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Everything posted by ConsciousDreamer666

  1. An utter explosion of LOVE Today I learned, it is possible to get to such a place of concentration of the Breath, and Aliveness of Breath, that ALL ILLUSION OF TIME DISSAPPEARS, And a Brutal Incredible Love with everything arises. I wanted to explode. I am God.
  2. I don't think I see it with judgment, but i have to be honest where I am don't you think? That's cool but at the end of the day does all those things work for you guys? I'm just saying because I know you guys try to help with the best intention and all but in practice nothing much has changed in life in regards of pain, conditioning, belief, trauma, etc. So far the best thing that works a bit of meditation and "chemical" pow(d)er here and there.
  3. I guess because it limits oneself? However I have found of great help to have a 'map' or 'schema' to understand why certain patters of behaviour, thinking, feeling, etc... have been repeating in life. I would say that discovering the scale and energy vibrations have been a good thing.
  4. Vegan diet, or semi-vegan diet. Hatha Yoga Meditation or Highly concentration-Intense Kriyas. A bit of sunbathing, walking around in nature, sitting and being in touch with the soil. Drinking Honey + Water. Rich people shit basically LoL
  5. Of course, every man that gets into pick-up its because it has some sort of deep trauma / Karma some strong than most men that don't get into it.
  6. I´m not sure what particular thoughts arose. I can't exactly know which ones were (I mean in content). Something in relationship with other humans...etc. That type of thing I guess. I've been trying to transcend the Vibrations from 20 to 150 of the scale for some time now (about 3 years since I realized I was stuck in those ones). I believe the ability to truly accept the feeling of the 'apparent' pain of the the 20s, its a good indicator I´m going up the scale for good and leaving that behind (as an identity).
  7. Today when I was finishing the meditation session, some thoughts came up and instantly there were some painful burning sensations in the stomach. It got to a point where I doubted if it was the food I had eaten, because at one point I could literally feel the pain of it. I kinda wanted to puke that thing out. Damn. I couldn't. Maybe next time. What is that? Trauma from childhood?
  8. No, thanks, I prefer to not take advice to people that talk like this: Not to say that my "claim" is not a fucking claim but literally a physical feeling. But whatever, don't even reply please. I don't need your advice.
  9. Not asking in the sense of 'prove to me that im awareness', but rather, why in the most metaphysical sense. Like, why I am awareness/nothing and not just a self, an object, an experience. How come I am this being, this nothing, this aloneness. Why why why. It's difficult to accept, that im completely alone. But I guess that's the ego talking. In direct experience Awareness feels like heaven. There can be only One Awareness-ONE Nothing. There can't be two nothings 😂 The repercusions of this are astronomical.
  10. The pain-restlessness on my legs I have immediately after jerking off is definitely more than just 'psychological'. But I´m probably a weird case. Some people don't have such a tremendous bad crash.
  11. Lolololololol. Firstly, there is a reason why football players have prohibited to have sex the day before an important match. It's not said just because. And personally, You don't know the brutal comedown of energy I at least personally have after jerking off A good way to ruin or just don't go out of home to do exercise or something like that, it's that if I fap an hour before. Absolute crash. I literally sometimes have even pain/restless legs after jerking off. I have started to think I have some deficiency or something like that, because I seem to have a harder physical crash than most men. Having said that I´m not a fan of doing what the OP says because even though yeah it will increase your energy and explosively by X3 at the end is not maintainable. but I guess for especial occasions is a good trick. @fopylo
  12. Bandhas: Effortless and Complete Oneness in one Breath If you know how to hold a bandha correctly (holding the breath and Locking the 3 points: neck, stomach and anus); You can hold the Whole Universe inside your Body.
  13. I have learned from Sadhguru´s programs. Most of them are paid programs but there are some free
  14. "Even if realization hasn't happened, You can Be Enlightened on an energy level" Sadhguru said this recently on one interview. Based on my personal experience, I think he is right. When I do a certain breathing 'trick' I´ve learned, I can raise all the focus of my energies at the level of the head-eyes. When this happens, there is absolute intensity of perception. With 'intensity' I mean that the illusion of time stops in the ego mind. Reality suddenly feel intense. No need for a thought. Rocketship of Perception. What the hell is this! I actually need to stop at some point, because I can not handle how intense and irresistible pleasurable this 'state' is. The feeling of 'time' gets dissolved in Now, and suddenly you realize, that Reality 'happens' at a certain pace. 99.9% of humans we move at such a pace that our Prana is very far away from being 'at match' with the Prana of Reality. When you slow down the breath in such a way such as this, suddenly You and Reality become One because the Prana that you are holding its the same as the Prana of 'apparent physical reality'. And you realise, woah, 'physical reality' moves at a really slower pace than I thought. A motorcicle acceleration sound, can last like a lifetime. An orgasm of Intensity, inexplicable pleasure and Bliss explodes nowhere. To be continued. 🙏
  15. Because it feels blissful, 'light', completely effortless. In my experience, the moment there is some kind of control, effort, 'trying', or separation, I get up from the cushion and go about my day. I won't be a single second 'suffering' in "meditation". No, for that I already have the rest of the day. 🤣 Make sure that when you sit to meditate you have a very alert mind but a relaxed system. I repeat myself too much but I can't stress enough how important is to learn a bit about Yoga to have a reference point of what is actual pleasantness of body and stability of energies. Once you learn that, there will be no questions about 'How to Meditate'.
  16. Just a tip: being sit with your eyes closed doesn't mean you are actually meditating. Meditation is a result of an already quiet mind and pleasent body/Asana. Learn siddhanasana, learn how to sit and hold the body in such a way that you sitting you just feel stable, relaxed and grounded. THEN from that place, meditation *can happen. Notice that I said meditation can happen, not that you try or force yourself to meditate.
  17. At least you have morning meetings lol.... I sometimes wake up 2-3 hours after the normal time of working and just put up the hours over the night that same day. Wondering how much more crazy can it get
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