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Uncomfortable feelings around women

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24 minutes ago, Lester Retsel said:


Literally all you do is repeat the same tired rhetoric of nondual babble.

Not really. You’re speculating & making accusations about an experience (a session) you haven’t actually experienced. Like anything, chocolate ice cream for example, the thought or idea about it isn’t the experience of it. 

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@Lester Retsel

Given that this forum is about self-realization, distinguishing a thought or assumption about direct experience, vs inspecting direct experience is fundamental. As your teacher and again, assuming they’re awake so to speak, they’ll tell you the exact same.


As an analogy, the Loophole Shake. Thoughts might arise about how it’d be too expensive, would take too long to make, how it won’t taste good, and or about how you’d feel having it instead of what you’ve been eating. But in directly experiencing it you might find it’s actually much cheaper in the long run, saves a ton of time, tastes wonderful, and you feel way better. Similarly, the methods of expression, inspection, creating a dreamboard and putting how you feel above being right which are suggested here. Anyone can say the things you’re saying about Phil or the suggested methods, but it doesn’t amount to anything because what you’re saying is about your thoughts, ideas and assumptions, and isn’t about any of what’s suggested, as you haven’t engaged or participated, and experienced. 

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29 minutes ago, Phil said:

Not really. You’re speculating & making accusations about an experience (a session) you haven’t actually experienced. Like anything, chocolate ice cream for example, the thought or idea about it isn’t the experience of it. 

Lol this whole paragraph could literally be copied and pasted from any number of "nondual" teachers....especially white dudes

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2 minutes ago, Phil said:

@Lester Retsel

Given that this forum is about self-realization, distinguishing a thought or assumption about direct experience, vs inspecting direct experience is fundamental. As your teacher and again, assuming they’re awake so to speak, they’ll tell you the exact same.


As an analogy, the Loophole Shake. Thoughts might arise about how it’d be too expensive, would take too long to make, how it won’t taste good, and or about how you’d feel having it instead of what you’ve been eating. But in directly experiencing it you might find it’s actually much cheaper in the long run, saves a ton of time, tastes wonderful, and you feel way better. Similarly, the methods of expression, inspection, creating a dreamboard and putting how you feel above being right which are suggested here. Anyone can say the things you’re saying about Phil or the suggested methods, but it doesn’t amount to anything because what you’re saying is about your thoughts, ideas and assumptions, and isn’t about any of what’s suggested, as you haven’t engaged or participated, and experienced. 

Yes, this has become absurdly tiresome.  More than anything I read your energy from your videos and what I get from you in them, I don't want.  There's really no need to go farther than that.  

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4 minutes ago, Lester Retsel said:

Lol this whole paragraph could literally be copied and pasted from any number of "nondual" teachers....especially white dudes

I think it’s safe to say anyone of any race can copy & paste. 

1 minute ago, Lester Retsel said:

Yes, this has become absurdly tiresome.  More than anything I read your energy from your videos and what I get from you in them, I don't want.  There's really no need to go farther than that.  

I agree there’s no need to, I’m just pointing out the difference. 

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@Phil white dudes with a little meditation glyph for their avatar who give themselves pretentious ass yogi names like "nahm"....we all know the type.  It seems like half the battle with yall is to play dumb and bypass common sense in the name of nonduality or something. . .eventually we have to circle back to it though. We rely on common sense, we rely on differentiating ourselves, we rely on making wise judgements.  You can play dumb and like you don't understand the difference between "i" and "you" in some mystical sense or you don't understand what I mean by "ripping people off" but you fucking well do.  Even your channel name is totally unoriginal and derivative of that charlatan leo gura, whose kool-aid you drank for an embarrassing amount of time, especially considering your age. 

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@Lester Retsel Why are you continuing on and on and on about this? Are you bored? Trolling? 


You made your point over and over again. You're upset about your opinion of someone. Ok, and? 


Get over it and move on.




You're a thought. Do you think a thought is going to occupy 'no thought'.

The 'changeless' can be realized only when the 
ever-changing thought-flow stops.

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9 minutes ago, Faith said:

@Lester Retsel Why are you continuing on and on and on about this? Are you bored? Trolling? 


You made your point over and over again. You're upset about your opinion of someone. Ok, and? 


Get over it and move on.




I'm basically continuing it cause y'all keep engaging with me, and yeah I guess I'm mildly amused by all this.

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2 minutes ago, Alexander said:

@Lester Retsel I think Phil is greedy.150$ per session it was 200 and yes friend of mine lost 6 to 7 k to him. I know whom you are referring to and the story is correct. Most of it came as donations.


@Alexander how do you lose money through donations? 


I'm not really involved in the earlier situation in this thread but this doesn't make much sense. 


If I donate 6-7 k to someone, that's just a donation, I didn't "lose" any money. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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6 minutes ago, Orb said:


@Alexander how do you lose money through donations? 


I'm not really involved in the earlier situation in this thread but this doesn't make much sense. 


If I donate 6-7 k to someone, that's just a donation, I didn't "lose" any money. 

Donations + paid sessions.I can PM you informations .Also on actualized forum there was thread "Nahm demoted" where this user explained how he lost 6 to 7 k to Phil.

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3 minutes ago, Alexander said:

Donations + paid sessions.I can PM you informations .Also on actualized forum there was thread "Nahm demoted" where this user explained how he lost 6 to 7 k to Phil.

I've read that thread and I am familiar with the one who shared this story. 


What I'm saying is, how can I donate 6k to Phil, and then tell people "hey Phil's a scammer, I lost 6k to him!"?


Doesn't that seem like twisting words a bit? 


I will reread the story to have a clearer understanding.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

A Comment on the 8th Ox Herding Picture

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