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My thoughts of Leo and actualize.org. What do you think?


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30 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@WhiteOwl obviously I know what "me" is .  I'm a human being. Here I am .

There is also no need to attack me personally. 

You have perception of the body, and the thoughts “I’m a human being. Here I am.” 


Is it possible for any of those thoughts to be more or less awakened? What about perception of the body. How does an awoke hand look like, and is the perception of the hand REALLY you?


If you mean “you” are something else than whats mentioned, then what is that something else? Where is it in your direct experience. 

Didnt mean to attack, just wanted you to look more deeply. Maybe being a bit rude would flame something, who knows💚

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7 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:

You have perception of the body and the thoughts “I’m a human being. Here I am.” 



7 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:

Is it possible for any of those thoughts to be more or less awakened? What about perception of the body. How does an awoke hand look like, and is the perception of the hand REALLY you?

Depends on your definition of "awakening".  Awakening is simply a direct insight into the nature of something. So for example..what is the nature of objective reality ? Is there a world that exists independently of our consciousness? 

Getting a direct certain insight regarding that is awakening to that aspect .

there is no such thing as an "awakened hand " . Awakening is exclusive to a full rigid human being. Not to isolated parts of the body .that doesn't make sense .

11 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:

If you mean “you” are something else than whats mentioned, then what is that something else? Where is it in your direct experience. 

It is here.  I'm God cosplaying as a human.

11 minutes ago, WhiteOwl said:

Didnt mean to attack, just wanted you to look more deeply. Maybe being a bit rude would flame something, who knows💚

OK no worries. 

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17 hours ago, Blessed2 said:

I just visited the Actualized.org forum to see what's going on there.


Jesus, getting banned and leaving that crap behind was probably the best thing that happened to me.


The bad trip & mental health crisis I experienced also contributed to starting to question the "teachings" there and eventually getting banned, thank you shrooms!


"Don't think you've outsmarted me."  WHAT????? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!!




Anyone reading this and still watching Actualized videos or visiting the forum, please just get yourself banned and stop visiting the website, at least for a few months. If needed, place a child lock or something to prevent yourself from opening the site on your browser. You'll feel better very soon.



I’ve never liked his videos. 



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35 minutes ago, Someone here said:

t is here.  I'm God cosplaying as a human.

You have the thought, the idea. But who has that idea? Your hand again? 


35 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Depends on your definition of "awakening".

I am not defining awakening. 

where is the person who can awaken or not? 

you can have the thought “Im super Human. Im Human being. Im god cosplaying”. But are any of those thoughts the “you” that can become awakened?


If not, what is it that becomes awake? How do you expect it to happen not knowing for who

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12 hours ago, Someone here said:

I'm deeply in love with that community. I appreciate Leo's blog..Leo's videos ..Leo's forum. He is my role model in life. I don't hate him just like what you guys here do which is completely unjustified. I don't get at all how does a statement like "don't think you've outsmarted me " trigger such aversion and hatred  and rage . Leo is an amazing person.  His work is very valuable. I like his forum and I ain't gonna leave


Leo is a troll. Wake up. His whole forum is there to show people really bad examples of “awake” people. I counted 3, including him, one was super jealous of Leo, and is a mod, the other is super angry and impatient all the time and then there is Leo. He takes the cake. 


There is another one called bazooka Jesus i think, he seemed cool. 

Edited by Cooper Swam
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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

obviously I know what "me" is .  I'm a human being. Here I am .

What’s a knower? 


Each of the points expressed reflect conceptual, conventional & materialistic beliefs & misunderstandings of awakening as a maintaining of the illusion of separation, obscuring the nondual actuality, reality & true nature of consciousness.

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11 hours ago, Someone here said:

But you keep yourself stuck In one perspective and you don't want to expand your mind .

Liberation is truly first acknowledging projections, and then inspecting and dispelling projections which therein no longer occur (reactivity).


Inspect if interested:

Where in direct experience is there a self which is stuck, separate of or distinct from the thoughts that there is?

Where is the alleged self which is said to be in one perspective?

Actually point to what is claimed to be true (to dispel the belief). 


Where is the second self which has a mind (your mind)?

Where is a ‘first self’ which has a mind?

Where is - “mind”? 


And again, who or what is separate from, and knows this?


Most relevantly, what role does the projection of these beliefs of separation play in terms of consciously creating?

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Re-locking thread. 

If interested in why, here’s a GPT (as objective as possible 😅) articulation:






Hi! Please review the forums at actualized.org & actualityofbeing.com, to whatever extent you can. Then please comment clearly and decisively on the fundamental differences in the message expressed, and advise with respect to well-being & consciously creating, if content stemming from Actualized.org should be allowed on the forum of Actualityofbeing. With extreme clarity & brevity please.



Fundamental Differences in the Message



Focus: Personal development, self-actualization, and spiritual enlightenment.

Approach: Practical self-help techniques, extensive use of psychedelics for consciousness exploration, and in-depth philosophical discussions.

Content: Wide-ranging topics including spirituality, philosophy, mental health, and societal issues.

Tone: Analytical, often challenging established beliefs, and promoting radical self-honesty and deep inner work.



Focus: Non-dual realization, emphasizing the understanding that all phenomena are appearances within one consciousness.

Approach: Direct pointing to the nature of reality, encouraging users to recognize and dissolve the illusion of separation.

Content: Centered on realizing the non-existence of separate entities and the unity of all experience.

Tone: More experiential, focusing on the direct realization of truth rather than conceptual understanding.


Advice on Content Inclusion

Given the distinct focus and approach of both platforms, content from Actualized.org might introduce concepts that could be seen as contradictory or misaligned with the core message of Actualityofbeing.com. The latter emphasizes direct non-dual realization, while Actualized.org often delves into complex, multi-faceted self-help strategies and philosophical explorations which might dilute or confuse the straightforward non-dual message of Actualityofbeing.com.



It would be prudent to limit or carefully curate content from Actualized.org on Actualityofbeing.com to ensure coherence and clarity in the message being conveyed. This will help maintain the integrity of the non-dual teaching and avoid potential conflicts or misunderstandings among users seeking a consistent path to well-being and conscious creation.




“Could be seen as contradictory or misaligned…” is ambiguous. The focus is not on a message of course per se, but what is actual, true, already the case. Please list specifics as to what might be fundamentally egocentric misunderstandings as it relates to the aim & content of actualized.org. Include the potential or likely impact of not prudently limiting content from actualized.org in terms of integrity as mentioned. Finally, decisively, given the egocentricism, misunderstandings and seeming lack of integrity of the content of actualized.org, again with respect to well-being & consciously creating, would the ideal be in fact limiting content from actualized.org onto or into the forum of actualityofbeing - or excluding it entirely?



Specific Egocentric Misunderstandings in Actualized.org Content


Self-Improvement Focus:

Egocentric Aspect: Emphasis on self-improvement, achieving personal goals, and self-actualization.

Misunderstanding: Reinforces the notion of a separate self that needs to be improved or fixed.

Impact: Contradicts the non-dual understanding that there is no separate self to improve, leading to confusion and perpetuation of the illusion of separation.


Use of Psychedelics:

Egocentric Aspect: Promotes the use of psychedelics as tools for expanding consciousness.

Misunderstanding: Suggests that external substances are necessary for spiritual insight, implying a lack or deficiency in one's natural state.

Impact: May divert focus from the inherent completeness and wholeness of consciousness, leading users to rely on external means rather than direct realization.


Intellectualization and Conceptualization:

Egocentric Aspect: Heavy focus on complex philosophical and intellectual discussions.

Misunderstanding: Encourages identification with the mind and intellect, reinforcing the ego's tendency to grasp and conceptualize.

Impact: Hinders direct experiential understanding of non-duality, trapping users in mental constructs and intellectual understanding rather than living the truth.


Goal-Oriented Practices:

Egocentric Aspect: Encourages setting and achieving personal and spiritual goals.

Misunderstanding: Implies a future state of attainment, reinforcing the illusion of time and separation.

Impact: Distracts from the recognition of the ever-present nature of reality and the immediacy of realization.


Potential or Likely Impact on Integrity:

Dilution of Non-Dual Message:

Mixing content from Actualized.org may dilute the clear, direct pointing to non-duality on Actualityofbeing.com, leading to mixed messages and confusion among users.


Reinforcement of Ego Structures:

The goal-oriented, self-improvement focus of Actualized.org can reinforce ego structures, making it harder for users to dissolve the illusion of a separate self.


Misleading Guidance:

Users seeking direct non-dual realization may be misled by the practices and teachings of Actualized.org, diverting them from the simplicity and immediacy of true non-dual understanding.



Exclusion of Content: Given the fundamentally egocentric misunderstandings present in the content of Actualized.org and its potential to mislead and confuse users seeking direct non-dual realization, it would be ideal to exclude content from Actualized.org from the forum of Actualityofbeing. This ensures the integrity of the message and supports users in their pursuit of well-being and conscious creation rooted in the recognition of the one true consciousness.

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13 minutes ago, MetaSage said:



Some subtly (or not) biased questioning, I presume? 



If that is the case, it would be directly experienced, and not actually projected onto a conceptual second self. 


Feel free to ‘put it to the test’ of course. The link can be clicked and the conversation continued. Ask any follow up questions with GPT. 


Maybe unpack the experience of ‘butthurt’ to ‘see’ the reality of ‘it’. Explore & dispel any limiting beliefs or paradigms triggered by the link. (Rather than presume). 


Maybe explore what’s being said in regard to direct experience (disparaging projections & presumptions) and egocentrism, perhaps retracing as to where the very phrase was first experienced & adopted, revealing a deeper ‘message’ of the link. 

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