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Solipsism vs idealism vs realism

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21 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

The nothing part happens only when you realize there was never any difference.  Phil is stuck in the difference  

"Never was any difference."

"Phil is stuck in the difference"..

never was any difference. 

Are you even trying to be coherent?  


The "nothing part" doesn't happen at some junction/point in time.  

Edited by Jonas Long
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29 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

You have zero to offer here


25 minutes ago, Phil said:

Which btw @Robed Mystic is a great tool for de-conditioning. 


I agree with Phil.


It is not required to have something to offer 'here' on this forum.


In fact I don't think it's even sought after or the intention for this forum.


@Robed Mystic Let's turn it around. Do you have something to get from this forum? Any "issues" / "problems" you might want to share with others? This is a great space for that.



There must be an effortless way.

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8 hours ago, Robed Mystic said:

However in this it is also realized how scary the fact that it is all illusory- all created by your hungry and passionate mind.

Agree with the rest, however, never got the 'scary' part of awakening. You may say that I didn't go deep enough, but even on 5Meo DMT (re-contextualized after "coming back" and the ego reassembled as "highest state, Godhead, superconductor for consciousness etc") fear never came into it. If anything, I found it always funny when coming back, the cosmic joke, wait until I tell "the others", they'll die laughing 🤣

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7 hours ago, Robed Mystic said:

Maybe his teachings will evolve.  Leo fell off the map though because of his overuse of psychedelics.   When he started believing it is an alien mind that is when it was realized that he was never truly enlightened to begin with.  He used drugs to reach mystical states- but it is like accessing a bunch of cheat codes.  It is not an authentic awakening.   There are none to currently rival his material up to the infinity of Gods video.  Beyond that it became a hodgepodge. 

Are you saying the "Infinity of Gods" is canon? I stopped following him with that video, didn't see how an Infinity of Gods is any higher state when compared to Infinity. Sure, Infinity can imagine an Infinity of Gods, of Alien Mice, of ... anything. But is that not implied in "Actual Infinity" ? 


Then he really lost it with the Alien Mouse God, I mean, if he considers that as "higher" than his previous awakenings, how deep would those previous awakenings have been?

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14 hours ago, bnyland said:

Agree with the rest, however, never got the 'scary' part of awakening.

Same here. It’s more of a conscience issue than indicative of truth.

14 hours ago, bnyland said:

Are you saying the "Infinity of Gods" is canon? I stopped following him with that video, didn't see how an Infinity of Gods is any higher state when compared to Infinity. Sure, Infinity can imagine an Infinity of Gods, of Alien Mice, of ... anything. But is that not implied in "Actual Infinity" ? 


Then he really lost it with the Alien Mouse God, I mean, if he considers that as "higher" than his previous awakenings, how deep would those previous awakenings have been?

The ego holding on for dear life. 

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41 minutes ago, Phil said:

@Someone here

You said you weren’t here for pointless philosophical rumination. 

I’m on board & encouraging a different lens. 

Oh man, here we go again. This  reminds me of my parents’ reaction when I first offered the suggestion that I could, perhaps, study philosophy. They told me it didn’t lead to a job and had scant practical uses. So I chose another major. 

Philosophy can be pointless .but it doesn't have to . You yourself are using Philosophy without being aware that you are doing so . When you "inspect " beliefs...that's you in the role of a pragmatic Philosopher . 

Anyways..I just wanted to say few things ..there are quite few disagreements between us pertaining certain things:

1-leo and whether he's teaching awakening or misleading people. 

2-the idea that there is no "you ".

3-the notion that "X Is just a thought ".

We seem to engage in "pointless Philosophical rumination " every week about these points. 

How do you suggest we make progress? 

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@Someone here

Inspecting beliefs dispels and neither adds to nor churns. 

15 minutes ago, Someone here said:

How do you suggest we make progress? 

There’s no lack of progress already, it’s in full uninterrupted, unfettered swing my man. 

If you’re asking for my two cents, it’s write this stuff in a journal and refrain from deflection & projection. (Talking about “Phil”).

Even I don’t believe in a second self “Phil”. 

The way nonsense is discerned from alignment is felt

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2 minutes ago, Phil said:

@Someone here

Inspecting beliefs dispels and neither adds to nor churns. 

There’s no lack of progress already, it’s in full uninterrupted, unfettered swing my man. 

If you’re asking for my two cents, it’s write this stuff in a journal and refrain from deflection & projection. (Talking about “Phil”).

Even I don’t believe in a second self “Phil”. 

The way nonsense is discerned from alignment is felt

I really wanted to be a 'journal person' and love looking at other people's spreads but I just feel it's not for me. I tried both last year in actualized.org and this year here to journal and it just depresses me. Last year I went all the way and decided to make it beautiful and pretty with photos and drawings and it was fine but a lot of pressure. So this year I thought let's keep it simple and just write. Everyone told me it would be good for my mental health but it just makes me feel worse. It feels like a chore. I don't get any enjoyment from writing about my life. I don't feel any better once all my negativity is out on the page. And I certainly don't feel better reading old entries. 

These days I actually use a small notebook to write my thoughts and stuff .but I just feel like I'm turning this pretty notebook into a hub of negativity and self loathing. Am I journalling wrong or is it just not for me?

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@Someone here

Use “Frank” instead of “me”. It’s really clarifying, and makes an otherwise seemingly complicated matter simple and self-evident. If it still isn’t, use “unicorn”. 


Feeling isn’t coming from experience (a journal). 


Have the emotional scale & self referential thoughts page handy when journaling. 



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