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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. Cuz you are the authority. Being the clown feels off because you're not the clown, you're probably just funny and identify as the clown, and connect the word clown with a negative meaning. Really? Would a leader be a leader if he needed respect?
  2. @Phil Nice, thanks! @Mandy Thanks for the clarification! Funny enough, if I don't have to do it through initiations and classes.. I'm much more tempted to do so. 'Doing spirituality' with others used to be a no-go for me until I've had my first ice bath. We've done it as a group and the atmosphere and the energy of it all was amazing! Since then, I'm much more available for that - if I don't have to. 😂
  3. That's it? No initiation, no levels, simply drawing & feeling? 🤩
  4. Hello folks! After having read about it quite a bit here, I got interested in learning and utilizing Reiki. My first few Google attempts only raised more questions. I hope to find some clarity here. Here we go: Do I need to learn Reiki in some kind of institutions? What are levels about? They talk about levels, only being able to draw 'higher' symbols when you reach some specific level, and so on. If I have to reach a level or join an institution in order to 'learn Reiki', that's a major turnoff for me. What does drawing a Reiki symbol mean? How important is the accuracy of drawing it? All I could find out about this is that there are different ways to draw. You can draw on a piece of paper, you can visualize it with your third eye, you can hover above someone else's body, and there are a bunch of more ways to go about it. But the exact how-to was still only vaguely described. I'm mainly interested in doing Reiki on myself, not on others. So, how would you go about it if you want to utilize the symbols for yourself? How do you draw on yourself? Do you hover with your own hand above your body? Do you simply imagine the symbol on some parts of your body? Do you draw the symbol across your whole body, or only parts of it, such as the hand/belly/forehead/skullcap/left thigh, or both? Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
  5. Makes sense and sounds like switching the channels on TV. So, Reiki is simply universal energy, 'free floating', so to speak?
  6. @Celestial With pleasure. 😌 Thanks, you too!
  7. @Celestial Hard to have a psychedelic trip which is not fruitful imo. But I'd say because it's more intentional, thus more planned, you can prepare better for the integration phase. Say, you intend to learn something about music during your trip, but don't have an instrument to play afterwards. That'd kinda be a bum if you would want to integrate the lessons from the trip, by playing an instrument. Though a bit more abstract, the same applies to spiritual and emotional intent - 'preparing', aligning spiritually and emotionally, having instruments such as Qi Gong, Yoga, Meditation, Emotional Scales, assisted therapy, and so on.
  8. My Google algorithms always spitting out something along the lines of "a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being". Sounds like a help to establish a connection with source energy, but truly, I'm clueless what Reiki is. Yep, I think so, too! It's somewhat of a self-reinforcing loop. Oh yeah, didn't know it was called Childs pose, but it really do be good. 🥰 Yup, that's something we have in common. I haven't had the best relationship to sexuality and intimacy, either. Sounds kinda wonky, but I found out for myself that the energy in the lower belly area never really came to rest because it never found the expression it sought. This then connects back to sexual and intimate expression.. which connects back to being aware of what I truly want (from a relationship, in this case). So key! Oh, trust me, I do. There's still a lot for me to learn, too. And I really appreciate this convo btw.
  9. @Phil How to receive reiki without practitioner/receiver?
  10. @Celestial I think this depends on the trip itself. What was the intention of the trip? (could be, but is not limited to: meditation, spirituality, creative work, life purpose, emotional issues, just for fun/exploration) What did the trip 'show you'? What's to be done about it, after the trip? What do you remember from the trip? Write everything down which comes to your mind. Sometimes I even get an aha-moment about a trip MONTHS after the trip. So, always be open to the possibility that something was already shown to you (trip or not trip), which you didn't have on your radar yet. I also wouldn't dwell too much, but rather let it come to you. Receiving mode. Another great question to contemplate is: How did this trip change my focus?
  11. Oh, I didn't know that! But this sure reflects my experience. When I experience anxiety, it almost feels like it emanates from the gut area - and it even makes me shake on psychedelics, as if the psychedelic wants to get rid of the constant tension in that area. Relaxing those regions, in turn, make me feel much more at ease. My problem was that those tensions were chronic, so that they always came back. Especially the Lying Butterfly, the Happy Baby, and this one (without lifting your head) helped me keep those areas relaxed. But there's a lot more to explore, these are just my personal favs from a program that I'm currently following, which is designed specifically for dealing with the pelvic floor. Definitely a game changer.
  12. I've been struggling with the pelvic floor, too. Having learned about 'pelvic floor therapy' was a blessing to my health. There are specific forms of therapies for both men and women. They include stretches, breathing exercises and so called Kegel exercises. Both the stomach and pelvic floor area have spots where all neural paths cross each other. You can think of them like highway junctions. When there's an accident(= tension and sticky tissue) it impacts the rest of the highway (=the 'rest' of the body). So, you can probably imagine that it's worthwhile to keep those areas free of ailments. The above therapy benefitted me tremendously, maybe they can help you as well.
  13. Sorry if this is derailing a bit, but which paradox of time? 'Squeezing it in there'? And which paradox of reiki?
  14. @Phil Granted, I never looked into any reiki book and have no clue about it either. It sure sounds very interesting, though. If one wanted to go about practicing reiki, how much would it take of their daily time to follow up on the practices? I'm currently doing a specific 12-week program which takes about 2-3hrs of my daily schedule + skateboarding + working + friends + family + uni + music + everything else.. hard to squeeze something in there. Indeed. 🙏
  15. Oh okay, I can work with that. So reiki points to something much bigger, and reiki practitioners/healers are only a small fraction of reiki? Just as mixing engineers are one of many 'parts' in music?
  16. The one I had with you was fine. I could certainly imagine that it is possible, though. Just as chugging a bottle of vodka messes with your energy for a few days. Doesn't he do Shaktipat and other energetic work himself? It would make sense that he understands what he's talking about, e.g. the energetic world. Analogously, I'd always recommend finding a proper mixing engineer for your music. A crappy one can mess up the mix so much that it would sound better without mixing at all. I don't know if this analogy holds here.
  17. The only one I had was that distance reiki transmission with you. I don't know. How could I know.
  18. Sadhguru advised caution on going to "healers". He talked about them possibly messing up your energy, if they don't know what they're doing. I mean, from a gut feeling, I'd say that I am the source of my energy.. but I'll gladly respect the advice of a yoga master, too. That's gut feeling, too. Once again, taking another opinion than 'just my gut'.. what do you say, Phil?
  19. @Nadosa Awesome dude, that shit slaps!! Love the ambient intro/outro.. and a metal/saxophone crossover is surprisingly gooood!
  20. No idea. 😄 Human invention to recognize that you are the creator creating creation. Once the creator recognizes itself as itself, the question "What's the point?" will seem ridiculous and hilarious. It makes perfect sense from the typical human perspective to ask that question, and I'm frequently thinking myself, "The fuck is this even?". A huge paradoxical nonsensical twisted mindfuck for me, but laughable, simple and crystal clear for the G. So I regress.
  21. Besides it being awesome, I think there's the factor of contrast. Unveilings/awakenings make me feel super light. Light is relative, as opposed to heavy. There's a lot of stuff that we carry around all day every day, and even to sleep (which makes us feel heavy, mentally foggy, drained or not refreshed after waking up from the goodnight sleep). 'Seeings' show just how ridiculous it is to carry so much weight - and woosh, you drop the weight in an instant (=letting go). That contrast you feel while letting go feels really fucking good, and one reason for it feeling so good I think, besides you being the very goodness, is the contrast between holding onto and letting go, carrying weight vs. dropping weight. Not sure, but karma might refer to that 'holding onto'. After having 'seen something', conditioning (extending the claws, clinging, holding onto) usually comes back in different ways - or sometimes not at all. That's where the integration phase lies - e.g. clearing your mind, relaxing, emotional transmutation, and whatnot. I find that humbleness is a great indicator to keep in the back of your mind. When you recognize that you are the authority, it's easy for the ego to go berserk. I mean, I get it, awakenings can be super powerful and make you feel super powerful, because you are, but there's a certain distinction between capitalizing on it (ego) vs. appreciating the beauty of it and sharing it with others (embodiment).
  22. You're being very upset about something which is delivered to you by your electronic device. This is obviously not a dismissal of cyber mobbing, but you could easily shut it off and stay distant from it. I'm not asking you to leave nor to stay. This just a hand reaching out, you're free to do whatever you want. Honestly, sincerely, while there are trolls on the internet, have you ever considered that you might be doing self-harm here? Could it be that this form of self-harm (not in the physical sense, but rather being upset about something; feeling disrespected or unheard; other discordant stuff) is yet to be inspected? It could be that you're projecting what you're doing to yourself onto others - this is a key dynamic of beating yourself up, and it's very well known in the psychological/therapeutic field. Perhaps you don't grant yourself the power that you keep within yourself, because if you would, you wouldn't give a shit about this forum. It seems like you give your power away. My earnest wish for you is to feel the power of self-love, as opposed to self-harm, and that you find your way to ease your suffering. God bless. 🙏
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