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Anyone here Lift Weights?

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I'm feeling inspired to start lifting.


I love stretching mainly but now I feel inspired to combine it with weight lifting.


How has it changed your life?

How long have you lifted?

What are the overall benefits?


I can see in the big picture this is gonna change my life!

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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On 5/26/2022 at 11:43 AM, Orb said:

I'm feeling inspired to start lifting.


I love stretching mainly but now I feel inspired to combine it with weight lifting.


How has it changed your life?

How long have you lifted?

What are the overall benefits?


I can see in the big picture this is gonna change my life!

I’ve lifted pretty consistently since I was 15 with breaks due to injuries. I’m 25 now. Definitely start lifting asap, its awesome. You get compounding benefits from it. You really only need to lift for an hour a day 3-4 times a week and over time it’ll change your life.


Lifting has changed my life a lot. Originally my dad forced me to start but I’m glad he did because there are so many benefits. I weigh 200 pounds right now and I’m decently lean. When I was younger I felt weak and insecure a lot and I’ve gotten over that for the most part but I still feel a little weak sometimes and being big and strong really makes dealing with that easier for me. And lifting always puts you in a good mood so that helps too.


Another benefit is that it’s made me way better at jiu jitsu. Jiu jitsu seems to attract a lot of guys who weigh around 160-180 so being bigger is a huge advantage.


kind of a stupid benefit but I can carry all the groceries in one trip.


If you lift for explosive power you’ll be able to run faster and jump higher too.


If you need any pointers or advice on where to start I’ll answer as best I can. Definitely hope you start. You won’t regret it.

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@Kevin thanks for the post, I'm feeling inspired!

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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On 5/26/2022 at 2:43 PM, Orb said:

How long have you lifted?

Round 25 yrs. 

On 5/26/2022 at 2:43 PM, Orb said:

What are the overall benefits?

Weight loss & physique (200 to 155), higher energy / more productive, clarity, faster metabolism, healthier immune system, more endorphins, better sleep, raised self esteem & self confidence, deeper self-respect, better sex, and it’s one more ‘go to’ like creating, expressing, etc. 

On 5/26/2022 at 2:43 PM, Orb said:

How has it changed your life?

Dreamed bigger. Thought of stuff, planned stuff and did stuff I never would have done, and much I still haven’t yet. 


If you change your morning you change your day, if you change your day you change your life, and if you change your life you change the world. 

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@Phil thanks for this, very...well you know...inspiring!!

"Mediocrity is gone. Mind is clear of limitation. I seek no state of enlightenment. Neither do I remain where no enlightenment exists. Since I linger in neither condition, eyes cannot see me. If hundreds of birds strew my path with flowers, such praise would be meaningless."

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10 hours ago, Phil said:

higher energy / more productive

Didn't you say that there is no such thing as "higher energy" (or 'energy' for that sake)?

I remember back in the day talking to you about nofap and about how it gives you more energy, and you told me there is no such thing as energy because something to do with it not describing the actual emotion or something like that. Same with productive.

10 hours ago, Phil said:

healthier immune system, more endorphins, better sleep, raised self esteem & self confidence, deeper self-respect

Dude, I'm like 100% sure you've sort of disputed those things as to be just thoughts and not real. "immune system", you told me it doesn't exist (I remember also having a session with you and you told me to explain how I move my fingers and I told you that it has to do with the neurons and the brain messages and you told me that is false and that it does not exist, for that matter, as an example). You also say sleep doesn't really happen. You say self confidence is a thought (and thought attachment) and doesn't define emotion.


Man, you talk so different right here, what's up?

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2 hours ago, Phil said:


Yes that’s correct. There’s no such thing as energy, being productive, immune systems, neurons or brains.

Not trying to be petty or pick apart your words here but I’m genuinely curious as I’m sure fopylo is. Could you elaborate? Perhaps with lifting weights comes a greater sense of well being and using the above words is just a way to communicate that the average person can understand?

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@fopylo @Kevin It's really great to understand that if I eat a salad I'm much more likely to feel energetic and if I eat a ton of fat and carbs together I'll feel sluggish, but if I take this to heart and eat nothing but salads and don't get enough calories, I'll prove my own belief wrong because I'm likely to feel sluggish until the next time I eat lots of carbs and fat I'm likely to feel great because that's what I needed. We cut ourselves off from intuition and direct intelligence (actual feeling) when we believe stuff. However, knowing that salads are a great go-to to build into my day is really helpful. I brush my teeth everyday, but if I forgot my toothbrush on vacation and have to go without brushing for a night, I'm not going to use my knowledge of tooth brushing being superior to not tooth brushing to suffer for it. Your "immune system" functions worse when you stress and worry about your immune system not being strong. Because it's direct. Because there IS NO immune system and that's a thought to let go of if what you actually want is well being.  


I think that weight lifting is one of those potential triggers to taking yourself too seriously, comparison and not realizing that it's for you and is not something you MUST to to feel great or be great in the future to be like someone else who is supposed to feel great and be great, etc. 

So imma leave this here.


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2 hours ago, Mandy said:

@fopylo @Kevin It's really great to understand that if I eat a salad I'm much more likely to feel energetic and if I eat a ton of fat and carbs together I'll feel sluggish, but if I take this to heart and eat nothing but salads and don't get enough calories, I'll prove my own belief wrong because I'm likely to feel sluggish until the next time I eat lots of carbs and fat I'm likely to feel great because that's what I needed. We cut ourselves off from intuition and direct intelligence (actual feeling) when we believe stuff. However, knowing that salads are a great go-to to build into my day is really helpful. I brush my teeth everyday, but if I forgot my toothbrush on vacation and have to go without brushing for a night, I'm not going to use my knowledge of tooth brushing being superior to not tooth brushing to suffer for it. Your "immune system" functions worse when you stress and worry about your immune system not being strong. Because it's direct. Because there IS NO immune system and that's a thought to let go of if what you actually want is well being.  


I think that weight lifting is one of those potential triggers to taking yourself too seriously, comparison and not realizing that it's for you and is not something you MUST to to feel great or be great in the future to be like someone else who is supposed to feel great and be great, etc. 

So imma leave this here.


I really resonate with the last paragraph. Working out for a long time was done because it felt like a basic necessity to even feel good. I’ve slowly been shifting toward the orientation of doing it for me and it feels a lot better.

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4 hours ago, Phil said:

No worries at all. Basically Orb’s asking about lifting weights, and Fopylo’s asking if there are separate objects. There are the thoughts energy etc, but there aren’t actually the things energy etc. 

@Phil So then what were you referring to with those words?

10 minutes ago, Kevin said:

I really resonate with the last paragraph. Working out for a long time was done because it felt like a basic necessity to even feel good. I’ve slowly been shifting toward the orientation of doing it for me and it feels a lot better.

@Kevin Can kinda relate to you. In my case I've stopped going to the gym like 2 months ago and have started working out from home using an App which is focused on Shaolin fitness, and it feels way better. One of the things that really lacks in the gym is the aerobic exercise, and this program really provides with it. I feel I can move more easily, my physique is becoming more natural and yet strong (the gym can buff sometimes too much, or just give me the type of body which doesn't 'fit' for me), stamina improving, overall I feel more free and less in my head like when I was working out at the gym. On top of that I have been recently fascinated with Shaolin warriors and would like to train someday in the future. So yes, overall feeling way better.

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1 hour ago, fopylo said:

@Phil So then what were you referring to with those words?

@Kevin Can kinda relate to you. In my case I've stopped going to the gym like 2 months ago and have started working out from home using an App which is focused on Shaolin fitness, and it feels way better. One of the things that really lacks in the gym is the aerobic exercise, and this program really provides with it. I feel I can move more easily, my physique is becoming more natural and yet strong (the gym can buff sometimes too much, or just give me the type of body which doesn't 'fit' for me), stamina improving, overall I feel more free and less in my head like when I was working out at the gym. On top of that I have been recently fascinated with Shaolin warriors and would like to train someday in the future. So yes, overall feeling way better.

I feel you man. If I just lift without doing cardio I start to get too heavy. You ever consider trying jiu jitsu? It’s great for endurance and cardio, it’s competitive and it’s super fun.

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I just went to the gym after a break of 2 weeks ish. usually try to go there at least 2 times a week. I thought of this post afterwards, because of how great it feels. It really is important for feeling good (in my case). Pulls me right out of my head and a lot more clear and relaxed afterwards. Go get it 😃

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