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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. Yeah, it points to all the directions, including the sign pointing. Basically nowhere. Right here, right now. Indeed.
  2. We can label "thought", but that's just another thought. How so? The sensation of jumping into cold water vs. thinking about something seems very different. Do you mean that everything happens within I AM?
  3. It‘s actually indifferent when my father does it.
  4. It‘s just a thought. Is it, though? It’s funny because thought‘s also everything, which constructs your sense of identity and reality. Just a thought? Or A THOUGHT? Nuking the universe? Or just a fart in the universe? The Truth is hidden in plain sight. 🤫
  5. Opening up is beautiful. You could think of the inspiration like a lotus flower opening up. Inspiration is like a seed, which can grow in the right environment. It's a seed you can actually feel within. With enough care, the seed blossoms from the mud to a lovely lotus flower. Inspiration blossoms by giving it careful attention and allowing it to grow; by listening to the inspiration and acting accordingly & by letting go of everything, which isn't serving your wellbeing. 🙏
  6. @noomii When you wrote this post, was that inspired by the willingness to finally live life?
  7. Life is so beautiful. Yet, it's hurting that everything will eventually come to an end. All the friendships made, all the music written, all the work done, all the experiences had.. eventually, all of that will pass. Life tends to feel rock solid at times, static and unchanging. But we are just visitors here. Our time here is limited. That's why it's so precious. It is such a beautiful gift. Is there a resolution for the pain of impermanence? Is it all just bittersweet and melancholic? I don't think so. This beautiful, shape-shifting thing we call "life" is wrapped in caring hands. There is something, which keeps an eye on us. There is a power, which protects us. There is something, which lets us know, that all is good. All is good.
  8. @Mandy Well, the conditioning is "mine" (I slowly but surely really start to dislike the apostrophes 😂) and conditioning could be projected onto others, such as "F cultural conditioning". In that sense, there's just my conditioning and no cultural conditioning. At the same time, your upbringing and how you were raised are relevant when scrutinizing beliefs, which form the conditioning. I think the term "collective unconsciousness" is being used in the same vein.
  9. My guidance is telling me, F cultural conditioning and focus on your own shit. 🙂
  10. It seems like you're recognizing the barriers between the stuff you want to do and the stuff that stands between it. It also seems like you're recognizing that whatever is, and ever could be.. is now. Here and now, and impossibly somewhere else. So, what do you want to do now? If you don't know, lay down and close your eyes until you get so bored that you just do the next best thing that comes to your mind. When you don't want to do that anymore and want to do something else, do that. If you don't want to do anything at all, lay down and close your eyes until you get so bored that you just do the next best thing that comes to your mind.
  11. And days prior to the trip: eating/sleeping healthy, moving my body a lot, and lots of fresh air. I guess it's a no-brainer, but take them when you're in the right mood. If you find yourself in a good feeling mood, and it's all nice and prepared, but you're not really in the right mood, then I wouldn't take them. The right mood, as opposed to a good mood, is when you really want 'it' to take 'you' and dive deep in the psychedelic realm. Once ingested, don't second guess anything, let go, take the ride, and trust that it will be a ride of love and only in your best interest.
  12. Are you experienced with psychedelics? Anyways, I always "talk" to them. Not out loud, but with the inner voice. I tell them why I do it, what my intention is, and that I'm open to whatever the mushroom spirit wants to show me. It seems to work: I never had a bad trip and I always "gained" what I wanted, though it sometimes didn't initially seem like it. Trust their intelligence! Trust love.
  13. Anything related with moving your body is great. Btw, even if you suck at playing guitar, you can still totally express yourself on it if you want to. What counts is what you make out of what you have. Not the end result of it. It could be as minimal as just strumming one string of the guitar. Or using the guitar as a resonance body for percussions. Again, it's what you make out of what you have. The possibilities are limitless. 🙂
  14. Totally. You learn to ride the skateboard quite fast when you're willing to overshoot and fall on your butt. The most important part is getting back up and facing the fear of falling again. And if necessary, falling again. Doesn't mean failing, though.
  15. It‘s sorta kinda both. Neither free will nor no free will is prior to being. Because being is one, and free will/no free will is two, the dual mind sees paradox. But that‘s just an explanation which I have no clue about.
  16. Yep, there's still a lot to unravel there.
  17. @Phil Thanks for the answer, much appreciated! Yep, that was the exact reason why I asked. After having first tasted Truth, it was apparent to me that spirituality is not about a way which one has to go, though it might seem like that from the outside. Meditation became nothing more than relaxing, allowing myself to feel good and allowing to receive. Perhaps, one day, enlightenment will be received. If not, that's cool too. Life's bitter-sweet and beautiful. Couldn't ask for more. ❤️
  18. What then makes the difference? Person A is meditating since 7 years with no teacher and with direct experience only, and finally dispels all beliefs. A „made it“. Person B is trying to do the same and meditates since 15 years with no teacher and with direct experience only, yet still believes all the beliefs, despite trying to dispel beliefs. Why is it working for A, but not B, though both have the same intention of freeing themselves of beliefs? Karma? The way they were conditioned? Is A‘s direct experience „skill“ superior to B‘s direct experience „skill“ (though it‘s not really a skill but actuality)?
  19. This also raises the question of what it takes to ‚get enlightened‘ and free will. Though it‘s true, and ‚I‘ had a taste of it, answers like „There‘s no you to get enlightened“ are kinda dissatisfactory. At the same time, it‘s impossible for me to get enlightened, because it is not a me which gets enlightened. It seems like enlightenment is the fall away of a me. Very strange loopey. Interesting questions, I‘d like to know too. Lmao. The irony. I‘d like to know.
  20. Lotus

    Letting Go

    Hello folks, lately, I've been going through a process of kicking and screaming (metaphorically speaking) about some personal stuff. Really, averting listening to feeling and indulging in downward spiraling, self-referential thoughts. In those moments, I was like "F feeling good, F spirituality, F everything, including myself". Needless to say, I was super serious and not relaxed at all. I thought I was backsliding, I thought this was bad, I thought I'd never get out of this seemingly vicious circle. In retrospect, it seems like this was a process of letting go of what doesn't resonate and a process of shedding patterns. Things aren't always as they seem. So, if you find yourself having a hard time, just take a moment to breath. Maybe you can give yourself some space between whatever isn't doing you well, and yourself, so to speak. If not, that's okay too. You can always take one mindful breath. "This too shall pass" Sending love.
  21. @Phil Yeah, the concept of time is kinda hard to grasp without having the ‚grander frame’ of memory. What is time? Past, now and future? Past is a memory, now is a thought and future is a thought based on accumulated memory. The distinction between thought and memory seems slim though.
  22. Never thought of memory that way. Now that you say it, I always wake up from a night-dream when the memory becomes inconsistent (e.g. you have six instead of five fingers; cars can suddenly fly; a fly wins against you in arm wrestling).
  23. Dreamboard Pointers Emotional Guidance Mantras Deities Daily Prayer/Meditation … All of the above are a way to remind ourselves of our true nature by creating resonance within. … What do we want to remember with spirituality? Our memory? Where/when does remembrance transpire?
  24. It's fun to see the beauty in the details. It's the same with songs. You might immediately hear the catchy bass line and drum groove. But you might not hear the subtle echos, ambient sounds, whispers, additional layers, and whatnot. Looking for details is almost like a treasure hunt. It takes time to become aware of certain details, but when you catch 'em, you're at awe with the creativity of it. It's the same with nature, too. Or cooking. !!!
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