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Let's clear this up

4D Mayonaise

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Nothing is nothing. ‘It’ really is ‘this’, and isn’t anything known, or knowledge, or theories, or ideologies. When confronted with this, defensiveness of beliefs ensues, and those who speak the truth of nothing being, nothing, are silenced, cut, excluded, banned, and narratives spew out. This is good. It’s emptying of beliefs, healing, allowing - nothing.  


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It's gotten so funny that I don't even take the guy seriously anymore. 

Like everything he speaks against...he does. And he doesn't even notice! 😁

Or maybe he does and he's conflicted, hence his health getting worse over time. 

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Do you have a specific question that you would like to be cleared up? 

The intent for this forum is love, communion, clarity, contemplation, fun, inspiration, sharing, etc. Many of us have spent years searching for an alternate forum on spirituality/nonduality not caring who ran it. Unfortunately there aren't really any active forums and Facebook groups and Discord have major limitations. The depth of open conversations you can have on a forum is incredible, this is simply not the case on other platforms in my experience.

There is a very strong desire when people get into spirituality/nonduality to talk to others about it. I could fill my days talking to people one on one if I wanted, but the synergy of having a forum is amazing. Having shared open conversations, where everyone learns from everyone is incredibly effective when it comes to contemplation and seeing through beliefs. Iron sharpens iron. 

Belief in self makes all happenings about it. The start of this forum isn't about anyone, it isn't against anyone. It's for anyone. 

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Lesson learned. 

I'll stay quiet 😌.


"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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Imo it's a bit disrespectful to break another forums rules and ask the users to join another forum. Though I get why some might have seen a reason for that.

But 'splintering Actualized forum to smaller fractions' seems to me quite misleading and dishonest rhetoric. This ain't a "smaller fraction of Actualized.org". 😁

Blah, I'm done talking about it. Feels so heavy. Goodbye old chapter, hello new. I feel excited for this place.

I am the playful and ever-present Source, joyfully embracing every thought and emotion as part of my perfect, unfolding co-creative dream.

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There is often a lot of fear around being kicked out of a "special group" and losing contact with all your friends and people that you love and care about. It's a "tale as old as time". People sometimes think they they will be utterly alone and disconnected if they leave a group they know is not healthy for them. That tends to keep people stuck in both fear and secondly, stuck in the group they wish to leave. 

I did not use the actualized.org forum platform to tell people about this forum except for sharing my new journal link in my old journal when someone suggested I write more there, which I honestly thought was completely appropriate and in abidance by the rules.  I have a number of friends that I met from there and talk to on other platforms, some of whom were even banned long ago from it. 😆 Who owns your friends? They belong to the group? A group possesses people? How can that be? Do you own them? You can't own people, can you?  

I would question, what is the source of this fear of losing my connections or standing in a group? Can you see how this fear in one, unquestioned, creates the need to control, creating this exact fear in others who also don't question? Without others, hierarchies and ownership, what are we left with? 

And then I would question, what is the source of this? The intent is not to gaslight and smoke and mirror people as to what's going on, but to liberate, actually freaking liberate, not as a person having and maintaining a concept of being liberated (cause it's high maintenance AF 😆) but that they feel as they already actually are

But what is it actually? THAT, "actually" is why and even prior to the WHY of why we are here. 

There is nothing, ultimately to liberate from. If there were, we wouldn't EVEN BE talking about it. The illusory haze of it wouldn't take so long to disperse. 😆


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Just now, Indisguise said:

Also, Leo wasn't quite truthful with his portraing of events. He said:



That's not true. "They" weren't banned and then decided to run "their own community". 

is it just me, or is this answer is full of assumptions, beliefs, and projections? like "they are lazy" "they don't want to do the work" "they recruit here" ? 😞 

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3 hours ago, Phil said:

emptying of beliefs, healing, allowing - nothing.  

could you do some of this? A lot of opinions have been stirred up ever since you were demoted. And now more drama. What happened from your point of view?  This forum and you obviously have a strong Actualized history and I haven't heard what made you start a new one. You have based it on a vision but you haven't addressed the events that lead up to it. 

This forum could grow into a wonderful place to share and learn etc. But having not heard what happened leaves a sour taste in my mouth. One criticism people voiced was that you were too stuck in your teacher-role. I would agree with that. From what I've seen, you don't really teach via anecdotes and the corresponding lessons. 

3 hours ago, Mandy said:

Belief in self makes all happenings about it. The start of this forum isn't about anyone, it isn't against anyone. It's for anyone. 

Sounds good! But a group of people brings with it a bunch of 'belief in self'. So I think it's good to address it. This self is strongly connected to all the allegations Leo made, why this forum was created (personal anecdote from Phil), how it differs in its vision and how it thinks it will provide better leadership to actualize that vision. 

Maybe I am just taking all of this too seriously, but if it isn't very serious, why go through all this trouble to create a new forum? Surely if it isn't serious, the motivations for this must be selfish ones. Meaning: if this forum isn't intended for adding/creating/sharing something better than the Actualized forum, one is led to believe it is about 'replicating' the actualized forum and 'leeching' its members. 

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33 minutes ago, 4D Mayonaise said:

could you do some of this? A lot of opinions have been stirred up ever since you were demoted. And now more drama. What happened from your point of view?  This forum and you obviously have a strong Actualized history and I haven't heard what made you start a new one. You have based it on a vision but you haven't addressed the events that lead up to it. 

This forum could grow into a wonderful place to share and learn etc. But having not heard what happened leaves a sour taste in my mouth. One criticism people voiced was that you were too stuck in your teacher-role. I would agree with that. From what I've seen, you don't really teach via anecdotes and the corresponding lessons. 

Sounds good! But a group of people brings with it a bunch of 'belief in self'. So I think it's good to address it. This self is strongly connected to all the allegations Leo made, why this forum was created (personal anecdote from Phil), how it differs in its vision and how it thinks it will provide better leadership to actualize that vision. 

Maybe I am just taking all of this too seriously, but if it isn't very serious, why go through all this trouble to create a new forum? Surely if it isn't serious, the motivations for this must be selfish ones. Meaning: if this forum isn't intended for adding/creating/sharing something better than the Actualized forum, one is led to believe it is about 'replicating' the actualized forum and 'leeching' its members. 

Hello there. I would dare to say it's very obvious to anyone with a little insight, that the guy running the other forum is creating an increasingly toxic environment. No need to go deeper into that. 

And also, its just another forum and this is the internet! Nobody can force either you or me to be on anyone forum, right? I decide to be here, nobody recruited me. I assume it's the same for everyone else? 

But it already feels much more chill in here not having a red color administrator consciousness master to rule.


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5 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:

But it already feels much more chill in here not having a red color administrator consciousness master to rule.


@WhiteOwl oh my God the irony. Claims to be stage yellow/turquoise, makes his name Red. 


"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@Indisguise the credit goes to @WhiteOwl

Although, we are all incredible as I've learned from a spiritual friend.

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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@4D Mayonaise I can only speak for myself here.

I was a member of Actualized for several years. I rarely used it to comment or talk, simply as guidance for my own personal development. I haven't actually been banned from it, but think this is probably because I was rarely logged in.

I was always careful to follow users that I felt were in line with what I instinctively knew was the right path and were in line with teachers that I resonated with, like Rupert Spira and Francis Lucille. Phil was someone that I was naturally drawn towards because his comments were always in alignment with this. They were intelligent, loving, and written in a way that actually made me think and discover the Truth behind the words. Ironically, the other people I followed are three moderators on this site. They did not know I was following their comments, nor did I know they were moderators until I was invited here last week. I had no idea Phil even knew them.

I have had several 1 to 1 meetings with Phil in the last two years that have been massively beneficial to me in more ways than just spiritually. I have long been hoping that he would set up a forum of some sort because I felt that Actualized wasn't the place for me any more. I felt that the environment had become borderline toxic.  I'm not a big fan of people being publicly belittled, which had started to become par for the course.

Leo's teachings are no longer resonating here. I'm glad this forum came out of what happened because it's long overdue. There needs to be a place where love and compassion can thrive and where people are comfortable openly discussing what they feel rather than feeling that they might be ridiculed. This is that very place.

I have the utmost respect for Leo. He's a very intelligent and hardworking man and what he's done for the non dual community can't be denied. Unfortuntely, I feel his forum is stale, his teaching method dull and the path that he's now started taking his followers down is dubious to say the least. 

I can only imagine that the people who have come to this site feel drawn here as I do. It's that simple, there's no hidden cult agenda's or conspiracies. I wasn't coerced here by any means,  just follow what feeling tells me is the right thing to do. 

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1 hour ago, 4D Mayonaise said:

But a group of people brings with it a bunch of 'belief in self'.

Does it really though?

1 hour ago, 4D Mayonaise said:

how it differs in its vision and how it thinks it will provide better leadership to actualize that vision. 

How "it" thinks"? It doesn't think. What do YOU want? What's YOUR vision? 

1 hour ago, 4D Mayonaise said:


Maybe I am just taking all of this too seriously, but if it isn't very serious, why go through all this trouble to create a new forum? Surely if it isn't serious, the motivations for this must be selfish ones. Meaning: if this forum isn't intended for adding/creating/sharing something better than the Actualized forum, one is led to believe it is about 'replicating' the actualized forum and 'leeching' its members. 

Question for you, if you were or are female would you honestly want to recommend the actualized.org forum to your female friends? 

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2 hours ago, 4D Mayonaise said:

could you do some of this? A lot of opinions have been stirred up ever since you were demoted. And now more drama. What happened from your point of view?  This forum and you obviously have a strong Actualized history and I haven't heard what made you start a new one. You have based it on a vision but you haven't addressed the events that lead up to it. 

It’s good in the sense it’s natural. It’s well being oriented. Not in the sense there are separate selves, or doers of.  

As far as what happened, the opinions and drama, as far as I know it’s still online. I believe the private messages are as well. Make of it what you like. 🙂

2 hours ago, 4D Mayonaise said:

This forum could grow into a wonderful place to share and learn etc. But having not heard what happened leaves a sour taste in my mouth. One criticism people voiced was that you were too stuck in your teacher-role. I would agree with that. From what I've seen, you don't really teach via anecdotes and the corresponding lessons. 

This forum already is a wonderful place. The feedback is appreciated, but I am not a teacher. 

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