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Everything posted by WhiteOwl

  1. I would rewatch or watch this video if you haven't already. It might be helpful to go more broad when expressing emotions, instead of trying to figure out exactly what emotion some situation has you feeling, to do it more like it is described in this video. I notice a lot of emotions surfacing when expressing emotions in this way at least.
  2. Search no more, Truth doing the chore
  3. I thought i was seeing, but truth was being.
  4. @ThePoint When the Buddha was asked to teach he replied “no one will get it”. ”Some will”.
  5. Who is this "yourself" that "you" can convince? And who is the "you" who is doing the convincing?
  6. Look closer .. There are letters on a screen (not even). There is no one there or here. Its an assumption.
  7. I can relate, but it really doesn't sound so bad. Its sounds like you are becoming aware and are ready to make a leap. When you come home and your heart sinks and you feel lonely. Try to go into the feeling and feel it as fully as possible. Investigate the feeling instead of focusing on the story of you needing a girlfriend or friends. How do you know you feel lonely? How do you know your heart sinks? Look for the feeling and go into it and feel it as fully as possible, and whatever happens just continue to feel. That is the way out, not finding some random person to be with you don't actually care about just to not feel lonely for 5 minutes. You will find the woman you want, no need to worry about that, but you got some healing to do before letting her in. No person will fix your feelings so you have to do it first 🙂 You got this.
  8. I would do it yes. With meditation and integration period after each trip.
  9. they obviously do mate.. drugs block you off from feeling emotions which will lead you to the growth and good feeling you are looking for. go 3 month without and then you can say they don't have a hold on you. "your life" is a thought, so no it doesn't have any meaning. Thats great news though. Whatever you think your "life" is, is just not true. This is a great talk imo if you have spare time at some point. Great from the beginning or from the chapter called "The bridge"
  10. Percieving the world, some things appear to be smaller or bigger. Soaked/dry. Black/white. Thought seems to be able to point to that. So thought does define perception in some way? There are no things as things is a thought, but in that case there aint even perception. There is nothing any word can point to.
  11. That would be all thoughts about any “people” as that is always refenced to you in some way?
  12. The self is a discordant belief. The question was: how do you define self ref thoughts.
  13. This is not how i recently understood it. Self ref comes down to the self being “activated” with the thought. Does the thought stand for itself or does it connect to “you” so you feel it. i am not sure how to describe this. maybe @Phil@Mandycsn explain better
  14. Did you read the thread.. dude. Porn was specifically mentioned.
  15. Its okay to do whatever you want, but be honest about how it actually feels. Check in with yourself how you feel after watching porn or smoking. In my case i don't feel great so i avoid it most of the time. If you really love it just do it and don't care what anyone else does or thinks anyone should do, but it does sound like you try to rationalize something that you might know is not good for you.
  16. Would you like it more if you felt comfortable and weren't intimidated by people? Your skin or the imaginary separate self?
  17. I think so. Its not found but i guess that is still believed in some way. How do you go about that? contemplate?
  18. Is this the best way to dispell the belief then? Seems like changing it for something different false
  19. Yes that is clear. The question was more if its always worthwhile to introspect like Phils example. Or how to know which approach to use. In some cases its very obvious but not always, like the thief example.
  20. Well thats not how Phil was framing in the introspection. It was changing you/others to me.
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