screwed up identifying with a victim narrative that does nothing for you or for others.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

💬 🗯️🤍

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