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3 hours ago, Blessed2 said:


What is "Divine"?

I use a duality from philosophy that contrasts the human vs./and the Divine.  The Divine is an additional truth or reality a human can come to know.  Spinoza would say there’s human thought and Divine thought even.  For Spinoza  the human is not really real only the Whole is real, and that whole is a being who he labeled ‘God’.   I’ll spare you my lingo as how I characterize this move by Spinoza.  You can also take the view that I am God and the whole is an illusion.  This is more like what Leo Gura likes to do.  The human vs./and the Divine is a duality that has a lot of applications.  There's limits to what language can do but we have to work with language too.  There's better and worse language games we can play.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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1 hour ago, ConsciousDreamer666 said:

You. LoL

After having gone through the Leo Gura experiment with having someone call themselves God I’m not so sure it’s wise or obvious that one should call themselves God.  I like the terms the Divine I or the Divine Whole rather than God.  The word God in the wrong hands is like using gasoline to put out a dumpster fire.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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1 minute ago, Joseph Maynor said:

After having gone through the Leo Gura experiment with having someone call themselves God I’m not so sure it’s wise or obvious that one should call themselves God.

I know, I think Leo Gura says it from the human perspective. I don't think his 'awakenings' from the past were incorrect, but I think he lost it with too much psychedelics and poor meditation/sober work.


I say it from the 'Life' perspective.

IME, There is only One God, and I was just pointing to Someone here that its him.


If you happen to discover another God let me know 😅

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3 minutes ago, Phil said:

@Joseph Maynor

Not you. 


But you’re thinking of me as a whole right?  Me as in you.  I know this is confusing because we’re using pronouns me and you  from our different perspectives.  But you as a me think you’re God.  Isn’t that a thought?  And is this me everything that exists?

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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13 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

‘God’ is a word that is usually used to refer to or name a Divine entity.  That can be an external being, you as a being, or the whole — whether that’s thought of as a being or not. 

So is God a separate creator that has created existence? Or is god the primordial essence of existence itself from the bacteria to the galaxy? 

How are me and god identical? 

And how me and god are not identical? 

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