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My thoughts of Leo and actualize.org. What do you think?


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1 minute ago, Ges said:

@Joseph Maynor Not trying to defend Leo or anything, but where's the problem in spending money on something that has good marketing? He clearly stated once that it would be like selling water right next to the river, so he's being honest at least.

Honesty is about truth. Manipulating people to buy something, which has to do with spirituality (truth) is not. Business in spirituality is different from any other area. Because, normally business is largely about manipulation besides other things - spirituality should be the opposite.


You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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Blindness (which creates being vulnerable to scams) is created by the belief that you already know. In the moment I believe myself to be the knower, I cease knowING, I cease seeING. So you can create a cult that is sure it's not a cult because it believes it knows exactly what cults are. Same with knowing all about scams and then in the believing that the knowing of "God" is a credit TO an individual, then that the necessary information required to obtain that can than be sold and purchased. 

 Youtube Channel  

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Can anyone say if i'm right?

God, Brahman, Pure consciousness, DON'T EXPERIENCE ANYTHING. It's pure, formless, infinite, outside time. 

All knowledge, image, concepts, of GOD , starts with MIND. So saying ANYTHING about GOD such as "lonely" is a concept of MIND. And it's mistakenly seen  as GOD, which is SOMEONE. God is SELFLESS.  There's no one to obtain "God realization"  it's only GOD.

Edited by Forza21
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1 hour ago, Forza21 said:

Can anyone say if i'm right?

God, Brahman, Pure consciousness, DON'T EXPERIENCE ANYTHING. It's pure, formless, infinite, outside time. 

All knowledge, image, concepts, of GOD , starts with MIND. So saying ANYTHING about GOD such as "lonely" is a concept of MIND. And it's mistakenly seen  as GOD, which is SOMEONE. God is SELFLESS.  There's no one to obtain "God realization"  it's only GOD.


well, I'll try an experiment. Can I say the opposite and it still be true?


God, Brahman, Pure Consciousness, Buddha Nature --  EXPERIENCES EVERYTHING. It's pure and unpure. Holy and unholy. Formless and Form. The Formless is Form as the Heart Sutra says. Infinite and Finite. Both in time and outside of it. 


Does a dog have Buddha nature? 


The response in a koan was an emphatic MU! (NO) But how can this be as in a sutta we're told all being have Buddha nature? This Mu Koan is considered a "breakthrough" koan. In that solving it often shows the student has achieved kensho. 


(NO!). In another koan, the answer was a YES. 


There's this verse too:


Has a dog Buddha-nature?

This is the most serious question of all.

If you say yes or no,

You lose your own Buddha-nature.



“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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2 minutes ago, Aware Wolf said:


well, I'll try an experiment. Can I say the opposite and it still be true?


God, Brahman, Pure Consciousness, Buddha Nature --  EXPERIENCES EVERYTHING. It's pure and unpure. Holy and unholy. Formless and Form. The Formless is Form as the Heart Sutra says. Infinite and Finite. Both in time and outside of it. 


Does a dog have Buddha nature? 


The response in a koan was an emphatic MU! (NO) But how can this be as in a sutta we're told all being have Buddha nature? This Mu Koan is considered a "breakthrough" koan. In that solving it often shows the student has achieved kensho. 


(NO!). In another koan, the answer was a YES. 


There's this verse too:


Has a dog Buddha-nature?

This is the most serious question of all.

If you say yes or no,

You lose your own Buddha-nature.



lol it's just coinincidence your profile pic is Ōkami Amaterasu. Right? lol 

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Just a tip for anyone banned. When in incognito mode you can read the Actualized forum.


It's interesting, because some members here are also still there and you can creep on what they say about us. Lol





You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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6 hours ago, Forza21 said:

Can anyone say if i'm right?

God, Brahman, Pure consciousness, DON'T EXPERIENCE ANYTHING. It's pure, formless, infinite, outside time. 

All knowledge, image, concepts, of GOD , starts with MIND. So saying ANYTHING about GOD such as "lonely" is a concept of MIND. And it's mistakenly seen  as GOD, which is SOMEONE. God is SELFLESS.  There's no one to obtain "God realization"  it's only GOD.

Mostly right.  Depends on your definitions.  Of course God isn't lonely.  You'd have to create that emotion to experience it.  But God/source/the-one/oneness, is unity, and is one, and is alone.  There aren't multiple "sources" or "the ones" or "the onenesses".  

Edited by God
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1 hour ago, Faith said:

Just a tip for anyone banned. When in incognito mode you can read the Actualized forum.


It's interesting, because some members here are also still there and you can creep on what they say about us. Lol




Yeah I saw one of the threads.  I think people can do what they want.  I feel so utterly neutral.  Actualized just didn't serve what I needed it for anymore, I needed a fresh start, there's no hate from my side, it was totally personal - but there is some stuff Leo could work on and the forum that much is true, and I do look at myself; but tbh some of what was happening there affected me - but it's my responsibility to work on it... I just wanna do it here and said my piece and totally took self responsibility.  

I think people should be allowed to use both forums, and just communicate as they want to without hassle. 

I mean why not?  Everyone got to the point where we were fighting and had old beef and it didn't/doesn't matter, and so some people should get a fresh start elsewhere.  That's totally legitimate, to grow away from something, and sometimes things split apart and that's okay.  Like Leo once said, that's how it has to be, it splits apart and then unifies and that's how things stay lively.

They're calling it a hate echo chamber, which simply isn't true...
I never subscribe to the loyalties of anything, because that's the trap that people can fall into, this either or thinking.

It just goes to show how little I got to know the people there and that's another reason why I left, is it just got too big.  Too familiar.
I don't know what else to say, so I'll leave it at that.  I just wanna work on my karma somewhere peaceful; this place is good.

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31 minutes ago, Annie said:

I think people should be allowed to use both forums, and just communicate as they want to without hassle. 

Oh yeah, for sure. Totally agree! It was just disheartening to read a certain comment, but I'll let it go. 


You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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3 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


By the way I have no problem with someone wanting to make money.  I want to make money.  We all want to make money.  What I have a problem with is when someone sells something that's unfalsifiable where you blame yourself when you don't get the result and where the aim of the course is something that too good to be true "complete omniscience".  If Leo Gura wants to sell a course that doesn't hit these red flags, I'm in support.  He built that audience up and if they want to buy something from him, so be it.  I just don't want kids and gullible people shelling out $1,000 bucks for something I think fits the concerns I raised above.

Wait.. you paid Leo? lolwut


Every single concept of his is free to listen to on youtube.  The only things you pay for are maybe some pickup courses.  You have only yourself to blame for doing something this dumb.

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7 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


I want you to consider what I'm saying here.  I know you're on here with the purpose of defending Leo Gura and his "teachings", but you should examine yourself.  What do you think?  Forget about the God stuff.  That's a distraction for someone like you.  I hate to be blunt.  You've made dozens of posts on this thread and not many are worthy of you in my judgment.  And it's just my opinion, I could be limited, but I'm sure I'm not exceedingly limited.

I love to be blunt...and "god" came on here upset about people "hating" on leo as if they were above having a negative view of anyone, as we're all "god" or some shit, and since then, they've done nothing but shit on everyone bringing up legit points.  I'm not sure, but I don't think anyone here ever used the word "hate" in reference to leo....I never did, I did say strongly dislike, and they cherrypicked one of my reasons, and just spouted red pill bs to dispute it.... I think we should all stop humoring "god"....personally 

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8 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:


I bought his Life Purpose Course which I thought was very good.  


Here's where I think you go off the rails when you say something like this: "You have only yourself to blame for doing something this dumb."  This is a terrible thought and someone who preys on this by selling to these people is a bad actor.  This is not a compassionate thing to believe and even worse to share with others as if it is good.  If I thought that, I would have the sense to keep it to myself.  You should be trying to help kids, naïve people, gullible people, not take advantage of them or victim blame them for being taken advantage of.  


I want you to consider what I'm saying here.  I know you're on here with the purpose of defending Leo Gura and his "teachings", but you should examine yourself.  What do you think?  Forget about the God stuff.  That's a distraction for someone like you.  I hate to be blunt.  You've made dozens of posts on this thread and not many are worthy of you in my judgment.  And it's just my opinion, I could be limited, but I'm sure I'm not exceedingly limited.

Someone your age should have better judgement.  And you won't get much compassion from me with that attitude of yours.

Leo is just a man.  Likely much younger than you, with less life experience than you.  What did you expect him to teach you?

Leo's also not very business-oriented.  He's not exactly trying to milk his content.  The overwhelming majority of his content is available for free, on purpose.  He doesn't keep anything behind a paywall.  You only pay if you want to support him, or if you don't care about money.

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