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Perceptual Latency (never truly here and now)

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It's ok to be human. It's just that what makes you human, is actually keeping you away from fully being here and now.


Perception is.


Infinite being cannot be fully perceived. That there is perception at all, is a limitation. That which is being perceived must be limited too.


Perceptual latency is the time it takes for sensory information to be processed by the mind and become consciously perceived. It can vary depending on the specific sensory modality and the complexity of the stimulus. Generally, perceptual latencies are extremely short, often measured in milliseconds (thousandths of a second).


Even though perceptual latency is extremely brief, it still means that there is a delay between the occurrence of a sensory stimulus and our conscious perception of it. As a result, our perception of the world is always slightly lagging behind the actual events happening around us. While the delay may be minuscule, it's enough to suggest that our perception of reality is never truly instantaneous or in 'real time'.


It is difficult even for me to believe, but somehow I was able to verify this for myself in 'direct experience'. I mean, milliseconds are really freaking fast, but nothing is faster than the speed of Light.


Somehow, at some point, it became obvious to me... There is a lag in perception. Better yet... perception itself is a lag of some sort.


Mind = blown.


Been fascinated by this for a while... and just now it's all kind of coming together.


Thought I would share...



Glad to see you all alive and kickin'.  Much love.


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Posted (edited)

@Jonas Long Yes, I am aware of that.


There are no two in actuality, only one. 

No perception, only being.

No delay, only now.




It seems as if there are two, or many.

It seems as if one is perceiving things.

That's what this insight is about.


If there is perception, there is a delay. That's not arguable. If there is no perception, only pure being, then there is no delay. Only then it is truly now.


Edited by ivankiss
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The perceptual latency is mere milliseconds. That does not make a lot of difference pragmatically.


As regards to non duality, I think it's more transcendental than literal. I think if I look at a chair and call it an umber chair. Another person can look at the same chair and call it a sepia chair. Perception matters, not perceptual latency. Although both perceptions are infinity or parts of the whole and I think this is how non duality appears. It seeks to gain oneness through the amalgamation of perception rather than the separation of it.



So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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2 hours ago, ivankiss said:

@Jonas Long That's kind of the point.


Perceiving = lagging, duality 

Being = now, oneness 

Yes ..perceiving or perception is a layer on top of Being.  It is the mind creating layers.   The mind creates self and other and this self then can perceive a so called external world.  If you remove perception (which is basically ego) you get Absolute Truth.  That's why it is said perception is an illusion.  Because the self is an illusion  - or another way of looking at it is it's the dream.

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43 minutes ago, Reena said:

The perceptual latency is mere milliseconds. That does not make a lot of difference pragmatically.


As regards to non duality, I think it's more transcendental than literal. I think if I look at a chair and call it an umber chair. Another person can look at the same chair and call it a sepia chair. Perception matters, not perceptual latency. Although both perceptions are infinity or parts of the whole and I think this is how non duality appears. It seeks to gain oneness through the amalgamation of perception rather than the separation of it.



There's no time.  There's just the mind spinning thoughts.  Time is also one of those thoughts.  If you are able to still the mind enough or merge with the present moment you actually become yourself  - because that's what you are- the present moment - you are IT.

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4 hours ago, Robed Mystic said:

There's no time.  There's just the mind spinning thoughts.  Time is also one of those thoughts.  If you are able to still the mind enough or merge with the present moment you actually become yourself  - because that's what you are- the present moment - you are IT.

I think space and time are a distinct phenomenon as proved by physics. Oneness with the present moment can be an illusory experience of stillness. Oneness can be felt but not proved. 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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12 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:

Not gonna believe until I actually see signs of oneness. Much of all this is floo flam. 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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Just now, Jonas Long said:

Did you read it?


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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8 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:


Non duality in it's simplest terms means love. Love cannot be proved by any science invented by mankind. Love can only be felt. The spiritual existence cannot prove materialism and material existence cannot prove spirituality. Both being two separate worlds. Yet connected. This is non duality. The connection. This does not mean that the separate selves is an illusion but it creates an illusion when we focus on the connection. It's like energy cannot prove matter and matter cannot prove energy. Both exist and convert into each other. This is being the biggest definition of non duality and duality at the same time. Existence of duality is also non duality. Yet the dual states retain their separatedness when looked at outside the illusion of non duality. Non duality is nice because it simply means no reference. It's an indication of a soul in its nascent state. 


So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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13 minutes ago, Jonas Long said:


Also love will never be proved by any science. 

So basically I'm an autistic INFJ BPD sigma Pisces female with anger and CPTSD issues. Wow wow. 

My plate looks full. I Couldn't have been weirder than that. Now I get why I'm so idiosyncratic. 

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