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Everything posted by ConsciousDreamer666

  1. Don't listen to women here, they'll fuck you up even more with even more guilt and shame towards you.
  2. I know, I think Leo Gura says it from the human perspective. I don't think his 'awakenings' from the past were incorrect, but I think he lost it with too much psychedelics and poor meditation/sober work. I say it from the 'Life' perspective. IME, There is only One God, and I was just pointing to Someone here that its him. If you happen to discover another God let me know ๐Ÿ˜…
  3. Her: Tall but thin, pretty, she just looks so fucking fragile Him: Tall but not too tall, but muscular, beard, face of just a fucking typical asshole, of course poorly dressed because all this guys are just fucking stupid. I was walking behind them and I was just flowing inside with rage. And you know what happened? The fucking guy gave a small slap to her ass. The girl replied to him in a child-like manner like she is 5 fucking years old, whining to him that don't he do that again. My god, why the fuck are you so fragile and weak?? Didn't you grow up? How do you don't have some fucking self-respect? You are an adult for christ sake. I'm telling you, this type of couples make reality a bad place. I fucking hate them with all my heart. If there were no consequences I wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet inside one of each heads. The girl weak and fragile, the guy asshole and mediocrally strong. Fuck both of them. You make reality shit. Fuck you.
  4. As others have said, you probably make it worse than it is by you telling yourself all of that. Having said that, alcohol is literally a depressor. So you shouldn't be surprised that it gives you this effects. Honestly alcohol the worst drug in the universe, just do other thing. (Or better don't do anything)
  5. Is Perception actually not perception but actually Me? ๐Ÿ˜… lately I get 'lost' listening to sounds, and for a moment I am not sure what a sound is. Previously I had clear that a 'sound' was 'something else' happening 'out there'. Right now a sound seems to be happening 'Here'. I am so confused, this is quite the plot twist.
  6. You are literally your parents. It's all your mind. I am inside 'it'. I am you. ๐Ÿ˜
  7. So here's the deal, ime Awareness or Consciousness seems to not be the body or the mind, since one can apparently focus on parts of the body, breath, thoughts, sounds or sight, it seems to be this 'thing' call Awareness or Consciousness is empty, it seems to be 'Me' and it seems to not have any limitations in the sense that I can 'imagine' it would be possible for this thing to be 'alive' or keep 'existing' once the physical body stops pumping blood (aka, what humans call 'death') and the brain stops functioning. So let's say that this apparent possibility, it's indeed true. So let's say 'my' body stops pumping blood, brain stops working. Body its in the soil now. No mental activity, no memory, no nothing. Awareness its still there. So what now? Does this awareness exist by itself? It wouldยดt be even sight or sound (that comes apparently from the brain), so its not like Awareness could be 'entertained' with watching worms or hearing flies in the middle of the forest, while the body that was 'attached' or 'emanating from' its being decomposed. I'm quite frustrated that it doesn't seem to be answer to this. I am beggining to think total awakening (realization of Truth, there is no death, etc...) it's not possible! I can totally see that is only One mind, and there Is no separation actually. But, there doesn't seem to be a clear answer what happens with this 'empty awareness' when body+brain stops working. (death)
  8. Oh Ok fair enough, yeah I guess Egypt has to be a tough country to get any access to psychs. Ketamin is not so bad though if done if properly! I had a very deep awakening on it, not less than with other psychedelics. Not encouraging the use, just saying. The attitude and setting does a lot.
  9. Something that can bring very interesting insights and discoveries doing it once a year, but not more habitual than that.
  10. Leo: "You are not teaching about God-Realization" 'You': "I am You! Can't you see it?" Leo: "Stop with that Neo-Advaita thing' ๐Ÿ˜น
  11. Amen, not attaching to anything is the key brother
  12. Kriya Yoga its too complex try Sadhguru inner engineering its pretty good stuff. Which country are you? Everyone says "psychedelics not accesible in my country" lol I think lot you guys are lazy to really look around
  13. Fix diet, do regular fastings, do a little bit of hatha yoga each day, a bit of meditation kriya each day, go to nature and sit in the soil and be in contact with it 1 week at least, learn how to sit (siddhasana) , do psychedelics 1 a year.
  14. In the end of my last LSD trip, I experienced some thing quite "wacky". Its something I remember I experienced a couple of years ago on a psilocibyn trip, but It in a less "clear" way. Here It was pretty clear. Basically I was just on the comedown of the trip listening to music, trying to integrate the trip. The "wacky" thing was that the sounds of the music felt like Love. I know, its very fucking strange. But i couldn't explain It in other way. See previously all my Life if i would listen to music there would be this "idea" running on my subsconscious such as: - The music are vibrations which are perceived by my brain. But now It was something like: - This sound feels like "unites" me with 'everybody' in existence. Damn that is weird... Another way to put It is, I felt this feeling that in the sound, everything in existence ( all humans, for example) exist *Here. Like the sound was actually Consciousness/Eternal, not waves or atoms or some shit like that. Like the sound was the "prove" that Love was here and everything happens Here (and everybody exists here) and that meant pure Unity with existence. Its freaking impossible to explain It Im sorry๐Ÿ˜„ But basically the sound was not sound, the music was not music, But Consciousness. Pure creativity morfing into a sound. So weird...
  15. Sounds like you brainwashed yourself conceptually. LSD can also led to manic and deluded ideas...if the dose is not enough for a breakthrough/ego death/release dose, the ego might "kidnap" the trip and make It theirs... Very dangerous thing. Next time you trip remember the point of tripping is to get out of your head, breath/feel/Consciousness...etc. there shouldnt be any conceptualizations or ideas of being Alone. Dont worry, Love does not feel bad for Gods sake's ๐Ÿ˜„
  16. A man Grounded in its own self Love, which creates, desires or envisions out of abundance and creativity of Spirit, not out of neediness or "lack of" 'things', including 'his masculinity'
  17. That I need to solve a problem of "myself". That i need to "do x things to get there" or "to prove myself". Yeah, those stories are very entertaining But doesnt get you nowhere. The ego, the hamster wheel ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘‹Bye ego
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