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Can someone just give me an enlightenment for dummies answer?

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Is enlightenment solipsism? Is it realising everything is an illusion? Is it realising everything is One? Is it realising everything is love? Is it no separation? Is it something than cannot be said? Is it feeling? Is it no self? 


I've had enough of the non-duality word salad, I just want to know if it really exists because I think I prefer materialism as a ontology for a happy life. Enlightenment seems like something you wouldn't want to hold onto for too long.

Edited by howisitsoactivehere
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1 hour ago, howisitsoactivehere said:

I've had enough of the non-duality word salad, I just want to know if it really exists because I think I prefer materialism as a ontology for a happy life. Enlightenment seems like something you wouldn't want to hold onto for too long.

You might think nonduality is word salad, but look at your own choice of words. "Enlightenment seems like something you wouldn't want to hold onto". You think yourself to be a material object, a thing, and then that thing has hands and can grasp and hold onto things. So you conceptualize enlightenment as a thing a thing can have and hold onto. 

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13:36 min

I don't know if this would help you or confuse you more, but I'll post it anyways. 




You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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3 hours ago, howisitsoactivehere said:

Is enlightenment solipsism?

What’s solipsism? 

What’s an ism? 

What’s a belief?

Who knows enlightenment is solipsism. 

Who knows enlightenment is not solipsism. 


3 hours ago, howisitsoactivehere said:

Is it realising everything is an illusion? Is it realising everything is One? Is it realising everything is love? Is it no separation? Is it something than cannot be said? Is it feeling? Is it no self? 

“It” is a thought, about there being a thing, (“it”)… but “it”, the thought, isn’t a thing. Believing thoughts that there a things, is thought attachment. For this there is daily morning meditation, or, adopting the practice.  

3 hours ago, howisitsoactivehere said:


I've had enough of the non-duality word salad, I just want to know if it really exists because I think I prefer materialism as a ontology for a happy life. Enlightenment seems like something you wouldn't want to hold onto for too long.

If you preferred materialism you wouldn’t be asking, isn’t it so?

The suffering is the materialism, the projection of the suffering is “non-duality word salad”, the resolve is expression (such as a journal) and meditation. 


“I want to know if it exists”. 

All thoughts are dualistic. Up means not down, down means not up. North just means not south, and south just means not north. 

But some thoughts point to what is not dualistic, or, what is not two. Existence is one such pointing word / thought. Initially it seems like it just means ‘not non-existence’.  But the word non-existence means ‘there isn’t that’. Thus, there is no such ‘thing’ as, not existing. 


Try to name something, anything, which is aware. 

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If you have fear of some pain or suffering, you should examine wether there is anything you can do about it. 
If you can, there is no need to worry about it; 
if you cannot do anything, then there is also no need to worry

- Dalai Lama, from A Policy of Kindness





If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.

If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.

– Gospel of Thomas



One must adopt the practice & express, to see for oneself. 🙏 

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8 hours ago, howisitsoactivehere said:

Is enlightenment solipsism? Is it realising everything is an illusion? Is it realising everything is One? Is it realising everything is love? Is it no separation? Is it something than cannot be said? Is it feeling? Is it no self? 


I've had enough of the non-duality word salad, I just want to know if it really exists because I think I prefer materialism as a ontology for a happy life. Enlightenment seems like something you wouldn't want to hold onto for too long.

It's realising that everything is one, it's love, there is no separation. It cannot be said because 'saying' is inside of 'it'. Yes, it is feeling. 😊

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If you investigate, you'll find there's different flavors of awakening. There's yoga kundalini awakenings, Zen kensho, Christian Mysticism God Awakenings, Mother Ayahuasca awakenings, Shamanic visits from Spirit animals, Pentecostals speaking in tongues, NDE's, etc etc. And even in Zen, there's different kinds of Kensho. One size does not seem to fit all. 


Evan Thompson in his chapter The Rhetoric of Enlightenment in his book Why I Am Not A Buddhist, recommends that modern buddhists:  "ask not just what it (Enlightenment) is but also what it could be. In other words, which concept of enlightenment is appropriate and worth elaborating here and now? Which concept and social practices of enlightenment or awakening are worth reaching for? In Kant's words: 'Dare to be wise. Have courage to use your own understanding.'" 


Rob Burbea too stresses the importance of our conceptual framework on our Path. Burbea’s Soulmaking Dharma is an attempt to open up practice to bring more beauty, dimensionality, and meaningfulness, and to restore, open, and expand our senses of sacredness.

Something to be pondered is that your movement towards your concept of a grounded vision of awakening can become your reality. This may be one case where the law of attraction actually works. So consider perhaps having a concept of awakening that includes your core values and what's important to you. For me, it was all about being kind, compassionate, a person of integrity, a good listener, having a sense of humor and wonder, and being equanimous. 

“If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.” ― The Buddha

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On 6/10/2022 at 5:33 AM, howisitsoactivehere said:

Is enlightenment solipsism? Is it realising everything is an illusion? Is it realising everything is One? Is it realising everything is love? Is it no separation? Is it something than cannot be said? Is it feeling? Is it no self? 


I've had enough of the non-duality word salad, I just want to know if it really exists because I think I prefer materialism as a ontology for a happy life. Enlightenment seems like something you wouldn't want to hold onto for too long.


When your hearts opens and your minds shuts....

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On 6/10/2022 at 5:33 AM, howisitsoactivehere said:

Is enlightenment solipsism? Is it realising everything is an illusion? Is it realising everything is One? Is it realising everything is love? Is it no separation? Is it something than cannot be said? Is it feeling? Is it no self? 


I've had enough of the non-duality word salad, I just want to know if it really exists because I think I prefer materialism as a ontology for a happy life. Enlightenment seems like something you wouldn't want to hold onto for too long.

I have completed my writing about impersonal awareness, I will tag you as I post it. 

Edited by GodsFantasy
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enlightenment is realizing that everything is infinite. if everything is infinite, there can only be one. if everything is infinite, infinity is god. if everything is infinite, you are infinite and you are god, because there is nothing else, there are not parts, only the whole. they will tell you: that is nonsense because there is no you, and that is enlightenment. narrow-minded people. I mean you as what you are, not your mother's son. you are something right? because you are infinite, you are reality and you are god. it is completely obvious, and there is no need to make it a mistery, it's just the reality. You only need to realize of the infinity.

It's not easy. You have to remove all limits of your mind :years of meditation, renounce, etc, or do seriously psychedelics. Your mind is a machine of limitation, so don't underestimate his power. 

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On 6/10/2022 at 1:33 PM, howisitsoactivehere said:

Is enlightenment solipsism? Is it realising everything is an illusion? Is it realising everything is One? Is it realising everything is love? Is it no separation? Is it something than cannot be said? Is it feeling? Is it no self? 


I've had enough of the non-duality word salad, I just want to know if it really exists because I think I prefer materialism as a ontology for a happy life. Enlightenment seems like something you wouldn't want to hold onto for too long.

Forget everything you have learned, including “yourself “. Whatever left is enlightenment. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Enlightenment is a word that came from the west.


Nirvana literally/really means "blowing out". 


So that's what it really is. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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