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Enlightenment Genetics


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7 minutes ago, Phil said:

It is though. 


You and every moderator there will inevitably realize what’s going on and either leave or be asked to leave for pointing it out / speaking the truth (so to speak lol), just like every other moderator there has. 

I have directly realized everything I speak about on that forum.  How about you do you, and stop worrying about me 

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5 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

I have directly realized everything I speak about on that forum.  How about you do you, and stop worrying about me 

Clearly that is not the case. 

Worry’s an emotion & there is no you. 

The misinformation you’re parroting feels off (directly) because it is very off. 

It’s never too late to start listening to the guidance. 🙏🏻🤍

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19 hours ago, Robed Mystic said:



Lol what? "Let's rephrase the allegory so that the original point is completely lost and the entire meaning changes."


The you who has genes was the chimpanzee in the allegory.


Edited by Blessed2


There must be an effortless way.

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Some people are still on the fence if they're a human or not on some level.  My suggestion is if you want to deny being a human and/or having a body, you don't get to make arguments based on genetics and/or biology.  To do so would be like having your cake and eating it too, which doesn't pass a smell or laugh test let alone a rational test.  Using Ockam's Razor the more likely reason for the genetics claim is a desperate attempt to say "I'm more enlightened than you are".  No one is more enlightened than you.  No one can be enlightened for you either.  It's about waking up to what and how you already are -- not feeling like you need to transform into something you're not.  I like to say I'm a human, Divine, and neither.  I am whatever is, however I want to classify it.  That doesn't mean I own you.  I allow things to have separate existence from me.  I don't think everything is me, that's another trap.  Paradoxically, I both am all that's here and also just a very small piece of what's been here.  You can do this: everything is me, I'm a finite blip in space and time, and neither!  It's important to be able to pick language and concepts up without taking them so seriously.  My suggestion would be if you're really not getting real embodiment from doing spiritual enlightenment work -- get off the Internet and start over.  A lot of this stuff is just misleading you and not really helping you unless it is.  Also, if you haven't met someone in person or talked with them a bunch on the phone, you don't know how spiritually enlightened they really are in terms of embodiment.  I talked to someone for 4 hours on the phone last night and we only touched the tip of the iceberg of getting to know each other.  Dude is pretty woke though imo.  There's something to be said for burning your spiritual ego down and starting over on the path.  That spiritual ego is a trap.  Even in someone who is pretty developed, spiritual ego is often functioning as a trap.  If you want to become spiritually enlightened, don't make your life about being spiritually enlightened ironically.  It needs a gentle space to emerge.  It's like a set of finger cuffs -- the only way you get them off is a gentle touch.  If you try to force them off they don't come off.  I got this finger cuffs anecdote from Emerald from the Diamond Net.  That's a keen insight!  And this finger cuffs anecdote really applies to Leo Gura who really tried to brute force spiritual enlightenment on himself.  It doesn't come that way.  You can't brute force spiritual enlightenment on yourself or anyone else.  All you're gonna get there is a massive spiritual ego with corresponding ideology and feeling of superiority.  But you will not attain what you wanted which is embodiment, a flexible intellect, and a release of inner suffering.

Edited by Joseph Maynor
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Just now, Jonas Long said:

Idk what this is supposed to prove.  I've heard lots of people say things like this.  

Not trying to prove anything, just pointing out that I had never heard anyone talk about it on the forum back at that time.  After i had this awakening,  about a month later Leo says he has the same...and then off we go...he started talking about..coincidentally  . So for the guys saying that I parrotted it just isn't true.   I'd never even really knew anything about solipsism at that time..I was coming in fresh and just doing meditation during that time and self inquiring.   My head wasn't filled with a bunch of beliefs or dogma.   

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24 minutes ago, DMT Elf said:

Probably ruin my entire life and make me regret not killing myself.

I suspect that the complete worst is you might feel euphoria and maybe feel so good about yourself you feel like wearing this t-shirt out in public. https://www.amazon.com/Mountain-Unicorn-Castle-T-Shirt-Purple/dp/B0037TPECA/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3C2E25AAN56ZN&keywords=mountain+t+shirt+unicorn&qid=1680712884&sprefix=mountain+t+shirt+unicorn%2Caps%2C116&sr=8-2


You're... creating it. There's no objective reality. There isn't even a subject, a you that can fuck it up. It's the best of both worlds. *PHEW* Woke up from that dream, thank god. What's for breakfast?


There is feeling guidance though so doubling down on suffering in order to "get it right" or "avoid worse" is IMMEDIATELY known not be on the right track because... suffering. 


Does this not get to the heart of what the fear of blowing smoke up your ass is about? Don't put up with that shit. Let yourself be vulnerable. 

BTW, if ever you're experiencing suicidal thoughts PLEASE call a hotline immediately and don't mess around on the forum. 


It's now. It's only now. It's ever now. You cannot "ruin the rest of your life". Might appear like people do that, but they don't. There's only now. There's only the thought focused on now that's discordant. The thought "the rest of my life might suck" is a microcosm, beyond a microcosm because ALL the suffering thought to exist in the future is entirely present in the believing of that. one. thought. Feel the guidance and your inherent liberation at being able to drop that one thought, or choose on that feels a little bit better. 

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18 minutes ago, Robed Mystic said:

Not trying to prove anything, just pointing out that I had never heard anyone talk about it on the forum back at that time.  After i had this awakening,  about a month later Leo says he has the same...and then off we go...he started talking about..coincidentally  . So for the guys saying that I parrotted it just isn't true.   I'd never even really knew anything about solipsism at that time..I was coming in fresh and just doing meditation during that time and self inquiring.   My head wasn't filled with a bunch of beliefs or dogma.   

"My perspective" and "gods perspective" is just another delusional duality. 

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delusion = suffering, resistance, repression, taking things personally, striving to become worthy of love forgetting that one already is unconditional love  


fantasy, magic, day dreaming, imagining, conscious creation, unicorns and rainbows all still on the table. 

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