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Everything posted by ConsciousDreamer666

  1. I have learned from Sadhguru´s programs. Most of them are paid programs but there are some free
  2. "Even if realization hasn't happened, You can Be Enlightened on an energy level" Sadhguru said this recently on one interview. Based on my personal experience, I think he is right. When I do a certain breathing 'trick' I´ve learned, I can raise all the focus of my energies at the level of the head-eyes. When this happens, there is absolute intensity of perception. With 'intensity' I mean that the illusion of time stops in the ego mind. Reality suddenly feel intense. No need for a thought. Rocketship of Perception. What the hell is this! I actually need to stop at some point, because I can not handle how intense and irresistible pleasurable this 'state' is. The feeling of 'time' gets dissolved in Now, and suddenly you realize, that Reality 'happens' at a certain pace. 99.9% of humans we move at such a pace that our Prana is very far away from being 'at match' with the Prana of Reality. When you slow down the breath in such a way such as this, suddenly You and Reality become One because the Prana that you are holding its the same as the Prana of 'apparent physical reality'. And you realise, woah, 'physical reality' moves at a really slower pace than I thought. A motorcicle acceleration sound, can last like a lifetime. An orgasm of Intensity, inexplicable pleasure and Bliss explodes nowhere. To be continued. 🙏
  3. Because it feels blissful, 'light', completely effortless. In my experience, the moment there is some kind of control, effort, 'trying', or separation, I get up from the cushion and go about my day. I won't be a single second 'suffering' in "meditation". No, for that I already have the rest of the day. 🤣 Make sure that when you sit to meditate you have a very alert mind but a relaxed system. I repeat myself too much but I can't stress enough how important is to learn a bit about Yoga to have a reference point of what is actual pleasantness of body and stability of energies. Once you learn that, there will be no questions about 'How to Meditate'.
  4. Just a tip: being sit with your eyes closed doesn't mean you are actually meditating. Meditation is a result of an already quiet mind and pleasent body/Asana. Learn siddhanasana, learn how to sit and hold the body in such a way that you sitting you just feel stable, relaxed and grounded. THEN from that place, meditation *can happen. Notice that I said meditation can happen, not that you try or force yourself to meditate.
  5. At least you have morning meetings lol.... I sometimes wake up 2-3 hours after the normal time of working and just put up the hours over the night that same day. Wondering how much more crazy can it get
  6. Speak about you, I don't have any issue with girls. And you neither btw. Unless you constantly create it. 😇 Careful with Bondage Karma, it's a bitch.
  7. Check your DM's 😂 I never quite found going to a workplace really that good for active socialization. I call it passive socialization, you always meet the same people, do the same stuff, you usually don't meet new people, unless maybe your company is very big.
  8. Dude, don´t judge yourself. I´ve seen really star-women with such assholes that you woudln´t believe. I don't think your theory is right LoL. But yeah, I guess you are right about the vibrations. Also, don't be so judgmental about men with resentment towards women. I´ve met plenty of women with extreme anger and resentment towards men. No one here is a saint.
  9. I agree but at least personally with how high rent is and the low salaries, working from home its a life saver for some of us. The only reason right now I can afford to live a place on my own its because of remote working. So it has its good things and bad things. Also you eat so much better at home and just have more time to meditate, etc... I wouldn't say my social life has been damaged by remote working also.
  10. yes, totally. When I go to work cafés and similar I work x3 or even x4 of a normal day at home. Crazy.
  11. Working remotely its definitely a challenge for productivity for some of us. I find myself some time in the weekends put in work hours because ive done basically nothing the rest of the week. Definitely you are not alone in this.
  12. African Bliss 💙👰‍♀️🌠
  13. Fast Insight after last meditation session: - There is Only God - One thing. If you identify with the ego, body/mind/thoughts, then obviously there must be two: 'You', and 'Others'. Yet If you don't identify with anything, there can be no separation, because the division never actually happens. At this point it's being more clear to me that division happens in thought-identity. Thought-identity might have constructed the whole fucking illusion. Not states of consciousness, no energy levels, no awareness awakenings, no nothing. Just wrong identification...
  14. Look up local meet-ups in your city, maybe there is a psychedelic-group gathering near you. I was in one 2 weeks ago in my city. Pretty cool and met cool interesting people.
  15. Mmmm if there is only One either there are no past lives or all past lives are yours right 😅
  16. That's funny. In spiritual communities I never could have imagined someone would be defending the ego 😂 But yeah man, stay @Joseph Maynor we are just playing with words at the end of the day
  17. @Joseph Maynor Bro, didn't mean to sound disrespectful. Absolutely I was joking around... Having said that I think the ego stuff its pretty clear. I don't know what is your own definition of ego but in spiritual practices we use the word ego to define the wrong identity or the mistaken identity in the mind. So understand me when I just feel 'shocked' when you say the ego is healthy or should be accepted, or etc...
  18. So I met this cool girl and we just were talking through text for some days and she just didn't replied my last message for no reason. So I started to feel this trauma energy (which I believe at this point is nothing more than a certain kind of low vibratory thoughts which unfortunately I identify myself with). I was feeling quite stucked by this, psychologically speaking, and then I just sit and surrendered to that feeling, and I noticed there was a intense pain in the area of my stomach, not physical pain but like an emotional, burning sensation, of being hurt or something like that. I deeply felt it and it was like a baby 'reflected on my stomach' was crying non-stop, like feeling hurt, in pain, but not physical pain, just this inexplicable feeling of hurtness. After watching and seeing all this for some minute and I started to feel much better and it's like I´m not judging myself so much for this girl not replying to me! The trauma energy suddenly has decreased a lot in intensity. I didn't know how did I do that but I feel this could change my life! Just accepting every feeling that one has, no matter how apparently 'bad' seems to be.
  19. In summary, Ego is a mis-identification with thought. You don't need mis-identification, or a mistake in perception, to live life. Actually, it just makes life compulsive, mechanical, tougher, dumber. You are wrong in this. I´m not going to sugar coat it to you. Do you even take psychedelics bruh 🧐
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