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@Philthere's no such thing as nm duality or duality.


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Just now, Phil said:


No, you were right in the first place. There’s a spiritual world and a material world and they’re entirely separate but connected. 

But beyond that realm there's nothing because human imagination ends.

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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No, you had it right in that regard too. Nonduality is basically a lie, and really there is duality. You’re separate from reality as a self and there are indeed, as you say, realms, and you have to work incredibly hard over time to get beyond that realm. There’s no love though. That’s horseshit. Wives tale. Woo woo new age nonsense. Spiritual mumbo jumbo. Leo Gura has been honest the whole time. 

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Just now, Phil said:


No, you had it right in that regard too. Nonduality is basically a lie, and really there is duality. You’re separate from reality as a self and there are indeed, as you say, realms, and you have to work incredibly hard over time to get beyond that realm. There’s no love though. That’s horseshit. Wives tale. Woo woo new age nonsense. Spiritual mumbo jumbo. Leo Gura has been honest the whole time. 

Really? Was he personally that way with you?

I think the whole of spirituality is a process of transcendence. And once you do that you are left with nothing. Simply nothing. But this nothing is not without meaning. Because you transcended everything to get to it. So it's a special kind of  nothing. Right now enjoying a cup of morning tea.


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Oh ya totally. Like everywhere we went he was so kind and compassionate to people. Always boosting them up & lifting their spirits with so much gratitude & appreciation. Not self centered at all. One of the happiest free-flowing kindest most sincere, authentic & genuine people I’ve ever had the pleasure of being in the presence of. Changed my life. I thought I was awake until the first instant his gaze fell upon me. Then I really awoke and have just basically been awakening to higher levels ever since. Sometimes I have to text him from across the country just to request that he dials his wakefulness down a bit so I can function and live. 


Yes, absolutely, it’s all about you transcending everything and everyone until you’re the highest of the high. Only then will you know and understand and even then it will only be a tiny piece, a mere spec of the glowing & overflowing illumination Leo has attained. Very, very special indeed. 

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1 hour ago, Reena said:

I think space and time are a distinct phenomenon as proved by physics. Oneness with the present moment can be an illusory experience of stillness. Oneness can be felt but not proved. 


The illusion isn't the Oneness or that which cannot be proved - but rather physics itself.  Keep in mind there may be something that transcends the laws of physics. 

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@Isagi Yoichi

What!? It’s true. As I walked beside him flowers inexplicably bloomed from the dry vacant desert sand & water arose miraculously from the earth lifting his feet just like Moana. Non-native hummingbirds from all over the world gathered and flapped their wings in unified synchronistic perfection under his arms as he flew above everyone, showering all with Grace as healing light beamed from the palms of his hands. His vibration was nothing short of a fountain of youth, be-stilling Benjamin Buttons upon the elderly for a thousand mile radius as their children cried & held their parents as babies in their arms. It was pretty cool. I was deeply humbled & blessed to have been alive in an era such as this to have witnessed the miracles. There has been talk about who is to pen the Neo-New-Testament with the return of Christ obviously now upon us, but they’re struggling to find anyone worthy enough to document his supernatural spiritual prodigy. Apparently people keep vaporizing in the Pure Love of his presence, but I don’t honestly know if that part true or not. That’s just what I’ve heard in my heart as His spirit echoes through souls accross America. I suggested Wayne & Garth intuitively & paradoxically but they thought I was joking so I just piped down like I do. 

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32 minutes ago, Phil said:

@Isagi Yoichi

What!? It’s true. As I walked beside him flowers inexplicably bloomed from the dry vacant desert sand & water arose miraculously from the earth lifting his feet just like Moana. Non-native hummingbirds from all over the world gathered and flapped their wings in unified synchronistic perfection under his arms as he flew above everyone, showering all with Grace as healing light beamed from the palms of his hands. His vibration was nothing short of a fountain of youth, be-stilling Benjamin Buttons upon the elderly for a thousand mile radius as their children cried & held their parents as babies in their arms. It was pretty cool. I was deeply humbled & blessed to have been alive in an era such as this to have witnessed the miracles. There has been talk about who is to pen the Neo-New-Testament with the return of Christ obviously now upon us, but they’re struggling to find anyone worthy enough to document his supernatural spiritual prodigy. Apparently people keep vaporizing in the Pure Love of his presence, but I don’t honestly know if that part true or not. That’s just what I’ve heard in my heart as His spirit echoes through souls accross America. I suggested Wayne & Garth intuitively & paradoxically but they thought I was joking so I just piped down like I do. 


I heard even Chuck Norris is afraid of him.


Edited by Blessed2

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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@Phil Wherever you happen to be in life, however tough or hopeless your situation may seem to be, there is always one last light at the end of the tunnel, one important realization - that you are less inteligent than Leo. This is the final, ultimate awakening one needs to achieve and also the greatest insight one can realize. We are nothing but a mere pupils, and we better remember where our place is

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33 minutes ago, Phil said:

For sure. He asked me how woke I really was, so I turned myself into a portal to infinite dimensions of Nirvana & he walked through me and spent 100 eternities there, acquiring the intelligence & wisdom of all beings past & future. When he returned he said only ‘that’s not it’ and I was like damn it. 

Sounds like you're stuck in nonduality and don't realize there are states way, way beyond it.  There's a whole kangaroo porno level you can get to.

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1 hour ago, Phil said:

For sure. He asked me how woke I really was, so I turned myself into a portal to infinite dimensions of Nirvana & he walked through me and spent 100 eternities there, acquiring the intelligence & wisdom of all beings past & future. When he returned he said only ‘that’s not it’ and I was like damn it. 

Althought it is the final stage, it is unlimited in it's size, you can become more and more conscious of your inferior inteligence compared to that of Leo's, forever, it's sort of like an infinite regressive loop/maze, but it also works in reverse, the deeper you go the more aware you become of how smart and inteligent Leo really is. I'm afraid this level you've just described is still reserved for rookies, there's still more to go.

Edited by Reborn2
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