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Everything posted by ConsciousDreamer666

  1. That feeling of existence, awareness, or 'I', does it really exist within the body? Or maybe its just an apparent illusion???
  2. That's literally what I said hajah. I'm sick of glasses, and lenses are uncomfortable for me. I used to be able to use them but not anymore God is already God. But God can be totally lost on beliefs or God can become conscious of itself. When God becomes conscious that it is Conscious, we call this 'awakening'. This state of clarity can bring healing and psychic abilities
  3. If perception does not really exist, if seeing does not happen, if everything is imaginary then... It should be possible for me to cure my myopia, right? I'm sick of using glasses and lenses doesn't work for me anymore. And I'm scared of surgery, I prefer not to. I don't see how it shouldn't be possible to heal my myopia. I'm infinitely powerful and I can do anything I imagine / create. And yes, the "I" is not the ego or the mind, but, if curing my myopia it's a way for God to teach itself that indeed it is God, that indeed it's powerful, then it could happen in that way.
  4. Yes, I would say when I'm being rejected humiliated ironically I feel a massive feeling of Love and like life it's perfect that very moment. Thanks 💙🌄🕊️
  5. Unfortunately Not 1000s of meditation have given me this answer. The karma I´m carrying, the darkness, the trama-thoughts, the puzzle of the ego...damn it's so well designed, so intelligently armed. It's a piece of art, I would say I´m proud of my creation if wouldn't be because sometimes I think I went too far in the 'suffering' aspect of it. But anyways, I´ll cut to the chase: It happens to me, and I have verified it happens to other people too, that for example I might be with a girl and if she ghosts me or she does whatever thing that I find it makes me feel worthless, then I hate her, I judge her, I start to think, 'well fuck her, she's selfish, she's dumb, etc...'. However, when I´m horny, precisely this behaviour, but amped up to the max, puts me in such a pleasurable state. The more she insults me, treats me like shit, completely abuse me, uses me, etc... The more fun I have. Why is this?? (As a side note, I believe this 'fun' I suspect its actually "pain", but its an erotic pain, very dark thoughts that for some reason to the ego feel pleasurable) And of course when I am not horny I start hating her again, but this time multiplied by x1000 because of how she treated me while I was horny. Pd. Btw, I´m not talking about a specific girl, I don't have a gf that does this to me purposely, I just find them on the internet and I´m the one who start the interaction.
  6. Of course , let the gaslighting and projection start! @Jonas Long @Blessed2 Go ahead. Engage and embrace sex as much as you want. No matter how much cooler you think you are because you think BDSM it's an art or whatever other hipster modern gimmicky fuckery narrative you guys play, it won't ever give you Bliss, Love, and Freedom. Good luck actually reaching Bliss Love and True Inner Love through that compulsive understanding of sex! Let me know if it works for ya! As a famous bramachari said: "meditators don't reject sex because of rejecting pleasure, they are just not interested in little petty pleasures". Although, with this post I never mentioned abstinence, you are the only who mentioned. Obviously go have sex if you are horny and feel it makes sense. But the reality of it is that 99% of times sex is not done because of conscious action but because of compulsion. You guys are defending behaving like animals, since the thing that differences animals from humans is that humans can choose to do survival things like eating or having sex consciously. The reality is, if you guys truly truly fucking new what is LIGHT, you would never defend any fetish or act in sex that somehow implies a difference, or a game of submission or dominance. Of course the modern fucktwards say "it's a game!!" Meanwhile this fucktwards had never met the truly Blissfulness and Ecstasy that their inner Being IS. if not they would not be playing those games and doing sex in such a way. Only because they are scared and ignorant they need to play games of "I'm better than you, or I have more power than you". That's darkness in a nutshell, ego in a nutshell. And of course, of normies like you guys I wasnt expecting much more than your closedmindnesd replies. But while you think you have everything sort it out, I probably have engaged in more fucked up twisted fetishes and sex that you guys probably imagine. So I'm not coming from a place of repression or not experience, but rather of having being in both sides. But go do the fuck you want. Then don't complain that your life is compulsive and you lack connection with God. But again, you probably never met truly God. Just delusions or teasers popping psychedelics. Not actually Light. If you embrace devilry forget about God and Light. You'll have to get the love from eating McDonald's, buying mercedes and getting or giving spankings. Constantly playing "the game" of ups and downs, of better or worse, of superior and inferior. Go ahead, have fun. Just not complain later that life feels rough. You didn't listen when important things were explained to you.
  7. With all due respect man, and I can't deny its beautiful your intent to help and good-hearted intention of your posts, but... I´m truly not trying to 'prove' my experiences or discoveries. I don't need the 'verification' of people to tell me if what I experience is real or not because I already had direct experience to verify that for myself. Just saying it because it feels from my view that you are telling me 'no, forget whatever you are getting into or reaching, better take this other thing'. But that other thing is just words, it doesn't make me happy, doesn't make me feel good, I don't even understand it, and at the other hand ' my thing' actually makes a difference in my life, the 'unreal love that doesn't exists' so excuse me if I choose the 'Unreal Love' over your 'other thing'. I hope you Don't take this the wrong way, I am in this forum because I intuit you are a 'legit' guy and in the past in the other forum I really found your messages helpful and uprising in a certain phase of my life, but currently sometimes it just feels your downplaying it a lot of stuff, maybe you want to guide straight up to the 'definitive' enlightment or whatever that thing is and discard everything else. If that is the case I respect that 'totalitarism' but that card hasn't really gotten me anywhere, so understand me that I´m playing different cards that that one, that actually are working for me.
  8. Why you say that it has no meaning? Absolute = All. Not living a single 'thing' out. Nope. Why you ask?
  9. Mmmm That's difficult to say. I would say sensation. To put it another way, I´d describe absolute inclusion as seeing others as part of your self, but not conceptually-logically (as, 'I am awareness, they are awareness, so I am them'), but rather experientially.
  10. Absolute inclusion it's one of the most sweetest 'things' a human can touch/be in. I don't understand how you are downplay in it as 'another thought' (if I´m understanding you correctly).
  11. Yes, other people are real. Omitting diary its probably a good choice for most people. Pescatarian diet...sure but careful where your fish comes from.
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