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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. @Indisguise One thing Jordan Peterson said really stood out for me: Dreams are the birthplace of thought. If that is the case, then: Thoughts multiply and manifest. If thoughts multiply and manifest, then dreams can be precursors of manifestation, by sparking the initial thought, which then can multiply, if one is willing to focus upon the thought that is being born out of a dream. And of course, aligning after waking up from the dream. Do you mean that suppressed emotions show up in dreams to show us what we want, and that we are not aligned with what we want (=separate)?
  2. Do reoccuring dreams serve a specific purpose? Why do we have them? They seem like a representation of emotions, which are yet to be transmuted.
  3. Language can be really confusing in communication sometimes. The definitions given donโ€˜t resonate as much as what I thought hedonistic daoism points to. I thought hedonistic daoism is basically about the same message as alignment and dreamboarding. In the light of the given definitions, the resonance is not the same. Thatโ€˜s also the reason why I find intention to be more important/relevant than the symbols which try to explicate the intention. ๐Ÿค”
  4. I donโ€˜t understand it, but I most certainly feel it. Iโ€™m receiving the same โ€šmessageโ€˜ since weeks now. Boutโ€˜ to shed a tear, man.
  5. Oh, yeah. Right. ๐Ÿ˜ Hedonistic Daoists too, huh? And that's why an ego hijacks the dao? Because it creates an identity? ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™ How do you mean?
  6. I'd (idk whether that "I" is ego or source) simply focus on whatever I want to attract, line up with the desire (transmuting discordant emotions) and keep the focus on the good feeling perspectives, until the desire manifests physically. Vibrational -> psychological -> physical. An ego would seek satisfaction in chasing external things. Source naturally feels good, and that's the source of satisfaction, not external things. But I'm not sure whether that answers your question. The (if done by ego) part confuses me a little. Yes, I'm totally with you there! That's the part where I can't really discern. Why would Hedonistic Daoism be rooted in suppresion rather than expression? For me, it basically sounded like Dreamboarding and doing whatever you want (which is fine, for me). But to be fair, that's just my first impression of Hedonistic Daoism. I'm really not well versed with that branch of spirituality. I meaaann... if that's what I want, why not? ๐Ÿ˜ I could consciously create to put myself into sleep.
  7. That manifesting and consciously attracting desires is not spirituality, but ego.
  8. @Phil In this thread, you replied that Hedonistic Daoism sounds like "an ego hijacking the Dao, with a sprinkle of Truth". This reminds me a lot of the same objections with the Dreamboard, LoA & manifesting desires. Where's the difference between the two? Why is one related to the ego while the other is not?
  9. Reminds me a lot of the same objections with the dreamboard, LoA & manifesting desires. ๐Ÿค”
  10. Of course not. Fully living and exhausting desires burn karma. Empty yourself and you will find yourself wanting to reside in being. Being is eternal aliveness. Thatโ€˜s certainly not a universal truth, but your belief. Just a reminder, you asked for perspectives other than yours. Take my replies just as that.. a different perspective.
  11. You could also live an amazing life, and then, when you're older, you could say, "I fuckin' lived". And then, you might be in peace with the thought of leaving this body one day. ๐Ÿ™
  12. @Indisguise Thanks for the link, I already ordered one.
  13. @Indisguise Amazing, thanks so much dude. Reading the Daoist texts in nature sounds like a good idea, seeing the cycles of nature in real-time. So far, I've only read a few portions of The Tao of Systems Thinking, but you're inspiring me to read the Daodejing exclusively right now. I always wanted to read some Alan Watts too, so this is a good timing! ๐Ÿ˜„ Geez, I love it. Dann warste ja gar nicht weit von mir entfernt. Ich werd mal Ausschau nach dem Buch halten. ๐Ÿ˜Œ Again, thank you for the recommendations! ๐Ÿ™
  14. @Blessed2 This was really refreshing to read. Hedonistic Daoism definitely resonates with me. The non-serious way of life. ๐Ÿ™ @Indisguise Wow, you seem to know a lot about Daoism. Any book recommendations? German ones are welcome, too!
  15. You might be tapping into what the Yogis called "The Breathless State". By all means, go to the doctor. But when it comes around again, I'd try relaxing into the breathlessness and making a rollercoaster ride out of it. Vanishing in it.
  16. Funny enough, I started to curse more once I noticed that I tried to 'sound enlightened' in my 'spiritual phase'. To not become that annoying spiritual dude, I steered completely in the opposite direction, which only hardened the spiritual ego. I'm slowly becoming more comfortable with both extremes, not really caring whether I sound spiritual or vulgar. I think that's a good sign. And it feels good to go beyond the content of words.
  17. I'm becoming increasingly aware of how I speak, rather than what I say. This is somewhat connected to intentful speaking; not letting the words count, but the intent behind them. If we expand the definition of speech to laughing, I've noticed that I sometimes use laughing as a reassurance gesture. Not because I find it funny, but because laughing calms me. Per se, there's nothing wrong with laughing, but I found that the laughs can sometimes be more of unconscious nature/ a learned pattern to calm innocently calm yourself, as if you wanna bury something discordant with that laugh. I think laughing is easy to inspect.. either your laugh is genuine or not genuine; the difference is pretty easy to notice, feeling wise. So.. either there is something to inspect behind that laugh, or you just have a good time. I've also noticed that I'm cursing a lot.. which I want to down regulate a bit. Not because there's ill intent behind it, but because it's simply a learned pattern which could be more aligned.
  18. Yup, I felt the same! The bittersweet honesty really gets under your skin - that's what I appreciated most about the recordings.
  19. Whaat there were themes the whole time?! I feel like a grandpa. I really dig the spirit island theme. Also, the grey and blue theme doesn't show the ActualityOfBeing icon anymore, in the top left.
  20. @Phil Sweet, looking forward to seeing the fruits.
  21. If Berlin was a person. What a lovely vibe he has! Livin' the dream, this dude. ๐Ÿ˜
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